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An intriguing analysis of Majora's Mask.
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Fancy Wario

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:35 pm   Reply with quote


It's an extremely good read, IMO. Long, yes, but still a great read.
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Super Tsuki

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:40 pm   Reply with quote

Needs moar talk on how Anju is a pedo. :D
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 9:10 am   Reply with quote

Tsuki wrote:
Needs moar talk on how Anju is a pedo. :D

This is what makes Anju a great and forgiving person. No matter what Kaefi is turned into, she forgives him and still loves him on the inside. She is not a pedo, this is true love.
This is a great theory and it cleared a lot of things for me.
One thing I don't get though...is Tatl. I wonder...if Link found what he was looking for, was it Tatl? Was she Navi...or something similar?
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Token Nazi?

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 9:23 am   Reply with quote

... I just started my second playthrough a few days ago and was in deep thought when I found this.

Majoras Mask is another Weird Japanese Thing full of coincidences (OR ARE THEY ?), the same bloody models from OoT (OR IS IT A PARALLEL UNIVERSE ?) and creepy masks, mask salesmen, children, hookers Great Fairies and mask salesmen children.

Now, to read it.

Okay, I read it.

Nah. I think it used "Freud was right" too often, with all the phallic imagery. OoT established the goddesses as helpful and for hte people, and I doubt that the people of Termina have been getting up to much heresy.

Also, the bloody mask is symbolized EVERYWHERE. In every temple, on the balloons, in the floating shapes in the intro, on Tingle's Panties - okay, I made that last one up.

But I think, kind of like Neon Genesis Evanglion, Majora's Mask has symboism in some cases for symbolism's sake. Shiggy's probably reading articles like that and laughing himself silly.

Also, he ignored the official Manga.

I mean, it has the "feeling" of sense, you can think like that, but it also is rather far-fetched.
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Twilit Mall: Zelnor Mart    
That rich guy

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 11:32 am   Reply with quote

Zelnor wrote:

Yes. that's exactly what it is. =P
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Fancy Wario

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 12:46 pm   Reply with quote

Zelnor wrote:
... I just started my second playthrough a few days ago and was in deep thought when I found this.

Majoras Mask is another Weird Japanese Thing full of coincidences (OR ARE THEY ?), the same bloody models from OoT (OR IS IT A PARALLEL UNIVERSE ?) and creepy masks, mask salesmen, children, hookers Great Fairies and mask salesmen children.

Now, to read it.

Okay, I read it.

Nah. I think it used "Freud was right" too often, with all the phallic imagery. OoT established the goddesses as helpful and for hte people, and I doubt that the people of Termina have been getting up to much heresy.

Also, the bloody mask is symbolized EVERYWHERE. In every temple, on the balloons, in the floating shapes in the intro, on Tingle's Panties - okay, I made that last one up.

But I think, kind of like Neon Genesis Evanglion, Majora's Mask has symboism in some cases for symbolism's sake. Shiggy's probably reading articles like that and laughing himself silly.

Also, he ignored the official Manga.

I mean, it has the "feeling" of sense, you can think like that, but it also is rather far-fetched.

IIRC, the manga's explanation of the mask was just the author's interpretation of how it was made, not the official explanation.
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Token Nazi?

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 1:58 am   Reply with quote

Pure-??? wrote:
Zelnor wrote:

Yes. that's exactly what it is. =P

I was being sarcastic. >.>

I find the analysis of the final bosses better - first it's the mask, ominous and magical, then a child-like being seeming to have fun - only to strike you and then an evil BDSM sorcerer... hermaphrodite... thing. WITH BOOBIES. (The eyes of the mask)

Anyway, even though its badly rendered, Majora's Mask still creeps me out. I just wish they's remaster it for the Wii instead of just VCing it, though that's fine, too.

Majora's Mask. A masterwork on the N64.

Maybe, in another universe, a legend on the Wii, chewing on Portal's Perfection.
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