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Melee: The Seven Knights
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Celeste Dimentia

Joined: 03 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 3:27 pm   Reply with quote

... It's a movie I'm doing, via recordings of Super Smash Bros. Melee battle scenes. Just another low-quality project that'll make you scream, since you can hear the clicking sounds of my button-pressing. Sad, yes... but oh well. I'll keep at it anyways. So anyway, the way it works is that with each update, I will post a bit of the story in text, leading up to the next battle... then display the video for you to see. They'll probably all be relatively short, and again, of terrible quality... but... uh... well, don't watch them if you can't stand them. Razz So, to start this story off...

Opening: A Darkness Descends

The two hooded figures stepped forward, facing each other intently. A palpable silence pressed in upon them both, their rustling cloaks the only things stirring, until -

"You are sure that she's the one?" said Ganondorf, breaking the eery silence. His voice was rough, clipped. The one opposite him, however, simply held up a pale hand, almost lazily.

"Of course," replied Mewtwo, his eyes reduced to slits within the shadow of his hood. "I have long watched from afar. The Knight's Crest burns within her heart. I will take her... and you must capture the other for good measure. No chances must be taken, if we are to conquer the three heroes."

"Yes, yes, alright," said Ganondorf, turning away abruptly. "As long as I get to rip them limb from limb before the day's done, I'll be well-satisfied. So long... Mewtwo." Ganondorf said the name with evident distaste, but didn't linger to express it any further. Instead he stalked off into the darkness, soon vanishing from view completely.

Left alone in silence once more, Mewtwo closed his eyes, a patient smile passing across his sharp features. "The end is near... such power! A blessing that will spell the end for our... heroes." He said the word with more disgust than even Ganondorf could muster. A moment later, Mewtwo vanished in a flash, teleporting away from the dark scene.

Mario was hopelessly lost. He had fallen asleep after a healthy bowl of pasta for dinner (what else?), and when he had awoken, it was only to find himself in some strange new world. He was used to such strange occurences, sure. But that didn't make him any more pleased to find himself in totally unfamiliar surroundings, with seemingly no way out.

There was a flash of light, and Mewtwo appeared in an instant.

"Greetings, hero. Are you prepared?"

Mario's hands curled into fists. What was this thing?

"Excuse-a me? Just-a who are YOU? Let me out-a this place - eemediately!"

Mewtwo shook his head, his sly smile back in place. "It won't be that easy. It never is, as you should know by now. The fair princess is in need, and here you are... a prisoner. No less, a captive at my utter mercy."

Mario stepped forward, glaring at the stranger. "So eet's-a fight that you want, huh? Let's-a go!" He sprang forward as he spoke, touching down lightly onto the ground. It was go time, so to say.

Mewtwo's smile remained in place. This wouldn't last long...


Mario fell, spread-eagled, to the ground. He was unconscious, defeated in mere seconds by the enigmatic Mewtwo.

"A job well done... and well-finished," commented Mewtwo, teleporting away.

Is this the END for Mario... already? Will Mewtwo and Ganondorf succeed in whatever evil deed they're plotting? Can we assume that the button-clicking sounds were that of a mysterious machine that was floating above in the sky? Find out all this and more in the next (maybe) exciting installment of... Melee: The Seven Knights!

That is all.

Last edited by Celeste Dimentia on Tue Aug 14, 2007 2:13 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Tails Doll

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 3:31 pm   Reply with quote

Are you going to handicap yourself so the battle will be more epic? Just asking.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 3:33 pm   Reply with quote

Awesome storyline and good music to accompany the fight. I can't wait for more!
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Tails Doll

Joined: 04 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 3:34 pm   Reply with quote

Yeah, that was a nice fight. It's HP, though, so that's gonna limit some things.
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Super Ultimario

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 3:35 pm   Reply with quote

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Celeste Dimentia

Joined: 03 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 3:36 pm   Reply with quote

Boshi wrote:
Are you going to handicap yourself so the battle will be more epic? Just asking.

