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Parabuzzy Queen

Joined: 18 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 10:18 pm   Reply with quote

A scrap of paper blows by, stopping at your feet.

Dare you fill out the questionnaire?

First, some quick either/ors:
Coffee or tea?
Cats or dogs?
Night or day?
Stealth or power?
Death by fire or ice?
Cynicism or idealism?
War or peace?
Wuv, twoo wuv or my-name-is-Inigo-Montoya-style revenge?
Solitude or company?

On to the in-depth stuff:
Is s/he sane? If not, then what's wrong upstairs?

What trope(s) does s/he embody?

What would I find in his/her bathroom?

What animal is s/he most like?

First, some quick either/ors:
Coffee or tea? Coffee. Caffeine ftw.
Cats or dogs? Cats. Dogs are too stupid.
Night or day? Night. Ooooof course.
Stealth or power? Power.
Death by fire or ice? Fire.
Cynicism or idealism? Cynicism.
War or peace? War. He doesn't entirely know what to do with spare time.
Wuv, twoo wuv or my-name-is-Inigo-Montoya-style revenge? Revenge. Alllll the way.
Solitude or company? Company. Very, very limited company.

On to the in-depth stuff:
Is s/he sane? If not, then what's wrong upstairs? No. Antisocial Personality Disorder~. :3

What trope(s) does s/he embody? Type III Anti-Hero, I'd say.

What would I find in his/her bathroom? Soap, shower, potty, sink, the usual--and then there's fun stuff like purple hair dye (fanon), contact lens case, roach trap (!), litterbox (just in case)...

What animal is s/he most like? Cat. Undoubtedly. Independent, bitchy if he dislikes you (or even if he doesn't), etc...

First, some quick either/ors:
Coffee or tea? Tea... ?
Cats or dogs? Cats. Soft and fuzzy, and refreshingly independent.
Night or day? Day. Far safer.
Stealth or power? Power.
Death by fire or ice? Ice.
Cynicism or idealism? On the fence.
War or peace? Peace. He wishes.
Wuv, twoo wuv or my-name-is-Inigo-Montoya-style revenge? ...Love? Kinda.
Solitude or company? Company. Thus the Fyorae (dragonets).

On to the in-depth stuff:
Is s/he sane? If not, then what's wrong upstairs? Ohhh no. Rare fits of rage, slightly detatched personality, slight batshit tendencies--where do I start? :3

What trope(s) does s/he embody? Blank Slate, to an extent. Also Squishy Wizard. :3

What would I find in his/her bathroom? Petri-dish-equivalents full of biology experiment, assorted knickknacks, maybe a giant acid-spitting worm in the bathtub...

What animal is s/he most like? I honestly couldn't think of one. XD;

Alright gogogo. :3
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Buzzy Mart    
Tails Doll

Joined: 04 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 11:35 pm   Reply with quote


First, some quick either/ors:
Coffee or tea? Tea, believe it or not.
Cats or dogs? Cats. He even mimics the abilities of one!
Night or day? Day, it's safe then
Stealth or power? Stealth can rip through raw power.
Death by fire or ice? Ice.
Cynicism or idealism? Idealism!
War or peace? Peace.
Wuv, twoo wuv or my-name-is-Inigo-Montoya-style revenge? Wuv
Solitude or company? Company. Hence the fact he makes friends easily.

On to the in-depth stuff:
Is he sane? Pommy is a sane yet quirky guy. He is the person who keeps his friends in line and happy, and though he participates in silly events, he knows a fine margin between fun and crazy.

What trope does he embody? He's the Lancer.

What would I find in his bathroom?

Loads of bottles of shampoo and cans of hairspray, several combs, quite a few combs.

What animal is s/he most like? None, really.

The Pigmask Air Marshal

First, some quick either/ors:
Coffee or tea? Tea.
Cats or dogs? A bunch of independent jerks who do nothing, or an army of loyal soldiers who all love you? No duh the dogs.
Night or day? Night. Porkyo looks amazing at night.
Stealth or power? Power can do anything!
Death by fire or ice? Fire.
Cynicism or idealism? Cynicism.
War or peace? War for those who do not accept Porky as their king.
Wuv, twoo wuv or my-name-is-Inigo-Montoya-style revenge? Revenge is the best feeling ever.
Solitude or company? Solitude.

On to the in-depth stuff:
Is he sane? If not, then what's wrong upstairs? The Air Marshal isn't really there. He thinks he does the world good by plundering small towns and replacing them with materialistic cults, and he thinks that the massive pollution his machines and factories make are a small price to pay for the beneficial effects of endless products and resources.

What tropes does he embody? The Corrupt Corporate Executive, combined with Colonel Badass and Evil Poacher.

What would I find in his bathroom? The most elite and expensive of colognes, loads of DCMC merchandise, a rack of Secret Herbs, and endless amounts of muscle supplements and steroids.

What animal is he most like? The Pig. Slovenly, dirty, greedy, but very intelligent and powerful.

King Porky.

