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Sonic Riders RP signup
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Paper Luigi

Joined: 09 May 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 9:30 pm   Reply with quote

You'll obviousy need some knowledge of Sonic Riders to play this. Yeah, you do use 4 characters at once. Don't shoot me.

Okay. Time to explain this. 3 people (including me) will be able to play. One person (me) with speed characters('cause the speed characters are the leaders, and only if i'm the speed characters it builds up storyline...), one person with power characters, and one with flight. The teams are: Here, Babylon, Dark, and Rose. The people on that team are as follows:

Sonic (Speed)
Tails (Flight)
Knuckles (Power)

Jet (Speed)
Wave (Flight)
Storm (Power)

Shadow (Speed)
Rouge (Flight)
Eggman (Power)

Amy (Speed)
Cream (Flight)
Big (Power) ((He wasn't in the game, but still.....))

That's 12 characters in all, 4 per person.

The leaders will usually have specific jobs for each character, sometimes following someone or breaking into some place (or races).

Racing will work like this: Wait. First, i'd like to say that IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT PLACE YOU COME IN. It won't effect the storyline other than some tiny things. Here's a really stupid example of a person who will soon be booted out.

(Me): Sonic does a few flips in the air, and tries to land his jump. "Ooof!", he cried, landing on his head. "Hah!", yelled Jet as he crossed the finish line.
(Person with power characters): BUT THEN STORM BEATS UP TAILS AND KILLS HIM!!!!!!!!
No. Just no. Go with the flow. So someone comes in first. Big deal. You'll all be in the finals anyways. You can't just do one big post to finish. You need to post bits at a time for other people to interact with what you did. Look at posts carefully. Maybe someone already crossed the finish line, and you say you come in first. DO NOT COME IN FIRST EVERY TIME, WITH ANY OF YOUR CHARACTERS.

A lot of this will be missions and story, so there won't be many races, to avoid stuff like that.

I'll post the intro later.

Speed characters: Taken
Flight characters: Taken
Power characters: Not taken

Sign up now!!! (Side note: Some of the missions are for places not in the game, I'll include an MS Paint map.)


Last edited by Paper Luigi on Wed Jul 25, 2007 10:34 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PaperLuigi's Inconvienence Store    
I see what you are doing.
Lord Vaati

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 9:37 pm   Reply with quote

mind having a little bit of Vaati in there hes only going to do something insane then disappear somehow causing nothing but confusion for most of the character
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Dark World Shop of Magic    
Paper Luigi

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 9:57 pm   Reply with quote

Vaati wrote:
mind having a little bit of Vaati in there hes only going to do something insane then disappear somehow causing nothing but confusion for most of the character

Well, i've been playing too much Sonic Riders, so I wanted to make an RP. Trust me, people who read this. It will be fun.
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PaperLuigi's Inconvienence Store    
I see what you are doing.
Lord Vaati

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 10:21 pm   Reply with quote

Paper Luigi wrote:
Vaati wrote:
mind having a little bit of Vaati in there hes only going to do something insane then disappear somehow causing nothing but confusion for most of the character

Well, i've been playing too much Sonic Riders, so I wanted to make an RP. Trust me, people who read this. It will be fun.
so is it ok or not I need an answer
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Dark World Shop of Magic    

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 10:28 pm   Reply with quote

I'd like to be the Flight Characters.
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Paper Luigi

Joined: 09 May 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 10:34 pm   Reply with quote

Dark Paratroopa wrote:
I'd like to be the Flight Characters.

Alright! Now for someone to be power characters!
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Soul Reaper
Yamada Hanataro
Jailed Vampire Werewolf

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 12:34 pm   Reply with quote

Paper Luigi wrote:
Dark Paratroopa wrote:
I'd like to be the Flight Characters.

Alright! Now for someone to be power characters!

I lead Team Dark This is Who I am Shadow The Hedgehog
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Paper Luigi

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 1:20 pm   Reply with quote

Just don't post if you don't want to join, OK!?!?
About the format of writing:
Please write (Example)
'--Hero story--
Babylon garden'
Above your post. Unless there's two teams in the same place, then go....
Green forest
Alright? Post them in the order that they happened, please!!!
The thing with the underline is where it starts.