I'll be using various modes (besides Stamina) for different battles, and handicaps, as well (in some cases). I'll be using any varieties that I can to make some of the battles unique in their own way. And thanks, to those that enjoyed it. Razz

Last edited by Celeste Dimentia on Mon Aug 13, 2007 11:46 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Dimension D    
Paper Luigi

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 5:29 pm   Reply with quote

That is really good. Please continue.
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the pokemon among flowers

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 5:32 pm   Reply with quote


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Celeste Dimentia

Joined: 03 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 5:47 pm   Reply with quote

And now, for the second installment (video quality the same as ever, unfortunately)...

Page 1: The Purloined Princess

Mario was falling through a sea of stars. Their embrace was gentle, like the calm flow of a cool, running river. He allowed himself to be carried away in its welcoming tide, his eyes closed the whole time. A soft breeze soon picked up, tickling his mustache. He let out a great sneeze...

"Hey! What the - Bleeeech!" A voice, shrill yet tinged with a hint of excitement, reached Mario's ears through the rushing sounds of the river. His eyes opened, and he was suddenly snapped back into reality, like a cold slap to the face.

"Wha...? Oog... where-a am I?" Mario sat up and rubbed the back of his head. A large, bulbuous head swam into view as his eyes became more focused. It was... a monster! A spotted creature, red and white with, with -

"Hey!" cried Toad, his excitement becoming even more pronounced. "Mario, it's me, Toad! I rescued you from that lake. Pretty neat, huh? But uh... what were you doing in there?"

Mario shook his head. "No! It... it-a was a reever... and... wait... what?"

"Don't you remember?" asked Toad, his tone switching from excitement to sudden concern. "I found you floating, unconscious... what happened, huh Mario? Bad Blooper, or what?"

"No, no," said Mario, still shaking his head, as though to clear it, gather his thoughts. "I was-a fighting... something... somewhere else. And-a... I don't know how I got here. But-a... the princess!" exclaimed Mario, standing up in a flash, faster than a spring, and sending Toad flying.

"Whoah whoah WHOAH! Princess Peach? Uh... what about her? She's not in trouble, is she Mario? ... Mario?"

Mario had already gone, leaving a cloud of dust in his wake. Toad shielded his face, coughing as it settled in around him.

"Good luck... Mario! Erm... in whatever it is that you're doing..."

Mario strode into the castle, soon arriving directly within the throne room. There had been no guards stationed at the entrance to the castle, which had raised Mario's suspicions immediately. Even worse, there were none inside the castle, either. Where had everyone gone? Mario didn't like it one bit.

Almost at once upon entering the tall chamber, Mario's worst fears seem to be confirmed. The door at the back of the room was torn violently off of its hinges, and lay quietly on the smooth floor, now reduced to a twisted heap of scrap metal. Without hesitation, Mario sped across the open threshold, cannoning his way up the spiral stairs that led to the castle's roof.

A dark-skinned stranger was waiting for him. He was huge and muscle-bound, with a dazzling gem set into his forehead. His expression was one of complete smugness as Mario ran towards him, before coming to a halt just a few feet away.

"You... whoever you are! What-a have you done with the Preencess?"

Ganondorf eyed the short and stocky plumber for a moment. Then, quite suddenly, he gave a low, bellowing laugh. So this was the 'hero' that Mewtwo had warned him about? The one with so many extra lives? He, Ganondorf, would deal with that...

"The Princess? Gone, and that's all that matters," said Ganondorf harshly, taking a step forward. Who was he to back away from a challenge? What's more, he had no desire to play 20 Questions with this fat little pest. Action speaks louder than words, and right now, Ganondorf was ready to deal a pummeling of the ages to this little guy.

Mario's eyes blazed with determination. "I don't-a know what you guys have planned... but eet isn't a-going to work!"

"Shut it, big nose," said Ganondorf coldly, raising his fists.

"You're one-a to talk!" retorted Mario, mimicking Ganondorf and going into a fighting stance. "Let's dance!"

