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There's only one Chin Fish Vampire
Joined: 18 Apr 2007 Posts: 21294
HP: 71 MP: 6 Lives: 2
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 3:46 pm
Bet you consolefags wish you had Demofros in your games.
Team Fortress 2 files wrote: | //—————————————————————————————- // Items “TF_Open_Charinfo” ”Open Character Loadout”
“Item” ”Item” “SelectedItemNumber” ”#%selecteditem%” “NewItemsAcquired” ”%numitems% NEW ITEMS ACQUIRED!” “NewItemAcquired” ”NEW ITEM ACQUIRED!” “NextItem” ”VIEW\nNEXT >” “PreviousItem” ”VIEW\n< PREV” “CloseItemPanel” ”OK, RESUME GAME” “ChangeLoadout” ”EQUIP THIS ITEM NOW…”
“CharInfoAndSetup” ”CHARACTER INFO AND SETUP” “Loadout” ”LOADOUT” “Stats” ”STATS” “Achievements” ”ACHIEVEMENTS”
“CharacterLoadout” ”CHARACTER LOADOUT” “SelectClassLoadout” ”SELECT A CLASS TO MODIFY LOADOUT” “NoSteamNoItems” ”LOADOUT NOT AVAILABLE - COULD NOT CONNECT TO STEAM” “LoadoutChangesUpdate” ”NOTE: LOADOUT CHANGES WILL TAKE EFFECT ON RESPAWN.” “EquipYourClass” ”EQUIP YOUR %loadoutclass%” “Equip” ”EQUIP” “Keep” ”KEEP” “ClassBeingEquipped” ”%loadoutclass%” “ChangeButton” ”CHANGE…” “DoneButton” ”DONE!” “EquipSelectedWeapon” ”EQUIP SELECTED WEAPON” “ItemSel_PRIMARY” ”- PRIMARY WEAPON” “ItemSel_SECONDARY” ”- SECONDARY WEAPON” “ItemSel_MELEE” ”- MELEE WEAPON” “ItemSel_PDA” ”- PDA” “ItemSel_ITEM1″ ”- ACCESSORY” “ItemSel_HEAD” ”- HEADWEAR” “TF_BackCarat” ”<< BACK” “TF_CancelCarat” ”<< CANCEL” “TF_BackToMainMenu” ”<< BACK TO MAIN MENU” “TF_ResumeGame” ”<< RESUME GAME” “InventoryCountOne” ”(1 OTHER IN INVENTORY)” “InventoryCountMany” ”(%s1 OTHERS IN INVENTORY)” “CurrentlyEquipped” ”CURRENTLY EQUIPPED:” “CurrentlyEquippedCarat” ”CURRENTLY EQUIPPED >” “ItemsFoundShort” ”(%s1 ITEMS IN INVENTORY)” “ItemsFoundShortOne” ”(ONE ITEM IN INVENTORY)” “NoItemsExistShort” ”(NO ITEMS EXIST YET)” “NoItemsExistLong” ”(NO SPECIAL ITEMS FOR %loadoutclass% EXIST YET.)” “NoItemsFoundShort” ”(NO ITEMS FOUND YET)” “NoItemsFoundLong” ”(NO SPECIAL ITEMS FOR %loadoutclass% HAVE BEEN ACQUIRED YET.)” “NoItemsAvailableTitle” ”AVAILABLE:” “NoItemsAvailableTitle2″ “BASE INVENTORY ONLY.” “ItemAcquireReason_Achievement” “ACHIEVEMENT EARNED” “NoItemsToEquip” ”YOU HAVE NO ITEMS FOR THIS LOADOUT SLOT” “SelectNoItemSlot” ”Empty” “BackpackTitle” ”BACKPACK” “X_DeleteItem” ”X DELETE” “X_DiscardItem” ”X DISCARD” “DeleteItemConfirmTitle” ”ARE YOU SURE?” “DeleteItemConfirmText” ”Deleting this item will permanently destroy it. This cannot be undone.” “X_DeleteItemConfirmButton” ”X YEAH, DELETE IT” “Backpack_Delete_Item” ”BACKPACK - DELETE ITEM” “DiscardExplanation” ”You picked up this item but you don’t have room for it in your pack.” “DiscardExplanation2″ ”Delete an item below to make room or press discard to throw your new item away.” “Discarded” ”DISCARDED!”
