The Hidden Message Board

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Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun May 15 2013 20:00 GMT
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Somewhere in a warehouse there’s a monster. It is being hunted by men with laser-sighted shotguns and pistols. They have movement sensors and flashlights, and the monster is doing all it can to keep away from them. Plot twist: It’s me! I have a knife and some bombs. I can see through the boxes, I can cling to walls and ceilings, and I’m invisible. In fact, it’s the team below me that are terrified. They’re shooting at things that aren’t there, pumping rounds into shadows, and one of them just died from friendly fire. At this rate, I could wait out the panic and let them kill off one other. (more…)

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun May 10 2013 17:00 GMT
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The Hidden is one of my favourite games: it’s a mod for Half-Life 2 Deathmatch in which one side is a SWAT team, and the other side is a slippery, invisible, singular monster (now I’ve mentioned it, I am doomed to play it all weekend). The reason it’s in my head is because of Damned, another asymmetrical multiplayer game that popped up in my inbox (thanks, Daniel). But where The Hidden was focussed on action, Damned looks like a multiplayer Amnesia.(more…)

Posted by GoNintendo Dec 22 2011 04:35 GMT
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A portion of an NWR review...

When something interactive does happen, it doesn't work very well at all. For everything this game has on offer, Face Raiders does it better, can be played in the comfort of your home, and is included free on the 3DS.

Full review here

Posted by GoNintendo Dec 12 2011 20:01 GMT
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A portion of a Nintendo Life review...

At heart, The Hidden aims to show you all the real things you can do with the 3DS's camera and gyrometer, but in reality, it just makes you wish you were never born. The need for multiple WiFi hotspots needlessly complicates an already irritating experience, making The Hidden a misguided endeavour at every step of the way.

Full review here

Posted by GoNintendo Nov 10 2011 18:16 GMT
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A portion of a Diehard GameFAN review...

The Hidden is one of the worst games of the year: make no mistake. The graphics are Sewer Shark worthy, the game can only be played if you are in close proximity to multiple unique wireless access points and even then, you have to be able to go to them all regularly or the game simply will not advance.

Full review here

Posted by Kotaku Aug 03 2011 22:40 GMT
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#3ds At first glance, The Hidden looks an awful lot like Face Raiders, one of the free augmented reality games pre-installed on every 3DS. Like Face Raiders, The Hiddenis a shooter that uses the 3DS' camera to superimpose things for you to shoot in your real world environment, turning whatever room you're in into a shooting gallery with ghosts coming in from all directions. More »

Posted by Kotaku Aug 03 2011 18:20 GMT
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#2player Last week, ace Kotaku Interns Jen Schiller and Joshua Rivera underwent a vital video game journalism rite of passage: their first publisher Press Event. At the suggestion of their mentor and spiritual guide Stephen Totilo, the two met up afterward via the magic of the internet to discuss their thoughts on the proceedings. More »

Posted by GameTrailers Jun 10 2011 14:18 GMT
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Use the 3DS camera to view across dimensions to find and destroy evil entities.