"Dance?" replied Ganondorf, scratching his head. "What d'ya... oh, right!" He cracked his knuckles together menacingly. "Well then, you asked for it. I'm one of the Galaxy Knights, kid. You don't stand a chance!"

And without further preamble, he sprang forward, the fire of battle alight in his eyes.

Not far from his new enemy, Mario did the same.


Ganondorf's scream of fury lingered in the air long after he had toppled from the roof of the castle and into the misty distance below. Running quickly to the edge of the tall structure, Mario peered over the side. Ganondorf was nowhere to be seen... whether he was truly dead, or still alive, remained to be seen. Either way, thought Mario grimly, he had been served a healthy dose of green shell-induced justice. Relieved, but still not entirely assured, Mario pulled himself away from the edge of the castle rooftop and dragged himself back into the castle.

Next installment coming... uh... whenever! D:

Last edited by Celeste Dimentia on Mon Aug 13, 2007 9:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Dimension D    
the pokemon among flowers

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 7:17 pm   Reply with quote

IE really soon pls :3
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Celeste Dimentia

Joined: 03 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 9:39 pm   Reply with quote

Hmm... who am I to deny Lord Bowser a role in this... erm... epic tale? Continuing, now...

Page 2: Corrupt Wishes

As Mario emerged from the castle, Toad dashed forward concernedly.

"Mario! What happened... where is everyone?"

Mario looked over at Toad. "The princess... she has-a been kidnapped."

"Again? After we just got her back last Tuesday? But hold on," said Toad, his eyes widening. "It can't be... Bowser again?"

"No." Mario shook his head. "Not Bowser. This ees... something-a different. But Bower ees the one that I need-a to see... he is the only one that could know..."

"Uh... what? What's that supposed to mean... I mean, know WHAT?" Toad blinked, confused. Mario strode over and patted him on the head.

"Don't-a worry, Toad. I'll get back-a the Princess, as always."

... Deep within Dream Land, Bowser was cackling his scaly head off.

"GRAH HA HA.... yes, PERFECT! That puffball was such a WIMP to believe that I'd ever help Mario... instead, the Star Rod shall be mine once more! Oh, this is TOO perfect!" He reached out a scaly claw...

"Hey! You-a there! STOP!"

"Grah ha... huh?!" Bowser turned around. "What the... MARIO! How did you..."

"I could-a follow your evil stink anywhere, Bowser! And anyway, you're trying to steal-a the wrong Star Rod. That one won't work for you!"

Bowser stamped a foot in frustration. "CRUD! Wait... what do you know? That little blue guy told me to help you using the power of the Star Rod... so I came here to take the power all for myself. And then you come in and try to stop me... it's not fair! Who writes these game plots, anyway? I'll Bowserize 'em!"

"Wait! Listen," said Mario quickly, leaning forward slightly. "Bowser... I do need-a your help. It's the-"

"Oh no! I DON'T THINK SO!" roared Bowser, jumping forward with an almighty crash. "Me, help you? As if! Name ONE time that I've done so before!"


"SILENCE!" roared Bowser, cutting him off. "... It was a rhetorical question. Now hold still, while I beat the life out of you!"

He charged forward, claws raised, and Mario had no choice but to fight back.


Bowser crashed to the ground, beaten.

"Urk... why? Why does this always happen... why can't the writers have a little mercy on this poor koopa? I mean, I'm a KING!"

Mario tapped a foot impatiently. "Enough, Bowser! What do you know about... the Galaxy Knights?"

Bowser twitched, his eyes sliding in and out of focus. "Galaxy Knights? Never heard of it. What is it, a new cologne?"

"Ugh... just-a forget it," said Mario. "Just tell me... who told you to take the Star Rod?"

"Some blue guy... uh, wait... Master Blue, I think was his name... he's down there, just below. But if you think I'm helping you in your little adventure, you're mistaken. Just... go away. NOW!"

Mario had, in fact, already gone. It was time to find this 'Master Blue'... and hopefully some real answers at last.