“LoadoutSlot_Primary” ”Primary weapon” “LoadoutSlot_Secondary” ”Secondary weapon” “LoadoutSlot_Melee” ”Melee weapon” “LoadoutSlot_Grenade” ”Grenade” “LoadoutSlot_Building” ”Building” “LoadoutSlot_pda” ”Primary PDA” “LoadoutSlot_pda2″ ”Secondary PDA” “LoadoutSlot_Head” ”Head”
“ItemTypeDesc” ”Level %s1 %s2″ // s1 is the level number, s2 is the item type. Example: “Level 4 Medigun” “of” ”of”
// Attribute descriptions “Attrib_ClipSize_Positive” ”+%s1% Clip size” “Attrib_ClipSize_Negative” ”%s1% Clip size” “Attrib_UberchargeRate_Positive” ”+%s1% ÜberCharge rate” “Attrib_UberchargeRate_Negative” ”%s1% ÜberCharge rate” “Attrib_DamageDone_Positive” ”+%s1% Damage done” “Attrib_DamageDone_Negative” ”%s1% Damage done” “Attrib_HealRate_Positive” ”+%s1% Heal rate” “Attrib_HealRate_Negative” ”%s1% Heal rate” “Attrib_FireRate_Positive” ”+%s1% Faster firing speed” “Attrib_FireRate_Negative” ”%s1% Slower firing speed” “Attrib_OverhealAmount_Positive” ”+%s1% Overheal bonus” “Attrib_OverhealDecay_Disabled” ”Overheal bonus doesn’t decay” “Attrib_OverhealDecay_Positive” ”Overheal bonus decays %s1% slower” “Attrib_OverhealDecay_Negative” ”Overheal bonus decays %s1% faster” “Attrib_HealOnHit_Positive” ”+%s1 Health on hit” “Attrib_HealOnHit_Negative” ”%s1 Health on hit” “Attrib_CritChance_Positive” ”+%s1 Critical hit chance” “Attrib_CritChance_Negative” ”%s1 Critical hit chance” “Attrib_CritChance_Disabled” ”No critical hits” “Attrib_AddUber_OnHit_Positive” ”Add %s1% ÜberCharge on hit” “Attrib_Medigun_CritBoost” ”ÜberCharge grants 100% critical chance” “Attrib_DamageDoneBonus_Positive” ”+%s1% Damage bonus on hit” “Attrib_CritVsBurning” ”100% Critical hit vs burning players” “Attrib_DmgPenaltyVsNonBurning” ”%s1% damage vs non-burning players” “Attrib_NoCritVsNonBurning” ”No critical hits vs non-burning players” “Attrib_ModFlamethrowerPush” ”No compression blast” “Attrib_ModFlamethrower_BackCrits” ”100% Critical hits from behind” “Attrib_MaxHealth_Positive” ”+%s1 Max health” “Attrib_FistsHaveRadialBuff” ”On Kill: +50 Health on nearby teammates\nOn Kill: +10% Crit Chance on nearby teammates” “Attrib_CritBoost_OnKill” ”On Kill: %s1 seconds of 100% critical chance” “Attrib_Slow_Enemy_OnHit” ”%s1% chance to slow target on hit” “Attrib_Spread_Negative” ”%s1% shot spread penalty” “Attrib_BatLaunchesBalls” ”This bat knocks out a mean stun ball” “Attrib_DmgPenaltyVsNonStunned” ”%s1% damage vs non-stunned players” “Attrib_Scattergun_HasKnockback” ”Knockback on the target and shooter” “Attrib_BulletsPerShot_Bonus” ”+%s1% bullets per shot” “Attrib_NoDoubleJump” ”Disables double jump”
// Unique item names “TF_Unique_Achievement_Medigun1″ ”The Kritzkrieg” “TF_Unique_Achievement_Syringegun1″ ”The Blutsauger” “TF_Unique_Achievement_Bonesaw1″ ”The Ubersaw”
“TF_Unique_Achievement_FireAxe1″ ”The Axtinguisher” “TF_Unique_Achievement_FlareGun” ”The Flare Gun” “TF_Unique_Achievement_Flamethrower” ”The Backburner” “TF_Unique_Achievement_LunchBox” ”The Sandvich” “TF_Unique_Achievement_Minigun” ”Natascha” “TF_Unique_Achievement_Fists” ”The Killing Gloves of Boxing” “TF_Unique_Achievement_Bat” ”The Sandman” “TF_Unique_Achievement_Scattergun_Double” “The Force-A-Nature” “TF_Unique_Achievement_EnergyDrink” ”Bonk! Atomic Punch”
“TF_Wearable_Headgear” ”Headgear” “TF_Unique_Headgear_Scout” ”Batter’s Helmet” “TF_Unique_Headgear_Sniper” ”Tooth Belt” “TF_Unique_Headgear_Soldier” ”Soldier’s Helmet” “TF_Unique_Headgear_Demoman” ”Fro” “TF_Unique_Headgear_Medic” ”Medic’s Helmet” “TF_Unique_Headgear_Pyro” ”Pyro’s Helmet” “TF_Unique_Headgear_Heavy” ”Football Helmet” “TF_Unique_Headgear_Engineer” ”Mining Helmet” “TF_Unique_Headgear_Spy” ”Spy’s Helmet” |
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Elzilcho ohclizlE Burning Vampire
Joined: 08 Oct 2007 Posts: 6715
HP: 94 MP: 5 Lives: 0
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 3:50 pm
(For clarification, look here) |
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Ghost Articuno X Dead

Joined: 08 Feb 2009 Posts: 864
HP: 0 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 3:50 pm
Valve just got 50% more awesome |
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oar Super Maiq the Liar
Joined: 23 May 2007 Posts: 17919
HP: 100 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 4:18 pm
Chin Fish wrote: | Bet you consolefags wish you had Demofros in your games. |
I remember hearing that the 360 is getting the same updates the PC has since Valve finally figured out them memory tricks. 
