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Ho-ly CRAP! God, this is HILARIOUS! [M-rated opinions]
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Mister I

Joined: 22 Apr 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 5:34 pm   Reply with quote

Digibutter's so far down its own hole it's practically Chinese! It's so far in its own closet, it's finding Christmas Presents! It makes shit, eats shit, talks shit, and becomes shit, and quite frankly, I've had it with my favorite site covering me neck-high in shit.

I just looked at the current cookies. There are four, since two are given to the same person. The last one is Shrowser's Wario Joker art, which I found to be humorous and overall well-made. Good work, Shrowser, keep it up with that rather than the insults you're also pretty well-known for. Really, honestly, I was impressed.

Then...you know, let's skip the next two and just go on to one by Arson. It's just a single thing that says EPIC. If that were ANYWHERE but OT, it would be considered spam. But to cookie it? To support spam? HO-LY-SHIT! That is just a...just...GOD, I can't even begin to describe how absolutely...IDIOTIC that is! I have nothing against the post or Arson, but when the cookie system is IN THE RULES specifically said NOT to be abused on such simple things...not to mention when Plastic Mario had that landmaster GiF and a lot of people bitched and moaned about that...and that was in MARCH! This is AUGUST! WHAT IN THE NAME OF GOD (Miyamoto) HAVE WE BEEN DOING FOR THE PAST FIVE MONTHS?! JACK SHIT, THAT'S WHAT WE'VE BEEN DOING!

Now let's see...the latest cookie was to Sloopy King Zant. It was for a post replying to a topic by Tsuki, or Fierce, calling her (yes, it is a HER, if she believes herself to be one, she is one. As long as medical science can allow it, we are whatever we want, and as much as morals can support or oppose it, humanity's gunna *crag* with everything it can get its hands on) several...rather rude and obnoxious things, and presenting it in a rather...unpleasant manner. Now, sometimes a good slap to the face from reality can awaken some, but to COOKIE it?! I have nothing against the post itself as, after reading the topic, it was actually productive, but to COOKIE that? To me, that just shows how much digibutter LOVES TO HATE. We're freakin' SADISTS, loving to devour the tears of our victims as we throw shit in their faces. AGAIN, WHAT THE HELL HAPPEN?!

But, now I have to just look at those last two cookies and laugh my ass off. By Tails Doll, all they state is, "Petey, suck *crag*". Now, the post was edited, so it could've said something different, but I don't really think that it was that big of a change. But it didn't just get one, but TWO cookies for that...that...SHIT?! THAT IS FREAKIN' HATE, ALL THERE IS TO IT! TO KNOW THAT PEOPLE LOVE TO HATE YOU...I'D RATHER MAKE OUT WITH A CACTUS WHILE OWLS CRAPPED ON MY HEAD, I'D RATHER JUMP IN A RIVER OF URINE AND BASK IN A SEARING SUN! GOD THAT IS JUST...GOD! But, no, that isn't the worst part...not at all...though there are two cookies, THERE IS ONLY ONE DISPLAYED. That means, at one point, THAT POST MUST'VE GOTTEN A STRIKE! WE ARE SUPPORTING THAT WHICH IS AGAINST THE RULES! IF THAT ISN'T THE BIGGEST STEAMING PILE OF SHIT I'VE SEEN ON THIS SITE, I DON'T KNOW WHAT SHIT IS! AND TRUST ME, I'VE WADED THROUGH SHIT BEFORE, BEEN COVERED HEAD TO TOE IN IT, SO SHUT YOUR MOUTH BEFORE MAKING A VILE COMMENT ABOUT THAT!

So, I ask you, digibutter, what has happened to you? If I have to communicate to you on such a level in order to drive my opinions through your skulls, where does that put you? I'm not mad at all of you, oh no, some of you are wonderful people, the reason I actually get out of my bed (seriously, I don't do much else besides go on digibutter). But, I actually decided to lie in my bed and think after the crap I saw go on today...and THIS is what I come up with? Stooping to THIS? It's a damned last-ditch effort to show morons the truth! IT'S GOD AWFUL! THIS METHOD SUCKS IT...IT JUST SUCKS! AND IT'S THE ONLY FREAKIN' WAY I KNOW HOW TO COMMUNICATE WITH SOME OF DIGIBUTTER'S MEMBERS!

