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Paper Peach
Joined: 27 Jun 2007 Posts: 4226
HP: 14 MP: 2 Lives: 0
Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 5:50 pm
OMGZ L1k3 B35t RP 3v3r!!!!1111 OK seriously, this is a novel style rp in which you are you! What I mean by this is that we are ourselves in real life, chatting with each other on digibutter. Later we all somehow get transported Fort Francis as our digibutter selves (so I would be Peach, basically what your av is). The last one went on for 21 pages so let's get this one to go farther (and not die ^^')
When I say novel style, I mean it. This doesn't mean you should just slap on a "he said after some words. No. You should write about the actions, thoughts, and stuff your charactar is doing. This is not the rp off-topic! I'd perfer a couple sentances a post, but I will accept shorter posts due to the fact that some people won't even try. I don't want to come back and have 7 pages of just two people so make your posts long and make them count!
I will probably start this in a couple days depending on how fast spots fill up
Sighn up form:
Real Name:(you don't have to use your REAL name, it's just your real life name for the rp) Rebekah Breif description: Brown hair, blue eyes, a t-shirt, jean shorts, and running shoes. Digibutter person: Paper Peach Digibutter person description: look at av or sig |
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Joined: 05 Aug 2007 Posts: 19351
HP: 85 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 9:46 pm
Real Name: Tessa Breif description: Darkish brown hair {shoulder length, straight}, grayish bluish greenish eyes {lol}. Usual attire? Olive green T-shirt with white undershirt, blue jeans, black shoes. Digibutter person: Mona Digibutter person description:...It's Mona. Lolwut? |
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~A color is just a color~ Frozenwinters
Joined: 30 Aug 2007 Posts: 25292
HP: 1 MP: 0 Lives: 4
Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 9:54 pm
Real Name: Koori Gender: Female Breif description: Brown hair, green and yellow eyes, ( Yellow rings circle my eyes. It's very weird but it brightens up my eyes. So it's sort of cool ) a striped sky-blue and white shirt, with a darker blue sweater over top, worn out, black jeans and black skate-shoes. [ Digibutter person: Uhhhhh.... Lady Gray? D: Digibutter person description: look at avatar |
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Joined: 23 Oct 2007 Posts: 47446
HP: 95 MP: 5 Lives: 0
Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 12:04 pm
Real Name: Devin (Dev) Brief Physical Description: Thick, curly black hair; dark eyes; slight tan; 5'6". Wearing a purple Bohemian shirt, blue jeans, sneakers, and a purple bandana. Digibutter Moniker: MsDevin92 (MsDevin, MsDev) Digibutter Description: A purple (^w^) smiley. (...How am I gonna do anything? I'll be like a Goomba thing... xD) |
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Token Nazi? Zelnor
Joined: 01 Jul 2007 Posts: 6425
HP: 10 MP: 7 Lives: 1
Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 12:15 pm
'tis again? Okay, I'll fish up my plotline from when I still believed in prosperous RPs to save time... Okay, where did we start ? (I'll remodel my old post so that I can get back on my old plotline ((Sorry, but I love it so I want it to go BACK TO LIVE)) Also, YAY YOU ARE BACK ;YOU ARE ACTIVA AND YOU REVIVED THJIS AND WE HAVE FROZENWINTERS AND DEVIN IN ! YAY ! IT MAY ACTUALLY WORK !)
