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and I control the decks carfilledwithfish
Joined: 18 Jun 2007 Posts: 3988
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Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 7:09 pm
You're right about one thing, TCH: Humans did not evolve from monkeys. Rather, we share a common ancestor with apes. We went in one direction, gorillas went in another, chimpanzees and bonobos are really really close to humans but not quite, etc. There is fossil evidence of this, read up on it.
More on-topic:
To me, a soul is pretty much your personality, likes and dislikes, everything that makes you an individual. People have souls, for sure. My two cats have very different personalities, they each have their own things that they like - they have souls too. Most animals do. But where does one draw the line between animals that do have souls and ones that don't? Cats and dogs can learn, play, and are capable of showing affection, but most insects act solely on instinct, born with all the knowledge they need for life, never thinking anything beyond "eat, breed, die." Do they have souls, or not? I don't really know. |
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See? Popple
Joined: 30 Apr 2007 Posts: 14001
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Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 8:56 pm
I really don't think most animals have souls.
A soul means you are conscious and aware.
Most animals are not. |
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AMNESIAC amnesiac
Joined: 02 Apr 2009 Posts: 67
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Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 11:16 pm
Dr. Eurhok wrote: | You're right about one thing, TCH: Humans did not evolve from monkeys. Rather, we share a common ancestor with apes. We went in one direction, gorillas went in another, chimpanzees and bonobos are really really close to humans but not quite, etc. There is fossil evidence of this, read up on it.
More on-topic:
To me, a soul is pretty much your personality, likes and dislikes, everything that makes you an individual. People have souls, for sure. My two cats have very different personalities, they each have their own things that they like - they have souls too. Most animals do. But where does one draw the line between animals that do have souls and ones that don't? Cats and dogs can learn, play, and are capable of showing affection, but most insects act solely on instinct, born with all the knowledge they need for life, never thinking anything beyond "eat, breed, die." Do they have souls, or not? I don't really know. |
I like you.
Quote: | I really don't think most animals have souls.
A soul means you are conscious and aware.
Most animals are not. |
Yes they are. When I yell at my dog for chewing stuff up, I'm pretty sure he knows he did something wrong. I can't say the same about cats, but the smarter the animal, the more likely they are to have feelings and emotions, which adds to my previous (and ignored) statement that the idea of a "soul" is simply the result of man's intelligence. |
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See? Popple
Joined: 30 Apr 2007 Posts: 14001
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Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 11:38 pm
There are only a few animals aside from humans that have true awarness.
This is concluded through a series of tests involving placing a mark on the animals body and then showing them their own reflection in a mirror.
If they react to the mark they are self aware, if they act as if it is another animal they are not.
The species known to be self aware are dolphins, apes, and elephants; although it is believed other animals may exhibit some form of self awareness as well. |
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AMNESIAC amnesiac
Joined: 02 Apr 2009 Posts: 67
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Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 11:51 pm
Popple wrote: | There are only a few animals aside from humans that have true awarness.
This is concluded through a series of tests involving placing a mark on the animals body and then showing them their own reflection in a mirror.
If they react to the mark they are self aware, if they act as if it is another animal they are not.
The species known to be self aware are dolphins, apes, and elephants; although it is believed other animals may exhibit some form of self awareness as well. |
Which kind of concurs with my argument that the attributes you connect with a "soul" are just a result of intelligence. |
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See? Popple
Joined: 30 Apr 2007 Posts: 14001
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Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 12:16 am
That simply doesn't explain it though.
You can prattle on with biological deductions all day but it does little more than provide a basis with no arguments.
Evolution suposedly based upon surviability and reproduction.
How does this explain art, compassion, or sacrifice?
Surely no rational beast focused merely on survival would have their life stripped away from them only to save another.
None of the more complex experiences we associate with human life can be explained with scientific theories because it simply does not add up.
The data is all there, and surely the brain is capable of accomplishing these feats, but why?
Why does it do these things?
Why would we evolve into such a complex society when really it has done LESS for our survivability rate.
The puzzle obviously forms a clear picture, but none of the pieces fit together. |
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Token Nazi? Zelnor
Joined: 01 Jul 2007 Posts: 6425
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Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 12:38 am
I'm too tired for complex psycho-social explanations and religious statements right now, so I'll leave it at a 'Yes.' |
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See? Popple
Joined: 30 Apr 2007 Posts: 14001
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Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 12:47 am
I'm just going to say this before another response is posted.
Science has taught us the way the world works.
Now we believe that because we know this that we can rule out any chance of interference by a divine being.
This earth exists, I exist, and you exist, so of course there has to be some rhyme and reason to it all
Just because the way the mind works is now within the grasp of human understanding, this suddenly makes it possible simply through ranodm coincidence?
It just doesn't make logical sense to conclude that just because you understand how something works that it could not have been manufactured by an outside force. |
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RaveRaze Mana7 Dead