(Note that i'll only be using the flight and power characters for the intro)
(This happened about a month after the Sonic Riders game)
(yeah, this is the format you should use...)

--Babylon story--
Babylon airship
Jet sat in his chair staring at the control box his father gave to him when he became leader of the Baybylon Rouges. Wave and Storm were steering the ship, as they were going back to Babylon Garden. "BOSS!", Storm yelled as he ran into the room. Jet fell of his chair and the control box went flying. "WHAT!?", Jet yelled. "BABYLON GARDEN... IT'S- IT'S- IT'S GONE!", Storm screamed. "What? It can't be gone!", Jet yelled. "It's true", said Wave as she walked in. "That Eggman! I'll bet he has something to do with this!", Jet yelled.

--Dark story--
Eggman's lab
"Shadow!", Eggman yelled. "Hmm?", Shadow responded. Eggman walked in. "I've made a new device. Capable of destroying an entire planet!... So all we-", Eggman said as Shadow intrupted, "Hasn't that already been made?". "Yes, but this is more portable! But still, it needs great power. We'll need the seven Chaos Emera-", Eggman started. Ruge swooped down. "Another plan to get the Chaos emerald and destroy the world?", she asked. "Yes, but-", Eggamn started. His phone rang. "Hello?", he asked. "EGGMAN! YOU BAFOON! WHAT DID YOU DO TO BABYLON GARDEN!?", Jet's voice boomed. "Well, you think the power of the Chaos Emeralds could keep it there forever? No, it keeps it there about a month." "We'll just have to get the chaos emeralds then!", Jet yelled, hanging up. "I guess we could just let them get the emeralds for us.", Eggman laughed.

--Hero story--
Freedom fighters HQ
"Hey, Knux, you think Tails is ok in there?", Sonic asked. "He's been in there for days!". "I'm sure he's fine.", Knuckles said. "SONIC! KNUCKLES!", Tails yelled, running out of his work room. "I finally finished working out the bugs out of our boards!", Tails passed the boards to Sonic and Knuckles. "Let's test these out!", Sonic yelled. "Race you guys to Metal city!" "Hah!", Knuckles yelled, jumping on his board and speeding after Sonic. "Wait for me!", Tails yelled, jumping on his board. Sonic sped towards the city. He jumped on a rail and started grinding. Knuckles caught up and smashed through a wall, taking a shortcut. Tails flew upwards over a huge wall and sped ahead of both of them. Sonic boosted forwards and made it to Metal City first. "nice job, Tals!", Sonic yelled. The big screen in the middle of the city turned on. Eggman yelled, "Listen up! We're holding the second Ex-Grand prix. Anyone who wants to join can! In THIS grand prix, it's for 12 people! We need the seven chaos emeralds before we start, and winner take all! This time, i'll be in it too, and we'll have a different host!", Eggman yelled. "Sounds interesting. Let's sign up!", yelled Sonic.

--Rose story--
Amy's house
Amy, Cream, and Big were sitting, watching TV in Amy's house. they just saw Eggman announce the Grand Prix. "We should join!", said Amy. "i don't have a board, though!" said Big. "Easily taken care of.", said Cream. The three walked over to the gear shop and looked around. "I like this one!", yelled big. He pointed at a big purple board with the stats:
Dash: **
Limit: ****
Power: *****
Cornering: *
Amy grabbed the board any went to the counter, paying for it. It was called 'Big board'. Amy quickly paid for it. "Wow!", Big yelled. "Let's go get some chaos emeralds now!", Yelled Amy.

NOW anyone wanna be power?

Last edited by Paper Luigi on Sat Jul 28, 2007 1:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
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top minion tails

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 1:41 pm   Reply with quote

ill be tails!...not mine..but the game tails!
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Paper Luigi

Joined: 09 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 1:48 pm   Reply with quote

top minion tails wrote:
ill be tails!...not mine..but the game tails!

1. You be 4 characters at once....
2. there's only power characters left.
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PaperLuigi's Inconvienence Store    
top minion tails

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 2:17 pm   Reply with quote

tails:ok..... i know somethings up..sonic.. why do you and knuckles always fall for robotniks tricks?ii mean come on!..ill be shutting up now and upgrading those boards..
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