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Addicted to linebreaks Plastic Mario Vampire
Joined: 11 May 2007 Posts: 20799
HP: 94 MP: 5 Lives: 0
Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 9:46 pm
Alternate title: Revenge for the AIDS You probably don't get it, but I DON'T CARE :D
Chapter 1: The First Chapter
I make the most creative chapter names, don't I? OH CRAP WE'RE RECORDI-*Thrown offstage*
Mona's Pizza was busy as always, people running in and out all day. Well... Maybe not out. In any case, a large chunk of Digibutter's population chose Mona's Pizza as their central hangout, to get away from the craziness and just to relax once in a while. An energetic feeling was always buzzing in the air, as people discussed whatever was on their minds.
Among the crowd of pizza-eaters was part of the Mod Squad. Plastic Mario, TotalSpaceshipGuy3 and Celeste Dimentia. Usually, discussing top secret issues in a crowded, public place isn't very secure, but this is Plastic's story so your logic can shut the hell up. "I've called you two here for an extremely important reason." Plastic said with a disgruntled look on his face. "First off... Disgruntled is a funny word. Second... You two aren't the only ones I've called here." TSSG3 stared at Plastic, unimpressed. "Then... Why are we starting?" Plastic took a bite out of his pizza and stared back. "Because... They aren't coming." After a long, dramatic pause, Plastic continued "Because Goomba's pager is broken, and he's the only other one I've called. Anyways, I called you here because I found some coupon for 20% off a large pizza and I couldn't possibly eat it myself." Celeste laughed and said "Oh, you had me worried. I thought something bad had happened..." As she took a slice.
Later, after most of the crowd had cleared out and left back to Role-playing Off-Topic where their home threads resided, only a handful of people were left in the building. Plastic Mario, Mona, Maya Fey, Dark Paratroopa and Sumakima Josindu. Mona was wiping off the counters when Plastic walked up to her and paid for the pizza. "Cash plx." As he was getting ready to leave, Dark Paratroopa approached. "Hey, Plastic Mario... Got any news on the troublemakers between the forums lately?" Plastic sighed. "No... They really are getting more violent. You're lucky since you're a Paratroopa... The people stuck on the ground have to take an armored train to get between the forums these days, so we don't get attacked. Worst of all... We still don't even know what they are." Sumakima walked past the two as he was heading for the exit himself. "Sorry to interrupt, but I couldn't help overhearing... I also overheard some people talking about those things between the forums. Some are saying they're Roleplaying characters of the past, that have been tossed out and now seeking revenge..." He said in a shady voice while opening the door. Plastic looked over. "Really? Hm... I'll pass that on to Francis later on tonight. Thanks." he said. Dark Paratroopa also left, and Plastic started heading for the door, too. "It's been a pretty good day..." He thought. Suddenly, he froze. A blue trickle ran down the side of his face.
"Happy happy blue blue" Maya Fey said as she ran out the door, holding a paint bucket. Plastic Mario made his DEE COLON face known to her, and cleaned the paint off him when he finally got around to leaving. He boarded the armored train, along with the others. As he sat down, a voice came on over the intercom. "Hello. This is WIRE MAN, your driver for today. This is the last run for tonight, so be sure to let me know if there's any places I need to stop by aside from the normal route." Plastic punched in "Command Center" on the console in front of him, and sat back. The train took off, as it passed by the various forums. General Discussion, which was shaped like a huge library, The Black Market, which looked like... Well... A market, the Star Carnival, which was virtually deserted these days, Contest and Tournaments, which appeared to be a large arena, Your Creations, which looked like a huge museum... Plastic's eyes closed as he slipped into sleep. The train would arrive at the Command Center when everyone else had already gotten off, and that would be a long time from now. Long enough to get some sleep, anyways.
Chapter 2: Actual plot development
Chapter 2: Actual plot development
"Plastic, wake up! We're here! *Snicker*"
Plastic woke up. Darkness. He rubbed his eyes and sat up. "Ugh... Thanks." he said as he looked down at his hands. They were covered in blue paint, and on his arm was painted 'Join Happy Happyism!'. "Oh, that little..." he grunted as he got off the train and headed towards his room. He washed off the paint and slipped into bed for a decent night's sleep.
And morning came as usual. Plastic woke up once again, and began his usual daily business, as he remembered to pass on Sumakima Josindu's note. He walked by Francis's room, which was empty. He dropped off a PM and got on the train again. Passing by most of the other forums, an unusually small number of people got on. YagamiMirror and s-kill. They both headed into the back of the train, where Brawl was set up, as well as a small bin for keeping pants in as people played. What a luxury vehicle. Plastic got up, went to the back, removed his pants and joined them in a game of Brawl, 'cause all the cool kids Brawl without pants.
The train screeched to a halt, and shook slightly. Not one to take delays lightly, YagamiMirror stepped outside, only to run back inside, exasperated. "...There's some giant monster thing out there, and it tried to eat me." Knowing full well the train wouldn't get any further with anything huge out there, s-kill grabbed his sword and rushed outside. Not expecting anything like this, Plastic rooted through his inventory, only finding a bow and a couple arrows. He followed s-kill outside.
YagamiMirror wasn't kidding. 50... No, 60 feet tall. A creature resembling a dragon screeched and smashed its foot on the ground so hard, it caused a small quake. s-kill ran forward, slashing at its body, while Plastic aimed for the head. Nothing seemed to have any real effect. YagamiMirror also followed outside, tossing fireballs. The dragon, now enraged, swiped at the three, knocking Plastic back and narrowly missing the others. They attacked some more, but not doing any real damage. "Dammit... I'm out of arrows..." Plastic panted. Exhausted, the three began dodging swipes and bites while getting the occasional hit in. After taking a blow to the stomach, s-kill pulled back. "It's too strong..." he said as the dragon plunged down one of its legs, right above him.
A massive 'Thud' was heard as dust spread from impact with the ground. As it settled, the head of the beast was laying on the ground. A Sword of Pain was lodged in the ground beside it. Standing beside, drawing the sword back out, was Ultimario. He looked over at the three. "Looks like you guys owe me one... Let's get this train started back up." He said as he casually walked inside. The other three followed and started the train back up. Still trembling, Plastic went to the back room and put his pants back on, took his pager out from the back pocket and called in a crew of Para-Meows to carry the now-dead dragon over to the Crime Lab.
--------------------- Chapter 3: An unexpected occurance (An unexpected spinach inquisition)
The train pulled into Digibutter Prison, since it was the nearest forum. It had taken some heavy damage, and all forums came equipped with Repairmeows. Plastic Mario disembarked to check things out while the others stayed onboard. Prison, like always, was nearly deserted, only housing "I'M SORRY" topics of the long past. In the far depths of prison, admin resided, inside a room so heavily guarded that it would take a lifetime to open all the locks. Plastic proceeded to walk through, seeing many empty cells. One prisoner, however, remained inside. Plastic approached. "Hey there, Plastic. Care to let me outta here? It's soooooo lonely..."
