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Strawberry-san Celeste Dimentia
Joined: 03 Jul 2007 Posts: 11104
HP: 100 MP: 0 Lives: 3
Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 4:54 am
Harry Potter rip-off! L.O.L.Z.
NO. This topic is pathetic, to many persons I am sure. If you hate Potter and everything to do with him, for whatever reason, send me your angry PM's; I'll gladly ignore them. Now, there may be a few people here - I dunno, really - who wouldn't mind action done in the style of the HP universe. Maybe I'm alone in this. I've seen the chat rooms, with the RPers doing supposed 'Harry Potter' roleplay... and I expect to see action. But no! The people go about the Hogwarts school, doing everyday crap made dramatic (they like to post nothing but big words, continued in constant posts and junk). They think it's an art, but I do not; I think it's a shame. I liked the final installment in the series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. So, I've made this serious spoof (is that possible?) of the whole thing. It's a completely different story, yes... but I'm rambling...
To get right to it, this RP is meant for ACTION. I mean duels. Duels with magic, yeah. Get used to HP spell references. Make up some of your own if you can't remember too many. Don't derail this RP with insults or goofing around (spell that makes your opponent sing the theme to 'Three's Company' or some other nonsense). Now prepare yourself for Potterspeak... and please refrain from killing me.
The Set-Up (And Setting):
You join using the following character information sheet.
Name: Age: Sex: *Wand: *Ethnicity: *Patronus: *Registered Animagus?: Appearance: Biography:
* The four details marked with asterisks are completely optional.
You must be AT LEAST 17. That means you are of age in the wizarding world. You are NOT in school. You have already graduated, and can legally use magic anywhere you please. Try not to Godmod. This takes place in England, I guess. Lol. Spoilers ahead, I suppose. It's twenty-six years after the fall of Lord Voldemort. No interaction with old characters, this is a brand new slate.
The Story:
First, here is my main character.
Name: Barry Caulier. Age: 22. Sex: Male. *Wand: Yew, 13 inches, very solid. Good for hexes. Wand Arm: Right. *Ethnicity: Caucasian. *Patronus: Raven. *Registered Animagus?: No. Appearance: Just like an older Harry Potter, without glasses or a scar. Eyes are also brown, not green. Often wears long, black robes. Biography: Barry Caulier awoke one day with his memory modified, though he did not know it. All he knew was that he had to find the mysterious Moonlit Hollow. His instincts screamed for him to go there. Did he have family? His memory tells him he does not. He is set on finding this place, and nothing will stop him.
Okay, maybe this isn't supposed to be THAT serious. I just want a bit of action. -_-
Yeah... GO FOR IT. If you even care. |
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Joined: 30 May 2007 Posts: 8580
HP: 78 MP: 4 Lives: 0
Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 5:06 am
Name: Cassandra Rutherwood Age: 18 Sex: Female *Wand: 12 and a half inches, oak, hippogriff feather, good for Charms *Ethnicity: Half Scottish, half Indonesian *Patronus: She-lion *Registered Animagus?: None. Appearance: Short for her age, pale skin, long curly hair, usually in dark purple robes, shocking electric blue eyes Biography: An almost-failed graduate of Hogwarts, her scholarly parents were highly disappointed in her and disowned her, moving out of the country and leaving her to fend for herself. Using pick-up money off the streets, she is homeless. |
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Strawberry-san Celeste Dimentia
Joined: 03 Jul 2007 Posts: 11104
HP: 100 MP: 0 Lives: 3
Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 5:48 am
Barry focused with all of his might on the Moonlit Hollow, though he did not know what it looked like. He turned on the spot, that familiar feeling of compression pressing upon every fiber of his being...
Moments later, he reappeared in the middle of a grassy clearing. Seconds after having Apparated, he already knew he had ended up in the wrong place.
"I wish I knew what the place looked like," Barry muttered to himself. He suddenly looked up, startled, as seconds later a male voice addressed him from not too far off.
"Aha! I knew you'd be coming here, Barry Caulier."
"What? How do you know my name?"
"Silence, moron! Stupefy!"
Barry felt himself raising his wand on instinct. He shouted his counterspell to the night: "Protego!" A shimmering, transparent shield erupted from his wand, rebounding the mystery man's Stunning Spell and sending it shooting off into the surrounding forest.
"Now hold on...!" Barry started forward, wand raised. "Who are you? Answer me!"
"Hmm... maybe you're not so useless after all. Lumos."
A ball of light illuminated the man's wandtip, casting his features into sharp relief. A long, emerald cloak was just barely visible. His face was lined, and his eyes a shocking green. He had short, brown hair, and his skin was quite pale. At that very moment, one of those pale hands was pointing the man's wand directly at Barry.
"Just come quietly," said the man, "and there need not be a pointless struggle."
"Whatever plans you've had for me, I'm not just going to sit back and allow them to happen," responded Barry fiercely. "And I'd appreciate it if you pointed that wand somewhere else. Expelliarmus!"
But the man was ready for him. He flicked his wand, blocking the spell swiftly, and took several steps back. Waving his wand, the man sent a jet of silver light towards Barry, who pointed his wand towards a large pile of rocks -
"Accio Boulder!"
- And at his command, a large, gray boulder dislodged itself from its fellows and soared in front of Barry, who cast it towards the man standing opposite with a Banishing Charm... one more wave of the wand, and...
"Expulso!" Barry exclaimed, and the boulder exploded with the force of a small bomb. The resulting shockwave sent his opponent staggering backward, covering his face with a robed sleeve. Barry quickly capitalized upon the moment to fire a Stunning Spell of his own, which narrowly missed the man, the jet of red light instead impacting a nearby tree...
"Enough!" the man screamed, lowering his arm and pointing his wand at Barry once more. "Avis!" A flock of solemn-looking black birds emerged from the wandtip, and as soon as they appeared, the man added, "Oppugno!" The birds darted forward immediately, pecking and scratching at Barry with a relentless fury -
"F-Finite!" gasped Barry, shielding himself while waving his wand at the same time. The entire flock of birds disappeared in a cloud of smoke.
"Please, just explain yourself!" yelled Barry, but he had to duck down immediately after as his foe sent another Stunning Spell straight towards him. |
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Joined: 30 May 2007 Posts: 8580
HP: 78 MP: 4 Lives: 0
Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 5:59 am
Today, Cassie felt like wandering the countryside instead of trying to sell some knick knacks to passing children in the city. She took her only belongings, her one set of spare robes and her wand, and headed out of the city.
Eventually, she hit a forest, and decided to go in. A stream was not too far, so she took a drink. Setting up a small campfire, she caught some fish to roast over it. |
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