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Blue Eyes wins. Captain Blue
Joined: 21 May 2007 Posts: 15314
HP: 95 MP: 10 Lives: 2
Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 2:31 pm
Ivan's cell phone rang. He answered it and spoke in a serious tone. "Speak." It was a call from his boss. "Listen up 'Ghost'. We've got a client for you. This one's from The Federation. According to them, a gang of Space Pirates is planning to assassinate General Arvo, who is a space pirate, but is with The Federation. The General does not know that you're going to be protecting him, so I would strongly advise against letting your presence be known. Your payment for this is 600 thousand space credits, and there is an additional 50 thousand bonus per space pirate killed. You have the Federation's support if things get out of hand, but their aid will be deducted from your pay. Good luck." Before hanging up, Ivan replied with "The Diablo has been destroyed to remove my existence. I'll need something to drive back to town. Send the Hayabusa." Ivan then hung up his cell phone and reached under his chair. He pulled out a briefcase, which held his WA2000 sniper rifle. He holstered the Gold Desert eagle and changed into a blue bomber jacket, blue jeans, black steel-toe shoes, and dark blue beret. Satisfied with a less-conspicuous look, he took his rifle case and walked outside to find the motorcycle he asked for in front of the shack.
( http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/15/2007SuzukiGSX1300R-001.jpg ) |
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The Transfigured Buizel Champiness
Joined: 15 Jul 2007 Posts: 1391
HP: 10 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 6:31 pm
Name: Filipio Jean-Andrè Species: Human Age: 22 Gender: Male Description/Appearance: Dark, Wavy, Hair, and a Dark, Stylish Coat. Weapons: A Wristband that expands into a Samus-Esque suit, complete with an arm cannon. Alliance: Galactic Federation, as he's a Bounty Hunter Working specifically for them. Special Abilities: Use of above wristband. Other Items: His Federation-Approved Starship, the Aurora. Bio: Filipio was originally a rogue French Bounty Hunter, until the Galactic Federation recognized his ability and employed him. He's still pretty much independent, but the Federation provides most of his equipment and, in return, he does whatever they ask. ((Is this okay?)) ~~~ Filipio was just gunning his Motorcycle when the Messenger on his Wristband let off its "Message Recieved" tone. He pressed a few buttons on the touch screen, and, unsurprisingly, up came the image of his Superior, Captain Fleerey. "Bon Dieu, Fleerey, would you mind not calling every eighteen seconds? I was just on my way to a relaxing evening at home." "Well, we'll see how relaxing that'll be when you're out of a job, Andrè. I've got an important job for you right there on Earth. Our sources have tracked down at least one of our target Bounty Hunters to the General District you're in. Your job is to track her down and deliver our message." "Any details I can use to identify her by?" "Well, she's part Angeli, so it shouldn't be to hard to locate her. I'll send you her approximate coordinates." "All right. Give my regards to Lina." And with that, Fleerey's image dissapeared from the screen, as a small metal wire snaked out of the wristband and into a port on his cycle. In no time, the cycle was buzzing off on autopilot towards this New Bounty Hunter. "Mon Dieu, this is starting to get tiresome..." |
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Blue Eyes wins. Captain Blue
Joined: 21 May 2007 Posts: 15314
HP: 95 MP: 10 Lives: 2
Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 6:38 pm
Ivan rode his motorcycle to the city and parked it on the outskirts of town. He then walked past The Federation General with his rifle briefcase, which although unable to be scanned or found by metal detectors, has a strange insignia that caused some suspicion. ( http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/90/Hit_Logo_bloodmoney.jpg ) |
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Strawberry-san Celeste Dimentia
Joined: 03 Jul 2007 Posts: 11104
HP: 100 MP: 0 Lives: 3
Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 6:39 pm
Two space pirates, Morgrim and Kleptis, were standing in a rather dull room that whirred with the electronic hum of machinery. A large screen displaying a map of the base was set into one of the walls, the only source of light in the dark chamber. It was just then that the pair heard the alarm sound, and Kleptis raised his weapon. "That's the intruder alarm... let's go," he said quickly. Morgrim nodded, readying his own. "The intruder won't know what hit him," he laughed. It was the last thing he said; a thin red beam seared through his head, and he fell. He was dead before he hit the ground. "Hey!" Kleptis raised his weapon in alarm, looking up at the shadowy ceiling. His visor, able to see in the dark, could make out nothing. Just to be sure he fired off his weapon in the general direction of the shot's source. Nothing came of it, and he turned, preparing to set off from the chamber. He turned and instead came face to face with Exodus, who thrust his sword-like appendage into the pirate's insufficiently armored form, goring him through the chest. Kleptis fell dead alongside his fallen partner. Exodus screeched quietly, a malevolent sound of what seemed to be pleasure for his kill. His head turned, his gaze fixing upon the map of the base. He continued to look at it for a moment, then set off through an open doorway and deeper into the base, seeking his true prey... |
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? Block Fancy Wario
Joined: 18 Apr 2007 Posts: 13463
HP: 69 MP: 8 Lives: 1
Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 7:02 pm
Arvo narrowed his eyes at the man passing by him. For some reason, something about him didn't seem quite right...