Plastic pulled out his keys and let the prisoner out. "Fair enough... You've been in here for a pretty long time considering your crime." Tyler leapt out of the cell and ran towards the exit. "Oh, YES! Freedom!" Plastic sighed as he put his key away. "Why do I get the feeling I'm going to regret this..." he muttered as he followed Tyler out and got back on the train, which appeared to be fully repaired. It took off once again.
Meanwhile, at Mona's Pizza... darkzero, Frozenwinters and Logan ate away at a pizza while CBLuigi browsed around on his laptop. "Hey, guys, look at this..." he said as his eyebrow went up. Darkzero leaned over. "This user is either inactive or non-existant. What's so important about a non-existant user?" he said as he finished off a slice of pizza. CBLuigi pointed at the top of the laptop screen. "That should be the very first user's profile. The third one is Francis, and the second one is admin... But the first one is nobody." Logan gulped down the last piece as he used his incredible powers of subject changing. "Speaking of admin, I've come up with a theory that he's behind all the evil things appearing between the forums. Isn't it genius?" Frozenwinters looked over at him. "Yeah... admin's behind all of it, cackle..."
Plastic Mario, Ultimario and Tyler walked into Mona's Pizza to join the others as welcome PIEs flew into their faces. Tyler headed right over to Frozenwinters and Mona, Ultimario joined the others and CBLuigi called Plastic over, and showed him the broken profile. "Woah... That's the weirdest thing I've seen all day. Francis might know something about it, so I'll go check with him now." Plastic said as he walked past Tyler, who braced for a strike.
And with no further plot development due to insignificant details, Plastic Mario found himself at the Command Center once again, outside Francis's room. He knocked and entered. "Hai, Plastic. What do you need?" the Elite Nerr said from his Throne of Nerritude. "Just something CBLuigi pointed out to me today... Going by URLs, your profile is the third, and admin's is the second, but the first..." Plastic said as Francis worked feverishly on his laptop. "Hm... Inactive or non-existant? Odd, admin's should be the first and mine should be second..." he exclaimed. Plastic was surprised from Francis's words. "You mean... You don't know anything about this?" "No... It's probably just a little glitch. Nothing to worry about." "Alright, if you say so..." Plastic said nervously as he turned around and left the room.
Meanwhile, in a user's profile...
"New alt... Let's call this one 'Mario', shall we? Add an avatar... And presto! Now, we delete it... Next, Link... The Samus... Oh, this is just too sweet..."
Chapter 4: The chapter that comes after the third one
Yeah, I have such AWESOME chapter naming skills, don't I? Wait, we're recording ag-*rocketlawnched*
Plastic Mario was woken up by Werand trampling him, and yelling "Sorry, Plastic!" as he ran. "Ow..." Plastic rubbed his head as he sat up, only to be greeted by a massive mob, heavily armed and chasing Werand. After a few painful moments, a unanimous "Sorry, Plastic!" was heard from the mob as they continued running. "Ow... Evil things don't apologize, so that means I'm in... RPOT?" He rubbed his head once more as he quickly scampered outside. While catching the breath that was stomped out of him, Werand approached again. Plastic looked up. "Hey, uh... Do you know how I got in there? The last thing I remember was going to sleep as I usually do..." A small flash of light came out of Werand as he changed back into LudwigVonKoopa, who happened to look identical. "I actually found you lying out there, in the middle of nowhere. I missed the train, so I had to run from Miyamojo to here, and I found you in between. Since I was headed to RPOT, I figured I could just drop you off there." "...Are you serious? How did I get out there...? Well... In any case, thanks. You saved my life, I guess." Ludwig smirked a bit. "That means you owe me one, got it?" he said as he ran back inside RPOT.
Limping onto the train, he was greeted by TotalSpaceshipGuy3. "Hey, Plastic. You'll never guess what happened last night..." Plastic looked up. "Do I wanna know...?" TSSG3 smiled and said "Funny. After getting to sleep last night, I just found myself in the middle of nowhere when I woke up. No idea how I got there." Wide-eyed, Plastic replied "Are you serious...? Apparently, that's what happened to me, too..." The room fell silent as the train pulled into Mona's Pizza. The two got off and headed inside, to be greeted by CBLuigi, Logan, Tyler, Celeste Dimenta and Ultimario. "Hey, Mitch! Over here!" CBLuigi called. "OVA DERE!" Logan and Tyler said simotaniously. "I've decided to open a small chain of bakeries in Mona Pizzas everywhere, with the assistance of Mona!" As TSSG3 ran over to check out CBLuigi's bakery chain website, Plastic walked over to Celeste. "Lemme guess... You found yourself in the middle of nowhere this morning?" She replied, surprised, "How did you know? Not only that, but I swear I saw a figure of myself run off as soon as I woke up..."
Chapter 5: Wait... What?
"Goomba and Popple told me it happened to them, too."
Ultimario came into the conversation. "Sounds weird enough as it is. The mods only. And since the security of the Command Center, I'm guessing, is pretty high-class, how would you guys have gotten out...? I hope Francis didn't try to kill you or anything." Hearing this, Plastic thought for a second. "We don't know if anything happened to Francis... I'll go check right now." he said, as he turned around and walked out the door. Worried, Celeste followed.
Meanwhile... In a user's profile...
"Subject six lasted only 5 minutes. I believe avatar quality is directly linked to lifespan. You there... Create some good avatars for these... Spawns...
Fayth, Exuro and ? Block wrapped up another day of roleplaying as they joined Plastic and Celeste on the train. "Hey, Plastic. How come I never see you in RPOT anymore" Exuro said as he ran over to sit beside him. "Oh, hi, Exuro. There's just been a lot going on over these last few days, and since then, I've been kinda nervous about alts. Yay for paranoia." ? Block hovered over. "What's that about alts?" Plastic looked over and said "Oh... Nothing, really..." "Nothing? Now that you mention it, I saw something out in between the forums that looked like Ridley, AFTER I deleted him as an alt. Any relationship to that?" Shocked at this, Plastic tried to keep calm. "Uh... No relationship to what I was thinking. That's kinda weird..." he said as a drop of sweat beaded down the side of his head.
As Exuro and ? Block got off the train, it passed by the Command Center. "Fayth, can you just stay on here for a sec? I need to talk with Francis, and it's kinda urgent." Without even waiting for an answer, Plastic ran off towards Francis's room. As he burst through the door, Francis looked up from his laptop. "Jeez, Plastic... Couldn't you knock first?"
Plastic explained everything that happened to Francis, who didn't look surprised at all. "To be honest... I kind of expected something to go wrong with the alts. As for waking up in the middle of nowhere, I'm not sure how that would have happened. Lay off the beer or something." Not surprised by the beer comment, Plastic replied "You... Expected something to go wrong with the alts? What do you mean? Didn't you design them...?" Francis's face straightened. "Not entirely."
