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See? Popple
Joined: 30 Apr 2007 Posts: 14001
HP: 99 MP: 8 Lives: 10
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 5:54 pm
Run Like Hell
It began simple enough. Scientists were testing a new cure for cancer, a formula shot directly into the bloodstream. A product that was programed to find the virus, and contain it. Not a permanent fix, but it would lengthen the life span of a victim by as much as a decade, allowing for the possibility of other drugs and therapies to take their course and perhaps destroy the tumor completely.
The first human patient was a seventy year old woman that lived in Washington D.C.
After receiving the drug she passed out one week later and was declared legally dead.
Three days later at her visitation, she sat back up, suffering no more than minor amnesia.
All signs of the cancerous tumor were completely eradicated.
The formula was considered a success and was put into rapid production.
Cancer is cured, and the human race begins a new age of longevity and prosperity of life.
It is now roughly twenty years after what history has called the greatest discovery in human history.
The serum is now mass produced by the worldwide drug retailer "Vita-Corp."
The formula, now condensed into a pill, is sold along with other various common medications.
The once deadly disease has become nothing but another common cold.
But in history, many things never change.
Vite-Corp US discovered that not only did the serum destroy cancer, it was also highly addictive. They began to secretly add small amounts of the serum to their various energy drink and health care product brands in an attempt to impress their parent company
Soon enough, "Vitacane" brand energy drink became the most popular beverage in the US, gallons upon gallons being consumed on a daily bases by the populous, ignorant to to the drinks dark secret.
Little did these greedy businessmen know however, that though it had been defeated, cancer cases had been on the rise.
In fact, had the cure not been developed, it would have been an international disaster.
April 27th, 2034, today over one million people in the city of New York mysteriously passed out, all vitals completely shutting down.
This was the day Vita-Corps deadly secret was exposed, although they were outraged, the people of the Big Apple simple assumed their loved ones would awaken within a week, just as everyone did after taking the serum.
But not even the creators could have known what would happen when their new chemical was consumed in such large amounts.
And the world would never be the same again.
Make characters.
Must be human.
Must be realistic.
Don't bring your RPOT crap in here.
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Psst... Die4Less Vampire
Joined: 02 Jul 2008 Posts: 3681
HP: 95 MP: 0 Lives: 2
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 6:26 pm
*sent by the government to figure out what exactly happened, he was trying to gather clues, while killing anything "non-living" that got in his way*
The drug must've been powerful if it wiped out the city... *Pulls Out Pistol* I've almost had enough of this.
((Will that work?)) |
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See? Popple
Joined: 30 Apr 2007 Posts: 14001
HP: 99 MP: 8 Lives: 10
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 6:32 pm
Make a new character. |
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Psst... Die4Less Vampire
Joined: 02 Jul 2008 Posts: 3681
HP: 95 MP: 0 Lives: 2
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 6:35 pm
Popple wrote: | No.
Make a new character. |
((He is a new character. I invented him just for this. What I want to know is amirite in the way I did it?)) |
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See? Popple
Joined: 30 Apr 2007 Posts: 14001
HP: 99 MP: 8 Lives: 10
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 6:43 pm
Yeah well, no one has actually turned yet. Nothing is going on, and I would like you to post a link to a character sheet or post the actually sheet.
I will say when the RP starting when we have enough people. |
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Psst... Die4Less Vampire
Joined: 02 Jul 2008 Posts: 3681
HP: 95 MP: 0 Lives: 2
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hai Spiny
Joined: 05 Jan 2008 Posts: 27193
HP: 100 MP: 6 Lives: 1
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 8:45 pm
Name:David Rodins
David isn't the most physically fit guy you'll know. Infact, he's pretty much a standard fat nerd, minus the glasses. He tries to keep a level head alot, but his temper is genetically short. His main specialty is the fact that he tries his best to think of as many outcomes that could come out of him making a serious move. Where you see a fork in the road, he sees that and the fair chance that the left path has a serial killer treking down it, and that the right path leads in a circle. He's spent a fair part of his life at home, but he's by no means 100% lazy.
Driving skills:Hasn't even taken a test, but he knows the basic ins and outs of a car.
Weaponry skills:The most skill he's had with a gun is afew FPS games and a carnival game rifle, and that's not saying much.
