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I feel like shit...
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Paper Peach

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 6:01 pm   Reply with quote

Today my principle called us into the gym for a unexpected school meeting. All of sort of blew it off as another anouncement or something, and continued to talk, but when our principal brought out his phone with his hands shaking, we all got real quiet. With a cracked voice he told us our Spanish teacher had died this morning. Then he broke down and started crying....

Mr. Beasley, our teacher, was epic. He was one of the biggest nerds I've ever known. He wore a glow in the dark Green Lantern ring, and gave one out to the highest scoring person of each quarter. None of us will ever get that chance now.

He loved D&D and other roleplaying games. He brought several of his figurings to class and has a TMNT action figure on the shelf. He loved our class, and the way he taught was astounding. I've never learned Spanish better than from the way he teaches. He makes up these games we have to do. We learned our colors by playing marbles. It was the best class in school. It was fun, and too short. He kept us entertained and actually chatted with us. And he was the first spanish teacher to teach longer than a year, or so we thought....

Now I'm like paranoid that that teacher spot is cursed. No one has taught longer than a year and the first person who does dies from a fecking seizure. He wasn't that old either.

The whole school was upset. Teachers were crying. It was horrible. And second period I have Spanish. When I got there NO ONE spoke a damn word. It was silent for the whole hour.

It's not just this that has made me upset. It's the whole damn 10 months since my dad died. I've gone through hell. Everywhere I freaking look it's death. Not too long ago one of the youth leaders of my church died. I broke down hard. I knew him, and it picked at the old wounds my dad's death caused.

Now this happend. I asked to go to the bathroom and stayed there for an hour crying my damn eyes out. This, combined with the youth leader's death and my dad's was too much. I almost never cry in front of people, yet I still had my mom pick me up from school before lunch even started.

The thing is, I'm so damn tired of this shit. It happens to me too often and I hate it. I don't know who I'm mad at, but I'm furious. I can't handle the damn shit. I'm tired of pretending I'm freaking okay. I'M NOT OKAY! HOW THE HELL CAN I BE IF MY DAD *crag* DIED! And there's no fast way to deal with the pain. All I can do is sit here and act like everything is fine, be strong in front of other people. Be strong for my sisters, my mom, my family. It's hell I'm going through.

I'm sorry for my above language and my mood or behavior in the future. I tend to relieve my anger on the computer through roleplay, that way it's in a controlled setting, but since the charactar I use isn't active right now, I'll probably be taking it out on you guys. So forgive my bitchiness.

TL;Dr: Go to hell, your a dickfaced bitch and i don't care whether y6ou live or die you son of a bitch
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 6:20 pm   Reply with quote

Aw crap. I hate it when a teacher dies. It hasn't happened to me before but I still feel sorry for you.

And I didn't know your dad died, so, once again, sorry.

I know how it feels to have people close to you dying. D:
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Fat Tuper

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 6:28 pm   Reply with quote



Ok, but srsly, That really sucks. I ALMOST know how you feel. I thought I had it bad, but... That just sucks. I'm really sorry. I hope things start looking up for you.
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Super Amigo

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 6:34 pm   Reply with quote

Thats so sad. I feel so sorry. I hope you can resist these hard times.
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MILF with a gun

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 6:44 pm   Reply with quote

I know what you mean.
It seems like happiness is an illusion, that only lasts for a short amount of time.

My father died when I was four, but could you imagine if no one in your family once said "I love you" / "I care about you," to you?

And, I know what it's like for a teacher to die. Actually, a few years ago our old principal, AND my teacher both died on the same day.

It's just...Sad, I guess.
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Teru Shouten    
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 6:45 pm   Reply with quote

I really wish I could relate to how you're feeling, to try and make you feel better, but... well... there are several reasons that I can't.

People have died in my family, and teachers at schools I have went to have died, but, I never had a real emotional attachment to them, so, there's absolutely know way that I could relate or compare your pain to anything I understand. I won't try to, either.

I hope you feel better in time, Peach.
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Paper Peach

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 6:55 pm   Reply with quote

Thanks guys, I just needed to vent a bit :/ I feel better now though Razz
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