Chapter 6: DEFINATELY not the sixth chapter
"Not entirely...? Did anyone else help, or did you... modify something from the past? Why would it make a difference?" Plastic asked, calming down. "You see... A long time ago, around the birth of Digibutter..." Francis paused. "You have to be sure not to tell anybody else. Got it?" The colour drained from Plastic's face. "Uh... Ok..." Francis continued. "As you should know, admin and I were the first two registered members of Digibutter. However, April 16 was the public opening. We were working on this great project called "Project Nerr" for quite a while before that. The goal was to produce one thing: The ability to change your shape, voice, characteristics... Basically become a different person, at will. We successfully completed this project, and got to a rather glitchy beta version. My first idea was to open a public forum with this, to let people around the world entertain themselves with role-playing and such. However... admin showed a different side of himself. All he could think of was personal gain. In fact... His first idea with this technology was to mimic a wealthy man, so he could take over all his money and possessions. Needless to say... I locked up his corruption. After Project Nerr was complete, I decided to make the forum dream a reality. I forced admin in before me, so I could lock him up before I created anything for him to destroy. After a few months of the forum becoming active, people demanded a new way to role-play. I had completely forgot about Project Nerr up to that point... So I spent a few days working out most of the bugs and introduced Role-play Off-Topic. And from there on... You know how it went."
Plastic looked exhausted after hearing all of this. "Oh... Wow. admin and Francis knew each other. If that's the end, I really need to be going... There's people waiting for me out there. Thanks for the... Err... Wall of text, Francis." Francis got back to his laptop. "Good luck. Nerrrrr."
Meanwhile... In a user's profile...
"Twenty-four hours. Subject eighteen can be considered a success. Avatar quality is proven a direct relation to lifespan. Puppet one is ready to send into general public."
Chapter 7: Oh my god this is short
Shaken, Plastic walked through the doors of the Command Center and got back on the train. "Welcome back!" Fayth and Celeste said cheerfully, at the same time. "Where are we going now?" "Hm... After what happened in there, I'm fairly interested in how alts really work. To RPOT, if nobody has anywhere to go." With that, the train sped off.
As Plastic disembarked, he slipped into an alt form. Such a simple process, yet so complex... His train of thought was interrupted by a Frozenwinters screaming "WAFFLE-KUUUUN!" tackling him in the side. "Ow... Hi, Frozenwinters..." he said as he rubbed his head, and looked up. "...Frozenwinters?"
Nobody was standing where she just was. Puzzled, Plastic stumbled up and walked around a bit more, when he ran into Tyler, who appeared just as confused. "Hey, Plastic... Did Frozenwinters run past here? I was just in the middle of... Well... She just disappeared in the middle of it." Plastic cringed. "Uh... I don't want to know. As for seeing her, she ran into me and disappeared, just like you said. What's going on...?" They wondered as Logan also walked by. "Hey, guys. Seen any randomly disappearing girls lately? You'll never guess what just happened..." Plastic sighed once more. "Frozenwinters gone on you?" Logan's eyes opened wide.
"Frozenwinters? I was talking about Celeste..."
"Puppet one and two are functioning perfectly. Release one more."
Chapter 8: Plastic is not only uncreative with the chapter names, but with the story now too :<
"Did someone say my name?" Celeste chirped as she floated over to the three. "Wait... Weren't you just over there...?" "Uh... Nope. Just came off the train. Why?"
Back around Off-Topic...
"Tessie, Flavio thinks you're acting like a total stuttering peacock!" LudwigVonKoopa exclaimed. "Yes, Flavio does!" MALAK added in. "Just like what those two said, Flavio is wondering right now exactly what the BOOM-BASA is wrong with you!" Flavio finally said. "Oh, you shouldn't be wondering what's wrong with me. You should be wondering... If it is me." TotalSpaceshipGuy3 pointed at Ludwig's head, which promptly exploded. Afterwards, he shifted his finger over towards Flavio. "What the boom-basa? Oh, Flavio hates you all..." However, instead of another head explosion, TSSG3 simply disappeared. "Um... Wow." MALAK stuttered, eyes wide as pie plates. "Did Tessie just blow up Ludwig's head... Not in RPOT? How the hell...?" "Oh, it's nothing a life shroom can't handle, you stuttering peacock." The two left for RPOT to blow off some heads of their own. In-character, of course.
Later, at the Command Center...
"I've called you guys here for an extremely important reason." Plastic said with a disgruntled face. "First off... Disgruntled is still a funny word. Second... You should all know by now that we're getting cragloads of reports involving not only people randomly appearing and disappearing, but lots of unusual behaviour from basically everyone. You've been a 'victim' of this, right, Tessie?" "Yeah... Apparently, 'I' exploded someone's head. Ludwig, if I can recall correctly." Goomba sighed. "Most of us have come into contact with these... Fakes." Celeste nodded in agreement. "Yes... It's hard to tell who you can trust, lately." Hearing this, Popple stood up. "Listen, nothing's going to get done if we just sit here and talk about it!" Plastic looked up. "I hate to admit it, but he's right about that. Only thing is... How are we supposed to do something about it? We can't tell who's real and who's not just by looking at them..." Popple turned and headed towards the door. "Then we won't be the only people taking action." he said as he walked out. "Wait... Popple! You don't know what will happen if..."
Too late. A massive sign appeared in Off-Topic, the most active part of Digibutter. The top labelled "Announcement". The sign read, in bold letters: "Attention: Digibutterians! We have 'Doppelgangers' running around, posing as the members you live with and causing destruction! If you see any ususual behavior, report it immediately!"
A voice raised out from the crowd. "MOD PLOT!" The shouter was quickly beaten by the believers. Plastic did a quick facepalm while saying "Popple... You do know mass hysteria is only going to make things worse... Right?"
Chapter 9: Why do I not use serious chapter names Mass hysteria would be an understatement, at this point. Epidemic of paranoia? Still an understatement. As the reports came flooding in by the hundreds, every single person seemed to have turned on each other. Not only that, but more and more "fakes" were popping up everywhere.
"Puppets increase in activity relative to disorder among forumgoers. Recall them all for now." "Of course. Shall I go out there, too? I don't think anybody suspects me, of all people~" "Very well."
Francis was flustered when he called all the mods in an emergency call. "Do any of you guys know ANYTHING about what happened?" TSSG3 let out a sigh and replied "No... We were talking about it, when Popple ran out to make the announcement, and everyone just started to panic. After that... You should know." Celeste added in "They all disappeared at the same time, about an hour after the announcement went up. And people still don't trust each other, even though nobody's really... Being weird anymore." Francis sighed. "Ugh... What could have caused this?" At that moment, a shout came from the front of the Command Center. "Hey, mods and people! Get your butts out here right NOW! It's an emergency!" "Hm?" Plastic looked over. "Who... Could be saying that, and how...?" Plastic ran over to the entrance, where the train laid, and a couple passengers gazing upon the Command Center, which virtually no members have seen. "Wha... You know you aren't supposed to come here with any non-mods. This had better be important." Vaati poked his head out. "Nothing REAL important. Only Digibutter Prison is about to collapse."
Somehow hearing this, Francis rushed out and hopped on the train. "Plastic, get on! We have a jail to reinforce!"
