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darkzero Rusty Shackleford Vampire
Joined: 12 Jun 2007 Posts: 16661
HP: 1 MP: 2 Lives: 0
Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 11:39 pm
The following shows my thoughts on truth and lies. It consists of 5 paragraphs, so yeah.
Lies will get you everywhere. A Frenchman taught me that. Chances are he knew more about it than you or I, because he perfected the art of deceit. He then put it to use so that no living man could weave a better web.
The Spy, as he was called, lied so perfectly that by the time anyone figured him out, they had his balisong sticking out of their spine. He could forge any document, assume any identity, infiltrate any organization and generally fool anyone and anything.
He was so skilled, so well-trained, that his most sophisticated gadgets got little use in the field. He could wear a paper mask and pass off as anyone. He only had to keep up this act long enough to get behind the enemy with his balisong.
Yet he showed pity, not contempt, for the dim targets, letting them live longest and hiding from them the fact that their allies couldn't breathe, much less aid them in combat. This was a nasty habit that went from the beginning to the end of his career, when a Sniper chanced to see through his disguise and put a bullet in his head.
Lies will get you everywhere. The Frenchman who taught me that, I knew as the Spy. That'd what he was. That's what the body was identified as. But perhaps the Spy I knew was just an alias, like the others. I noticed in an outline of espionage training objectives the phrase "plant a false corpe." Yes, lies will get you eveywhere. |
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Fat Tuper lovegod703
Joined: 06 May 2008 Posts: 5515
HP: 10 MP: 6 Lives: 0
Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 7:16 am
I understood it up to the last part.
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Carpaccio Super BLU Spy
Joined: 25 May 2007 Posts: 1330
HP: 100 MP: 9 Lives: 0
Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 9:02 pm
Yeah, I know, but it got me a passing mark for English class. I am sure that the marking person does not know much about TF2. NOTE: This is version 3, and I turned in version 2. Version 1 was some shit about some espionage agent from some Clancy series. |
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