ArmA III Message Board

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Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Feb 25 2014 12:00 GMT
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Universe: “I have become known for doing at least one thing no one will ever see coming per day. For example, at the dawn of time, it was existing. Last week, it was Miley Cyrus doing a halfway decent cover of Outkast’s “Hey Ya.” I must keep all beings sentient and otherwise on their toes (and otherwise).”

Pinky: “Gee Universe, what are we going to do tonight?”

Universe: “The same thing we do every night, Pinky… actually, I hadn’t thought about it. Wow. I’m really dropping the ball here. I have become complacent. I have failed.”

Pinky: “I don’t really understand, Universe, but this Arma 3 game is boooooooooooring. Nothing ever happens, and then I lose– NARF. Oh, I know! It needs a dinosaur level.”

Universe: “Why, Pinky, that’s entirely preposterous and frankly idiotic and… wait! That’s it! Pinky, you’re a genius.”

Pinky: “Narf? Also, when did I become the universe’s demigod sidekick? Brain?”

… [visit site to read more]

Posted by Kotaku Feb 24 2014 01:00 GMT
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Adding zombies, ala DayZ, isn't the only way you can mod military shooter ArmA. You can also do the awesome thing, and add dinosaurs.Read more...

Posted by Kotaku Feb 06 2014 14:20 GMT
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No need to waste characters to try out whether shooting someone's gun would kill its owner or not, how vaulting affects your fall, or whether crawling or rolling are faster. Here's the first episode of DayZ Standalone Mythbusters, which will hopefully help extend your character's life in Chernarus.Read more...

Posted by Kotaku Feb 04 2014 14:20 GMT
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You'll die a lot in DayZ. After a (hopefully) successful respawn, you have to go through the same routine: Run for hours, survive until you find something useful, head to your favorite location for military gear, and, if you're still alive, with guns and enough ammo in your pocket you might finally feel safe.Read more...

Posted by Kotaku Jan 30 2014 10:30 GMT
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This is the truth about DayZ. No matter how good your gear is, how careful you are, death will find you wherever you are. And it will strike unexpectedly.Read more...

Posted by Kotaku Jan 28 2014 14:00 GMT
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Forming squads, gearing up and taking down zombies. That's what DayZ is all about, right? Well, not entirely. Falling off ladders, dying from rotten bananas and being chased by zombies that can walk through walls, while trying to find players nearby? That's more like it!Read more...

Posted by Kotaku Jan 24 2014 14:00 GMT
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We've seen numerous examples of bandit brutality in DayZ, but this concept really surpasses everything. If you get caught by this group of YouTubers, you have to choose between singing your country's national anthem or being shot. It's pretty simple.Read more...

Posted by Kotaku Nov 19 2013 03:00 GMT
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PC Gamer have gone mad. Building a new rig for reviews and testing, they didn't settle on components that meet today's "recommended" specs. They went for components that meet "Thor's Mighty Mjölnir" standards, and the results are terrifying.Read more...

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Nov 01 2013 09:00 GMT
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When Comrade Stanton gazed into the beautiful behind of Arma 3, he thought it was a sideways roll for the series. Part of the problem was that the game’s campaign wasn’t included, and instead was coming via three “free” DLC packs in the months after release.

Now the first part of the campaign is out, and there’s a launch trailer below.(more…)

Posted by Giant Bomb Sep 27 2013 19:00 GMT
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Drew jumps into ArmA III to fly some helicopters, race some ATVs, and clean up the filthy scum infesting our beaches.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 18 2013 15:00 GMT
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If Arma 3 is a chunky military stew, then Arma Tactics is what’s left if you end up getting engrossed in a game of sports (everyone loves sports, yeah?) and leave the pot on. A reduced (and possibly burnt) tactical tagine that was previously only announced for tablets and phones, because they can’t handle the big stuff. Well that’s benefiting the PC: the resser-uppers at Bohemia have been on the case, bringing the turn-based close-combat strategy game to us this October.(more…)

Posted by Kotaku Sep 13 2013 22:00 GMT
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One of ArmA III's biggest selling points is its realism—it's a modern combat simulation that gives players a sandbox to play out scenarios not possible in most other games. So I was certainly surprised to see this footage by Moerderhoschi785, where a player rides a drone like he was the Green Goblin or something.Read more...

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 13 2013 20:00 GMT
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Look at that screenshot. Study it. That’s not just any ass. That is a rear view of former PC Gamer writer Richard McCormick, and a few days ago I spent at least an hour with this in my face while guiding us around the extensive coast of Altis in an assault boat. It took up so much of my screen for such a long time that I came to see it as not just a digital derriere, but an emblem of ArmA III.

Let’s find out why.


Posted by Kotaku Sep 13 2013 03:00 GMT
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Bohemia Interactive's ArmA III, a super-realistic modern combat simulation, is out today. I've been playing the retail release for over a week now, so under normal circumstances this is where a formal review of ArmA III would go. But with ArmA III, that just doesn't feel right.Read more...

Posted by Kotaku Aug 30 2013 17:30 GMT
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It's almost like the AI in this clip of ArmA III by APPAMANIAC has a hive mind—and the hive mind decided that instead of getting to safety or something, they should all just...pile up around the dead body. Like they're trying to protect it or something! It's silly, but amusing. Read more...

Posted by Kotaku Aug 28 2013 03:00 GMT
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Not in terms of literal game size, at least. No, the honour of the game with the biggest world will surely go to Bohemia's upcoming ArmA III, which takes place on an island so damn big one of its designers went out and made this comparison chart.Read more...