I've waited for hope, a VERY LONG TIME! I've been here longer than most of you, seen the site go up and down, and in this trend, IT'S JUST GOING DOWN FARTHER! Some of you helped prolongue my inevitable outburst (thank you Tayl, MsDevin92, Minami Iwasaki, Medikoopa, Jr. Troopa, Goomba, Chaos Dimentio, Crazy Cody, Simsmagic, Baby Peach, Paper Peach, and MALAK), but this was going to happen. There NEEDS to be change in digibutter. I don't know what, harsher jail sentences, more temp bans, counseling, actually being more positive than piss-poor negative, really, I have no idea. But this site's being burried under a sea of shit, and I'm ready to try and salvage it. The crew's just too small, though...

Due to the M warning, this topic violates absolutely NO rules under the digibutter code of conduct and cannot be struck. So don't THINK about suggesting that. It's here SPECIFICALLY to give a damn, obvious opinion to you all with supporting evidence and horrible, pathetic satire. This NEEDS to be seen by the members of digibutter, and something NEEDS to change. Members are just becoming more and more hateful! So CHANGE, DAMMIT!

...and that, my supossed friends, is what a year and a half of built-up anger ammounts to. So...yeah, comment.

And please, don't turn this into a sea of flames and hatred. The opinions given in this topic are really necessary and have been said in such a way that it will get the point across to digibutter, but if flaming individual members is the outcome (which I had stated my disapproval of earlier in this topic), then...well, what hope to we have here?

I'm not coming to you as an elitist for RPOT, nor an ex-moderator, not even as a friend. I'm coming to you as an innocent member, seeing a nerrtacular site in ruin and pain, begging for mercy, life nor death never coming to it, just eternally in purgatory.

So please...tell me how...how can this be fixed?
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Temple of I    
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Super Ultimario

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 5:47 pm   Reply with quote

All this is is just ranting about cookies. You know what the solution is?


Seriously, all they do is just cause moaning and groaning about how somebody doesn't have enough cookies or how people cookie absolute shit and blah blah blah. We have "LOL", "YES", and "helpful" tags, which are the only real reasons why cookies are used (besides possibly some YC thing, which we could always use YES/LOL for).
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Ultimario Mart!    
Miku Hatsune

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 5:47 pm   Reply with quote

Oh what the hell.

Honestly. Shit does need to go down. And when I mean shit needs to go down I mean people need to act their *crag* ing age and not their maturity level. Honestly, Tails doll, that was uncalled for.
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Anime and Image Shop    

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 5:48 pm   Reply with quote

Afew thing yoshi is going to say here.

1. Yoshi admittedly cookied tales doll. Not for the edit. Yoshi seriously lol'd hard at what the post was BEFORE the edit. Petey has a quote of it later in the topic.

2. Yoshi knows he was a jerk earlier today, and he came to a conclusion. He hasn't had his medication for a while. It makes yoshi happier, and gives him more tollerance for things that irritate him.

Yeah.....Yoshi goes bad when he doesn't have his meds. Really really bad. D:

Well, he'll try to do his part by actually remembering to take his meds, so he'll be more happy, and NOT relive what happened this morning.
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Mister I

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 5:49 pm   Reply with quote

It goes beyond cookies. It shows that digibutter is SUPPORTING pathetic, unnecessary, idiotic, and even AGAINST THE RULES material. And that's just when society goes all to Hell...and that really hurts...

And Mervulee...please, calm down a bit. Teenagers are unruly, but hopefully, everything can get better with help...

