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Blue Eyes wins.
Captain Blue

Joined: 21 May 2007
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HP: 95 MP: 10 Lives: 2

PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 12:13 pm   Reply with quote

Character Name: Solid Snake
Game Series: Metal Gear
Fighting Style: Similar to sheik.
Attacks: Cypher (B+Up) Hand Grenade (B) Nikita Missile (B+Left or Right)
Sample RP Post: As Snake watched the other contestants battling for supremacy, he was waiting underneath his cardboard box for the right moment to strike. In the meantime, watching them would let him study his opponents and learn how to beat them.
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Joined: 05 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 5:38 pm   Reply with quote

Character Name: Ashley

Game Series: WarioWare

Fighting Style: Magic

Size - **
Weight - **
Power - *****
Speed - ****
Jump - ****

Attacks: Hex (B), Fire Burst (Down+B), Levitation (Up+B), Veil (Side+B).

Sample RP post: Completely unrelated to this plot...at least the first half or so...

Ashley didn't believe in fear. At least, her being afraid of anything. She didn't understand why other people got scared at all. It was a worthless emotion...yet for some reason, she wished for it. She wished to experience emotions like others, but couldn't find herself to do it. Ashley had a personality that matched no other...but she sometimes felt out of character.

What was it that clouded her mind? Thoughts of someone...yes...That person made her heart beat in a rapid cadence when she saw him, but she didn't know why. Was it love?

Ashley didn't understand what love was, so she couldn't say yes...or no. If only she knew what love felt like...She just needed something to take her mind off of it all...

"...In other news, the newest fighting tournament is beginning soon. People from all around the world have appeared at Smash Mansion, the basic meeting and living place of these 'Smashers'." Ashley peered into the room next to her, where Red was watching the News on TV.

"...It is said there's not much time left for more newcomers to join, so if you're willing to take the risk, hurry up!" Ashley raised an eyebrow.

"A...distraction..." Ashley stepped into the room.

"RED!" Red fell over in an anime fashion.

"I SWEAR I DIDN'T DO IT. ;;" Ashley shook her head.

"I have something else in mind..."

It's time for Ashley to join the Brawl!
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Cashplx Land!    
I see what you are doing.
Lord Vaati

Joined: 19 May 2007
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HP: 99 MP: 10 Lives: 0

PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 7:51 pm   Reply with quote

I guess I'll use Meta-Knight but some of his info is a mystery.
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Dark World Shop of Magic    
Celeste Dimentia

Joined: 03 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 8:35 pm   Reply with quote

Heheh, people are using my epic tagline at the end of their submission posts now. Razz
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Dimension D    

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 8:38 pm   Reply with quote

Chaos Dimentio wrote:
Heheh, people are using my epic tagline at the end of their submission posts now. Razz

That's because it's epic...
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Cashplx Land!    
Francis, nametags dammit.
The Quiet.

Joined: 05 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 9:03 pm   Reply with quote

Name: Wire Frame

Game to Fame: Smash bros brawl

Fighting style: hand to hand, for the most part.

Wire Frame was sitting in the waiting room in Smash mansion, the location of the biggest fighting event in the last century. The walking cage twiddled his "thumbs" as he sat in one of the very relaxing chairs lining the large room. The only thing this chair did was flatten his pixels.

The wire stood up, stretched his lines back to lines (the chair had squished them into crumpled zig-zags) and decided to go try out one of the many practice rooms. He chose the sandbag room.

Frame entered the room and saw it expanded for about a mile. The floors were a soft, green grass and the walls were a light brown, with lights every few yards on the ceiling. A lone sandbag stood in the middle of the room.

The wire frame instantly turned into a cat shaped form and ran at the bag. He slammed into it, and the bag when soaring upward. The frame shifted back into a humaniod shape, this time with a rocket launcher, and fired. The rocket was made of frames as well, and slammed into the sandbag. It flew even higher.

The pixelated man's legs shifted into a spring, and he jumped high up into the air. When level with the bag, he started punching, leftrightleftrightleftright. His arms melted into a single arm with a boxing glove on the end. He slammed this arm into the bag. It went racing across the room, slamming into the wall and leaving a slight crack.

"not bad," the frame thought to himself. "if this is the practice ring, I can't wait to see the solid competition."
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Blue Eyes wins.
Captain Blue

Joined: 21 May 2007
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HP: 95 MP: 10 Lives: 2

PostPosted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 9:35 am   Reply with quote

OOC: WHAT ABOUT ME?! Solid snake has appeared via brawl trailers! Come on!
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Joined: 05 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 3:20 pm   Reply with quote

Can Flavio play a non-Super Smash Bros. charecter?
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R!T!E!M! A store of pure win    
? Block
Fancy Wario

Joined: 18 Apr 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 3:37 pm   Reply with quote

Flavio wrote:
Can Flavio play a non-Super Smash Bros. charecter?

