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Joined: 05 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 5:16 pm   Reply with quote

Mona was baffled.

"You...are me...? But...I'm me! ._."

"No, I'm YOU beyond the 4th Wall!" Mona twitched.

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Cashplx Land!    

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 5:17 pm   Reply with quote

"So, Megamaw, what shall we do to...
enslave.... a slave... this time?" Luke asked.
"Maybe we lure them with bowls of lotsa spaghetti,
but the bowls are actually bombs." Megamaw replied.
"Very creative!" Luke said.
"I'm going to put that into my first youtube poop." Megamaw replied to
his own plan.
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Knick-Knack Shack    
~A color is just a color~

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 5:31 pm   Reply with quote

I looked at the brunette with curiosity. Was he perhaps made up from the imagination of Haruhi...? Nevermind that was a stupid question...

"How did I gete here? I was walking to the park then when I took one small step into it... BANG here." His stupidity astounded me. I might as well walk him through something... Never mind he wouldn't understand. So I just stood there and cracked a small smile.
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The Carmadox Party    
Super Black Twilight

Joined: 28 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 5:51 pm   Reply with quote

Twi and Twails, Ight, and Lucas met up near RPOT. They wanted a get-together(it was Ight's idea), so there they were befo-

(((LULZ, the narrator couldn't keep up with what was happening.)))

???'s house
-re...dang, I need to start caching up on doilogue. Anway, BACK TO STORY!!!

All of them warped to a mysterious place. It seemed to be a computer room, in a house...
They looked in the direction of the voice, and found a teen, wearing a shirt that said "Wanna know how to keep a stupid person busy? (See front of shirt.)", laying face down on the ground.
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The Dark Hero Shop    
Francis, nametags dammit.
The Quiet.

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 8:24 pm   Reply with quote

Shade was...not at home.

Not even near home.

His entire army was gone.

He was standing next to a kid that had just died of fright, wearing a custom made T shirt that said "It sank"

No time to figure out who the kid was. This was a new realm. A new feeding ground. He started a summoning ritual to call a few minions to his location.

...nothing happened.

"The only time I have to be out of control..." The voice seemed to pulse through the entire room, not really coming from anywhere. The king of shadow was upset. So he decided to burn the kid.

Black flames erupted from the human corpse, devouring skin and whatever was nearby. The human's soul began to rise from the body, seeking shelter. Shade's eyes narrowed, and he shot out a beam of dark purple shadow. It caught the soul and channeled it into Shade's hand as a small orb of glowing, blue light.

The shadow lord stuffed it into his robes and moved on, exploring this new feeding ground.

(lolwut randomness)
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~A color is just a color~

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 8:08 pm   Reply with quote

[...Bump? ]
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The Carmadox Party    
Super ShadowArticuno

Joined: 10 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 9:57 pm   Reply with quote

It was a pretty sunny day. Blaze had found the last of the Sol Emeralds, so it was a day to celebrate. Link and Blaze impatiently waited for Shadow Articuno to meet them at the boundaries of the 4th wall, just outside Digibutter's role play area.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late, homework took too long," SA seemed short of breath.

"Well, do you want to see them or not?" Blaze held up a medium-sized box.

"I really don't think here is the best place to do tha--" Link's sentence was cut short. The emeralds flew out of the box, smashed into the wall SA had emerged from, and created a void.

"Well, I guess this is a sticky predicament..." was all that was heard before the void sucked the trio up.
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A Bucket of Stuff    
~A color is just a color~

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 10:43 pm   Reply with quote

I then counted my logic together. Perhaps I was in too much peace with the world and some how teleported here. It was the only explaination, but I'd explain that to the idiot later. I began to walk out of the park. If my hunch was correct, I'd end up where the human came from.

"Where are you going?" He called. No time to answer him. I looked over my shoulder and smiled. His face was pretty strange, yet it ingauged me still.

I stepped out of the area in which I thought was the park. My theory was correct, for I was at a large... BODY OF WATER?.

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The Carmadox Party    
Soul Reaper
Yamada Hanataro
Jailed Vampire Werewolf

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 6:46 pm   Reply with quote

Emiri Kimidori wrote:
I then counted my logic together. Perhaps I was in too much peace with the world and some how teleported here. It was the only explaination, but I'd explain that to the idiot later. I began to walk out of the park. If my hunch was correct, I'd end up where the human came from.

