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PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 4:41 pm   Reply with quote

Vid Inferno wrote:
I just read the topic thing you posted, I would like to join. Unfortunately, I only know that Mona and Princess Rosetta was captured (I knew that before the http://digibutter.nerr.biz/viewtopic.php?t=26964&highlight= topic) so I'll enter the RP as an unknowing character, who finds out about the kidnapping and wasts to save them.

Character: Vid Inferno
Basic look: http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc244/Vid_Inferno/SMBZMarioSpritesheet-Perfect2-1.png
(Until I get my new spritesheet)

*Wanders into the area, hearing yelling 5 minutes ago*
Huh, what is going on?

1: This is Novel form, plx.

2: Since we're already in the Void, new people will start out in Subcon, and notice the staircase. You'll see people from there.


It started out as randomness when Wanda disappeared. Princess Rosetta got brainwashed, and the only way to return to normal was to say "Jack of Candles", making her vanish. Mona was explaining it, and accidentally said "Jack of Candles" as well, making her disappear, which left Cardcaptor Sakura as my sole character. She decided to solve this problem by asking the others. But then Mona found a way to communicate, and claimed something ELSE was going on, and it involved Subcon and a Void. They all were in in Subcon, looking for the portal to this Void, so they can stop whoever is causing all of this and rescue Mona and Princess Rosetta. A staircase leading to it appered, and they have just found Mona. Or...half of her?
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Blue Eyes wins.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 4:45 pm   Reply with quote

Ivan moved Sakura's sword away from 'Mona'. "I think I have figured this out. There are two sides to every person, like the two sides of a coin. And since this one is in unusually dark attire, this is the not-so-good side of Mona. There cannot be good without evil, which means if we kill this one, the light version of mona will die too. I think I can figure out what to do from here, but I think we should all have a quick meal and plan together." He then pulled out two bottles of survival pills (http://baproducts.com/survtabs.htm) and 8 Hooah bars (http://www.imsplus.com/ims48.html). He distributed the bars evenly, giving sakura the remaining ones. He himself just took 2 survival pills and half of one hooah bar.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 4:50 pm   Reply with quote

Sakura stuffed the items in the ever-enviable Hammerspace.

"I don't get it...If you're Evil Mona then...why aren't you trying to kill us like all of those other villains?" she asked, still not letting her guard down.

"Simple. Each of you have a purpose here. Two purposes, but we prefer our needs before yours."

"Wait, what are you---" Suddenly, 'Mona' disappeared.

"Wh-where'd she go?!"
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Blue Eyes wins.
Captain Blue

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 4:52 pm   Reply with quote

Ivan looked down at where 'Mona' was, seeing what appeared to be the burnt remains of a card. He handed it to sakura. "Recognize it?"
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 4:58 pm   Reply with quote

Sakura studied it carefully, noticing the name.

"...The Void...? That's not a Clow Card or Sakura Card...Maybe it has something to do with this whole thing...

She paused and looked at the back of the card.

"...It's signed." she began. "...But not by me."

Slowly, Sakura turned over the card, allowing Ivan to see the name 'Princess Rosetta' signed with a strange light blue material.
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Blue Eyes wins.
Captain Blue

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 5:02 pm   Reply with quote

"So Rosetta is connected to the disappearances. That's for sure. How she's involved is unknown, though: She could be making them disappear, or may be under someone else's control. Either way, these cards must allow them to transport themselves. If we could make a card just like it, maybe we could find them! Can you do it Sakura?"
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 5:09 pm   Reply with quote

Sakura shook her head.

"In my whole lifetime, I've only been able to create one card on my own, and it was on accident. However, I can tell that The Void isn't actually a card. It's more like...a key. To open something. Except it can only be worked by Princess Rosetta. But I don't see why...she didn't seem evil." she sighed.

