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Psst... Die4Less Vampire
Joined: 02 Jul 2008 Posts: 3681
HP: 95 MP: 0 Lives: 2
Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 5:58 pm
Name: ShadowLord Species: Wraith Age: Too Old for Any of You Figure Out Sex: Male Dimensions: Height: 23'8" Weight: Impossible to Tell Weapons: Two Scythes, a Spell Book Containing Many Magic Spells from the Dark/Death Classes Along With a Few Other Select Spells Abilities: No One Has Lived to Tell Others What His Abilities are Strong Points: Really High Health, Really Good Magic Capabilities Weak Points: Attacks Are Slow and Easily Dodged Resistances: Immune To Poison, Disease, and Darkness/Death Magic Vulnerabilities: A Lost Journal Recovered Near the Site of a Death by ShadowLord Explains how Fire Magic is Really Effective Against Him Personality: Murderous, Vengeful Background: No Information Available |
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Gaseous Snake Airrider
Joined: 27 May 2007 Posts: 126
HP: 95 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 10:21 pm
(Guess I'll make her official here, then)
Name: Rain Hino Age: Unknown, physical age seems to be 15 or 16 Sex: Female Species: Celestial Being, classifies as a "Goddess" (low-level, exact level unknown, called on a technicality) Height: 5' 1'' Weight: 112 lbs. Weapons: A high-energy beam handgun and a smartphone with MeowMobile Anywhere Service (not necessarily a weapon, but a good tool nonetheless. And what's MeowMobile? You didn't think the company that made Francis' SecuriMeows just built robots, now didja?) Armor: Heavenly garb which flows and flutters with the air, her very long wings (to some degree) Abilities: She has an elemental affinity to lightning, letting her fire short-range lightning bolts and create short-lived shields. In some cases, she can charge up her electronic gizmos this way too. She has the precognition of a goddess, and long wings with a set of tail feathers that makes her a fantastic flyer and able to lift almost twice her weight once she starts flapping those wings. Strengths: Quick reflexes, clever in a pinch, has enthusiasm that rubs off on people, can drive/fly/pilot/etc. the living hell out of any vehicle. Affinity to lightning means she can cause damage to things that either cannot stand up to concentrated electrical or thermal damage. Even if she loses her eyeglasses, she can sense everything around her. Her smartphone gets good reception almost anywhere...pays to spend the extra cash for MeowMobile Anywhere Service! Weaknesses: Frail-bodied, and even if she's a celestial being, she's very weak physically. Her powers don't work past about a three-four yard radius, her long wings, tail feathers, and especially her hair are inviting things to grab. Once she's captured, that's it: she's not escaping in any acceptable time frame without a huge amount of guile or just help from friends. Cuteness and innocent, curious demeanor make her an easy target. And those eyeglasses are still kinda important...oh yeah, and she's...pink. Aggressively, obnoxiously pink. People have a hard time looking directly at her. Her clothes are usually pink and white, her skin has a healthy pink glow to it, her wings and feathers are all pure white, her eyes have hot pink irises, all the spells she casts, and especially her hair, reaching to her ankles and generally flying every which way whenever the wind picks up...she's just absolutely useless at anything involving stealth. Personality: Endlessly curious, tries to make friends wherever she goes, and is truly brave (Well, she'll have the whatsit scared outta her, but she'll do something anyhow even if it kills her). Easily distracted and overthinks whatever she doesn't bother to think through at all. Hobbies: Rain's great reflexes and her adventurous nature eventually got her involved in auto racing. She owns a host of fine ways to go fast and is a formidable competitor at amateur racing meets. Her pride and joy is a heavily-modified Sprinter (like the kind raced in the latest Mario Kart Grand Prix) with much more sensitive steering input, a body resembling a Watson 25 W16 Revenge and a much more powerful engine. Lore: Rain Hino was actually a human once; a budding sorceress whose purity of heart got her connected to the Goddess Relief Office. Her wish was to be a goddess to ascend to the highest levels of magical prowess, and quite simply, it was granted. Now she adventures and trains to become ever more powerful. It's still, uhh, a work in progress. |
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around the yoshi stone prince j'rata gaudin
Joined: 13 Jul 2007 Posts: 932
HP: 10 MP: 4 Lives: 0
Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 10:47 am
Name:prince j'rata guadin Age:14 Sex:m Species: guadin Height:6'4" Weight:200 pounds *well he is quite heavy in that armor* Weapons:a red he calls the dicer Armor:red gaudin armor Abilities:dice, in which he throws his dagger at the oponents laser, in which he shoots a green laser fire: a fire attack thunder: a thunder attack fira:strong fire attack thundera:strong thunder attack firaga:a really strong fire attack thundage: a really strong thunder attack Strengths:fire and thunder Weaknesses:water and ice respectively... also godmods. Personality: quite the proud one. he also likes machines Lore: prince j'rata, the heir to the throne, finds out that a person named ballos was about to try to take over the earth. so he teams up with shisanthi, a mimiga, arthur, jenka, and yanu, a sky dragon, to save the earth from ballos.
