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Larry Koopa

Joined: 30 Apr 2007
Posts: 16957

HP: 35 MP: 1 Lives: 0

PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 5:46 pm   Reply with quote

Real Name: Sam
Breif description: Black Hair, brown eyes, a t-shirt, pants, (i wear pants all the time for some reason)
Digibutter person: Altair
Digibutter person description: Look up Assassins Creed. kthxbai
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Joined: 23 Aug 2007
Posts: 159

HP: 90 MP: 0 Lives: 0

PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 9:30 pm   Reply with quote

Real Name: Shadow
Breif description: Brown hair, crystal-purple eyes, red T-shirt, blue jeans, white shoes.
Digibutter person: Crystal
Digibutter person description: Teh Pink Duplioghost in Kit quizmo's Av.
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top minion tails

Joined: 13 May 2007
Posts: 13197

HP: 1 MP: 7 Lives: 2

PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 9:39 pm   Reply with quote

name:taylor[trully my name]
appearance:a bit skinny with brown hair and blue eyes ..also a bit of freckles add to the good looks
digibudai name:[changes a lot] specter,top minion tails, hyper metal sonic
digibudai appearance:usually has the same looks but can change into the different digibudai personas...hyper metal sonic is the goriest transformation.......top minion tails is just my normal looks with more abilities[such as growin tails and flyin]
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Tails Doll

Joined: 04 Jun 2007
Posts: 30513

HP: 100 MP: 3 Lives: 0

PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 12:05 am   Reply with quote

Real Name:The Ghost.
Breif description: Not telling, you perverts. How about a broken JPEG.
Digibutter person: BOB
Digibutter person description:lol
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Joined: 05 Jul 2007
Posts: 10649

HP: 4 MP: 7 Lives: 0

PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 1:42 am   Reply with quote

Real Name:(you don't have to use your REAL name, it's just your real life name for the rp) Flavio (Flavio is Flaivo, Flavio cannot pretend to be some one else when being Flavio. Flavio just confused the hell out of Flavio)
Breif description:
Digibutter person: Flavio
Digibutter person description:
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R!T!E!M! A store of pure win    
Token Nazi?

Joined: 01 Jul 2007
Posts: 6425

HP: 10 MP: 7 Lives: 1

PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 1:56 am   Reply with quote

Real Name: Lorenz
Brief Descripiton: Middle height, underweight, embodiment of wimpy, talk way too much in too high speed, total brainiac, tries to be funny. Hair: Street dog blonde. Eyes: blue-grey

Digibutter person: Zelnor

Digibutter person descripition: Due to my acute lack of self-esteem Zelnor is pretty much a Gary-Stu. Powerful, slightly build, you know. meh, I hate myself for hatin myself. (Lol wut ?) Details: Grey-white hair, Age 20 or so, one half of the face completely black with the eye pure white (FYI, I came up with Zelnors design before I ever saw Dimentio) other half normal skin, blue eye, runes tattoed in vertical lines around the eye, the broder between the black and the white half of the fach grows and shrinks with his mood, the more angry he is the farther the blackness spreads, the more relaxed or happy he is the more white is superior. (When he reaches total black he snaps, attacks everything in range and has kinda demonic eyes, when all's white he's just... meditational and kinda byakuganish) Because of that Zelnor learnt to control his emotions to a certain degree. Also his powers are tied directly to that. More black face: Stronger Shadow powers (mainly attacking), more white vice-versa (Mostly healing, illusion, illumination and attacking shadow beasts)
Oh and he has a jewel that marks the natural border between black and white on his forehead. Color: Ruby-red

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Twilit Mall: Zelnor Mart    
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