"Where are you going?" He called. No time to answer him. I looked over my shoulder and smiled. His face was pretty strange, yet it ingauged me still.

I stepped out of the area in which I thought was the park. My theory was correct, for I was at a large... BODY OF WATER?.


He stood alone atop a building and stared down. "hm....looks like their using toomuch energy...maibe I should drain it" said the mysterious charactor, as he pulled out a chip and exclamed"dark sword battle chip in download!" As his right arm turned into a sword while he chuckled diabolicaly.
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Alchemy slam.    
Super ShadowArticuno

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 7:19 pm   Reply with quote

Dark megaman wrote:
He stood alone atop a building and stared down. "hm....looks like their using toomuch energy...maibe I should drain it" said the mysterious charactor, as he pulled out a chip and exclamed"dark sword battle chip in download!" As his right arm turned into a sword while he chuckled diabolicaly.

Mona wrote:
Sign up first.

Meanwhile, Rob, SA's real life persona, woke up with a start. There was a purple cat and a swordsman in his room.

"WHAT THE HECK?" He collapsed in a heap on the floor from shock.
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A Bucket of Stuff    

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 7:30 pm   Reply with quote

Tessa frowned.

"Hmm...I guess you don't know much beyond the 4th Wall..." While Kaabii continued lying on the ground, Mona looked at the girl, puzzled.

"Well...I knew about it...but I didn't actually know it was real...Yeaaaaah."
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Cashplx Land!    
Tails Doll

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 7:30 pm   Reply with quote

Meanwhile, Meanwhile, Sandslash was sipping yet another soda from his grail, sitting on his personal chair within his not-so personal mansion within Texas. "Gee, it sure is boring around here."

Then Sableye, formerly and still an annoying bastard, sprung up. "Not my problem, fatass."

Sandslash gave the ghost Pokemon a glare, and then went to his kitchen to get another drink, but Sableye smacked the Digging pokemon unconscious, then proceeded to get a valuable unlit medieval cannon, lit it with one of his billion matches, then stuffed the fellow pokemon inside, and watched as a rudely awoken Sandslash flew out a window into the sunset sky.

"Ooh, it's my mansion now." Sableye then proceeded singing a bad parody of can't touch this.
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top minion tails

Joined: 13 May 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 7:36 pm   Reply with quote

Dark megaman wrote:
Emiri Kimidori wrote:
I then counted my logic together. Perhaps I was in too much peace with the world and some how teleported here. It was the only explaination, but I'd explain that to the idiot later. I began to walk out of the park. If my hunch was correct, I'd end up where the human came from.

"Where are you going?" He called. No time to answer him. I looked over my shoulder and smiled. His face was pretty strange, yet it ingauged me still.

I stepped out of the area in which I thought was the park. My theory was correct, for I was at a large... BODY OF WATER?.


He stood alone atop a building and stared down. "hm....looks like their using toomuch energy...maibe I should drain it" said the mysterious charactor, as he pulled out a chip and exclamed"dark sword battle chip in download!" As his right arm turned into a sword while he chuckled diabolicaly.
[is watching from the shadows]hmm...it seems that megatwerp succumbed to my virus...exellent...
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Super ShadowArticuno

Joined: 10 Jun 2007
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HP: 99 MP: 5 Lives: 0

PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 7:44 pm   Reply with quote

darksoul exe. wrote:
hmm...it seems that megatwerp succumbed to my virus...exellent...

OOC: Sign up and use novel form, dammit!

Last edited by Super ShadowArticuno on Tue Oct 30, 2007 8:52 pm; edited 1 time in total
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A Bucket of Stuff    
top minion tails

Joined: 13 May 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 7:52 pm   Reply with quote

ShadowArticuno wrote:
darksoul exe. wrote:
hmm...it seems that megatwerp succumbed to my virus...exellent...

OOC: Sign up and use script form, dammit!
ooc:i did sign up ...i can use any form i want...there are no restrictions

[falls from sky]auuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh![hits biggest pillow in digibudai]

[sees it] uhhhhhhh who are you and why do you look exactly liek me?

I was about to ask the same to you, strange sir....
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