Last edited by prince j'rata gaudin on Fri May 15, 2009 2:11 pm; edited 3 times in total |
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Hylian_Pixl Lillian
Joined: 26 Jun 2008 Posts: 380
HP: 100 MP: 5 Lives: 0
Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 3:56 pm
Name: Lillian Age: 23 Sex: Female Species: Hylian Height: 5'8" Weight: 120 lbs Clothes: Purple dress Abilities: Can make light and darkness (depending on what time of day it is or where she is) into solid objects, though only discovered her power recently and isn't very good at it. Strengths: She is skilled in long range combat and can see well in darkness Weaknesses: Fire, heat, flames (you get the idea), and is nearly useless in close-range combat. Personality: Is usually kind, though she can get angry very quickly, and looses her patience quickly with stupid people. Lore: She was apperently the decendant of ancient Hylians. She lived a completely normal life up until she discovered her powers, and when she did, she decided to leave and start her own adventure, something she could brag about.
(Oh, and I created the purple Zelda with brown hair about two years ago to make it look like me using the Minish Cap Zelda sprite in paint. Strange, isn't it? Now it's in LoZ: TP and Brawl. O.O They're stealing my ideas!) |
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The Insane Procrastinator MadGamer316
Joined: 14 Aug 2008 Posts: 17
HP: 100 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 3:59 am
I am just going to put my post here and I will edit it tomorrow.(Its 4:53 in the morning here to make a character now would be dumb unless I was gonna call him SUPAR I CAN' SPEL MAHN!With the power to HAV ALWAYZ MOSTLEY BAD GRAMMAAR AND ALWAYZ DEFINALLY USE RUN ON SENETENCES!) |
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Crappiest Animator ever. Chaos-Stev-0
Joined: 17 Jun 2008 Posts: 5728
HP: 100 MP: 0 Lives: 10
Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:36 am
I've decided to give Role-playing another chance, so I created a new character: Name: Chao-Stev-0 (probably better off called Baby Stev-0) Age: 2 months Sex: Male Species: Chao Height: 1' 5" Weight: 15 pounds Weapons: Seems to carry a battle improved version of the "Chao Copy", which allows him to imitate any battle move he chooses after witnessing it being performed (or any type of movement for that matter), and can perform it flawlessly, similar to Kirby (down to the point of actually saying short phrases, such as Falcon Punch) and can even counter or dodge with ease, making him a suprisingly good fighter. Because of this, he can also make weapons appear Armor: Like all Chao, he is made out of liquid, thus making physical bleeding impossible. Abilities: Chao Copy, Bubble Gernade (copied from Skoproi's item in his shop), Light Shield (copied from Lillian whilest trying to protect him). Strengths: See abilities. Weaknesses: Because he is a baby, he tends to cry alot, and has a voracius appitiete, which could be used against him. Personality: Can be a bit michevious, and likes having company. Also enjoys annoying people, and when hungrey, steals food. Lore: He's a baby, what do you think? |
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Pokemon Nerd puppypaint
Joined: 28 Oct 2007 Posts: 1589
HP: 83 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:52 am
All posts as Scratch will be this color. All posts as Chime Boomer will be this color.