As it arrived at Prison, Francis and Plastic were the only two that got off. Jail seemed to be stable, and there were no signs of trouble. Only... The screaming coming from behind. Francis rushed to the source, leaving Plastic behind. "Francis... Wait! It could be a trap!" Too late. Francis approached the source. "...Kii? What's wrong?" Shivering, Kii replied "Oh... Francis... It was... *sniff* horrible... Someone died... Right before my eyes..." "What? Who?" Kii stopped shivering, looked up, and put on a smirk. "Francis did." At that moment, the wall of prison exploded, engulfing Francis in debris. Plastic, just barely reaching the corner, turned and saw the tail of his dear admin sticking out a pile of rubble. "Oh, Grambi..."
Chapter 10: The beginning of war
"I'm baaaaaack~! Did you miss me?" "Whatever you say... What exactly did you do out there? "Oh, just got rid of a pest named Francis..." "Really, now... Not bad. I'll be sure to cookie you, later."
Plastic furiously typed on his pager. 'Guys, get over to prison right NOW! Francis could be DEAD!" Within minutes, the entire Mod Squad arrived on the scene. Celeste's mouth was hanging wide open. "W-what.. Did this?" Plastic fell to his knees. "I... I don't know... We just heard screaming, and he ran back here ahead of me, then..." Somehow, a crowd had already gathered around, staring at the pile of rubble. Stepping forward, Popple pointed one more thing out. "Has anyone else noticed that... The jail wall just broke down?" An silence passed for a few seconds. "Run."
The crowd scattered, some screaming, some running silently. A few people stood, paralyzed in fear after realizing what has just happened. In any case, everyone realized the same thing. admin was free.
A black figure emerged from the hole, grabbing the nearest person's throat and squeezing until they collapsed. As it threw the now lifeless body on the ground, a shockwave blew everyone nearby onto their backs, where some were slain. "Finally. And you took care of that annoyance, Francis, for me too. How thoughtful." He let out a chilling laugh as he removed the breath from yet another person lying on the ground.
"CHUNKS AWAY!" Fayth stood on a far off hill, pointing a finger in an 'Objection!' style, and a row of catapults behind her, launching 'explosives' at admin. As the blast cleared, admin stood there, hand outstretched. "Hm... That stung a bit. You members are getting stronger, I see." He laughed as a massive ball of ice formed in front of him and sent it flying towards Fayth with the swing of a hand. "I don't think so!" Three voices came out from behind the hill, while a titanic ball of fire came flying out and promptly melted the ice into nothing more than steam. Stepping up was Exuro, YagamiMirror and Ph1r3 Mario. Exuro pointed forward. "It's all of Digibutter against you. That's pretty uneven odds, so you know what comes next!" he shouted as he launched another fireball in admin's direction. admin held out his hand once more, dissolving the fireball. "Yes... Quite uneven. You'll need a thousand times more to even it out." He smirked as he closed his eyes. "Project Nerr has been installed on this forum, am I correct?
"admin is released? No worry... He can be dealt with easily... It's not like he could hinder us now..."
Chapter 11: Somewhere around the middle of the war
"What the hell is Project Nerr?" A voice came out from the crowd. admin laughed. "You should be very familliar with it..." Looking around in a panic, Plastic shouted "Project Nerr... Is alt characters. You can't use them here, so don't try." "Oh... Really? You forget, I developed it." he chuckled once more as a flash of light enveloped him. As the light dissipated, standing there was the figure of... Francis. "Nerrherrherr... You wouldn't possibly hurt your dear old admin now, would you?" he laughed as he walked forward, holding meowbombs. "Come on..." At that moment, thousands of PIES came flying out into admin's face. "PIE'er away!" CBLuigi and Mona joined the growing force standing on the hill. As he wiped the PIE from his face and straightened his glasses, admin spat on the ground. "Pah! Pastries alone aren't going to stop me!" he yelled as he tossed a meowbomb at the group standing on the hill. Ph1r3 tossed a fireball, which collided with one of the meowbombs in midair. It exploded with great force, much times the strength of the true Francis's meowbombs. Vaati and vg joined the group, which was virtually an army by this point. admin laughed a bit more. "Nerr... Let's get this done quickly!" He raised his arms, and a figure began forming beside admin. Another Francis-shaped figure. And another. Ten in total. "Meowbombs away!" All ten began tossing meowbombs, as the Digibutterians launched their own projectiles to stop them in midair. A full-fledged war had broken out behind Digibutter Prison.
A single meowbomb slipped through the defenses, heading straight for none other than Frozenwinters, who had just been 'airlifted' in by Dark Paratroopa. As she braced for the blast, she was pushed out of the way as the meowbomb narrowly missed. Back on the ground, she looked back to see Tyler flashing her a smile. "Remember, you owe me something later!" he said as he turned around to toss various objects at the incoming projectiles. "My hero... ._.;"
As Ultimario, Strong Bad and Logan arrived, one of the admins stopped throwing the bombs. "Let's make this a bit more exciting, shall we?" he muttered as he pulled out a laptop and typed furiously. Within seconds, a strange feeling poured over the army of Digibutter. A flash of light engulfed one member, then another. After they disappeared, no longer were members standing there, but rather... Alts. Linwa and Black Yoshi, then King Boo and Dark Kirby. "Hah, this is helping us a lot more than you!" a Gigyas called out as s/he unleashed an attack which had an ungraspable form. The admins reformed into a single Francis shape, which turned back into the shadowy figure before blocking. "Oh, just making things a bit more exciting." he said as he pulled out another laptop and began clicking around. A barrier formed around him, stopping all incoming attacks. As Plastic Mario turned into Shadowmaster, a feeling of dread washed over him. Something was wrong. Beside admin was now a number of small, shadowy figures. As they formed into more distinguishable figures, a very familliar figure stood out.
Plastic Mario.
Then TotalSpaceshipGuy3. And Exuro. Upon seeing this, a voice came out from one of the Digibutterians.
"What the hell? I can't turn back!"
Chapter 12: I have no idea where we are now
Every single person that had transformed into an alt now had their original forms on admin's side. However, in most cases, the power of the alt surpassed the original in strength. Then again, there were some alts who lacked fighting strength, such as in the case of CBLuigi, who had turned into an unusually kickass red pikmin. And there were the people who kept their original forms intact. Changing into an alt at this point could be beneficial, but spawning a new soldier for admin wouldn't be worth it.
admin smirked once more. "Wouldn't it be fun if we could spread the love beyond this desolate wasteland?" He raised his arms as the "members" scattered, fleeing beyond the back wall of Digibutter Prison, and headed towards all the other forums. The alt-ified members took off after them, along with the members who kept their original forms. Chaos was about to spread over Digibutter, to a much greater scale than anything that's happened before. As the battlefield spread to the entire site, nobody but admin was left standing behind Digibutter Prison. He turned around and destroyed another wall. A dark purple, distorted figure stepped out with a yawn. "admin... It's been too long." "Yes... Nice to see you too, divo. Shall we continue?"