Posted by Kotaku Aug 21 2013 12:30 GMT
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No that's not Call of Duty: Ghosts, even if the image is full of dogs. It's just someone on Reddit messing around in ArmA III's editor. Good to see so many breeds in-game, but I'd also like to see the frame rate when so many creatures are on screen at the same time.Read more...

Posted by Kotaku Jul 19 2013 05:30 GMT
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Everything you see here is taking place on a sandbox open world. With a brutally realistic physics and damage system. If this isn't what you want out of a combat simulator game, well, I don't know what the hell you do want.Read more...

Posted by Kotaku Jul 05 2013 12:30 GMT
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Day Z, the horror mod for Arma, is frightening enough as it is, and then horrific glitches like this pop up. This thing would make the zombies run for their lives (deaths?). Dayshot is an image-based feature that runs every morning, showcasing some of the prettiest, funniest game-related screenshots and art that we can find. Send us suggestions if you've got them.

Posted by Kotaku Jun 28 2013 05:00 GMT
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Bohemia Interactive's ArmA III is out later this year, and while for many the series' super hardcore simulation slant is off-putting, for me it's just about the perfect implementation of a military shooter. Or tank sim. Or jet combat game. Or truck driving simulator. While the finished game isn't out for another few months, an alpha has been running for a while now, which has just transitioned into a beta. This video, actually put together by a member of the series' most dedicated fan group (ShackTactical), gives us a nice rundown of all the improvements that have been made to the game since people got their hands on it, and gives a breakdown of what the ArmA series actually is.

Posted by Kotaku Jun 20 2013 12:30 GMT
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Altis, the main island in Arma III, is a dangerous place. So dangerous you don't even remove your combat gear while sunbathing. Leon86's character already got a huge dose of heat stroke. You can't blame him seeing things in the water.

Posted by Kotaku May 30 2013 13:20 GMT
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30 helicopters in close proximity taking off simultaneously in the open-world tactical shooter Arma III does not end well. The game is still in development, which means you can expect a great many funny glitches, but YouTube user klusps' video proves that you don't need a glitch to have fun with the game — just good old-fashioned physics. Arma 3 Epic! Helicopters Take Off [YouTube] To contact the author of this post, write to

Posted by Kotaku Mar 14 2013 23:00 GMT
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#gaminggifs ArmA III, the next entry in the sandbox tactical shooter series, is expected to be released later this year. But the alpha is already up and running, waiting for people to join. And when something is still in development, you can expect a great deal of glitches and bugs, which fortunately won't do much harm. They will, however, create funny moments that those who are in the alpha get to experience. More »

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Feb 21 2013 20:00 GMT
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I wonder if this thing could be related to this other thing? Whatever the case, Bohemia Interactive are putting their next egg into a single basket, and that basket is Steam and the egg is Arma III. Rather than just sending out a press release to tell us, Bohemia have posted a detailed blog entry to make the argument that removal of choice for the consumer is ‘a good thing’. Primarily, it’ll allow Bohemia to concentrate on making the game, ensuring it’s out in 2013 rather than slipping as a result of “two quite serious situations”: the arrest of members of the team and, less specifically, Bohemia’s unhappiness “with how the project was going”.


Posted by Kotaku Feb 01 2013 15:40 GMT
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#arma In September 2012, a pair of developers from Bohemia Interactive - the team behind the ArmA series and the upcoming DayZ standalone game - were arrested on a Greek island and accused of espionage. More »

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jan 17 2013 15:00 GMT
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DayZ‘s standalone version continues to be shrouded in real life’s most potent zombie fog – aka, mystery – but Rocket’s not the type to intentionally keep people in the dark. So he’s been trickling out details where he has them, and now we know that a closed test is “imminent.” But how exactly will it work? And what lies beyond – for instance, once players start flooding into nebulous “endgame” territory or. further, when ArmA III reawakens the ancient modder kraken currently sleeping in Rocket’s soul? Thanks to Reddit‘s eternally inquisitive hivemind, we now have answers.


Posted by Kotaku Jan 15 2013 20:30 GMT
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#bohemiainteractive This morning brought the news that Ivan Buchta and Martin Pezlar, two developers from the Czech Republic's Bohemia Interactive (Arma, DayZ), were freed on bail after spending the last 128 days under arrest in Greece for possible—denied—espionage. More »

Posted by Kotaku Jan 15 2013 14:05 GMT
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#arma Two game developers from Czech Republic-based Bohemia Interactive (Arma III), who were jailed in Greece for the past 218 days, will finally be able to go home, according to Czech media reports translated on a site dedicated to the men's release. More »

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Dec 13 2012 18:00 GMT
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Arma 3‘s release has been postponed and made rather vague, with the release window now being a wide-open “2013.” With reference to the arrested Arma 3 developers, the new project lead, Joris-Jan van ‘t Land, said:

“We’ve been in the process of implementing changes that will help us innovate as a studio under unexpected circumstances – facing problems we simply couldn’t have imagined… We’re still trying to make sense of the situation and hope that our colleagues will be released soon. Although their plight has certainly affected us on a personal level, we continue working on the tasks identified as key to the release of Arma 3.”

Bohemia also reconfirmed that they are still working on standalone DayZ, and say that a more detailed Arma 3 announcement is coming in the new year. So we’ll look forward to that. Fingers crossed for Martin and Ivan, too.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Nov 22 2012 12:00 GMT
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Things haven’t exactly been going well for jailed ArmA III developers Ivan Buchta and Martin Pezlar, but if nothing else, they’re not without support. Bohemia Interactive and the Czech Embassy have been in their corner for the more-than-70-day duration – though unfortunately, they haven’t been able to make any significant headway. Most recently, the pair was unable to post bail, and now a trial seems almost completely unavoidable. And so, with things seemingly stuck in a nosedive that never ends, the president of the Czech Republic has decided to step in.
