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Token Nazi? Zelnor
Joined: 01 Jul 2007 Posts: 6425
HP: 10 MP: 7 Lives: 1
Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 3:35 am
As a child of divorces parents, who's father remarried some time ago (and had another child), I look upon my mothers efforts to make me stay in touch with mixed emotions.
I can't hate him, but I wish I could. And he fathered a child at, what ? 50 or something.
But then he sometimes writes me and it's all back again...
Is anyone else here the child of divorced parents and finds it harsh sometimes ? |
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Elzilcho ohclizlE Burning Vampire
Joined: 08 Oct 2007 Posts: 6715
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Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 8:38 am
Yes, my parents divorced a long time ago too, although it's my mom who remarried (although neither of my parents have had another child).
I live with my mom, and used to see my dad every weekend, mainly so I could see my sister ('cause she was much more fun to hang around :U), but then, well, something bad happened. Ever since that, well, emotional scarring, I've never really wanted to see my dad again...
To be honest, he doesn't seem interested in keeping in touch with me either. No birthday card this year  |
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Token Nazi? Zelnor
Joined: 01 Jul 2007 Posts: 6425
HP: 10 MP: 7 Lives: 1
Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 10:12 am
Oh, man...
I have a box I keep mementos in (tickets, letters, epic medic-style blue rubber gloves, american dollars from a guy in a train, 1946 silver dollar from my grandma, etc.) and when I dug it all out to photograph and catalogue it, I realized that my dad had written me like every year.
And when I went through an ancient backup disk of, like, my first PC, I found an old scanned letter.
Except when I need you to pay for college, you lying, stealing, fabricating... XY chromosome bearer.
I hate hating him, I hate not hating him...
And let's not get me started on the nice, traumatic memory of them shouting at each other, the last day he lived here.
Also, my half-sister is like eight years younger then me, so not much chance of conversation. :/ |
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(: Tayl
Joined: 18 May 2007 Posts: 12422
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Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 11:09 am
My parents are divorced, but both of them remarried and had a child (both of them my half-brothers). I live with my mom, but my dad visits me every month or so.
I guess I'm one of those really lucky divorced kids. My parents don't hate each other or anything, and they don't hate me, or either of our families. We all get along fine. Plus, my mom and dad are pretty cool, and they rarely ever yell at me (especially my dad, I'd have to do something REALLY terrible to get him yelling) or anything (my step-dad, on the other hand...). So it's all good in the hood over here, yo.
I do wish that they were still together, for two reasons. One, of course, I'd want to see my dad every day. Two, I'm not all that fond of my step-dad and step-brother. But those are things I can get through.
It sucks that other people have divorced parents that despise each other or even their kids. I can't even imagine what that feels like... D: |
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and I control the decks carfilledwithfish
Joined: 18 Jun 2007 Posts: 3988
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Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 1:34 pm
My parents are together, but my dad used to be married to someone else. I have two half-siblings. I don't know their mom very well, but from what I've heard/seen she's kind of controlling, and still wants to to take care of my siblings (who are 19 and 22) rather than letting them live their own lives. |
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~A color is just a color~ Frozenwinters
Joined: 30 Aug 2007 Posts: 25292
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Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 1:41 pm
My parents divorced when I was 4. Everything is easy as pie for me. :/ |
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Swoosh! forlornfate
Joined: 26 Mar 2009 Posts: 740
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Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 2:44 pm
My parents divorced about two years ago, but they've been separated for three. My dad sucked my mom dry with everything she had, including the $40,000 that was frozen in an account for my sister and I that was supposed to be used for college. Then he bitches that he can't do shit for me when it comes to school, which includes purchasing me a laptop, because he "has no money."
He really is a great guy. |
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that confounded bridge Abstract Vampire
Joined: 26 Jan 2008 Posts: 2521
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Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 3:09 pm
My parents separated a couple years ago. Really sucks, because I didn't have a long time to get used to it, having had about 13 years of my parents being together.
They always argued a lot when they were together, and now things are just *crag* insane. They haven't actually DIVORCED yet, so everything I do could potentially alter the outcome of the situation. Mom wanted to pick my brother and I up two hours early, and dad had a huge fit, stomping around the house and yelling.
We're not doing very well money-wise anymore, because of the situation. My mom took $11,000 from our house, and hasn't been paying it back. The lawyers are sucking us dry, and, well... I live with my dad, and he cleans floors for a living.
My mom and dad are both fairly aggressive people, so, yeah... you know, crazy mom trying to break into the house... crazy dad punching holes in the walls and yelling every morning. Luckily, I don't see my parents very often.