"I guess it's always the quiet ones." Sakura shrugged.
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Blue Eyes wins.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 5:26 pm   Reply with quote

"So it looks like we'll just have to find another way in. I think I've got an interesting idea. Do you have any cards that can let you keep track of someone? You know, such as a trail of light or a connection to them somehow? If so, one of us could purposely be captured and lead the rest to everyone. I'll be willing to go. If I can't reveal its location, at least I can help by making noise with my gun. The desert eagle is one very loud gun. Maybe that will help. Regardless, I guess its all up to you." He then took another survival pill and sat down. He attached a laser sight underneath the slide of the gun and removed the night-vision scope.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 5:30 pm   Reply with quote

"Hmm...a trail of light?" Sakura pulled out The Shot and The Dash.

"Shot! Aim at...the REAL Mona! Dash! Give us your power! RELEASE!" with a flash of light, The Shot zipped around corners at gunshot speeds. Sakura winked.

"Hope you're fast!" she commented as she followed it with the speed of The Dash.
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Blue Eyes wins.
Captain Blue

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 5:47 pm   Reply with quote

Ivan took out a small syringe filled with adrenaline. "This is my only one. Hope it works." He injected it into his neck. Energy surged through him as he ran at high speeds to the point where he was practically next to Sakura. He followed her at this speed. (ooc: super adrenaline rush o.o)
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 6:05 pm   Reply with quote



"Shot! Return to the guise you were meant to be in!" The Shot disappered moments before impact with the startled Mona, who was in the correct clothing, indicating she was the real one.

"Sakura?! ...Other guy I don't know yet?! What---are you doing here?!"

"We're here to rescue you, Rosetta, and the world...I guess. You didn't give many details..." Mona paused.


"Yeah, what happened to her...?" Mona looked down.

"...I don't remember. But she said something about Frozenwinters..."

There was some silence.

"...Can we go now?" Sakura shook her head.

"No way! We have to stop the Void and rescue Rosetta!"

"Sakura...guy I still don't know...Rosetta...sacrificed herself...to seal The Void..." Sakura handed Mona The Void, making sure she saw the signed side. Mona nodded.

"Yeah...I remember this thing. After Princess Rosetta gave up herself...this floated to the ground. I remember grabbing it, but then there was only darkness. Next thing I knew, I was face to face with myself...I didn't know what to do, so I ran off, and I guess you distracted her..." she said softly as she returned the card to Sakura.

"So what you're saying...is that...either way, we were too late?"

"...I guess so..."
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Blue Eyes wins.
Captain Blue

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 6:12 pm   Reply with quote

Ivan stopped, catching his breath after the adrenaline wore off. "So they're lost forever?! DAMN IT!" In his frustration, he aimed his desert eagle at the moon and fired 7 shots, emptying his clip in the process. He then reloaded his gun. Seconds after reloading his gun, however, he looked back at the moon. It was cracked from the gunshots!
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 6:32 pm   Reply with quote

"I don't know what others you're talking about Guy I Still Don't Know, but I do know that Princess Rosetta was our only victim here..." Mona explained. Sakura looked down, and then towards The Void card.

"Well...I suppose we could find a way to reverse this...but not today..." she announced. Mona turned towards her.

"...For now, we should get back to everyone else, and let them know at least YOU'RE okay..."

"...Yeah, I guess..."

{{End of Plot???}}

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Blue Eyes wins.
Captain Blue

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 6:34 pm   Reply with quote

Ivan sighed. "I'm Ivan Raidenovitch Raikov. This is me in my human body. You know me as Polly the parrot, pet of Maya Fey. And Sakura, how exactly can we get her to the others...and did you check out the moon?"
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 8:39 pm   Reply with quote

Frozenwinters woke up. His small ice heart beating twice as fast as what if of should. "Where is Princess Rosetta?." He looked around seeing no one around. "WHERE IS PRINCESS ROSETTA!?!?!" Tears flowed down his cheeks, that slowly turned into small diamonds on the ground.
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