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Posted by Kotaku Dec 22 2011 23:20 GMT
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#streetfighter What do you get when you mix Chun-Li and Cammy of Street Fighter with Lili and Asuka of Tekken? I don't know, some sort of giant woman creature with eight arms and legs? Spider-Woman? Forget it; it was a stupid question. Just watch the video. More »

Posted by Kotaku Dec 11 2011 01:09 GMT
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#tekken Here's a pure hype video for Tekken Tag Tournament 2, to be shown later tonight at the Spike Video Game Awards. Namco says it'll be here for the holiday season next year. More »

Posted by Joystiq Nov 09 2011 17:00 GMT
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In Japan, the term "itasha" (roughly "painful car") refers to a car that has been decorated with large images of anime or game characters. Even though plenty of otaku voluntarily do this to their vehicles, the very name suggests that even the owners of said vehicles acknowledge the embarrassment possible from decorating a vehicle in this manner.

Anyway, we don't know why we were thinking about that just now. Here's some new Ace Combat: Assault Horizon DLC, featuring Tekken-themed planes. It'll be out November 15.

Posted by Joystiq Nov 01 2011 15:30 GMT
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It may sound like a dull hum from all the way over there in Outworld, but the Street Fighter community has been a noisy, combative warzone lately, and not in a good way. See, ever since Capcom outlined Street Fighter X Tekken's Gem System, Street Fighter devotees (and competitive fighters in general) have been conducting heated debates over the system's merits, drawbacks and implications for serious tournament play, as well as the impact it will have on the casual fighting community.

Seth Killian, Capcom Community Manager and face of all things Street Fighter in North America, chatted with Gamasutra to expound upon some of the Gem System's intricacies and the design philosophy behind it. First and foremost, Killian stressed that the system has been part of SFxT's design philosophy for years, and that it represents the proverbial "nerd feather" that intrigues analytical theorycraft-style gamers.

Posted by Kotaku Oct 13 2011 09:30 GMT
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#toys Yoshimitsu may be one of the stars of Tekken (and Soulcalibur!), but he's not exactly a household name. Which should make Kotobukiya's decision to make a big, expensive statue of him seem silly. More »

Posted by Joystiq Oct 08 2011 18:30 GMT
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"But wait," you might be thinking. "Isn't Dan Hibiki, founder of the Saikyo-ryu school of martial arts and proprieter of the Saikyo Dojo deceased? Wasn't he killed during the Street Fighter X Tekken announcement at E3?"

Quite right, intrepid fighting fan! Our understanding of the situation has been much the same, and yet the long, luxurious ponytail and pink gi seen in the above trailer are unmistakably Hibiki. It appears as though Capcom has taken to teasing multiple characters per trailer, however, as some of those body parts also look distinctively Juri-esque.

Punch through the break for two more teasers, one of which flashes some undeniably Mecha Zangief goodness. Keep in mind that just because a character is identified in one of these videos, that doesn't necessarily mean they'll be playable in-game. Mecha Zangief has already been spotted in the background of at least one SFXT stage, so only time will tell.

Posted by Kotaku Sep 29 2011 17:00 GMT
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#fetish It began, as so many things do, with sweaty men in tight underpants. And they wore masks. Let's not forget the masks. Lucha Libre masks. Those masks might have started in Mexican professional wrestling, but they live on in Japan, whether that be in fashion, manga, pornos and, yes, video games. More »

Posted by Joystiq Sep 18 2011 23:30 GMT
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During TGS, Capcom revealed Street Fighter X Tekken's "Pandora Mode," which allows players to sacrifice a character in order to give the tag partner infinite EX meter before also dying, allowing for last-ditch comeback efforts. Curious about the motivation for this kind of crazy mode, I asked producer Yoshinori Ono, who then proceeded to take me to school about the differences in flow between Street Fighter and Tekken games.

Posted by Kotaku Sep 14 2011 01:30 GMT
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#streetfighterxtekken The battle between Capcom and Namco Bandai's most famous fighters in Street Fighter X Tekken just got a little more interesting, thanks to some new modes revealed in time with the Tokyo Game Show. Just what are Pandora and Scramble modes? More »

Posted by Kotaku Sep 13 2011 10:00 GMT
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#streetfighter Capcom's Street Fighter meets Tekken title is getting a couple new brawlers: Rolento, Zengief, Heihachi, and Lili. More »

Posted by Joystiq Sep 12 2011 23:01 GMT
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Capcom's cinematics department must be working on permanent mandatory overtime, as yet another character trailer for Street Fighter X Tekken has been revealed by Famitsu. Mostly concerned with Street Fighter 4's Rufus, the latest trailer (above) also corroborates previous teasers which hinted at everyone's favorite Underoos spokesman, Zangief. Marshall Law also makes an appearance, albeit in a more gaseous form.

We figure you'd have to be pretty damn sloshed to mistake Tekken's portly prodigy Bob Richards for Street Fighter's hardbodied heart-throb Ken Masters, but they are both blonde Americans, and we're willing to accept virtually any contrived excuse that allows Capcom characters to battle their direct Namco counterparts.