"Quiet now... We can't have him seeing us..." Slim whispered to Vaati and vg as he kept them two-dimensional, as darkzero walked by. This darkzero had a swirling, black aura around him. This was one of admin's soldiers. As he passed, the three flipped back into 3-D. vg was the first to speak. "The Star Carnival's virtually abandoned, so we probably won't find much reinforcements. We have a couple things to worry about... First, we don't know if we can just simply take these 'clones' out normally, or if they need to be smited in some way. Second... If we finish one off, will anything happen to the real user?" Vaati thought for a second and said "They should be susceptible to normal attacks, but we can only hope nothing happens to the real user if we defeat these." Thinking the same thing, the three nodded as Slim flipped them back into 2-D as they slowly scuttled towards darkzero, who walked mindlessly down the pathway. As they neared him, Vaati sent a small dark blast in front of darkzero, distracting him. He crawled over to investigate. Slim nodded to the other two. "On ten. One... Two... Three... Five... Four... Seventeen... Three point one four... TEN!" Vaati and vg nodded to each other and launched a joint attack as they flipped back to 3-D. The soldier of admin took a blow to the back, and disappeared into black smoke.
A small group of alts wandered through Role-Play. Usually one of the most volatile forums, but nearly empty for now. Tayl, Diddy Kong and the Happy Happy Priestess edged inside a massive thread, towering over the smaller RPs and sign-ups. LudwigVonKoopa, Flavio and Dark Paratroopa were wandering inside, searching for any alts or legit members to attack. Diddy Kong was the first to speak. "It seems so weird to see my real self over there. What's more, we're going to have to fight him..." "Lolwut. Paradox." Tayl exclaimed as she peeked around the corner again. "Let's see... We should just go in when they aren't looking. They're just empty shells, so they can't be too smart." Diddy nodded to Tayl as she nodded to the Happy Happy Priestess, who nodded back as she stepped around the corner. "Tell me, do you like blue?" she shouted at the soldiers of admin. They looked over to see the source of the noise, and started towards her. "No? Too bad!" She yelled once more as she pulled out a paintball gun and blasted away. Diddy joined in, peanut popguns blazing. Dark Paratroopa and Ludwig were knocked back after taking some hits, but Flavio continued on, having the shots deflected somehow. Tayl chuckled. "Franklin Badge. Gimme a sec." She dashed over, took a hold of the badge on Flavio's clothes and took it back. "Too easy! Wait... This isn't a Franklin Badge, it's a..." A facepalm followed as she held the Flurrie's Melons badge in an outstretched hand. "Ugh. Still, whatever works..." she said as she looked over at Flavio, who was now taking hits along with the others. When the barrage ended, none of the three admin soldiers were there. "Hah! Take that, you little..." Tayl chirped as she hurried over to the aftermath of blue paint, to see if she could salvage anything. As she looked down, Dark Paratroopa came sailing down from the cieling and pinned her down. "Agh... Help! D:" Diddy and the HHP tried to fire him off, but ran out of shots during the fight earlier. "Ugh... Can't... Breathe..." Tayl sailed down from the cieling, knocking Dark Paratroopa off Tayl and turning him into a puff of black smoke. "Why hello there, Tayl." "Heya, Tayl. I see you brought a paradox with you." Diddy Kong and the Happy Happy Priestess looked at the two Tayls talking in the middle of the room. "Um... Okay." Diddy said. "In any case, I should be able to..." A flash of light came out as he turned back into Dark Paratroopa. "Ah, my good old self. 'Course, this war is far from over."
"How is admin this strong? Even with the members fighting back, Digibutter will be destroyed at this rate. You three, get out there and fight alongside the members. We still need more time before... Take the SSB group out with you. And don't let anyone die!"
Digital Butterflies. A forum that doesn't sound too environmentally intimidating, since it takes the appearance of a giant greenhouse with butterflies fluttering around. However, with Digibutter.nerr's law, anything with wings is a butterfly. And that law makes the area quite dangerous since everything is out of control. The entire site grew dark, as dusk passed over. Anti-Simsmagic and Pure-!!! wandered through, catching the occasional glimpse of Simsmagic and Pure-???. Anti-Simsmagic disposed of a resident 'butterfly', which was 30 feet tall with claws and firey breath by stabbing it repeatedly with a butcher knife. "This is Simsmagic's work... So why am I doing this?" Pure-!!! was keeping watch for the soldiers of admin. "Four invincible beings. Exactly what's going to happen...?" Pure-??? and Simsmagic stepped around a corner, facing the two alts. "..." "Looks like we'll get to find out!" Anti-Simsmagic chuckled as he dashed towards his usual self. "Godmod: Fire!" The greenhouse turned bright red as flames danced around, incinerating every living thing inside, save the four fighers. Amidst the fire, Simsmagic ran up and dealt a blow to his invert counterpart, knocking him back. "Not doing much!" he taunted as he got back up and began firing at the soldier of admin. Meanwhile, Pure-!!! manipulated the surrounding fire as a shield against Pure-???'s sword, getting the occasional scorch in. The process continued for a long, time, each hit doing nothing but causing a flinch. "See, THIS is what happens when you fight and nobody can get hurt!"
Meanwhile, in the Picto Forum...
Frozenwinters, Kii, AbstractThoughts and Tyler were wandering aimlessly. In the Picto Forum, not a word could be spoken. And the disorder outside had spread inside... Nothing but blank canvas could be seen. The four had quickly sketched out a small fort, which they used for shelter. Writing wasn't the most efficient form of communication, which was proven through the countless words written and not read before getting wiped from the canvas. With nothing to do, time was passed in the form of both doodling and slapping Tyler. Members, transsexual kitties and 'body parts' were among the things taking shape on the blank space of the Picto Forum. An unfamilliar sensation echoed through the Picto Forum. Sound. Outside the fort, admin-controlled Plastic Mario, Logan and Maya Fey stumbled around. Thinking quickly, the three girls began sketching things to be used for fighting, as Tyler ran to the back. The three soldiers of admin inched closer to the fort. The first action taken was the transsexual kitty being thrown out and latching onto Plastic Mario's face, closely followed by Frozenwinters darting out and tackling the two, secretly loving them before freezing Plastic solid. Kii followed up with unusually bacon-shaped projectiles, while AbstractThoughts released a wolf-shaped creature to tear the soldiers apart. As they disappeared into black smoke, more words appeared on the blank canvas. "That was too easy. Something's wrong." Plastic Mario, Logan and Maya Fey approached once again from the horizon. They were quickly taken care of, as AbstractThoughts headed off in the direction the soldiers came from. Minutes later, she ran back in a panic. Hundreds of 'clones' slowly loomed towards the four. Slowly backing away, more words formed. "Where the hell is Tyler?" At that moment, the word 'Tyler' was crushed by a massive Landmaster, which proceeded to wipe out the oncoming army. Tyler popped his head out the top, flashed a smile and motioned towards the aftermath, where the exit from the Picto Forum lay.
Back at Digital Butterflies...
Five hours had passed and no progress made. "Dammit, this is tiring." Pure-!!! mumbled as he blocked another slash. "Nothing can really kill us, except benning. And I don't think we'll be seeing much of that..."
