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Know what ? Ganondorf isn't actually that much of an asshole
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Token Nazi?

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 10:06 am   Reply with quote

If you throw it all together, this comes out:

Ganondorf was born as the only man in the tribe of the Gerudo in the Gerudo Desert, a harsh enviroment with regular sandstorm and unreliable climate.
Hyrule, however, was lush and green and easy to live in.

The only thing that makes him look like an ass is that he always starts screwing things up once he rules, I mean - look at Castle Town on OoT.

Also, the Triforce of Power augments his physical and magical powers, already very strong when he was a human, to godlike levels; thoguh he is still vulnerable reincarnation or reviving seems to be also an easy feat for him - Link and Zelda are implied to be descendants of their legendary counterparts (which BTW means they can't marry more then one time else incest hero) whilst Ganondorf just doesn't stay dead, which usually is because Link useals him, the twit.

He is rather cultured, playing the organ with skill. He isn't as dumb as he seems - in TWW, his chronologically final appearance and death, he tried not to harm the reborn Link and Zelda as far as feasible; for instance he just knocked Link out with fisticuffs instead of, you know, skewering him wit the two swords. This may be because it's the more kiddy Zelda, who knows, or maybe he finally learned something after all this time of getting pointy objects stuck into him by androgynous youths in little green skir- tunics.

His only problem is his obsessive desire of ruling Hyrule and his really, really choleric temper. Oh, and the fact that the writers can't decide between omnicidal maniac and mislead rogue.

R.I.P. Ganondorf
A little diplomacy and a please
Would have saved a million lives,
You Blockhead.
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Small Sammer Guy

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 10:14 am   Reply with quote

Yeah, he's smart, but he's still evil.
Well...great...theory or something
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 12:23 pm   Reply with quote

Alot of great people make a great mistake.
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The Axolotl Sympathist

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 12:30 pm   Reply with quote

You know, he can be intelligent and an asshole at the same time. Any guy that will stop at nothing to obtain ultimate power to rule the land with evil... is an asshole, genius or not.
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