Whoa there, gettin a little territorial there. Not saying he's bad, Just that people sometimes do that with alot of things, they think the one they like is the best, But if they never played any of them, and had a blind test they would want a different one to win. He is a good narrator. I think he was in some Eye toy games for the Ps2.
[list]*Game of the Year: Grand Theft Auto IV Haven't played it, but Little Big planet is probably miles better. *Best RPG: Fallout 3 As long as it's not pokemon, I'm okay with it. *Best Handheld Game: Professor Layton and the Curious Village *crag* YEAH. *Best Graphics: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Indeed. *Best Music Game: Rock Band 2 Indeed. *Best Soundtrack: Rock Band 2 Brawl, and Sonic Unleashed anyone? Lyrics just turn me off. *Best Wii Game: Boom Blox Did these people even PLAY brawl? Sure, it isn't THAT good of a game, but Boom Blox? Wut? *Best PS3 Game: Little Big Planet Got to agree there. *Best Independent game:World of Goo Only heard of it once. *Best Fighting Game: Soul Calibur IV Haven't played it, but does the game we call "Super Smash Brothers Brawl" mean anything to you?
[list]*Game of the Year: Grand Theft Auto IV Haven't played it, but Little Big planet is probably miles better. *Best RPG: Fallout 3 As long as it's not pokemon, I'm okay with it. *Best Handheld Game: Professor Layton and the Curious Village *crag* YEAH. *Best Graphics: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Indeed. *Best Music Game: Rock Band 2 Indeed. *Best Soundtrack: Rock Band 2 Brawl, and Sonic Unleashed anyone? Lyrics just turn me off. *Best Wii Game: Boom Blox Did these people even PLAY brawl? Sure, it isn't THAT good of a game, but Boom Blox? Wut? *Best PS3 Game: Little Big Planet Got to agree there. *Best Independent game:World of Goo Only heard of it once. *Best Fighting Game: Soul Calibur IV Haven't played it, but does the game we call "Super Smash Brothers Brawl" mean anything to you?
Does Brawl not categorize as 2008?
When i was reading the thing i was like wait did i miss a year or something wheres brawl, but SC4 was a better fighting game