"Or maybe you will!" A voice cracked as two hammers sailed down, striking Simsmagic and Pure-???, causing them to vanish into black smoke. Slipping back into their usual forms. The real Simsmagic and Pure-??? looked up. "You don't think your dear elite nerr can be held down by a few bricks now, can you?" Phrancis laughed. "A good amount of fire and a lot of Digibutter spirit is enough to keep me going! Who's next?"
Chapter 14: I ran out of ideas for chapter titles already
admin, sitting on the Throne of Nerritude, felt the presence of his soldiers disappear, one by one. divo was standing at his side, as a faithful guard. "Feh, worthless shells. If you want something done right, do it yourself... Don't you agree?" admin grunted as he closed his laptop screen. "Of course... I'll get them motivated..."
Devin poked her head out from one of the hundreds of plots scattered around Role-Play Off-Topic. Mona, as a soldier of admin, floated around. Devin quickly rushed from topic to topic, but froze after she heard a slight squeal. "Hmm?"
"Hey! You almost broke them!" a tiny voice came out from below. "Huh?" "Ack... Lift your foot!" "...Oh! Sorry!" Panicked, she lifted her leg to reveal a rather compressed pikmin, wearing rather kickass sunglasses. He staggered up and straightened his sunglasses before speaking. "Agh... Thanks much. Devin, I'm guessing. This is CBLuigi... All alt-itized." Devin blinked. "Um... Ok." The pikmin hopped up onto Devin's shoulder. "We sticking together? It's pretty dangerous out there around now." Devin blinked once more. "Dangerous? Only role-playing members. They wouldn't actually harm us." The pikmin lifted up his sunglasses. "Oh, you are misinformed. Sit down, and let me tell you-" He was cut off by a massive earthquake. "W-what the hell?"
"Denizens of Digibutter, I rise once more! My seven minions were easily removed, but I have the power of admin with me!" Massive, dark clouds gathered above the Command Center as thunder echoed throughout Digibutter. Lightning hammered down on the Throne of Nerritude as a dark purple, blocky figure slowly rose up. As he rose, his body slowly disfigured until there was nothing left but a swirling, purple vortex. The Void.
Earthquakes ripped their way throughout Digibutter, knocking members off their feet. The Star Carnival, worn down from age and neglect, crumbled to the ground. "Holy, son of a..." The Kickass Red Pikmin staggered his way out of Devin's hammerspace bag. "Nice bag. In any case, I think I'd better give you that explaination..."
10 minutes later...
"Uh... Ok. It kinda makes sense now." Devin said in a daze. The pikmin shined up his glasses and hopped back into her hammerspace bag. "When you live in RPOT, you kinda tend to lose track of what's going on everywhere else, you know?" ._.; "Hah... Just messin' with ya."
"admin's causing much more havoc than we expected. At this rate... Not even Francis and all the Digibutterians fighting back will be able to save the site. You two! Get out there! If we're planning on taking Digibutter, then we can't let admin take it first!"
"Devin, watch out!" A titanic ball of fire came hurdling past Devin, narrowly missing and colliding with a Mirror of Ice, sending an ice shard flying back, which Devin barely dodged. A deafening roar could be heard as the ice produced the sound of penetrated flesh. "Ack!" Devin ducked and hid behind whatever was near. The pikmin stuck its head out from the hammerspace bag, dazed. "Woah, don't jump around like that! I'm fragile! Hold on... What exactly happened?" She replied with a whisper. "I don't know, but some stuff just came flying past! It's so dark, I can barely see a thing..." "Ha, you think it's dark? Just try wearing these (rather kickass) sunglasses and say that again!" Devin shoved the pikmin up against the wall, whispering "I said stay quiet! There's one of those 'soldiers of admin', as you say around, and... It's standing right behind me, about to hit me, right?" The pikmin could only reply with a petrified nod as he braced for Mona, about to take Devin out.
The armored train burst through the wall, WIRE MAN driving, and Hario hanging out the door. Hario jumped off, screaming "LET THERE BE LIGHT!" Pressing a trigger, his pants exploded, sending fireworks in every direction and turning Mona into a pile of dark dust. "Yes! Another heroic save through the miracle of exploding pan-" Hario was cut off as he, still flying from the velocity of the train, impacted a wall. ._.; "Thanks, I guess..."
The fireworks provided sufficient light to see everything nearby. Black Yoshi stood on one side of Role-play Off-Topic with a Mirror of Ice, and Exuro the Titan on the other, covering the shard of ice in flames. They both sent out blasts of fire at the same time, which collided in the air and sent a shockwave passing through the area. Meanwhile, Arson and Parabuzzy Queen hopped off the train and charged at Exuro. Black, flinching from the shockwave, shouted "I'm gonna need all the help I can get! Exuro's no easy prey!" YagamiMirror and Flar3 Luigi also hopped out of the train, and added to the barrage of fire pelting Exuro. Enraged by the steady stream of pain, the titan readied its signature move: Mind Blast. Glaring straight at Black Yoshi, Exuro sent his arms hammering to the ground. "Son of a..." "Great Dwarf Armor!"
An etheral shield formed before Black, taking a portion of the blow. A puff of dark smoke popped up beside him, and Shadowmaster emerged. He nodded to Black as he hopped on the shell of a parabuzzy soldier, under the command of his queen. He was airlifted to the space above Exuro, and awaited a signal. Black, back on the ground, motioned for YagamiMirror and Flar3 over. "Guys, I'm gonna need your help. Just keep sending as much fire as you can into ME. Got it?" Yagami and Flar3 shrugged, and began pelting Black with fire. Meanwhile, Arson kept Exuro busy, and Devin threw rocks. The fire being bombarded at Black was channeled into a massive fireball, held over his head.
"Not enough power!" Black yelled as the fireball grew to a size larger than Exuro himself. "Anything else you can possibly use?!?" Hearing this, Devin reacted quickly. She reached into her hammerspace bag, pulling out the Kickass Red Pikmin. "Yawn... What is it? I was taking a nap..." "This isn't the time for sleep! Red pikmin are fire-elemented, right?!" "Ugh... Yeah, but... Why?" Hearing this, Devin punched the pikmin in the face, shattering his sunglasses. ... "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!?" The pikmin exploded into rage. "Your own good!" Devin tossed the enraged pikmin at the fireball growing above Black, as the pikmin's rage burst into firey energy, doubling the fireball's size. "Perfect! Shadowmaster, NOW!" Shadowmaster took a quick drink, and tossed a couple bottles filled with pure alcohol down, above Exuro's head. "Come on, parabuzzy, we're getting OUTTA here!"
Black Yoshi gathered all his strength, then hurled the gargantuan fireball at the titan. "Everyone, GET BACK!"
As the final member pulled out of the topic, the fireball made contact with the bundle of bottles. An explosion came out, so great, that half of Role-Play Off-Topic was engulfed. And the death cry of Exuro Flatus was heard.
"Finally..." Yagami panted. "Took long enough?" Flar3, exhausted, crawled back onto the armored train, and lay down on one of the seats. "We should get-a going. Lotsa Digibutterians to-a save!" Hario followed. "As much as I'd like to enjoy this moment, Flar3's got a point. Let's get going." Black and Shadowmaster also stumbled on the train. "Some of the others aren't around... We'll have to wait for them."