And thanks, Yoshi. But...ummm...even when you don't have your meds...just put faith in yourself as a good person...that really helps...putting faith in medicine isn't always the answer...though it does help.
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Temple of I    
Hellza Ballza
Goron Mask

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 5:55 pm   Reply with quote

Ahhh your angry over the cookies you see? People giving the cookies are doing it to piss people off, and from what I seen in your gigantic wall of text and [lb] tags they have succeeded in there mission. Maybe we can get rid of cookies since they have no value what so ever and maybe we can get rid of the jail since IMO it just encourages others to get thrown in there. Oh and to answer your question digibutter matured for the worst, and because we matured for the worst we no longer fear posting our opinions in vulgar ignorant manners.
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Mister I

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 5:59 pm   Reply with quote

Actually no, now that I've had an outburst, I actually feel pretty good right now. In fact, I see this more as an Angry Video Game Nerd-like post than that of hate. But, I do see where you're going with this...

And yeah, things have gotten worse, but my fear is that they'll never show any signs of getting better.
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Temple of I    
Parabuzzy Queen

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 6:08 pm   Reply with quote

Thank you, Mister I.

Thing is, stuff like this should have been said a long time ago. It has been, but I honestly don't know when these people are going to take it to heart. I've said it. Hario said it, back when he was Hario. About five other people have said it. And... shit keeps going down.

So good luck, man. And here's hoping people will listen to you. ._.

And to the people Mister I is addressing:

Dammit, people, do you think the internet gives you a license to act like imbeciles? .-.
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Buzzy Mart    

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 6:08 pm   Reply with quote

I suggest getting rid of cookies and make the current punishment system harsher. Not as harsh as, to say, SRB2's punishment system (Three strikes and your permbanned. The two strikes beforehand are tempbans; no warnings whatsoever; strikes do not expire), but it needs to be more intimidating. By the looks of it, the current jail system is seen more as a minor inconvenience than an actual threat. So, a suggestion would be, for example, tempbans instead of jail sentences for more spammy members.

It's a start, but it could evolve into something better.
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Gorgeon's Weapons Shop    
Mister I

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 6:10 pm   Reply with quote

Wow...thanks so much for that, PQ, that's really noble...God, knew I forgot someone that made me smile...jeez *facepalm*

And yeah, Simsmagic, I definately agree with that. Thus far, no, or barely any "fellons" have actually learned anything while in jail.
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Temple of I    

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 10:59 pm   Reply with quote

Phew, then you'll be happy to know that Francis is working on a new Strike System. I don't know if he wants me to tell what it is yet, but punishment will be a bit better.

I think us mods should have the power to "veto" cookies, and that they must be approved before they can be accepted. I also think that a post should only be able to be cookied once.

Also: You're welcome. I should probably start PMing you again, but I've been pretty busy lately.
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Goomba's Goombalicious Goods    
Tails Doll

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 11:05 pm   Reply with quote

Yeah, thanks for the cookies. They were the worst cookies I have ever had. I wanted to get back at Petey when he insulted me when I first joined, and you people made it come to attention.
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~A color is just a color~

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 11:06 pm   Reply with quote

Goomba wrote:
I think us mods should have the power to "veto" cookies, and that they must be approved before they can be accepted. I also think that a post should only be able to be cookied once.
Well I like the idea of vetoing cookies, but only allowing one cookie per-post isn't really that smart. Someone could work really hard on something that deserves more than one cookie! Or it's something that lasts (example. my Chibi thread) that constantly excites people.

I don't know what we can do to stop people from hating. I know I'm one of those people who should stop being full of themselves and start being more friendly, I just don't know how. D:
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The Carmadox Party    

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 11:17 pm   Reply with quote

let's skip the next two and just go on to one by Arson. It's just a single thing that says EPIC. If that were ANYWHERE but OT, it would be considered spam.

Magmma(In a PM) wrote:
I didn't even mean to do that. xD

Just to clear that up. And honestly, you need to calm down.
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Tails Doll

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 11:32 pm   Reply with quote

I think Mr.I's whole outleash of anger became one big joke. It sounds like something LB would say, but with profane content.
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