He's alot better with close range, mainly anything he can lift.
Other skills:Due to being picked on alot, he's taken self defense classes that involve using the attacker's momentum and weight against them. He only got to yellow belt before he quit the classes, however.
In general, he's not totally helpless, but not totally kickass. Just a normal fat guy who's in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Made this up on the spot. If you need more detail, I can supply it.ಠ_ಠಠ_ಠ
Last edited by Spiny on Mon Nov 17, 2008 12:34 am; edited 1 time in total |
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and I control the decks carfilledwithfish
Joined: 18 Jun 2007 Posts: 3988
HP: 88 MP: 7 Lives: 0
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 10:52 pm
Name: Audrey Fitzgerald Sex: Female Age: 24 Height: 5'8" Weight: 160 Appearance: Audrey has naturally reddish-brown hair, but she likes to dye it to make it more red than it really is. She changes her hair style a lot, but it is almost always short. Her eyes are gray, and she is very pale. She likes to wear camo, and usually has aviator goggles on her head.
Bio: Audrey doesn't warm up to people easily, and is very quiet around people she doesn't know. Once she gets used to them, however, she is very lively and talkative. She has a tendency to tease people, often saying hurtful things without realizing it. She likes to dance, and is particularly fond of disco. She's also a bit of a kleptomaniac, but doesn't seem interested in stealing anything other than scissors.
Hope that's enough. I can make an alt as soon as I draw an avatar. |
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Psst... Die4Less Vampire
Joined: 02 Jul 2008 Posts: 3681
HP: 95 MP: 0 Lives: 2
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 11:14 pm
((Slightly Modified Copypasta FTW!))
Basic Info Nickname: No One Knows... Full Name: No One Knows... Height: 6'3" Weight: 134lbs. Sex: M
Weapons A Rather Small Variety of Custom Made Weapons A Rather Small Variety of Explosives & Other Gadgets Any Spy/Detective Might Carry
Bio Not Available...
When I Think of More, I'll Add It. |
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Black Yoshi Vampire
Joined: 17 Jun 2007 Posts: 14673
HP: 31 MP: 10 Lives: 1
Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 12:29 am
Name: Anton Halcyon Sex: Male Age: 17 Height: 6'3 Weight: 183 lbs.
Bio: Anton is cloudy and distant, preferring to work alone rather than with a group. However, if in a group situation, he will usually take a support role. He tends to avoid conversation unless really necesarry, but will try to solve any disputes as quickly as possible if he feels the need to. Anton prefers to plan on the fly, thinking up his ideas spontaneously and to a suprising degree of effectiveness. Given this, he also has a tendancy to be overwhelmed in some situations and panic.
Appearance: Anton is tall and lanky, with somewhat short golden-brown hair and piercing, steely-blue eyes. He usually wears carpender blue jeans, a red vintage t-shirt, and a long leather jacket... and he goes nowhere without his sunglasses.
Skills: Anton prefers to remain seperated from close-quarters combat, making him proficient in setting all sorts of traps. In addition to traps, Anton has a knack for fire and explosives, and can improvise incendiary devices well. Physically, he is fairly weak unless he can improvise some sort of weapon or run fast enough from the situation to plan out another move. He has minimal experience with actual firearms, so he prefers to improvise instead.
Other skills: Anton can drive, but is a fairly scary driver. He has some computer skill... and luckily enough for himself and anyone else he meets up with, he is a good cook. |
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Oh fuck. Flar3 Luigi Vampire
Joined: 18 Oct 2007 Posts: 18735
HP: 10 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 11:13 pm
Name: Nate Geralf Sex:Male Age:15 Height:6'0 Weight:169 Bio:Nate, a very fast paced person,who likes to go with people incase of something, or he doesn't want to be alone. He can never go alone without going crazy. He seems weird at first, but is actually very intelligent. He's very naive, and stubborn. Nate hopes to see his long lost friend, Mike.
Appearence:Tall, skinny. Yellow shirt, and has brown and his hair in the front is spikey. He wears blue jeans and glasses.
Skills:He can't fight, but uses whatever's around him as a weapon. He runs very fast because he tends to chicken out in fighs from school. He's very good with technology and such. He's basically your average nerd.
Is this good or is it too short? |
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