Joined: 30 May 2007 Posts: 8580
HP: 78 MP: 4 Lives: 0
Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 4:01 pm
The Keyblade is a weapon that has served both the sides of light and dark. Only the master of the mystical sword determines what it will be used for. Many years before Sora, Riku, and Mickey set out on a quest of light, a grand war between the Keyblade masters occured. This is the story of that war and the people who were chosen by the Keyblade.
Novel form please.
Cassandra woke with a start. She looked around at her surroundings and saw the same inn where she had originally fallen asleep.
"But that dream was so real..." she muttered to herself. Seeing the black monster that towered over her at the end of it consume her in dark was the last thing she remembered from the dream. Cassandra just shook her head, trying to shrug it off.
She checked out of her room and flipped to a different dimension. It was night here, and she looked up at the sky. For some reason, there seemed to be less stars, but it was only a hunch. She walked out of the alley she had arrived in and stepped into the street.
Cassandra gasped. It was filled with the smaller monsters she had encountered in the dream. She tried to fend them off with her telekenisis, but more and more kept coming to her. Backed up against the alley wall again, a shining key-like weapon appeared in her hand.
Its blade was silver and thin with some crystal teeth at the end. The hilt had an indigo handguard and a deep violet handle. A small silver chain at the end of the handle attached a miniature drama mask to the end of the weapon.
Fight the Heartless with the Keyblade. Use it as a projectile with your own powers, an unknown voice told her inside her head.
Cassandra had no time to think. She swung her Keyblade at the Heartless threatening to attack her. They disappeared in a flash of smoke. Once she had more room, she picked up the Keyblade and her mind and sent it out into the crowd around her, taking down more and more until all were defeated. Tired and confused, she sat down in the alley. |