First, some quick either/ors:
Coffee or tea? Coffee, with plenty of cream and sugar.
Cats or dogs? Dogs.
Night or day? Day.
Stealth or power? Both combined perfectly.
Death by fire or ice? Ice. It isn't painful.
Cynicism or idealism? Cynicism.
War or peace? War.
Wuv, twoo wuv or my-name-is-Inigo-Montoya-style revenge? Revenge.
Solitude or company? Company.

On to the in-depth stuff:
Is he sane? If not, then what's wrong upstairs?

King Porky is not sane. He has been mentally corrupt from the flows of time, and views all of life as his plaything. Porkyo, a vast and endless city of brainless merchandising and materialism is his utopia, where nature itself does not exist. He is well aware of the horrible things he does, and knows that they are bad. He does them anyways, and feels no remorse later.

What tropes does he embody?

Complete Monster, Evil Old Folks, and Really Seven Hundred Years Old.

What would I find in his bathroom?

Anything you'd find in a throne room, just replace the throne with a toilet.

What animal is he most like? None.
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Joined: 26 Mar 2008
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HP: 10 MP: 5 Lives: 0

PostPosted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 11:39 pm   Reply with quote


First, some quick either/ors:
Coffee or tea? Tea
Cats or dogs? Cats
Night or day? Day
Stealth or power? Stealth
Death by fire or ice? noneplx >: fire, I guess.
Cynicism or idealism? idealism
War or peace? Peace plx.
Wuv, twoo wuv or my-name-is-Inigo-Montoya-style revenge? wat
Solitude or company? Company

On to the in-depth stuff:
Is s/he sane? If not, then what's wrong upstairs? Ahahaha... Actually, yes. Quite possibly my ONLY sane alt.

What trope(s) does s/he embody? I'm too lazy to find one.

What would I find in his/her bathroom? porn A toilet, bathtub, mirror, cabinet with hygine supplies, and a sink. What else would be in a bathroom?

What animal is s/he most like? Uh... That's a good question.


First, some quick either/ors:
Coffee or tea? ... I don't think you'd ever catch him doing anything non-violent and live to tell the tale.
Cats or dogs? A catdog injected with drugs to induce violence.
Night or day? Whatever time is fine with him, so long as you're dead.
Stealth or power? Power.
Death by fire or ice? Fire, only because then he would have fufilled his goal of burning the world.
Cynicism or idealism? TAKE A WILD *crag* GUESS.
War or peace? TAKE ANOTHER WILD *crag* GUESS.
Wuv, twoo wuv or my-name-is-Inigo-Montoya-style revenge? wat
Solitude or company? He'd probably kill you if you tried to hang out with him, unless you were a partner to help him kill or something.

On to the in-depth stuff:
Is s/he sane? If not, then what's wrong upstairs? ... Do I seriously have to answer this?

What trope(s) does s/he embody? Same as bobz.

What would I find in his/her bathroom? There is no bathroom, it's been replaced with another room used to kill people in horrible, twisted ways.

What animal is s/he most like? ... I don't know, what animal is most likely to snap at you for no reason, kill you, and ultimately destroy the world?


First, some quick either/ors:
Coffee or tea? YES YES
Cats or dogs? YES YES
Night or day? YES YES
Stealth or power? YE - NO, WAIT, NEVERMIND, THAT'S UGLY.
Death by fire or ice? THAT'S JUST PLAIN STUPID.
Wuv, twoo wuv or my-name-is-Inigo-Montoya-style revenge? WHY, I LOVE YOU TOO. BUT, I'M ALREADY MARRIED TO LIKE, 345222534 OTHER MEN AND WOMEN. NOPE, WAIT, IT JUST INCREASED.
Solitude or company? NO, I DO NOT WANT ANY EXPLODING SOUP.

On to the in-depth stuff:
Is s/he sane? If not, then what's wrong upstairs? WHY YES, IT IS A BEAUTIFUL DAY TODAY.

On a serious note: What's right in WAFFLE's upstairs?

What trope(s) does s/he embody? THE ONE ON YOUR LEFT.


What animal is s/he most like? A COMPUTER BOX.
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bobzearth42's Shop    
Lord Bob

Joined: 05 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 1:32 pm   Reply with quote


Coffee or tea? Tea
Cats or dogs? Dogs
Night or day? Night
Stealth or power? Stealth
Death by fire or ice? Ice
Cynicism or idealism? Cynisism
War or peace? Peace
Wuv, twoo wuv or my-name-is-Inigo-Montoya-style revenge? Revenge
Solitude or company? Solitude

On to the in-depth stuff:
Is s/he sane? If not, then what's wrong upstairs?
Sanity is a check.

What trope(s) does s/he embody?
Don't feel like taking the time to find one.

What would I find in his/her bathroom?
Normal bathroom stuff, I suppose.

What animal is s/he most like?
Wolf, due to a tendency to be alone, but has a strong sense of loyalty towards his friends.