Name: Chime Boomer (chime for short) Age: both are one hundred human years, but that just means that they're young adults, probably twenty dragon years Sex: both female Species: both dragons Height: both about the same height as a human, for Chime it would be standing up, for Scratch it would be sitting down, and Scratch is also longer Weight: a whole lot. Nobody's ever weighed them, so nobody knows for sure. Chime is lighter, due to her smaller size Weapons: none Armor: scales Abilities: breathing fire, flying, telepathy- they generally communicate with each other with it, all my dragon alts will, but they still speak any other language to anything else, Scratch's telepathy is greater than Chime's since she has a better brain than most dragons, she also has a bit of telekenesis, though she doesn't know it yet Strengths: size and wit none really... Weaknesses: no specific weaknesses sensitive Personality: Scratch has amazing intelligence and a great curiousity for everything she does not know. Chime is very social. She's also quite vain and considers herself a queen. Lore: They're sisters. Before they grew into adults, they were Puppy's dragons, but they grew tired of being held back and ran off together. Though they still occasionally see Puppy, most role-plays won't have all of them together.
Last edited by puppypaint on Sun Aug 17, 2008 4:19 pm; edited 1 time in total |
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Psst... Die4Less Vampire
Joined: 02 Jul 2008 Posts: 3681
HP: 95 MP: 0 Lives: 2
Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 12:05 pm
Haven't Gotten Around to It So I Will Do It Now...
Name: Planet Meteo Age: As Old As the Universe Gender: N/A Species: Evil Planet Height: N/A (It's a Planet... Come On...) Weight: N/A (It's a Planet... Come On...) Weapon(s): Meteo Blocks Strengths: Large Size, Can Launch Large Amounts of Meteos At Once Weaknesses: Launched Meteos Personality: Destructful, Murderous Friends: N/A Enemies: All the Major Civilizations in the Universe Background: N/A |
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Chocolate Kirby Vampire
Joined: 14 Jul 2008 Posts: 719
HP: 100 MP: 10 Lives: 1
Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 5:39 pm
I'm deciding to RP in this forum a little:
Name: Cwis Age: Maybe about a month old (Kirby clone) Sex: Male Species: Kirby clone Height: However tall Kirby is. Weight: N/A Weapons: Steel Paddle Armor: none Abilities: He can speed up, slow down, or stop time with his ability scroll. He can't spam it because it uses up energy. Strengths: His temper can make him more motivated and powerful. Weaknesses: His temper can also confuse him. He can't breathe in space, so he uses a fish bowl helmet to breath. Personality: He's mean a lot to his enemies, sometimes his friends. He likes to make fun of people. He also swears a lot. Let's just say that he has a bad attitude. |
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Jolene Legendary Mashine
Joined: 29 Apr 2007 Posts: 6998
HP: 10 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 7:00 pm
Name: the creature, doesn't technically have one, but when Addy's around she calls him Cassie, sometimes he refers to himself as Cassie too Age: 28 Sex: male Species: barely human Height: 6' 1" Weight: 190 lbs Clothing: a loincloth, if anything. Strengths: immense physical strength Weaknesses: very limited mental capacity Hobbies: sex, food, eating things just to see what they taste like, fetching things; very easy to get rid of, will chase about anything you throw. Personality: very childlike, only thinks of himself but that's not a fault because he's only capable of thinking of himself and not developed enough to realize that other people have feelings too. he likes to find out new things by touch and taste, and for the most part does what he wants without paying attention to rules and social norms, which usually means he's groping attractive young women or putting things in his mouth and trying to swallow them. he gets hurt frequently from his own stupidity and has lots of scars and bruises. at first it seems like all he cares about is fulfilling his hunger and his libido, but if you spend enough time around him it almost seems as if what he's really looking for is someone to love him for who he is and take care of him. Lore: nobody knows why he is how he is, or where exactly he came from. he just shows up and tries to eat/have sex with/cling to whatever's around. to sum his personality and life up in one line, he's essentially an older baby/younger toddler in a grown man's body. |
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Crappiest Animator ever. Chaos-Stev-0
Joined: 17 Jun 2008 Posts: 5728
HP: 100 MP: 0 Lives: 10
Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 9:24 am
EDIT: Unoriginal Character, please ignore.
