Mario Tennis Open Message Board

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Posted by GoNintendo Aug 02 2012 20:43 GMT
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A portion of a Dtoid review...

With new minigames like "Super Mario Tennis" and many ways to play, Mario Tennis Open will keep players coming back who just want to play a quick few rounds of tennis, unlock new characters and stages, and buy new clothes for their Mii.

Full review here

Posted by GoNintendo May 30 2012 22:42 GMT
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A portion of the Gamegravy review...

I think Mario Tennis Open is a pretty great package. The tennis plays well with enough Mario touches to make it accessible for anyone. Sure, it might grow old pretty quickly to some without a story or RPG mode like in past iterations, but with the addition of online play and the large amount of items to unlock, I found myself returning to the game more than I expected.

Posted by GoNintendo May 30 2012 17:28 GMT
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A portion of a Fancensus review...

Mario Tennis Open plays a great game of tennis. It’s fast, it’s competitive and most importantly it’s fun. Whether it has the longevity however is an entirely different question. Thanks to a mixture of poor design choices and only the most basic of features this Open feels more like an exhibition match rather than a full fledged Wimbledon.

Full review here

Posted by GoNintendo May 27 2012 01:41 GMT
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A portion of a Siliconera review...

I guess whether or not you’re going to enjoy Mario Tennis Open comes down to how you intend to play it. If you like to breeze through games, finishing every tournament as quickly as possible, you’re going to burn-out and hate it. Mario Tennis Open is designed to be played in quick spurts.

Full review here

Posted by GoNintendo May 25 2012 19:03 GMT
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A portion of a C3 review...

Mario Tennis Open impresses and disappoints, unfortunately, proving to not be the out-and-out champion many were expecting, yet still managing to offer enough familiar fun to engage fans of old and newcomers alike. Brace yourself for a brief single-player mode and remove all thoughts of serious tennis from your mind and it will not be too much of a let-down.

Full review here

Posted by GoNintendo May 24 2012 09:37 GMT
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A portion of a Vooks review...

...if you’re after a good pick up and play title, something to fill the gaps until the bigger titles later in the year then this one is for you. If Nintendo and Camelot just applied themselves to this one a little more it could have gone from adequate to outstanding.

Full review here