Coffee or tea? Tea, since coffee is for the uncivilized folk.
Cats or dogs? Dogs
Night or day? Night
Stealth or power? GEE, LET ME THINK ABOUT THAT
Death by fire or ice? Though neither would work, probably ice.
Cynicism or idealism? I WONDER WHICH.
Wuv, twoo wuv or my-name-is-Inigo-Montoya-style revenge? I DON'T KNOW THIS ONE EITHER, IT'S PRETTY DIFFICULT TOO
Solitude or company? Solitude because Alexander is a prick.

On to the in-depth stuff:
Is s/he sane? If not, then what's wrong upstairs?
Perfectly sane. Except at the end of FFIV, which is something that should not be brought up. Ever.

What trope(s) does s/he embody?
Again, too lazy to find one.

What would I find in his/her bathroom?
Zeromus doesn't have a bathroom. He doesn't need one.

What animal is s/he most like?
A behemoth. Because they are annoying, and so is he.

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Bartz Klauser

Joined: 27 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 1:43 pm   Reply with quote

Coffee or tea? Tea with extravagant spices.
Cats or dogs? Dogs, perfect for loyalty!
Night or day? Day
Stealth or power? Power.
Death by fire or ice? Fire
Cynicism or idealism? Idealism
War or peace? War
Wuv, twoo wuv or my-name-is-Inigo-Montoya-style revenge? Revenge
Solitude or company? Company

On to the in-depth stuff:
Is s/he sane? If not, then what's wrong upstairs? Yeah, he's pretty sane, I'd guess.

What trope(s) does s/he embody? Iunno.

What would I find in his/her bathroom? Gold. Lots of it

What animal is s/he most like? A dragon. He likes keeping his hoard of treasure.

Coffee or tea? Tea, I make good tea.
Cats or dogs? Dogs. I hate cat fur.
Night or day? Night, it's a lot more pleasant.
Stealth or power? Power.
Death by fire or ice? Ice
Cynicism or idealism? Cynicism, I was broken by my ideals.
War or peace? Peace, but for peace to exist, there must be war.
Wuv, twoo wuv or my-name-is-Inigo-Montoya-style revenge? REVENGE
Solitude or company? Solitude

On to the in-depth stuff:
Is s/he sane? If not, then what's wrong upstairs? Sane, perfectly.

What trope(s) does s/he embody? Badass Longcoat

What would I find in his/her bathroom? It would be like a regular person's one.

What animal is s/he most like? I do not know.

Coffee or tea? Tea, my good sirs.
Cats or dogs? Dogs, indeed
Night or day? Day, since night time is for parties.
Stealth or power? Stealth.
Death by fire or ice? Ice.
Cynicism or idealism? Idealism
War or peace? Peace
Wuv, twoo wuv or my-name-is-Inigo-Montoya-style revenge?REVENGE
Solitude or company? company's cool.

On to the in-depth stuff:
Is s/he sane? If not, then what's wrong upstairs? If you'd expect to be sane after traveling between worlds, you're wrong. And after getting his right eye replaced, some consider him insane, although he's just a bit more...advanced than the average human.

What trope(s) does s/he embody? Iunno.

What would I find in his/her bathroom? Stuff, including, but not limited to, a fridge, a DDR machine in the shower, and a cannon that may/may not be used for destroying out plane of existence.

What animal is s/he most like? Spinny bidoofkarp.

Coffee or tea? Tea.
Cats or dogs? Dogs
Night or day? Day
Stealth or power? Power
Death by fire or ice? Neither, I'd actually prefer it if someone tried to rend the fabrics of space and time asunder.
Cynicism or idealism? This should be obvious.
War or peace? Captain obvious, to the rescue!
Wuv, twoo wuv or my-name-is-Inigo-Montoya-style revenge? I don't know, hard choice here. No, really, it is.
Solitude or company? Company, 'cause Zeromus is a prick.

On to the in-depth stuff:
Is s/he sane? If not, then what's wrong upstairs? He's sane.

What trope(s) does s/he embody? Not bothered to look it up, but he does have an Infinity Plus One sword.

What would I find in his/her bathroom?Even more stuff than Zetta's.

What animal is s/he most like?Iunno.
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The Town of Lix    

Joined: 05 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 3:10 pm   Reply with quote

Coffee or tea?Tea.
Cats or dogs?Cats.
Night or day?Day.
Stealth or power?Stealth.
Death by fire or ice?Ice Ice ICE ICE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD ICE*shot*
Cynicism or idealism?Both, but it centers toward idealism.
War or peace?Peace.
Wuv, twoo wuv or my-name-is-Inigo-Montoya-style revenge?Wuv
Solitude or company?Company.

On to the in-depth stuff:
Is s/he sane? If not, then what's wrong upstairs?Somewhat. If he stays near total nutcases his mind degrades to their level as long as he's nearby. He also has a split personality, but he's rather tame.

What trope(s) does s/he embody? Ascended Extra, Mega Manning, Split Personality, Genre Saavy, Cursed With Awesome, Punch Clock Villan, Heel Face Turn, and Beware The Nice Ones.
(Look them up, I can't be bothered to link them all.)

What would I find in his/her bathroom?Nothing. He doesn't have his own house.

What animal is s/he most like? A Turtle.lawl
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Gemstone Goods    
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