Crysis 3 Message Board older than one year ago

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Can the Razer Gaming Tablet Handle Crysis 3? See For Yourself.
#hardware The Razer Edge is a gaming PC stuffed into a tablet, but how much of a gaming PC? Enough to play Crysis 3, which seems like plenty. More » posted by Kotaku Feb 23 2013 01:15 GMT
Alien Tech - Crysis 3 Breakdown
We take a look at the alien technology and how it'll have an impact on your performance as a Nanosuit operative in Crysis 3. posted by IGN Feb 23 2013 00:28 GMT
Crysis 3: Mix'd Reviews
Crysis games have always been critical hits, but how did the new one fare? Let Jess tell you. posted by IGN Feb 22 2013 20:00 GMT
Suit Up Launch Trailer
Take one last look at Crysis 3 as it launches this week. posted by IGN Feb 21 2013 19:01 GMT
Video Feature
The Ceph and CELL aren't all that Prophet has to take on in Crysis 3's New York... posted by IGN Feb 21 2013 01:28 GMT
Crysis 3 Has A Bow With Explosive Arrows. So Does This Guy.
#crysis The bow and arrow in Crysis 3 might throw off the game's balance, but it's still a pretty cool piece of gear. And it seems every time there's a bow and arrow in a video game, it winds up having exp... posted by Kotaku Feb 20 2013 19:30 GMT
They’re All Like This: The Weird Land Of Preview Events
Last week we sent Cara to an EA event to look at a few of their games. This spawned her splendid Crysis 3 interview, but the price was another day spent in the bemusing otherworld of videogame preview events. Earlier, gazing around the room at massive sc... posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Feb 20 2013 17:00 GMT
Reviewers Think Crysis 3 Is—Surprise—Really, Really Pretty
#frankenreview Much to the surprise of pretty much no one, Crysis 3 turned out to be quite the looker. But that's just what Crysis does! So what else is there to like? For some, the exciting cat-and-mouse s... posted by Kotaku Feb 20 2013 15:40 GMT
How To Advertise A Video Game In A British Tabloid
#crysis When hallowed British media institution The Sun partners with a video game publisher for some advertorial, as you can imagine, the results are deftly subtle. More » posted by Kotaku Feb 20 2013 06:30 GMT
Quick Look: Crysis 3
The spearhead (arrowhead?) of the Year of the Bow is great at faces and delivering thermite to butts. posted by Giant Bomb Feb 20 2013 00:24 GMT
Metareview: Crysis 3
Do you really think Crysis 3's Prophet cares what a bunch of reviewers think of his game? Yeah, the guy in the multi-million-dollar Nanosuit is going to waste his time reading the opinions of some people on the Internet. Come on!But if you're not Prophet... posted by Joystiq Feb 19 2013 22:00 GMT
Crysis 3 Supersoldier Ending
Watch the ending that we got for completing the game on Supersoldier Difficulty. This takes place after the credits. Spoiler Warning! posted by IGN Feb 19 2013 18:28 GMT
Crysis 3 review: Pernicious effects of patience
Crysis 3 distills its story down to an identifiable and simple problem - the big bad CELL corporation controls all of the power on the planet, and indentured servitude is pretty much the only way to survive. The alien race called the Ceph take a backsea... posted by Joystiq Feb 19 2013 14:30 GMT
Crysis 3: The Kotaku Review
#review You're sitting behind the wheel of a finely tuned luxury automobile. The upholstery creaks as you make yourself comfortable; it smells like quality in here. You haven't even turned the key and you c... posted by Kotaku Feb 19 2013 14:00 GMT
Crysis 3 Walkthrough - Arrow To The Knee Achievement / Trophy
Watch as we get the Crysis 3 Arrow to the Knee Achievement / Trophy in the mission Welcome to the Jungle. posted by IGN Feb 19 2013 14:11 GMT