As long as they've appeared in any form in an SSB game, it's fine.
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Blue Eyes wins.
Captain Blue

Joined: 21 May 2007
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HP: 95 MP: 10 Lives: 2

PostPosted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 5:31 pm   Reply with quote

But WHAT ABOUT Snake?! D: <
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? Block
Fancy Wario

Joined: 18 Apr 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 5:58 pm   Reply with quote

Fancy Wario wrote:
I'll start once we have at least five people, not including myself.

There's only one restriction on the characters you can be: they MUST have appeared in a Smash Bros. game in some form, be it in the background, as trophy, as a playable character, etc. NO EXCEPTIONS. If you choose an overly powerful character, they WILL be nerfed.

Restricted characters:
Master Hand (I can have him, since he's the driving force of the story =P)
Crazy Hand
Giga Bowser
Ancient Minister

In addition, I expect a certain quality of writing. If you do not meet my standards, you won't be allowed to join. Don't worry, you don't have to write a novel; just prove to me that you can RP well.

Character Name
Game Series
Fighting Style (Speedy, powerful, etc.)
Sample RP post

I will be playing as Master Hand, as I mentioned earlier.

Accepted people:

Fancy Wario (Master Hand)
Piccolo the Pixl (Ike)
Simsmagic (Sonic)
Chaos Dimentio (Link)
Mona (Ashley)
Paper Luigi (Pokemon Trainer)
Black Twilight (Mr. Resetti)
The Quiet. (Wire Frame)

If you want, you can resubmit your sample post.
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Blue Eyes wins.
Captain Blue

Joined: 21 May 2007
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HP: 95 MP: 10 Lives: 2

PostPosted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 6:05 pm   Reply with quote


Sample RP Post:

Snake's Codec rang as he was resting. Answering it, he heard Colonel Campbell. "Snake, we've got a new mission for you." Snake sighed. "I'm not taking out any more Metal Gears, Shagohods, OR monkeys!" "It's not like that, Snake. We're giving you a once-in-a-lifetime chance to make a name for yourself as a third-party character." "Third party?" "Do you know about Nintendo's Super smash bros series?" "Yeah. That fighting game with tons of nintendo characters. What about it?" "Well, it seems we've been given permission to send you in. This is a perfect chance to show the world what you're made of. What do you say, Snake?" "Where do I go to fight?" "We'll send you a Hind D to take you to the battlefield." "Copy that. Snake out."

How about that, Fancy Wario?
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? Block
Fancy Wario

Joined: 18 Apr 2007
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HP: 69 MP: 8 Lives: 1

PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 8:35 pm   Reply with quote

Good enough, I suppose.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 3:24 pm   Reply with quote

Character Name: Zelda

Game Series: Legend of Zelda

Fighting Style: Magic-enhanced movements, subtle. Able to transform into Sheik, who was fast and nimble movements.

Zelda stats:
Size - ***
Weight - **
Power - ****
Speed - ***
Jump - ***

Sheik stats:
Size - ***
Weight - **
Power - **
Speed - *****
Jump - *****

Zelda attacks: Nayru's Love (B), Transform (Down+B), Farore's Wind (Up+B), Din's Fire (Side+B).

Sheik attacks: Needle Storm (B), Transform (Down+B), Vanish (Up+B), Chain (Side+B)

Sample RP post: "And who might you be?" she asked the man before her. Of course he wouldn't recognise her... With her flat chest and covered face, the man would have no way to determine even her gender, let alone her identity. Yes, this disguise was perfect for any occasion...

Especially this occasion. Supposedly there were rumours spreading among the villagers, concerning the Royal Family. Given the possibilities of a coup, Zelda had gone incognito to determine the severity.

This man, though... He didn't carry any useful information, she could tell this from the first glance. From the dim look in his eyes to his unshaven and unwashed face, this man would be useless to her. Dangerous, potentially... As soon as the man made an unexpected move, she sprinted by him. His weight made it impossible for him to keep up, and Zelda brought herself to safety. Or well, safety... She was probably safe back there, but why take the risk?

She did find herself in an odd enviroment, though... Complete darkness, even though it was late in the morning. The trees she had previously walked by had disappeared, and so had the very ground beneath her feet. What is going on here...? she thought, not knowing that this was manipulation from Master Hand...
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Leader of team starfox
Super Fox McCloud

Joined: 13 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 11:51 am   Reply with quote

Character name: Fox

Game Series: Starfox

Fighting Style: Speed


Attacks: blaster(B), deflector, (Down+B), firefox(Up+B) fox illusion(Side+B)

sample RP post: Upon returning to the Great Fox, Falco handed Fox a letter. He took a good look at it and saw no address on it, just a symbol. Fox opened the letter and it read:
Dear Fox,
You are invited to join a third-party fighting tournament with new fighters, new items, and new arenas. Some fighters you will remember as old friends. The tournament will be held tonight.Be there!
After reading the letter, he knew the locations by heart and dashed to his arwing.He took off saying "Its that time again".
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