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Ignoring all the hype...
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 9:44 pm   Reply with quote

Are Wario Land: Shake it and Kirby: Super Star Ultra any good/worth getting, and why?

Also, WITHOUT ANY BIASED OPINIONS AT ALL, can anyone tell me if TWEWY is any good? With all the "IT'S TEH BEST GAME EVAH" and "IT'S SO BAD, I HATE IT", i'd just like at least one honest opinion... >_>
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Shiggy's Stuff    
Ohh, THAT makes sense!

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 9:46 pm   Reply with quote

They seem... good.

That's all, really. Nothing special. I suggest KSSU because it's probably the best of the three.
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Tyler's Sexy Shop    
that confounded bridge

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 1:41 am   Reply with quote

Okay, let's see... I haven't played KSSU, so no opinion.

Wario Land: Shake It! is fun, but I dunno, it personally doesn't hold my attention for a long time. Nonetheless, it's a good game, and if you liked previous Wario Land games, you'd probably like it. I never finished it (rented, lol), so, I can't give any info on the replay value.

TWEWY is fun as well, but, that depends completely on what kind of game you like (the battle system is a bit glitchy on the bottom screen), and if you can stand the current fanbase (most of them migrated from Kingdom Hearts, so, yeah, fanbase is nasty). It's also fairly short. There is a bit of replay value, though, which is nice.

You can't compare the three games, really. If you can rent them, that might be a good idea.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 5:51 am   Reply with quote

Without bias or overhyping you, Kirby SuperStar Ultra is another case of sticking with a tried and true formula.
The replay value isn't good, but it isn't bad, which seems to be abit of staple for the Kirby games:They're impossible to catigorize as good or bad. It's reccomended you pick it up if you missed out on the original KSS
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Gemstone Goods    

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 10:03 am   Reply with quote

You can beat KSSU within 2 hours; Maybe 2;

I'd personally, say miss it.
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Super Postman
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 10:19 am   Reply with quote

Lets get some hype out of the way.

KSS was my favorite SNES game, In turn the remake has become my favorite DS Game.

It stays true to the original game, its fun, the new content is Lengthy. the true strong point of the game is the depth of the powers, unlike most kirby games the powers are not one trick ponies. Even the simplest powers in the game have something unique about them.

the upgrade for the DS Version is fully rendered cut scenes and original content.

Its single player is great. if you focused on the game you could get 100% in probably 10-15 hours. but its pure and simple fun will keep you coming back. Definitely worth the moolah.

As for Shake It! I haven't gotten it yet. and TWEWY.....ugh the hype from that game turned me off from it entirely.
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Poison's Boutique    
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 11:03 am   Reply with quote

According to reviews Wario land shake is a fun wii game that uses the wii remote alot to shake and point.

Kssu.. .meh I find all kirby games really easy and twewy is good but not that good to be hyped so much.

oh well Wario land shake is the best.

[and before anybody starts talking I have played Kssu and twewy]
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Shadow Kingdom
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 11:34 am   Reply with quote

I strongly recommend KSSU
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that confounded bridge

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 12:33 pm   Reply with quote

Poison wrote:
TWEWY.....ugh the hype from that game turned me off from it entirely.
I avoided it until the hype died down a little. :\

I really don't see why everyone freaked out about it so badly about it.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 3:47 pm   Reply with quote

AbstractThoughts wrote:
I really don't see why everyone freaked out about it so badly about it.
Because the hype just made everyone hate it, that's all.

I only have KSSU, so I can't say much, but it is a VERY good game. Almost surpasses the original in alot of things.
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that confounded bridge

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 4:47 pm   Reply with quote

MALAK wrote:
AbstractThoughts wrote:
I really don't see why everyone freaked out about it so badly about it.
Because the hype just made everyone hate it, that's all.

I only have KSSU, so I can't say much, but it is a VERY good game. Almost surpasses the original in alot of things.
By freaked out, I meant the hype, actually. I guess I should I have said "I don't see why everyone got so excited about it."
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some shop lol    

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 4:55 pm   Reply with quote

AbstractThoughts wrote:
MALAK wrote:
AbstractThoughts wrote:
I really don't see why everyone freaked out about it so badly about it.
Because the hype just made everyone hate it, that's all.

I only have KSSU, so I can't say much, but it is a VERY good game. Almost surpasses the original in alot of things.
By freaked out, I meant the hype, actually. I guess I should I have said "I don't see why everyone got so excited about it."
Oh lol

Because it's related to japan? Not saying everyone that likes Anime got it, I could be considered a weeaboo myself, but I hated the thing.
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Super Maiq the Liar

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 5:41 pm   Reply with quote

MALAK wrote:
AbstractThoughts wrote:
MALAK wrote:
AbstractThoughts wrote:
I really don't see why everyone freaked out about it so badly about it.
Because the hype just made everyone hate it, that's all.

I only have KSSU, so I can't say much, but it is a VERY good game. Almost surpasses the original in alot of things.
By freaked out, I meant the hype, actually. I guess I should I have said "I don't see why everyone got so excited about it."
Oh lol

Because it's related to japan? Not saying everyone that likes Anime got it, I could be considered a weeaboo myself, but I hated the thing.

It's probably because when it came out, everyone here acted like it was the second coming of Christ.

No offense.
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