The Kickass Red Pikmin staggered on a few minutes later. "I feel... All... Dizzy." He adjusted his sunglasses, which were messily repaired with tape. He passed out on the floor, but was picked up by Yagami and put onto a seat. Parabuzzy Queen and Arson finally followed, and boarded as the doors closed. "Looks like we're all here." Arson muttered.
"Wait... Where's Devin?"
Chapter 16: bing
Detective Gumshoe and ? Block were some of the very few people to stay in the forum index. As dangerous as the various forums were, the index was still crawling with the same creatures as before, only much more violent because of the earthquakes and the void. Gumshoe, exhausted, hopped up onto ? Block's... Err... Top, and lay down. What an unusually large ? Block.
"Ugh... Just because ? Blocks float in midair doesn't mean we can support that much weight!" He grunted as he struggled to float along, carrying Gumshoe. "Agh... You also don't know exhausting it is to walk halfway across the forum." "...Tell me, do you know what happens to people that lie down on annoyed blocks?" Gumshoe yawned. "No... Lemme guess. Nudge me upward?" Hearing this, the block pushed a fire flower out the top, landing right in Gumshoe's mouth. "..." "OH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL"
Gumshoe took off, breathing fire as ? Block chuckled and kept floating along at his usual pace. Minutes later, he caught up to Gumshoe, who was now lying on the ground. "Too much for ya?" A grunt came out of Gumshoe, who then said "Oh, I can handle a fire flower in my mouth. I CAN'T handle running into an invisible wall at that speed." "Hm? Invisible... Wall?" ? Block nudged the space in front of Gumshoe, which indeed created a tapping sound. "Interesting. You hit that, and I tapped it." "No time for jokes. That's the Command Center." A voice came from behind, as footsteps could be heard from behind. Detective Gumshoe bolted up, and ? Block spun around. "Francis! You're alive!" Francis, Pure-??? and Simsmagic approached the two. "'Course I'm alive. You can't expect your lovable admin to be defeated by a couple bricks now, can you? In any case, that's the Command Center you just ran into. admin's in there, and we can safely assume divo was in there a moment ago." Gumshoe scratched his back, before saying "Uh... Can't you just ben them? I mean, you're the real admin and stuff..." Francis sighed. "Uhh... No. I left my laptop inside my room, where admin is now. Nerrr..."
A moment of awkward silence followed for a second, before ? Block stuttered "D-does that mean... He can ben... Us?"
"Erm... Yes. Although, knowing admin, he's more into slow, painful deaths. Although, he would probably ben you in an emergency. I don't think any of us could just walk in without him benning on reflex." Pure-??? added, "And even invincible beings can't stand up to the infinate power of bens, as you should know."
A second later, a lightbulb popped out of ? Block's head, which fell and smashed on Gumshoe's head. "Whoops. Sorry about that. In any case... Is there any chance he could be caught off-guard? So he doesn't have time before we quickly take him out?" "Nerrrrr... I don't think so. Just a quick hit from a benhammer is all it takes, and there's one built right into the Throne of Nerritude." ? Block kept going. "One more thing... As an admin, you can unben anyone, right?" "Yes... What are you getting at?"
"We're gonna need the entire Digibutter population to strike at the same time, and there's only one way to keep that many people in a small space."
"Get in my pants."
Chapter 17: GET IN MY PANTS
Pfargtl and Paper Peach were stuck wandering around the Brawl forum, searching for any stray soldiers of admin that could be keeping members from their normal forms. Paper Peach, seeing movement, pulled out a bomb and tossed it around a corner. As the smoke cleared, they were greeted by green spores. "Hold on... We don't have any other active Peach..."
The figure of princess Peach stumbled around the corner, swinging a frying pan, which Pfargtl narrowly avoided. This Peach lacked the aura that the soldiers of admin had, and could have easily been taken for a normal member. Pfargtl quickly launched a lazer, and blasted Peach off into the sky. "...This can NOT be good." Paper Peach spun around to be greeted by the hulking figure of King DeDeDe, winding up his hammer and ramming it into the wall the two were leaning against. A cloud of dust scattered on impact, obscuring all vision.
The first thing to come out of the settling dust was the figure of DeDeDe, tumbling past broken stones and flying off the figurative stage, producting a figurative -1 sign at the bottom of the figurative screen. Strong Bad stood in front of the two, boxing glove outstretched. "Holy crap, that was close!" The three turned around to be greeted by the rest of the Brawl roster, brandishing their weapons or looking menacing in general. The three braced for attack as a generic Pikachu dealt the first blow, sending lightning into the trio. The rest quickly joined in, pounding relentlessly on the three, despite efforts to fight back. A ringing was heard from in the mob.
"Otacon! What are these people?"
"Those are digibutter members, Snake. We don't know much about them, but they're fairly strong. Of course, when outnumbered, as you might have noticed." "They don't seem too strong right now. Maybe because we have thirty people against th-" "...Snake?" "I... Cannot... Grasp the true form of... GYAHHHH!"
Screams came out of every direction, as well as flashes of light. At the center of it all, standing over Pfargtl, Paper Peach and Strong Bad was Gigyas, in a not-so-twisted form. It finished off an onlooking Lucas, and turned around to dispense three heart containers. However... Platforms came down from the sky, carrying the defeated Brawlers. They hopped off and started towards the four again. Pfargtl muttered one thing while bracing for attack. "This is a ninety-nine stock match. Get ready for some fun..."
A true Brawl ensued, more than thirty against four. Pfargtl picked off the Brawlers one by one, as Paper Peach tossed bombs into crowds. Strong Bad made very good use of his boxing gloves, and as for Gigyas... Nobody can grasp the true form of Gigyas's attacks. The match proceeded fairly evenly, until half an hour later. Each fighter was left with one stock. The four digibutterians formed a small line, while the Brawlers formed the same line that appears in the Brawl opening cutscene.
Far off, the sound of the fourth wall could be heard collapsing.
Paper Peach was the first to speak. "This doesn't look good... At this rate, we're all exhausted, and they're looking as fresh as when they started..." The four slowly backed away as the wall of Brawlers stepped forward in unison, never breaking their line. The four nerrs braced for impact. A thundering rumble could be heard as the Brawlers charged forward, still never breaking their line.
In the blink of an eye, the entire Brawl roster was flattened by the armored train, piloted by WIRE MAN, and coming from the direction of the fourth wall. The wall had evidentally been used as an entry point for the train. The doors opened, and the four joined the now-growing force inside. The situation was explained as the doors shut and the train took off to find any more stranded nerrs.
A new army had been formed. The army of Digibutter.
HOLY CRAG, CHAPTER 18 PASSED THE CHARACTER LIMIT! I can't believe I just noticed .-.
Aaaanyways, continuing in the second post I made in this.
Apply for an appearance in this thread.
