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See? Popple
Joined: 30 Apr 2007 Posts: 14001
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Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 2:59 am
I hate atheist, and I probably always will.
Because one they are jackasses because many think they are smarter than everyone else because they choose the simple way out, aka "None of the Above."
Secondly because they have stupid arguments.
"You can't ask me to prove prove god doesn't exist because it's a double negative."
You don't have to *crag* prove something doesn't exist, you have to prove that it is not necessary for it to exist.
This is the flaw in the atheist argument and this is why they will always deny debate on the subject.
Why? Because it's easy to prove a god is necessary for the universe to exist.
Reason 1: Nothing.
This is pretty easy. Nothing can only produce Nothing. Meaning something had to have produced the universe.
Almost all scientists, including Sir Stephen Hawking, agree that the universe has only existed for a finite amount of time.
By admitting this, one also has to admit that something need to CAUSE the universe to happen, and as of today that is still unexplained.
Reason 2: Basic *crag* Math.
Atheists and Scientists alike really like their data. It let's them sleep comfortably at night because they have the side of "It's Possible."
But what you will never hear is "It's Improbable."
That is because according to the basic principle of spontaneous generation and macro evolution, the existence of life, let alone any life at all, is a fluke at best.
What's worse is that even giving that life many have started on it's own, the development of intelligence is a completely different story.
First off, humans are THE ONLY species to have conscious as far as we know.
And when I say as far as we know, I mean as far as the *crag* earth is concerned because so far no other animal has killed another while wielding a rock and self-awareness and actual consciousness are two very different things.
Not only does this present a problem in itself, why the *crag* are humans the only species to be even relatively intelligent if evolution is truly about survival, but once again we come to the numbers game.
To assume that both spontaneous generation and the development of consciousness creatures occurred, especially when we can't even find the most basic *crag* signs of life on any other planets, is a leap of faith.
Sure, it COULD happen, but a *crag* black hole could spawn in the middle of New York city tomorrow releasing a plague of celestial horrors witnessed by the eyes of any living being.
Sure, it probably won't happen.
It's possible.
Reason 3: Through Death and Back.
A little known secret that no rational atheist will ever want you to dig into is the numerous stories concerning NDEs, or near death experiences.
The skeptics have tried everything to debunk these.
Developing drugs that barley replicate an NDE in a futile attempt to prove it is only of the mind, making tests where a patient being operated on is supposed to float above the table in an out of body experience and rely back what a sign positioned on high platform said, etc.
Many have tried to prove NDEs false with studies like the sign test have been used by skeptics in an effort to prove NDEs are a concoction of the mind, but for every test that fails there are five more that back it up.
Over eight million adults and numerous children in America have claimed having NDEs. Skeptics try to argue that these people and their recollections can't be trusted, but they really don't need to.
Every single person that has had a genuine NDE has become completely and utterly convinced beyond reasoned not only that there is an afterlife but also that there is a spiritual deity of some kind watching them.
No atheist that has had a true NDE has come out an atheist.
On top of that there are claims of hidden knowledge being bestowed upon people in these states such as premonitions, scientific secrets, etc.
These of course need to be taken with a grain of salt.
However, some fluke of the mind does not change people the way a real NDE does.
NDEers gain a larger appreciation of life and deep spiritual beliefs.
No drug or copping mechanism of the mind can do that.
On top of that there are stories of blind people vividly describing objects and people in their dreams, people meeting dead relatives they have never met, many patients are declared brain dead whilst in an NDE, many NDEs are similar regardless of religious beliefs etc., and of course many many more facts about NDE that prove quite shocking if you choose to read into them.
Reason 0: So what does it mean?
It means *crag* off.
People have the right to believe whatever they want, especially when atheists can not back any of their claims up.
So far they have made it by finding contradictions in the religious texts and scriptures written thousands of years ago, but in this new age of death science and quantum theories the mysteries of the universe are beginning to unravel.
Atheists will always try to hold that science proves them right and that with science no god is required.
But in reality they are just in denial.
They've tried to disprove every deity from Jesus to Allah and still they have no definitive proof that a god is unnecessary in the creation of the universe.
Does this mean that 100% there is a god shut up?