Posted by Kotaku Sep 12 2011 18:20 GMT
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#streetfighter It's a battle so titanic that only Tokyo, birthplace of giant mutated monsters, could possibly hope to contain it! This isn't about Street Fighter X Tekken anymore. It's all about Rufus X Bob. More »

Posted by Kotaku Aug 18 2011 07:30 GMT
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#streetfighter I can! Complementing the Gamescom Street Fighter x Tekken trailer is this batch of new Street Fighter x Tekken. I love complements. I hope you do, too. (Did I tell you what a nice reader you are?) More »

Posted by Joystiq Jul 31 2011 20:00 GMT
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As any veteran fighter knows, a large part of what makes a Tekken game feel like a Tekken game is punching and/or getting punched by a bear. To be honest, we've been worried that this subtle nuance might have been lost on Capcom, as Street Fighter X Tekken's ever-growing character roster continues to feature zero bears.

Thankfully, our fears appear to have been unwarranted, as the above trailer shows quite a bit of fur. Although, it is possible that Zangief has stopped waxing. A second teaser has been tucked away beyond the viel, and while those are some pretty Adon-lookin' feet, our money is on Gou Hibiki.

Posted by Joystiq Jul 30 2011 16:30 GMT
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According to series producer Yoshinori Ono, Street Fighter X Tekken's character roster has been finalized, and it looks like last year's trailer was too much for Dan Hibiki to handle. Speaking with Siliconera, Ono stated that Street Fighter's pinkest protagonist "won't be in Street Fighter X Tekken" due to the fact that "he was killed by a Tekken character at Comic-Con last year."

Ono also remarked that Tekken veteran Anna Williams will be staying on the sidelines as well, albeit for less lethal reasons. "As much as I personally wanted to have a cool Nina and Anna tag battle," he said, "the director was against putting Anna because we already had Nina in." While we sincerely doubt that Dan is actually, for-reals dead, we can't help but be saddened by the news. A Yoshimitsu Super-Taunt doesn't seem like it would have the same flair, you know?

Posted by Kotaku Jul 29 2011 01:00 GMT
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#streetfighterxtekken Yesterday Owen teased us with tales of the series of bizarre challenges that led up to the epic Street Fighter X Tekken battle between Street Fighter producer Yoshinori Ono and Tekken producer Katsuhiro Harada at Comic-Con 2011. Turns out it's even stranger than he made it sound. More »

Posted by Kotaku Jul 28 2011 03:00 GMT
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#streetfighterxtekken Context is key. While this video shows Tekken prevailing over Street Fighter in a series of challenges at Comic-Con 2011, what you don't see is what led up to it. More »

Posted by Kotaku Jul 24 2011 00:30 GMT
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#comiccon2011 Not content to limit themselves to Tekken Tag Tournament 2, Tekken X Street Fighter, Tekken 3DS, Tekken for Wii U and Tekken Hybrid, the Tekken team has another product to announce: Tekken Bowl for iOS. It's out now (and it's out for free). More »

Posted by Kotaku Jul 22 2011 02:30 GMT
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#streetfighterxtekken As noted earlier, Street Fighter veteran Dhalsim has been confirmed for Street Fighter X Tekken alongside Poison, and Yoshimitsu and Steve Fox from Tekken. Capcom today released these ten new screens showing them in action. Scarf 'em up! There is undoubtedly more to come. More »

Posted by Kotaku Jul 21 2011 22:30 GMT
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#comiccon2011 Poison, the dominatrix hotty from Final Fight headlined another four-character reveal for Street Fighter X Tekken at Comic-Con 2011. She will be joined by Dhalsim and, from Tekken, Steve Fox and Yoshimitsu. More »

Posted by GameTrailers Jul 13 2011 23:29 GMT
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A violent scene from Tekken.

Posted by GameTrailers Jul 13 2011 23:29 GMT
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Go behind the scenes and learn about stunts done for Tekken!

Posted by Kotaku Jun 08 2011 12:15 GMT
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Tekken: Wii Successor, a temporary title, is the first Tekken title to come to a Nintendo home console. Tekken is traditionally a PlayStation series, but has also come to the Xbox 360. It's also the first Tekken with face painting. More »

Posted by Joystiq Jun 07 2011 17:44 GMT
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Despite having a definitive list of 3DS games in development at last year's E3, we were surprised to see Tekken 3D, a new installment in the series, during a 3DS montage at the Nintendo E3 2011 press conference. We were only given the briefest glimpse at the game -- a match between Heihachi and Kazuya. Hopefully it's at Nintendo's booth so we can get a longer, more in-depth look.

Posted by GameTrailers Jun 01 2011 21:17 GMT
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The Mishima Corporation plans to rule a war-ravaged Earth through the exploits of the Iron Fist Tournament, and one contestant is on a vengeful quest to stop them.