Zelnor wrote: | Real Name: Lorenz Brief Descripiton: Middle height, underweight, embodiment of wimpy, talk way too much in too high speed, total brainiac, tries to be funny. Hair: Street dog blonde. Eyes: blue-grey
Digibutter person: Zelnor
Digibutter person descripition: Due to my acute lack of self-esteem Zelnor is pretty much a Gary-Stu. Powerful, slightly build, you know. meh, I hate myself for hatin myself. (Lol wut ?) Details: Grey-white hair, Age 20 or so, one half of the face completely black with the eye pure white (FYI, I came up with Zelnors design before I ever saw Dimentio) other half normal skin, blue eye, runes tattoed in vertical lines around the eye, the broder between the black and the white half of the fach grows and shrinks with his mood, the more angry he is the farther the blackness spreads, the more relaxed or happy he is the more white is superior. (When he reaches total black he snaps, attacks everything in range and has kinda demonic eyes, when all's white he's just... meditational and kinda byakuganish) Because of that Zelnor learnt to control his emotions to a certain degree. Also his powers are tied directly to that. More black face: Stronger Shadow powers (mainly attacking), more white vice-versa (Mostly healing, illusion, illumination and attacking shadow beasts) Oh and he has a jewel that marks the natural border between black and white on his forehead. Color: Ruby-red
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Paper Peach
Joined: 27 Jun 2007 Posts: 4226
HP: 14 MP: 2 Lives: 0
Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 12:57 pm
Hoping to get something in the rp section going. Hopefully it won't shoot 10 pages in an hour XD I'm won't be on for a few days, so Sign-ups will be open for a while. |
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Joined: 30 May 2007 Posts: 8580
HP: 78 MP: 4 Lives: 0
Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 1:36 pm
Name: Nic
Phys. Char.: Long straight black-brown hair w/ bangs covering right eye (lolemo), black unzipped hoodie, grey t-shirt, too-long jeans ripped at bottoms, studded belt w/ chain, black Converse, 4'10", Asian
digibutt. Alias: Francine/Timpani
Phys. Char.:~20 YOA, longish red hair pinned out of face with crystal butterfly clip, this blue summer halter dress, decorative belt w/ crystal butterfly buckle, ballet flats w/ butterfly ribbons |
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Paper Peach
Joined: 27 Jun 2007 Posts: 4226
HP: 14 MP: 2 Lives: 0
Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 1:57 pm
W00t! Later I'll do a little advertisment in the off-topic  |
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Token Nazi? Zelnor
Joined: 01 Jul 2007 Posts: 6425
HP: 10 MP: 7 Lives: 1
Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 7:31 am
I copied down all of my former posts in the old RP as quotes, because I think I did a pretty good plotline, so I'll try to revamp it as much as possibel and get ir revived. |
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Mandew Manjew
Joined: 05 Aug 2007 Posts: 4283
HP: 99 MP: 8 Lives: 2
Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 11:58 am
Name: Marc-André Appearance: Short and messy black hairs, tall and well built (more fat than muscles), usually sporting a brandless shirt of any color (red, green, blue or black), and black or blue cotton pants.
Digibutter name: Mandew Digibutter appearance: My avatar, basically a young teenager with Brown Messy hairs sporting an Orange Shirt and Blue Jeans, with a big nose. |
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Oh fuck. Flar3 Luigi Vampire
Joined: 18 Oct 2007 Posts: 18735
HP: 10 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 5:56 pm
Name:Nate Appearence:long brown hair, tall, Kinda skinny, brown eyes, green shirt, glasses, blue shorts, and white shoes. Gender:Male. Digibutter person:Flar3 Luigi Digibutter person description:UNKOWN |
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Flavio Twitch Boobs Super Hario
Joined: 18 Apr 2007 Posts: 14778
HP: 10 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 6:19 pm
Name: Daniel Appearance: Black pants, dark green Devil Rays shirt, flippy emo hair, almost 6 feet tall. Digi name: Hario Digi appr: BOOBWIGGLE MAN |
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Joined: 05 Aug 2007 Posts: 19351
HP: 85 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 9:00 pm
Hmm...seeing as I've kidnapped Mona...maybe I should force IRL Mona to use me as her Digibutter counterpart?  |
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YagamiMirror Vampire
Joined: 16 Sep 2007 Posts: 7416
HP: 95 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 11:35 pm
Name: Andy Appearance: Blue shirt, white jacket, tan colored jeans. Not too tall, not too short, dark brown eyes, white sneakers. Oh, and black hair that's partially bowl-sized. Digibutter Name: YagamiMirror Digibutter Description: Uh..UUHHH....Kyo Kusanagi? If you're not really sure who he is, google it. |
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Paper Peach
Joined: 27 Jun 2007 Posts: 4226
HP: 14 MP: 2 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 12:28 am
Zelnor wrote: | BUMPED FOR GREAT PLOTS !
I copied down all of my former posts in the old RP as quotes, because I think I did a pretty good plotline, so I'll try to revamp it as much as possibel and get ir revived. |
Yes that would be awesome. And
I'll probably get this started monday  |
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