No, but you need to stop acting like an arrogant dick that knows everything.
Because you *crag* don't.
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Elzilcho ohclizlE Burning Vampire
Joined: 08 Oct 2007 Posts: 6715
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Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 6:06 am
There's an appauling amount of generalisation in this. From what I've read, all atheists are arrogant jerks who reject all religion, like a plague. Of course, this cannot be true. It's like saying Christians are jerks for 'rejecting all (other) religion' too. Just because they don't believe in the same God (or any God at all) and ideals as you, doesn't make them better or worse than you. Nor does it make them lack respect for your own beliefs and ideals. |
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cool Lord Bob Vampire
Joined: 05 May 2007 Posts: 21056
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Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 7:20 am
You honestly have to think where the stardust that made up planets and shit in the universe came from. I doubt it just was always there. You also have to consider how the Earth's first microorganisms ended up on Earth. There's no way that they could have just been there. |
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RaveRaze Mana7 Dead

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Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:33 pm
You know who i hate, people who make broad generalizations about a specific group people. You saying all athiests jerks is like me saying that all white people are fat racists who are scared pussies |
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Joined: 30 May 2007 Posts: 8580
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Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:41 pm
I can see where you're coming from, but really it's a dick move to be generalizing like that. I honestly can't stand those kinds of atheists either, and I try to be the considerate, open-minded agnostic. Only people who are rude about their beliefs piss me off. |
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See? Popple
Joined: 30 Apr 2007 Posts: 14001
HP: 99 MP: 8 Lives: 10
Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:43 pm
RaveRaze wrote: | You know who i hate, people who make broad generalizations about a specific group people. You saying all athiests jerks is like me saying that all white people are fat racists who are scared pussies |
You know what.
I said most.
And I'd say it was a broad generalization myself if I hadn't seen this attitude EVERYWHERE ON THE *crag* INTERNET.
I hate all people who are like that about their beliefs, but next to radical creationists, atheists are the worst.
I've met tons of atheist who claim to be open minded, but as soon you bring up anything religious the first thing to come out of their mouth is "No, actually you are wrong."
Last edited by Popple on Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:45 pm; edited 1 time in total |
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OH GOD Manpersonguything Werewolf
Joined: 30 Jul 2007 Posts: 7249
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Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:44 pm
You say "Almost all scientists, including Sir Stephen Hawking, agree that the universe has only existed for a finite amount of time. By admitting this, one also has to admit that something need to CAUSE the universe to happen, and as of today that is still unexplained. "
Nooo. Logical fallacy buddy. Non sequitur. You're presuming that they THEN therefore believe it has a cause and you keep running down that slippery slope and saying that the cause isn't just a god, but it's your god.
No, let's focus on cause. You're claiming that the universe has to have a cause and you're forcing "most scientists" to say it too. So let's say you're right for sake of argument. Then, if complex things have to have a cause, what caused god? A creator would have to be far more complex than that which he created - what made him?
"Cause" doesn't explain anything. It falls down upon itself. If you can imagine an uncaused god, you can imagine an uncaused universe.
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See? Popple
Joined: 30 Apr 2007 Posts: 14001
HP: 99 MP: 8 Lives: 10
Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:47 pm
Manpersonguything wrote: | You say "Almost all scientists, including Sir Stephen Hawking, agree that the universe has only existed for a finite amount of time. By admitting this, one also has to admit that something need to CAUSE the universe to happen, and as of today that is still unexplained. "
Nooo. Logical fallacy buddy. Non sequitur. You're presuming that they THEN therefore believe it has a cause and you keep running down that slippery slope and saying that the cause isn't just a god, but it's your god.
No, let's focus on cause. You're claiming that the universe has to have a cause and you're forcing "most scientists" to say it too. So let's say you're right for sake of argument. Then, if complex things have to have a cause, what caused god? A creator would have to be far more complex than that which he created - what made him?
"Cause" doesn't explain anything. It falls down upon itself. If you can imagine an uncaused god, you can imagine an uncaused universe.
You can't have an uncaused universe.
Nothing cannot produce anything.
That is a basic *crag* prinicple.
And I'm not saying their is a god.
