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When Digibuttter Becomes Reality!(again) [semi-private]
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Super Black Twilight

Joined: 28 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 5:05 pm   Reply with quote

After finding out where I was, I decided to do a body check on me. I looked at my hands, and for some reason, I was wearing white gloves...hmmm. Checked my shirt, and found I was wearing black overalls with a green shirt. Wait a sec...OH MOTHACRAGING GRAMBI!!!!! I suddenly realized where I was. I was at Digibutter, while being my Digi self!
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The Dark Hero Shop    
Paper Peach

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 7:49 pm   Reply with quote

"Ugghh." Rebekah moaned as she moved slightly. slowly pulling herself upright she moved her blond hair out of her face. Wait, blond? "What the Francis?!?!" She looked at herself. Overhauls, gloves, hat, green shirt, brown shoes, it was all there. What the Underwhere happened? She felt like the time she fell off her bike and broke her arm (adrenaline rush). She knew that that feeling wasn't usually good. Wait, this can't be real. She relaxed a bit. "This has got to be an epic dream." She slapped herself. "Oooww! I'm not supposed to feel that!" She started to panic. "Oh my Francis Grambi this is real!" She just sat there for a few seconds as what was happening dawned upon her. Only then did she think, "Where the Underwhere am I?" She looked around the familiar scenery. "The Bitlands, Chapter 3-4, Fort Francis," Dang.
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Paper Peach's Shop    

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 8:09 pm   Reply with quote

Devin groaned. Her head was KILLING her...
She slowly opened her eyes, slitted and weary at first- and then as wide as plates.
"What the...?!"
She was in- the Bitlands? From SPM?
"...I'm dreaming," she decided at last, "again." This wasn't so much an attempt to convince herself as it was an observation; she tended to have very realistic dreams sometimes. She simply sighed and closed her eyes again, folding her arms behind her head-
...Wait. One. Minute.
Why couldn't she feel her arms?!
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MsDevin92's Bazaar    
Oh fuck.
Flar3 Luigi

Joined: 18 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 8:23 pm   Reply with quote

"I'm bored."Said Flar3 as he was playing his SNES. All of a sudden there was a cold feeling in the air. "OOo000oo0oO0oOO00hh!!!"said a voice! "What the-who's there!!??" Then I find myself on a pirate ship. I looked around then saw a giant pirate head. "OO00oOOo000oHH-ack! ENOUGH OF THIS OOH!! BIZ! I'm a pirate for grambi's sake! I'm Cortez who are you??"Said the floating pirate head. "...HOLY CRUD!! It's cortez from paper mario the thousand year door!"Said Flar3 as he was looking around. "Argh! Are you here to steal my treasure!!??"Said cortez. Then my hands and legs felt weak. I fell down all of a sudden. I was groaning in pain! When I woke up I was at the underwhere.

Last edited by Flar3 Luigi on Wed Dec 05, 2007 8:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Flar3's antiques of Ph1r3.    

Joined: 05 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 8:34 pm   Reply with quote

After some time that came by so quickly, Marc opened his eyes. Being the quick get-up guy he is, he... quickly got up, not realizing where he was. After some times of feeling strange, he finally realized he was obviously not at home.

"Huh... Where the *crag* am I? Wait, how did that get censored? TEST *crag*. ..."

Marc closed his eyes again to think about it, and reopened them. He saw a beautyful, pixelated horizon. Somewhere in the horizon, he could see... an Ad Sign? He checked around himself. When looking behind him, he saw something that looked like a protected Bulletin Board, atop of which was labeled "Announcement" backward. He went to investigate, still clueless.
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Wario Land Shop!    
I don't have a title.
Gold Prognosticus

Joined: 02 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 2:43 am   Reply with quote

Matt came out of the warp pipe in the index. Looking several miles down from where he was, he saw a giant signpost that read;

Welcome to digibutter.nerr
Inhabitants: Mandew, Flar3 Luigi, MsDevin92, Paper Peach, Black Twilight, Zelnor and Gold Prognosticus
Enjoy your stay!

Matt remembered the names as his friends from digibutter.nerr. But why were they here. Looking round, he saw a stray firework on the ground. Writing a message on the attached sheet of paper, he lit it and sent it up into the sky.

What the *crag* happened here? I'm in the index.
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Gold Prognosticus' Golden Shop    
Click here for 500 coins!
Sho Minamimoto
Burning Vampire

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 3:09 am   Reply with quote

((OOC: Green is what I think.))

David entered his home. I had just been playing sport with some friends. My friend Dale said "Hey, I brought my data for my Wii here, can you help me on Super Mario Galaxy? Load Mario, Derric is my brother." I walked into my room and got my Wii. I inserted my friend's data and entered my Super Mario Galaxy disc. I loaded up the game.
File 1: Mario, 60 Stars.
File 2: Derric, 32 Stars.
I loaded File 1 and played against bowser. When I was about to win, Bowser suddenly pulled out a rod. He pointed it towards the screen.


Suddenly a beam came out of it on the screen, and when it hit the screen, a beam appeared out of the TV and hit me. The power turned off and I blacked out...

I woke up.

Where am I?

I saw that I was alone in the stage without bowser. I saw a star and grabbed it. Suddenly the stage had black walls coming to squish me, probaly to make the people watching have the screen black out... oh wait, the power went out. I said "Ahh! I'm about to be squished and die!" I blacked out again...