Only reason I haven't tried to stay at a friend's house yet, is that I know I'll be in deep shit if I do. |
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Swoosh! forlornfate
Joined: 26 Mar 2009 Posts: 740
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Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 4:12 pm
Abstract wrote: | My parents separated a couple years ago. Really sucks, because I didn't have a long time to get used to it, having had about 13 years of my parents being together.
They always argued a lot when they were together, and now things are just *crag* insane. They haven't actually DIVORCED yet, so everything I do could potentially alter the outcome of the situation. Mom wanted to pick my brother and I up two hours early, and dad had a huge fit, stomping around the house and yelling.
We're not doing very well money-wise anymore, because of the situation. My mom took $11,000 from our house, and hasn't been paying it back. The lawyers are sucking us dry, and, well... I live with my dad, and he cleans floors for a living.
My mom and dad are both fairly aggressive people, so, yeah... you know, crazy mom trying to break into the house... crazy dad punching holes in the walls and yelling every morning. Luckily, I don't see my parents very often.
Only reason I haven't tried to stay at a friend's house yet, is that I know I'll be in deep shit if I do. |
Dude, I know how it is. The separation process is always the hardest. It gets a little better once everything is finalized, unless you have a parent that is always expecting more from the other. |
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Simsmagic Aggrieved Vampire
Joined: 13 Jun 2007 Posts: 10482
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Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 4:56 pm
My parents divorced maybe 9 years ago. I was really too young to understand why, though my father explained it in greater detail a few years back.
My dad moved to California, my mother stayed here in Florida. I live with her for the majority of the year except during summer, winter, and spring breaks. Those breaks I spend in Cali.
Child support from my father is actually instead transferred directly into my savings account.
My father remarried, and I now have a half-sister, my mother is seeing somebody though no official plans have been made.
And, that's everything that I feel is worth saying. It was hard at first, but I've gotten over it.  |
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Token Nazi? Zelnor
Joined: 01 Jul 2007 Posts: 6425
HP: 10 MP: 7 Lives: 1
Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 3:14 am
forlornfate wrote: | My parents divorced about two years ago, but they've been separated for three. My dad sucked my mom dry with everything she had, including the $40,000 that was frozen in an account for my sister and I that was supposed to be used for college. Then he bitches that he can't do shit for me when it comes to school, which includes purchasing me a laptop, because he "has no money."
He really is a great guy. |
Story of my life, if you add stuff like "Threatening not to show up to his own mother's funeral if my mother shows up" (my sister and I ditched them. Last time I saw him. Joy.), "faking my mom's signature somewhere" (Seriously) and "Making up two doctorates my mom says she watched him copypaste" (No, really).
Except that he says he'd be happy to support my stdying, and I have the email backed up. I wonder if I should send him my school bills, with a post-it attached saying "cash plx~".
Good Lord, I hope I got the dominant genes from my mom. |
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High Priestess Paula Count_Bleck
Joined: 27 Apr 2007 Posts: 29980
HP: 30 MP: 2 Lives: 9
Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 5:12 pm
My mom and dad are divorced, and my mom has a boyfriend. My dad has a...I think she's a new wife, but I don't count her as a step-mom nor do I count the step sisters.
I can see my dad just about anytime he's off of work. ... However, my mom's saying she's gonna get married to this boyfriend and...No, I don't want that.
I don't want to move 4 hours away from my dad and grandparents.
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Tails Doll
Joined: 04 Jun 2007 Posts: 30513
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Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 5:31 pm
My parents used to be divorced, but they've gotten back since I was 7. I was thrown around between them while they were divorced, but since they're in the same house now, we're all okay. All of my siblings have different dads, but share the same exact mother. |
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Black Yoshi Vampire
Joined: 17 Jun 2007 Posts: 14673
HP: 31 MP: 10 Lives: 1
Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 5:44 pm
Oh, man. My entire Elementary and Middle School years were a mess, courtesy of my parents' divorce. They have been split up for about eight or nine years now. Before divorce, I hated my dad... he would scream and yell and smack the shit out of me every time I did something wrong, and was a real prick towards everyone else in my family. My mom divorced him, and I got dragged through the courts time and time again in their arguments. My dad eventually changed for the better, while my mom started spiraling downwards. I came to see that she had been manipulating me for pretty much my whole life, trying to force me to be exactly how she wanted. At this point, she tried forcing me to go live with her with her new boyfriend without so much as telling me that we were moving. I refuse to go, and start up a whole new hellstorm of court sessions, guilt trips, and accusations. Eventually, I ended up living with my dad and his new wife, where I still live today. I still get tons of hell every time I see my mom, and my dad still has some of his nasty qualities from before the divorce.
Long story short, my parents pretty much assraped my childhood with a pitchfork with their divorce shit. |
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