Either way, he had finished what he had come here for. He began the walk back to the ship. |
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Blue Eyes wins. Captain Blue
Joined: 21 May 2007 Posts: 15314
HP: 95 MP: 10 Lives: 2
Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 7:09 pm
Ivan quickly ran up to a rooftop and unpacked his sniper rifle from the suitcase. He sweeped the area and found his targets: a small gang of space pirates in disguise heading toward the General. "The targets are here...now for my marksmanship." Ivan aimed carefully at the space pirate in the back, and headshot him carefully. Since the rifle was completely silent no one heard the shots as he reloaded the rifle due to its bolt-action customization. He aimed and shot another, then reloaded and did another, and another, leaving one last space pirate, who had made it very close to the General. "Crap!" He headshot the Space pirate, but in the chest, making it cry out in pain and alert everyone in the area to the space pirate and its comrade's deaths. Ivan quickly took apart his rifle and put it back in the rifle case, walking back past Arvo and attempting to look casual. |
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Joined: 30 May 2007 Posts: 8580
HP: 78 MP: 4 Lives: 0
Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 7:11 pm
Riding into her driveway, Julia parked her motorcycle in her garage shack. She unlocked her back door and walked inside, fiddling with the wad of cash in her pocket.
This should get a good supply of gin, along with the necessities, she thought to herself, placing both her own gun and the new one on the kitchen counter.
Grabbing the milk carton out of the old chiller, she peered out the window into the backyard. Her ship rested idly on its platform, only knowing Earth and Mars. Her last job had brought her to the Red Planet, a quick half hour flight from here.
She finished off the milk, threw the carton out, and went to her bedroom to stash the money away. |
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? Block Fancy Wario
Joined: 18 Apr 2007 Posts: 13463
HP: 69 MP: 8 Lives: 1
Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 7:17 pm
Arvo knew that voice - it was the distinctive gutteral snarl of a Space Pirate.
"They followed me here," he muttered. For the thousandth time, he cursed his unusable legs, and made his wheelchair go as fast as he could make it. Simultaneously, he got out his radio.
"General Arvo to G.F.S. Scheria. The Space Pirates followed us. Repeat, the Space Pirates followed us. Assume combat-ready positions. Do not let them reach the cargo hold!" |
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Blue Eyes wins. Captain Blue
Joined: 21 May 2007 Posts: 15314
HP: 95 MP: 10 Lives: 2
Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 7:22 pm
Ivan then realized that he forgot that the space pirate he didn't headshot possibly called for backup. "CRAP!" He started running back up to his sniping spot, only to find a crew of 12 space pirates there, ready to ambush him! "Damn!" Ivan drew his gold desert eagle and unloaded his clip of 7 shots upon them, thus causing 7 dead space pirates dead due to headshot. However, due to the gold desert eagle not being silenced, his gunshots were heard by everyone as he reloaded. |
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The Transfigured Buizel Champiness
Joined: 15 Jul 2007 Posts: 1391
HP: 10 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 6:30 pm
((I'm trying to be as nonstereotypical as possible. It doesn't seem to be working well. -_-))
Filipio pulled up to a rather innocent-looking house. "Sacré Bleu, she lives here?" he wondered in amazement. He knew he couldn't be surprised, though. He knew from firsthand experience that most of the things Bounty Hunters did were illegal in one way or another. If she was going to live a lavish lifestyle on the money she earned, eventually somebody would wonder about her means of support, and that would lead to some uncomfortable questions, and that would lead to breaking down emotionally at the worst possible time. Of course, if you were resourceful enough, like him, you could turn the threat of severe legal action into a whole new branch of work. But he knew that most Bounty Hunters weren't resourceful like him. It was better to join the Feds on the straight and narrow, or, if you disliked them enough, simply lay low and live on the necessities. "Well, let's do this." he said, shaking off his musings. And with that, he walked up to the door. |
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Joined: 30 May 2007 Posts: 8580
HP: 78 MP: 4 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 9:16 pm
Just as she was changing out of her clothes for bed, there was a rap on the front door. She sighed, just pulling on a pair of shorts and a tank top, and answered the door. Julia shuffled her wings, reordering the feathers just to make them look presentable.
"Yes?" she asked, exasperated. Who would bother her at this time of the night? She glanced at the man, and gasped softly. Why was the Federation asking for her? |
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The Transfigured Buizel Champiness
Joined: 15 Jul 2007 Posts: 1391
HP: 10 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 6:24 am
Francine wrote: | Just as she was changing out of her clothes for bed, there was a rap on the front door. She sighed, just pulling on a pair of shorts and a tank top, and answered the door. Julia shuffled her wings, reordering the feathers just to make them look presentable.
"Yes?" she asked, exasperated. Who would bother her at this time of the night? She glanced at the man, and gasped softly. Why was the Federation asking for her? |
"Don't worry, I know what you're thinking," Filipio replied. "I'm not here to enact any form of punishment. However..." |
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Blue Eyes wins. Captain Blue
Joined: 21 May 2007 Posts: 15314
HP: 95 MP: 10 Lives: 2
Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 8:54 am
Following his reload, Ivan was trapped. If he attempted to run away, he would be captured by The Federation. If he stayed and killed the remaining Space Pirates, he'd have Federation soldiers shooting at him. His mission was compromised no matter what he did, so he decided to take the strongarm approach and continued firing at the Space Pirates. |
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Joined: 30 May 2007 Posts: 8580
HP: 78 MP: 4 Lives: 0
Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 5:55 pm
"However..." She circled her hand, beckoning him to keep speaking. Still, she wondered why the Federation would even bother a very small time bounty hunter such as her if she hadn't committed any large crimes or was a fugitive. |
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I don't have a title. Gold Prognosticus
Joined: 02 Oct 2007 Posts: 2182
HP: 100 MP: 1 Lives: 1
Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 9:09 am
Hunter X sped through the city in his ship. Everything had been destroyed. As a looked around, he saw glimpses of strange, blurred, black creatures. Spectres - Shadow formes them whenever he absorbs a new soul. They are near replicas of the originals, only shadowy and evil. As he progressed further into the city, he felt a thump, and everything shook. The city had been detached and was falling into the planet! Hunter X continued moving, as there was one way of escape... |
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