Crysis 3 Walkthrough - Who Needs Rockets? Achievement / Trophy
Watch as we get the Crysis 3 Who Needs Rockets Achievement / Trophy in the mission Post Human. posted by IGN Feb 19 2013 14:10 GMT
Crysis 3 Walkthrough - Bang For The Buck Achievement / Trophy
Watch as we get the Crysis 3 Bang for the Buck Achievement / Trophy in the mission Welcome to the Jungle. posted by IGN Feb 19 2013 14:10 GMT
Crysis 3 Walkthrough - Safties Off on Supersoldier Difficulty (Part 4)
We take you through the Safties Off mission of Crysis 3 on supersoldier difficulty where we find the nanosuit skinning labs. This is part 4 of our walkthrough. posted by IGN Feb 19 2013 14:04 GMT
Crysis 3 Walkthrough - Welcome to the Jungle on Supersoldier Difficulty (Part 2)
We take you through the Welcome to the Jungle mission of Crysis 3 on supersoldier difficulty where we take out the tower. This is part 2 of our walkthrough. posted by IGN Feb 19 2013 14:02 GMT
Video Review
Is Crytek's new Nanosuited shooter dressed for success? posted by IGN Feb 19 2013 14:01 GMT
Crysis 3 Walkthrough - Post Human on Supersoldier Difficulty (Part 1)
We take you through the post human mission of Crysis 3 on supersoldier difficulty where we infiltrate a cell base and blow stuff up. This is part 1 of our walkthrough. posted by IGN Feb 19 2013 14:01 GMT
How to Build a PC for Crysis 3
We show you how to build a PC that can handle the graphics of a PC title like Crysis 3. posted by IGN Feb 17 2013 17:21 GMT
How to Build at PC for Crysis 3
We show you how to build a PC that can handle the graphics of a PC title like Crysis 3. posted by IGN Feb 16 2013 03:03 GMT
The Weapons - Crysis 3 Breakdown
We go over 3 of the coolest weapons that you can grab in Crysis 3 including the Typhoon, the Predator Bow, and the Pinch Rifle. posted by IGN Feb 15 2013 23:23 GMT
EA: Crysis 3 beta downloaded over 3 million times
More than three million players suited up for the Crysis 3 beta, EA revealed today. Ahead of the game's release next week on February 19, EA must hope that number translates into sales; Crysis 2 shipped at least three million units, but was also reported... posted by Joystiq Feb 15 2013 15:00 GMT
Crysis 3 beta downloaded over 3 million times
More than three million players suited up for the Crysis 3 beta, EA revealed today. Ahead of the game's release next week on February 19, EA must hope that number translates into sales; Crysis 2 shipped at least three million units, but was also reported... posted by Joystiq Feb 15 2013 15:00 GMT
Cara Vs. Crysis 3 Was Never A Fair Fight
We sent Cara Ellison to EA to play some Crysis 3. We would like to formally apologise to Crytek and EA for having sent Cara Ellison to play some Crysis 3. Here is why: (more…) posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Feb 14 2013 17:00 GMT
Nothing Like Getting Friendzoned By Crysis
#crysis Love is complicated enough on its own, but the internet tends to make it even trickier. It can be hard to tell when someone is tweeting @ you out of kindness and friendship, or our of an interest in... posted by Kotaku Feb 14 2013 04:00 GMT
Final episode of '7 Wonders of Crysis 3' witnesses the end of the world
In the final episode of the "7 Wonders of Crysis 3" series, we're forced to rethink our stance on Frank, our crazy neighbor with a bomb shelter stocked with cans upon cans of creamed corn - he may actually be the sanest guy in the whole neighborhood. posted by Joystiq Feb 14 2013 04:00 GMT
Crysis 3 Makes The End Of The World Look Fantastic
#crysis Damn, Crysis 3. You lookin' gooood. No but seriously though: while the point of the game is to have the protagonist—Prophet—prevent the 'end of days,' when the end of the world looks as... posted by Kotaku Feb 13 2013 23:30 GMT