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SPM: An epic retelling
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Miku Hatsune

Joined: 05 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 10:11 am   Reply with quote


Ahem! Today I'll tell you story of the lost book of Prophecies.

This prophetic book was a tome full of stories of future events.

Of course, many people craved this book, wishing to glimpse their own futures.

But no person, after obtaining this amazing book, ever found happiness.

The reason?

The book held many frightful secrets, not meant for people's eyes.

That book came to be know as the Dark Prognosticus and was sealed away.

This.... is the tale of that forgotten book's last owner.

It is a tale of love....

"Ooooh... Ooh...." said a familiar peachy voice.

"What happen to me? What is this place?"

"Bleh heh heh heh.... Oh, you're awake Princess!" said an ominous voice.

The princess that this voice spoke of was non-other than the Mushroom Kingdoms Princess Peach...

"Huh?" said Peach, still having her eyes closed...

She opened her eyes to see a tall dark figure, with a draper cape, a tall top hat, one gloved hand holding a magnificent cane and the figures face... Had the face of evil. He wore a monocle in his left eye and his right eye glowed with a felling of hate. And his smile was as dark and evil as they come.

Princess Peach looked over to see the person that had kidnapped her many times but have failed to hang on to her. This was the Evil Koopa King Bowser, but... he didn't have on his dull shell. It seem brighter, and he was wearing a white wedding tuxedo. He was smiling extremely at this time.

Then the Princess had noticed that they were in an alter...

"BOWSER!" came the voice of a crowd behind the large Koopa.

Bowser turned around and laughed in his darkest voice and he had raised his hands in the air. And crowd screamed and whistled for the Koopa king.

They shouted many good lucks art Bowser.


"Wh-Whats going on here?!" said the Princess rather confused.

Then another dark figured appeared. She wore glasses, her hair up in a pony tail, and she wore the suit of an assistant. Then she spoke. The crowd hushed.

" Count! Yeah, um, 'k, so the preparations are complete..."

"Mmm... Then it shall be begun... by Count Bleck!" said the tall figure.

The assistant nodded her head and then wedding bells chimed...

Then the figure know as Count Bleck said "Bowser... Ferocious and fearsome, evil king of the Koopas..."

Then Count Bleck continued "Do you take Peach to be your lawfully wedded wife 'til your games be over?"

"Bwah ha ha! Will I marry Peach? Are you kidding me? The answer's YESSSSSS!" roared Bowser in excitement.

Then Bleck turned to Peach "Peach...Noble princess, pure of heart...."

"Do you take Bowser to be your lawfully wedded husband 'til your games be over?" he continued.

"Now, wait just a second! You will explain to me what is going on...RIGHT NOW!" the princess shouted.

Laugh with his hands out to his sides, Count Bleck replied "Bleh heh heh heh... Is in not obvious? This is your wedding, princess!"

"Oh! But... why in the WORLD am I marring Bowser?!"

"Bwah ha ha ha! Hey, no grips from THIS side of the alter, Bleck old boy!" said Bowser, still overly excited.

" I don't get the details, but the count has gone to a lot of trouble planning this!" the Koopa continued "Just relax! We'll get married, we'll be in love, it'll be awesome! Finally!"

"No! And who picked this dress out? It's AWFUL! TAKE ME BACK TO MY CASTLE IMMEDIATELY!"

Then there was a flash of red light around the princess, and then she fell to the floor.

Then Count Blecks assistant, Nastasia, spoke up "Yeah, um, being rude to esteemed count is sort of frowned on, 'K?" she continued "So, yeah, Princess Peach, I need you to answer the count now... Do you, Peach, take Bowser to be your wedded husband 'til your games be over?"


With Bowser dancing on the other side of the alter, Nastasia said "Gee... You sure are a fighter. But yeah, no one withstands my super-hypnosis, sorry."

" 'I do,' say it now, 'K?

"Ooooh......Oooohh oh..." said the Princess while under the assistants spell, "........ I....I.....do...."

There was suddenly a rumbling in the alter, and a black energy appeared in the pedestal of the alter.

"WH-WHAT?!?" shouted Bowser.

The crowd was stirred up and was wondering what was happening. Then in the middle of the crowd, the taller more unpopular brother of the infamous Mario Brothers, Luigi, stood up after being knocked out.

He looked around "What in the world? Eh? What am I doing here?" Then he noticed Peach, Bowser and Bleck. "Huh? Is that...Princess Peach over there??? And that guy is...HEY!"

Meanwhile a grey heart appeared in over the altar. It gave of intense energy.

Count Bleck opened his cape a laughed " BLEH HEH HEH HEH! BLECK! Yes, all precisely as written in the Dark Prognistcus! Already it is unleashed! The Chaos Heart!"

"Oh, yeah, um, congratulations, Count..." said Nastasia, moody.

"HALT!" yelled Luigi.

"And just who are you?.... Asked Count Bleck."

"Oh no! I don't give my name to scoundrels! Just watch as Luigi punishes you for your badness! HERE I GO!"

"Yeah, I gonna need you to stop this right this second, 'K? If you interrupt this now..." said Nastasia

Slight update.

Expect more later.

Last edited by Miku Hatsune on Sun Dec 14, 2008 11:14 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 11:59 am   Reply with quote





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Super Mario-Dude

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 12:06 pm   Reply with quote

Bun. Bun. Bun.

No but really, nice story. its coming along good so far
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Miku Hatsune

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 11:14 am   Reply with quote

Small update.
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 10:21 pm   Reply with quote

most of the text near the end is the same, but you still did pretty well.
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