I'm saying we don't know.
Don't you *crag* get it, this entire topic isn't about why I'm right and you are wrong.
I don't even believe in a god, I just hate *crag* atheist pricks. |
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Joined: 30 May 2007 Posts: 8580
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Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 4:16 pm
I really don't like your biological argument. Humans are not the only organisms to think at the same level. Koko is a gorilla that has been taught over 1000 words using American sign language and convey complex sentence structures.
And it is highly improbable to say that there are no other life forms in the universe. It's damn huge. The second nearest start to us, Alpha Centuari, is more than 4 lightyears away. It's not the smartest idea to say that because there is no life within our solar system other than us, there is no other life at all. Mars COULD have had life similar to ours, according to the traces of water left on the planet, but because the existence of life is quite improbable, it failed to create the complex carbon structures that make up all life on Earth. |
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See? Popple
Joined: 30 Apr 2007 Posts: 14001
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Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 4:26 pm
Francine wrote: | I really don't like your biological argument. Humans are not the only organisms to think at the same level. Koko is a gorilla that has been taught over 1000 words using American sign language and convey complex sentence structures.
And it is highly improbable to say that there are no other life forms in the universe. It's damn huge. The second nearest start to us, Alpha Centuari, is more than 4 lightyears away. It's not the smartest idea to say that because there is no life within our solar system other than us, there is no other life at all. Mars COULD have had life similar to ours, according to the traces of water left on the planet, but because the existence of life is quite improbable, it failed to create the complex carbon structures that make up all life on Earth. |
First off, that's not intelligence.
I can teach a *crag* parrot to say hello when I say hello, but that doesn't make it smart.
That's basic animal training.
Look at Koko. When signing she doesn't exhibit any emotion in her face, she barely even pays attention to the person speaking to her.
She can make those words and respond to them, but it's doubtful she knows what most of them mean.
It is on some level communication, but even then you are stretching the meaning.
And you've already validated my other point with your Mars example.
Look how *crag* specific you have to be to get life.
You need the right chemicals, right minerals, correct distance from the sun.
If you are even a little bit off, you're done.
Nothing. |
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Luigi is the best Pokémon LoudKid
Joined: 02 Dec 2007 Posts: 2806
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Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 4:32 pm
I've heard of several cases of people having been dead, then revived, and most of them said that there was nothing. I'd like to know where you're getting your data. List some references, so I may laugh at them. |
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cool Lord Bob Vampire
Joined: 05 May 2007 Posts: 21056
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Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 4:34 pm
LoudKid wrote: | I've heard of several cases of people having been dead, then revived, and most of them said that there was nothing. I'd like to know where you're getting your data. List some references, so I may laugh at them. | Before asking for sources, show some yourself first. |
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See? Popple
Joined: 30 Apr 2007 Posts: 14001
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Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 4:42 pm
LoudKid wrote: | I've heard of several cases of people having been dead, then revived, and most of them said that there was nothing. I'd like to know where you're getting your data. List some references, so I may laugh at them. |
First off, you aren't describing what dead means.
Certain conditions are required to trigure an NDE.
I person has to actual be brain dead.
If the person is being kep alive on a machine or is just at the brink of death, nothing will happen.
And even a lot of people claim to see nothing, that doesn't defeat the other NDEs, their similarities, and the profound impact they have on people.
To put it bluntly, if you don't know what the *crag* we are talking about don't get involved in the discussion. |
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Master of Puppets... The Chaos Heart
Joined: 17 Jul 2007 Posts: 4568
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Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 4:50 pm
I once heard an Atheist and a Christian argue. While the Christian kept bringing up evidence to support his arguemnt, all the atheist repeated was some mumblings about how he was an itteligent being, and that's how he knew he was right.
That's my only real Atheist experience. I really don't care though. It was funny to watch however. |
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Luigi is the best Pokémon LoudKid
Joined: 02 Dec 2007 Posts: 2806
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Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 5:02 pm
You know what, you're right. Personally I'm an 'agnostic' anyways (however you wanna take that), And I have not the time, the recources, or the patience to actually argue this out.
I'll leave you with this, though: If you want this to be taken seriously, I would suggest showing some references. |
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