When I woke up, I saw myself as Timpani. I decided to see where I was and entered a Fort. Suddenly, some lizard like person saw me. He said "Francine!." I said "OSHI- I'm in trouble!" I runned for my life, and luckily, I was able to escape.
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Token Nazi?

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 4:24 am   Reply with quote

((Kay, people... This [your intros] gets a bit alike, and some of you might want to polish up their novel style... I mean, you all just get zapped and bang ? ... Well, Issues I encountered: Timpani: You switch between first person and third person. Flar3 - Spelling, grammar and \Novel Style could use some Improvement. Zelnor - You just posted your old intro, you slacker, and overlooked some spelling errors.

Also, everyone, you land in the SPM LEVEL / World not the forum, the RP title is misleading - I'd like you to correct that, because else it won't work. Plotline: We all land in Chapter 3-4 or anywhere in Chapter 3, have to find each other, gang up and suddenly - BANG ! and then we have to save all worlds from renewed destruction through- *shot*))
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Twilit Mall: Zelnor Mart    
Paper Peach

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 9:24 am   Reply with quote

OOC: Gotta agree with zelnor there. I don't know what to change the title to though DX
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Paper Peach's Shop    

Joined: 05 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 10:16 am   Reply with quote


Marc, still clueless of what was happenning, saw a Fort in the horizon. He decided to investigate, as the "Announcement" bulletin didn't have anything of interest beside a notice concerning a giant tree.

He ran to the Fort... but, in midway, he stopped. He was... running faster than usual... And wasn't even tired after running so much. Something was wrong with himself...

Marc decided to check himself... an Orange shirt... and Blue pants? Marc closed an eye... his nose...

"What a bigass nose."

Marc checked the area around him, and found a Puddle of water lying there. He saw his own reflect in it... and his doubts where lifted. He really became his characterial counterpart, Mandew.

Marc couldn't beleive it. Was it even possible? Couldn't be...

Marc checked his surrounding again. The pixelated ground... the pixelated sky... and the pixelated puddle of water...

There was only one conclusion: He was in The Bitland.

"Oh Underwhere no..."
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Wario Land Shop!    
~A color is just a color~

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 10:26 am   Reply with quote

( I don't have time right now to make an entrance story. If you advance before I come home from school, then pretend I'm just there. >_> )
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The Carmadox Party    

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 11:29 am   Reply with quote

Devin jumped up, her heart racing. Eyes wide open in shock, she looked down at herself, and-
"Oh my GOD..."
Out of all the dreams she could remember- sure, Devin had a few memory issues concerning dreams (...and a lot of other things), but she could always remember the weirdest or most inspiring ones- she had never dreamt anything like this.
She was...Well, a circle. A little sphere. ...Rather cuddly-looking, in fact; like her favorite fleecy sweater, now that she thought of it, although she couldn't tell exactly what her new body was made of. Unsettling as the situation was, she was slightly pleased to see that this form was her most beloved shade of purple.
The weirdest of the weird, however, was that, being a sphere, she had no visible limbs. No arms, no legs. She looked rather like a strange cross between a Kirby and a Puff. But, while she couldn't exactly FEEL her limbs, she could feel them being moved- the sensation of motion when she went to walk or lift her arms.
A bag- her laptop bag from her room- had appeared beside her. On a whim, she went to pick it up...And, lo and behold, she could!
...Well, now I know what a Goomba feels like, she thought, blinking.
She paused, then opened her bag and rummaged inside. If she could find her laptop, she could message someone for help...providing it didn't explode again and turn her into something even stranger.
The thing was, Devin's laptop bag had two pouches inside, across from each other; one for the laptop itself, and one for her charger cord. She was wont to reach into the wrong one at times, and so she did again. This time, though, instead of the vinyl-y inside of the bag, her invisible hand met only empty space. INFINITE space, like a huge hole had been torn inside. She yelped and withdrew her hand, only to find that she had managed to grab something.
It was a stuffed toy, in the shape of a Luma from Galaxy.
And then she recognized it all. The setting, her new shape, the Luma plushie...
She was INSIDE Digibutter?!
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MsDevin92's Bazaar    
Token Nazi?

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 12:12 pm   Reply with quote

((Best RP Ever if we keep the quality up, and YAY ! MsDevin has a Deus ex Machina - I say we make any battle turn bases and Devin is the Partner with the items, and Zelnor will point out why the hell we look at ourselves from outside out bodies and why we have to wait. XD Fun times ahead.

Now someones gotta find me, remember, I'm from another timezone and still soundly asleep.))
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Twilit Mall: Zelnor Mart    

Joined: 23 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 12:13 pm   Reply with quote

Zelnor wrote:
((Best RP Ever if we keep the quality up, and YAY ! MsDevin has a Deus ex Machina - I say we make any battle turn bases and Devin is the Partner with the items, and Zelnor will point out why the hell we look at ourselves from outside out bodies and why we have to wait. XD Fun times ahead.

Now someones gotta find me, remember, I'm from another timezone and still soundly asleep.))

(Deus ex what-now? Nu, it's hammerspace... xD;
...*goes to look up Deus ex Machina* <_<; )
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MsDevin92's Bazaar    

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 12:33 pm   Reply with quote

Marc continued to run. He didn't know if he was living a dream or a nightmare...

But he was changing. Every bit of himself was changing in to his character's counterpart: Shape and mind alike. He decided that he had to refer himself as his character name, and try to act like him... While he was lost in though and still running...


... he tripped over a pixelated rock near Devin. He fell on the floor, face facing the ground.
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