It sounds like they're adding a shitload to the game. Is that weapon upgrades that the "ClipSize" to "BulletPerShot Bonus" part is referring to? |
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There's only one Chin Fish Vampire
Joined: 18 Apr 2007 Posts: 21294
HP: 71 MP: 6 Lives: 2
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 4:22 pm
Maig the Liar wrote: | Chin Fish wrote: | Bet you consolefags wish you had Demofros in your games. |
I remember hearing that the 360 is getting the same updates the PC has since Valve finally figured out them memory tricks. 
It sounds like they're adding a shitload to the game. Is that weapon upgrades that the "ClipSize" to "BulletPerShot Bonus" part is referring to? |
Yeah, it is, but I have a feeling that the PC version will have this fro update before the 360 version. And that the PS3 version will never have fros. |
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oar Super Maiq the Liar
Joined: 23 May 2007 Posts: 17919
HP: 100 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 4:25 pm
Chin Fish wrote: | Maig the Liar wrote: | Chin Fish wrote: | Bet you consolefags wish you had Demofros in your games. |
I remember hearing that the 360 is getting the same updates the PC has since Valve finally figured out them memory tricks. 
It sounds like they're adding a shitload to the game. Is that weapon upgrades that the "ClipSize" to "BulletPerShot Bonus" part is referring to? |
Yeah, it is, but I have a feeling that the PC version will have this fro update before the 360 version. And that the PS3 version will never have fros. |
Of course the PC version will get it first. Valve will probably release the updates on the 360 one at a time, just much faster than they came out on the PC since everything's already made.
That, or they'll release all four updates at once and then we'll get this new awesomeness a week or two after the PC guys get it. We got that Survival Pack for L4D today, so maybe Valve will be quick about these as well. |
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There's only one Chin Fish Vampire
Joined: 18 Apr 2007 Posts: 21294
HP: 71 MP: 6 Lives: 2
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 4:27 pm
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oar Super Maiq the Liar
Joined: 23 May 2007 Posts: 17919
HP: 100 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 4:30 pm
PS: Don't stand on the very top of the Lighthouse. Those tanks kill in one hit up there.  |
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RaveRaze Mana7 Dead

Joined: 30 Jun 2008 Posts: 6987
HP: 0 MP: 2 Lives: 0
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 4:40 pm
wait what are these random weapon pick ups
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maniacman Charlie The Unic0rn
Joined: 01 Feb 2009 Posts: 280
HP: 10 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 4:43 pm
*does the person above me* THAT WAS JUST WRONG! |
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oar Super Maiq the Liar
Joined: 23 May 2007 Posts: 17919
HP: 100 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 4:44 pm
RaveRaze wrote: | wait what are these random weapon pick ups
My guess is you can earn random upgrades from killing people and possibly capturing points. Each upgrade gives a boost to something and stunts something else, like you could get a Rocket Launcher upgrade that deals 120% damage but only has two rockets per clip.
They listed a "Medic Buddy" upgrade which apparently puts a drain on your health to help Medics build ubercharge.
Also sounds like shotguns will be able to pump out more bullets per shot with some upgrades, as well. |
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There's only one Chin Fish Vampire
Joined: 18 Apr 2007 Posts: 21294
HP: 71 MP: 6 Lives: 2
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 4:49 pm
Maig the Liar wrote: | RaveRaze wrote: | wait what are these random weapon pick ups
My guess is you can earn random upgrades from killing people and possibly capturing points. Each upgrade gives a boost to something and stunts something else, like you could get a Rocket Launcher upgrade that deals 120% damage but only has two rockets per clip.
They listed a "Medic Buddy" upgrade which apparently puts a drain on your health to help Medics build ubercharge.
Also sounds like shotguns will be able to pump out more bullets per shot with some upgrades, as well. |
Yeah, if I can, I'm totally getting a Scattergun that does more damage and has less shots. Preferably four to make a cross between the Force-A-Nature and the Scattergun. |
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darkzero Rusty Shackleford Vampire
Joined: 12 Jun 2007 Posts: 16661
HP: 1 MP: 2 Lives: 0
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 4:50 pm
I think it might be a new gamemode, Similar to GunGame in CS and DOD. °Д° ◉_◉ ʘﮯʘ |
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There's only one Chin Fish Vampire
Joined: 18 Apr 2007 Posts: 21294
HP: 71 MP: 6 Lives: 2
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 4:53 pm
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RaveRaze Mana7 Dead

Joined: 30 Jun 2008 Posts: 6987
HP: 0 MP: 2 Lives: 0
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 4:55 pm
Chin Fish wrote: | OK Survival's out LEFT 4 DEAD PARTY GO EVEYRONE GET ON | I dont like l4d though D: |
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