Cid Lord Krump
Joined: 21 Apr 2007 Posts: 7880
HP: 60 MP: 2 Lives: 0
Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 12:30 pm
Role-Play Off-Topic is essentially the Role-Playing equivalent of our Off-Topic forum. This means that this board is for light-hearted, silly, and spammier threads than the Role-Play forum. This doesn't mean that completely nonsensical spam is allowed in here, as it isn't. Nor is "topic flooding" allowed.
Also, to the "serious role-player" viewing this board, remember: if you don't want some random, silly, or off-topic poster coming in and posting in your "serious plot," make your threads in the Role-Play forum instead, because that's what it's there for. Just as Off-Topic isn't meant for serious business, Role-Play Off-Topic isn't meant for serious business.
Remember, stuff like trolling or severe flaming isn't allowed in Off-Topic, so it isn't allowed in here (Unless it's not serious at all, along the lines of my Fred Phelps Role-Play Off-Topic character); virtually, the same rules that apply there apply here, as well. So, now that you have a good idea what this forum is about, go ahead and enjoy.  |