Joined: 30 Jun 2008 Posts: 6987
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Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 1:24 am
Cause I don't feel like countering Popple's somewhat valid points. I'll just raise another question that could solve the matter, If somebody dies does that person still exist? |
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hai Spiny
Joined: 05 Jan 2008 Posts: 27193
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Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 1:25 am
I believe that souls may actually exist, due to not only paranormal events and sightings of spirits wandering the earth from several different and mostly honest people, but due to our free thought overall. What isn't dirven by instinct, I believe is driven by this subject of debate. Whereas you are pre "programmed" to rest, feed and mate, the soul is where things get specific in what food you eat, how you sleep, and who you loved. The Brain's impulses are the closest you can get to the soul's coporeal form, in my opinion. |
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See? Popple
Joined: 30 Apr 2007 Posts: 14001
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Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 1:44 am
RaveRaze wrote: | Cause I don't feel like countering Popple's somewhat valid points. I'll just raise another question that could solve the matter, If somebody dies does that person still exist? |
That depends entirely upon your religious beliefs.
Though if you want me to prove that too I can.
Think of something that doesn't exist.
You can't, because it doesn't exist.
H.P. Lovecraft who has created some of the most bizarre images imaginable was even unable to create something that doesn't exist.
And I quote.
"It represented a monster of vaguely anthropoid outline, but with an octopus-like head whose face was a mass of feelers, a scaly, rubbery-looking body, prodigious claws on hind and fore feet, and long, narrow wings behind. This thing, which seemed instinct with a fearsome and unnatural malignancy, was of a somewhat bloated corpulence, and squatted evilly on a rectangular block or pedestal covered with undecipherable characters."
Cthulu is a very provocative and unique creature, to be sure, but even this seemingly wholly original being is based upon the recombination of traits observed in nature.
No one can think of something that doesn't exist because it doesn't exist.
You can try, but the fact is that the human brain is not capable of coming up with wholly original thoughts.
All ideas are based upon knowledge taken in and through experience.
So if the idea of the soul and the afterlife exists, where did it come from?
You can't just make up souls, you can't make up the concept of immortality.
And yes I did just apply Lovecraft to a conversation about theology.
Because there is no situation in which Lovecraft cannot provide answers. |
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RaveRaze Mana7 Dead

Joined: 30 Jun 2008 Posts: 6987
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Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 1:55 am
Well heres something, if one wondered what happened after someone died any number of possible ideas could come up. And since in those days the sky and sun were thought to be powerful beings and what not the idea could have stemmed from going to the sky a place of great power.
Also Lovecraftian work cant solve a math crisis |
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See? Popple
Joined: 30 Apr 2007 Posts: 14001
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Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 2:15 am
While there certainly are some beliefs that worshipped the sun that still doesn't really get to the real heart of the matter.
And that is why did they think someone would go on in the first place?
What evidence was there at the time for someone to deduce that claim?
Certainly our ancestors thousands of years ago did not hold the same level of intellect as we do now, but certainly they did not just make rash generalizations out of thin air.
Everything has a origin, and so far religion and the soul have been two of the most eluding answers.
It is simple not yet known where the ideas of such things came form. |
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Master of Puppets... The Chaos Heart
Joined: 17 Jul 2007 Posts: 4568
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Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 3:07 am
RaveRaze wrote: | KK first off im not one of those atheists that forces everyone to believe that theyre's no god, hell im not even an atheist. And with your entire point that atheists feel superior to everyone because they have facts and data is somewhat true depending on which person your talking too. Hell some religous people act superior to everyone because they have a god and shit like that. EG Hitler and the Jews (Im not gonna go into details about this cause im too lazy) And so id post more but ya I dont feel like it.
Post scriptum
You cant logically argue the existance of the soul, actually in one of the sub divisions of logic it could be argued i just dont know much about the sub divisions of logic.
Also TCH there is evidence of evolution, something about birds on separate islands and what not. |
That was found to be two different species of bird.
And evolution is not adaption. Adaption is the process one species goes through to adjust to it's surroundings, but that species stays the same species. So, there are hundreds of different types of cicadas in the world, but they are still cicada. Evolution is when a species becomes another species. So, again, a dog becoming a cat.
Again, I ask you, where are the middle stages? |
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RaveRaze Mana7 Dead

Joined: 30 Jun 2008 Posts: 6987
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Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 3:35 am
The Chaos Heart wrote: | RaveRaze wrote: | KK first off im not one of those atheists that forces everyone to believe that theyre's no god, hell im not even an atheist. And with your entire point that atheists feel superior to everyone because they have facts and data is somewhat true depending on which person your talking too. Hell some religous people act superior to everyone because they have a god and shit like that. EG Hitler and the Jews (Im not gonna go into details about this cause im too lazy) And so id post more but ya I dont feel like it.
Post scriptum
You cant logically argue the existance of the soul, actually in one of the sub divisions of logic it could be argued i just dont know much about the sub divisions of logic.
Also TCH there is evidence of evolution, something about birds on separate islands and what not. |
That was found to be two different species of bird.
And evolution is not adaption. Adaption is the process one species goes through to adjust to it's surroundings, but that species stays the same species. So, there are hundreds of different types of cicadas in the world, but they are still cicada. Evolution is when a species becomes another species. So, again, a dog becoming a cat.
Again, I ask you, where are the middle stages? | So the creature changed its physical form and its genetics so that it would pass those traits down to future generations and be improved and change more and more over over the course of a few thousand years and you still refuse to believe that such a thing as evolution is possible. Evolution doesnt happen in mere seconds it takes time, its not just you have a dog and then bam its a cat. No, the only reason animals evolve is by adapting. The reason some of the apes became humans is because they relied on tools while the others hunted and gathered *IN THEORY*. |
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