Last edited by Chaos-Stev-0 on Sun Aug 31, 2008 9:32 am; edited 1 time in total |
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Cid Lord Krump
Joined: 21 Apr 2007 Posts: 7880
HP: 60 MP: 2 Lives: 0
Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 9:27 am
StrawberryClock wrote: | Name: StrawberryClock Age: Early 20's Sex: Male Species: Clocktopian Height: 5' 6" Weight: 150 Weapons: B Armor: None. Abilities: Master of the fight style of Jeet Kun Do Strengths: Cannot be killed by most traditional method's of death. Power over B. Master of Jeet Kun Do Weaknesses: Is very persistant, and hard to break his spirit. Also somewhat immature. Personality: Immature, but strong-willed leader type. Lore: Leader of the Clock crew, he got bored of the glamorus life. He saw his friend OrangeClock trying out for the Clock Crew Fight Club, which, for once in his life, gave him a goal to follow. So he trained in a special fighting style he invented for great leaders who are "awesome" and began to train. Despite being the leader of Clocktopia, he is considered a "Noob" by some, such as ArticClock, who is the one watching his skills improve to see if he's ready to join the club. |
...that's a character over on Newgrounds. It's hard for StrawberryClock to fall under the "Original Character" category. |
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Crappiest Animator ever. Chaos-Stev-0
Joined: 17 Jun 2008 Posts: 5728
HP: 100 MP: 0 Lives: 10
Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 9:31 am
Oh wait......*crag* I'll just edit it. |
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Kamek Koopa Aran Ryan Vampire
Joined: 16 May 2007 Posts: 17259
HP: 95 MP: 2 Lives: 3
Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 10:00 am
Name: Sheena
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Species: Koopa
Height: About Mario's height
Weight: 120 pounds
Weapons: Wand and lots of voodoo dolls
Armor: None
Abilities: She can use any type of spell from the Magikoopa Troop and she uses a special kind of voodoo that is used by no one else but herself. She can even create very weird weather across the Bitlands and control it.
Strengths: She is as powerful as Grandmaster Magikoopa, Kammy Koopa, when it comes to using magic.
Weaknesses: She has emotional problems. Some can cause her to break down easily.
Personality: It changes. A lot. Normally, you see her as a psychotic witch. But sometimes, she's calm.
Lore: Sheena was only ten when she first learned magic from her Magikoopa parents. By the age of twelve, her parents were killed in a car accident and Sheena was the only one to survive. She walked through the streets, learning new spells and types of magic. She then grew into witchcraft and voodoo. Some years later, she began to torture her victims with voodoo and magic. She became recognized as a big threat and is meant to be taken very seriously if encountered.
Last edited by Aran Ryan on Sun Nov 09, 2008 8:35 am; edited 1 time in total |
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A dude with blond hair. Ultigonio
Joined: 01 Sep 2008 Posts: 132
HP: 10 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 7:50 pm
Name: Ultigonio
Age: Earth-years: 13-14
Sex: Male
Species: Angel
Height: 5'9''
Weight: 116 lbs.
Weapons: A steel long-sword. It's secured around his sash when not in use, and sheathed with a charm (the magical kind of charm, mind you).
Armor: Enchanted Robes. They are great for protecting against stabbing attacks, but don't do so well against slashes. These also help moderate body temperature quite well.
Abilities: An amateur pyromancer and newb at telekinesis, Ultigonio also has a few charms (simple spells) at his disposal. These include temporary barriers, injury healing (in practice), and etc. He can also use his wings to fly.
Strengths: His robes protect against stabbing attacks very effectively. He's good at deflecting attacks related to fire or heat. Because his robes are good at moderating temperature, he rarely gets frozen. It would have to be pretty dang cold. He's also quite fast. If his wings are not too damaged, they heal very quickly.
Weaknesses: Slashing attacks are bad for him. He's also not that strong, so brute force can take him out if he's not quick enough. Ultigonio's wings are also quite sensitive to deep cuts. If his wings are badly damaged, he not only loses the ability to fly, but also loses a lot of his agility.
Personality: His trust is nearly impossible to gain. He's kind and easy to befriend (if your not some evil dude), and despite being distrustful, he's quite easygoing.
Lore: Because of drama on earth, Ultigonio was reborn there. Because his parents found this name so bizarre, they decided to nickname him Collin. He has stuck with this name and doesn't tell anyone his real name until he truly trusts that person. He keeps his wings invisible most of the time, and keeps his halo invisible even more often. His halo blocks out foreign brainwaves, so don't even think about it. |
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