Welcome nagaitomoka to the place of insanity. Before I leave you alone let me tell you about this place.
I am Vaati the Prince of Darkness. If I had the power to do so my username would insead be Vaati Picoru. I was originally a Minish mage but after I stole the Cap of Wishes I became a powerful Hylian sorcerer that has unlimited spells and power.
To certain people who are like me tend to think being called insane is a complement.
If you want to try the business side of Digibutter the Black Market is the perfect place to start and if your feeling very confident you can create your own shop and sell your own items, though there is not much to make yet but it's still possible to get profit.
There is a rumor that something special happens when you become one of the top ten richest users.
Now before I forget This place is full of insanity because of some of my past actions so you need to leave you sanity at the Sanity Day Care Center at the entrance.
Now for some not so important things.
If you stay inactive for too long you will be hit by stones that will be thrown at you by me.
If you want to be a vampire just ask someone who is a vampire to bite you or if you want to be a vampire and be at full health just ask me I'll do a few things to you and you will become a vampire and will be at full HP.
If you like many cheap spells my shop is the perfect place.