Last edited by Celeste Dimentia on Mon Aug 13, 2007 11:54 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Dimension D    
Paper Luigi

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 9:46 pm   Reply with quote

*Claps* Very nice! Keep it up!
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PaperLuigi's Inconvienence Store    
Celeste Dimentia

Joined: 03 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 1:45 am   Reply with quote

Comments welcome, as always! Crying or Very sad Oh, and here's my next entry for the storeh.

Page 3: A Day in Training

Mario dropped down lightly onto the ground. His surroundings had changed from night to clearest day, a cool breeze playing across his mustachioed face.

"Master... uh... Blue?" Mario called tentatively, looking around at the lush green foilage that dotted the landscape. A great, solemn tree stood erect nearby. A few moments later, what looked like a wriggling blue beach ball dropped down into view.

"Who requests my presence... whoah... oh-ho... AH-HAH!!! Why, it's none other than Mario... just the hero I've been wanting to see! One of three, as it happens."

"What do you mean?" asked Mario. "And you... you wanted-a Bowser to help?"

"I gave him the chance, yes." Master Blue heaved a great sigh. "I'm afraid it may have been unwise on my part, but there you are. My good colleague, Master Red, is far more wise than I. However, I can tell you this much... you are but one of a trio. Three heroes that are the only hope for all worlds... you, Mario, must find the other two! I was hoping that Bowser would be among their number... but it seems that I was mistaken. He favors his role of villain so very much."

"Just what are we supposed to stop-a? Is eet the Galaxy Knights?"

Master Blue's eyes shone at Mario's use of those last two words. "Yes... there are seven of them, as it happens. They possess incredible power. How, I cannot say... nor can I determine why it is that they've decided to capture Princess Zelda and Princess Peach. Both of them have been taken, you see, from their respective kingdoms. A trap, perhaps, to lure you to your doom...?"

"Wait, wait! I fought this creature... it was-a pale, and very powerful... could it have been one of-a the Seven Knights?"

Kirby looked at Mario with increased interest. "You defeated this being... is that so?"

"No..." Mario muttered. "I... I lost-a. But somehow, I survived... washed ashore een the Mushroom-a Kingdom..."

"Hmm... very well, then. Mario! Hero among three... accept my wisdom as a gift... along with my training. I will fight you in combat, to test your skills. You were overpowered by one of the Knights, but if you train hard enough..." As he spoke, Kirby went into a fighting stance. "Well.... do you accept?"

"Yes," said Mario immediately. He was ready to show Kirby that he was prepared. The sooner he faced Mewtwo again, the better, he thought to himself grimly.

"Right then... first to knock the other out of the arena wins! Ready... GO!" exclaimed Master Blue, inhaling a great breath of air...


"Gaaaaaahhhh!!!!!" Kirby slammed to the ground, beyond the boundaries of the fighting stage. "You... you have bested me. Well done, hero... now move on with great haste. On the island just ahead is my partner-in-training, Master Red. He can surely provide you with more answers... and more training. Good luck!"

Mario nodded. "Thanks-a for everything, Master Blue. Until next time!"

And he pressed onward towards his next destination, a step closer to his true goal. Its exact definition wasn't yet clear, but Mario knew that he was headed in the right direction. Soon, Princess, he thought to himself. Soon this will be over, and peace can return again to our kingdom... I'll make sure of it. I promise you that!

Last edited by Celeste Dimentia on Tue Aug 14, 2007 1:49 am; edited 2 times in total
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Dimension D    
Tails Doll

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 1:48 am   Reply with quote

Nice! But I can give you something that will make you abandon the use of those horrible midis for some high quality versions of the same thing!
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the pokemon among flowers

Joined: 31 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 1:57 am   Reply with quote

lawl, Peach always gets kidnapped. I have to wonder if she carries stuff to do in her dress in case of abduction. :B

the color stuff totally reminds me of those Overthere dudes with the orbs and stuff, but that's just me :3 I suck at reviews for stories.. cause I draw more often but yeah :/ I tried.

also, lawl Boshi :3
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