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S4 League
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The Axolotl Sympathist

Joined: 26 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 1:09 am   Reply with quote

Jet Set Radio + GunZ: The Duel + The World Ends With You = what?

An orgasm in the form of a game, that's what. But, if you're looking for a title, it's S4 League.

Basically, this game is a third-person shooter for PC. It's a free download, and well worth it. Catchy music, outrageous weapons, and amazing gameplay all encircle to become this masterpiece.

If I find a game on the internet, I might spend a month playing it, and I can tell how long I'll play it depending on my initial reaction. I've only actually had this game for about 2 days now, and I can tell that I'll be playing this game for a LONG, LONG time.

I'm gonna give a review here, so please read, it'll sum up the game fairly well.

You start out with a set of dual SMGs and a Plasma Sword (as well as an HP-oosting item). Each last for 5 hours of in-game playtime (so the time won't go down unless you're actually playing in a match, unlike most games that deplete time regardless if you're in the waiting area, logging in or out, or not even on your computer). The reason for this is to test out a couple things before spending most of your money on your main weapon, or spend a small amount of PEN, the in-game currency, on another 5-hour weapon session.

Once you decide on your attack tactics you can worry about your looks. This game is pretty awesome when it comes to fashion, having a similar feeling to The World Ends With You. You can choose to have regular clothes, hair, etc, or you can pay more PEN to give them stat bonuses. It'll cost a lot more in the end for the bonuses, as weapons and style items must be repaired after a while (they can't make it too easy, now, can they?).

There are 2 game modes: Deathmatch and Touchdown. Deathmatch is a team-based, well, deathmatch, so not much explaining is needed. Touchdown is essentially capture the flag, so once again... No explaining needed. Personally, I prefer Deathmatch over Touchdown.

Gameplay, wise, it plays from an over-the-shoulder view, and depending on how zoomed in you are, it can be an almost full-body view to Resident Evil 4 view to almost first-person view. Shooting is like most games, steer and aim with the mouse, and click to fire. Weapons have unlimited ammo, but they need to be reloaded if a clip or magazine runs out. You can pull off a ton of different moves, like wall-jumping, dashing, jumping sword-dives. If you've ever played GunZ: The Duel, it's a lot like it, without wall-running.

Looks-wise, it resembles Jet Set Radio. It has the same shading style as Team Fortress 2, so it's not cel-shaded, but it has that cartoon-like appeal. Very colorful, and it really looks like it popped out of a cyberpunk comic book.

And then there's the music... OOOHH, THE MUSIC. Once again, this is where Jet Set Radio and The World Ends With You pop into play. It's catchy, upbeat techno with vocals most of the time (typical J-Pop). It stood out as one of the most prominent elements of the game. The soundtrack is catchy, and it just wanna makes you dominate the competition (literally, when you kill someone, it says you "dominated" them).

All-in-all... GET THIS GAME IF YOUR COMPUTER CAN RUN IT. It's the most addicting game I've owned on my computer, ever. More than WoW, and that's saying a LOT.

Make sure to register at the game's home site before trying to play, as it uses that account to log in. Also, don't give up too early. The game starts out with only 2 maps, as they're more for learning all the mechanics. Once you hit level 6, a lot more maps become available to you. This is a great game worth playing, so if you can, get it.

Good luck if you get the game. My IGN is AtomicAxolotl.

Last edited by Geno on Mon Jan 19, 2009 10:26 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 1:40 am   Reply with quote

you forgot the classes
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The Axolotl Sympathist

Joined: 26 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 1:49 am   Reply with quote

RaveRaze wrote:
you forgot the classes
Uhm, what classes? You shoot people. And run around.
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Joined: 30 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 9:28 am   Reply with quote

Geno wrote:
RaveRaze wrote:
you forgot the classes
Uhm, what classes? You shoot people. And run around.
I have no idea what i was talking about o_O well i did post that at 2 am
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