Last edited by Plastic Mario on Thu May 15, 2008 11:14 pm; edited 23 times in total |
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YagamiMirror Vampire
Joined: 16 Sep 2007 Posts: 7416
HP: 95 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 9:48 pm
Pretty nice. Still waitin' for mah cameo though. |
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Joined: 05 Aug 2007 Posts: 19351
HP: 85 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 9:50 pm
Mona Pizza yay. :DDDDD
I demand Tayl cause a paradox. :<
Last edited by Mona on Tue Mar 25, 2008 9:55 pm; edited 1 time in total |
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Black Yoshi Vampire
Joined: 17 Jun 2007 Posts: 14673
HP: 31 MP: 10 Lives: 1
Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 9:51 pm
YagamiMirror wrote: | Pretty nice. Still waitin' for mah cameo though. |
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~A color is just a color~ Frozenwinters
Joined: 30 Aug 2007 Posts: 25292
HP: 1 MP: 0 Lives: 4
Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 9:57 pm
Sounds like a plot. >> << |
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Addicted to linebreaks Plastic Mario Vampire
Joined: 11 May 2007 Posts: 20799
HP: 94 MP: 5 Lives: 0
Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 10:03 pm
Chapter 18: FARGHJSFJ
The sight of alts alongside digibutter members became a common sight, as Creepy Mario and Creepy Ness lurked throughout the Feedback forum. So many old topics lay scattered around, from suggestions to rants to ideas long forgotten. The familliar aura of darkness surrounded Mister I, who wandered around, looking for anything that wasn't under the control of admin. The two members were resting inside a generic topic. "Hold on... Whose alt are you again?" "Elzilcho's." "Ah, right..."
Apparently, the soldiers of admin could detect small talk. Mister I swung around the corner, nearly hitting Creepy Mario. "Woah!" The two members swung out the backdoor of the topic, into the light of the moon. Mister I soon emerged from the same entrance. "Son of a... He's got a JAIL KEY!" Creepy Mario pulled out a Fire Flower, and began pelting Mister I with fireballs. He was surprisingly agile for an eye, as he dodged every single one in... Well... The blink of an eye. Creepy Mario looked over to Creepy Ness. "Are you gonna help out? Can you even attack, or something?!" "Of course I can! Hrrgh... CREE-PAY FIYAH!" A small bolt shot out of his hands, landing right beside Mister I and burning for a couple seconds. Disoriented, Mister I dodged a fireball and ran right into the burning fire. He quickly recovered, and began trying to score a hit with his jail key. The two dodged as much as they could. "CREE-PAY THUNDAH!" A ball of lightning fluttered around Mister I, which proved enough of a distraction for Creepy Mario to land a solid punch to the back of his... Eye, knocking him straight into the ball of lightning. Dazed, Mister I began spinning wildly with the key outstretched. Dodging the key became even more of an ordeal.
"Wait a second... He's an eyeball! CREE-PAY FLASH!" A green cluster of light emerged from Creepy Ness, and exploded in a grand beam of light. Mister I, having no eyelids, was knocked out for a second. Creepy Mario ran up and disarmed Mister I, striking the soldier of admin with his own key.
"Nothing. That's just great... We were dodging a user-created key!" Creepy Ness sighed as he produced a Smash Ball. "I was saving this for later, but it looks like almost nothing can actually damage this eyeball. Go crazy..."
A Creepy Mario Finale was the blow that turned the soldier of admin into a cloud of dark dust. The two sighed in relief as they turned around, headed out of Feedback and sat inside the station, where they waited for the train to come pick them up.
The Command Center was at great unrest. Pure-???, Detective Gumshoe, Simsmagic, ? Block and Francis had already left to find other Digibutterians. The only beings remaining were admin... And two hostages.
"Sumbit to us! NOW!" admin's voice echoed throughout the Hall of Nerritude. "We NEED you, to complete our plans!" A nervous voice spoke back. "I-I've already been through this twice. I-I'll never give into the Void again." admin slammed his fist on the arm of his throne, and turned to the other hostage. "Perhaps you will be more cooperative?" A deep sigh came out, followed by silence. Even more frusturated, admin stood up, grasping Francis's benhammer that lay beside the throne. His voice was raised to a scream. "Y-You DO know that cooperating is the ONLY way you'll live through this, right?! Digibutter will be destroyed, no matter what! With you two, the process will be sped up, and you can rule alongside us in the next digibutter!"
The previously silent figure now spoke up. "No."
"We will not give in to your mindless slaughter. We've both had a hand in the Void's existance in the past, and it causes nothing but pain, and suffering." The other hostage now spoke up, shaking. "E-Exactly my thoughts." "N-No matter how strong you are, we won't give in. Threaten us all you want. Bringing suffering to people is something we've tasted far too much, and I take no more part in it."
admin let out a chilling cry as the torches in the Hall of Nerritude lit up. He gripped his benhammer tightly as he started towards the hostages, whose figures could now be made out in the light. Dark Prognosticus, and The Chaos Heart. They held their ground as admin continued forward. "W-W-Why?! What is so important to you that you would take, as opposed to being godly beings?!" Dark Prognosticus and The Chaos Heart spoke at once, almost in the same voice. "Our friends." admin lunged forward, mashing the benhammer in the spot where Dark Prognosticus and The Chaos Heart stood. A thundering crack was heard as the ground where the benhammer hit shattered. A flash of light came, and the two members stood there no more. "Ah... No matter. It doesn't make too much of a difference. At least my glorious list is two spots filled..." admin returned to the throne and pulled out the laptop that lay there. "Benned users..." "What?"
"...They aren't on the list?"
Dark Prognosticus and The Chaos Heart stood outside, panting. "W-What happened...?"
"That would be good ol' Digibutter spirit that saved you." Francis looked down at the two. "Come on, get up... It's cold at night. Here, it's nice and warm in ? Block's pants, and there's room for plenty more."
Chapter 19: Pwaaah.
The armoured train slowly pulled into the Command Center. Never before have members set foot inside, and shall never happen again, whether it be digibutter is restored to its original state, or the members getting ben'd trying to liberate the site. Not a single word needed to be spoken. Francis and his group stepped on the train, as the army of digibutter sat silently. Each member knew exactly what was going on; Devin was inside.
"W-What are you doing?" She shivered as she pounded on the iron bars. Devin was trapped in a cell behind the Throne of Nerritude. admin simply replied with a chilling cackle. "You... Are the thing the people of digibutter will hold back for. They will hold back long enough..."
"And here they come." admin stood up, grabbing the benhammer as a single figure hovered into the hall. "Hah... One? They send one member against me?" The lone figure proceeded forward, into the light of the torches lining the sides. ? Block. Shaking, he steadily hovered forward. admin laughed, once again. "A single member... I can take this myself!" He tossed the benhammer to the side of the room as stood, taunting.
"Ready... NOW!"
admin's expression of laughter soon turned to horror as a titanic wave of members and alts, armed, spawned out of nowhere and rushed towards him. admin made a dash to the discarded benhammer, but was knocked down halfway there.
The pile was quickly dispersed at the sight of Francis slamming his reclaimed benhammer down, everybody scattering... Except for admin, who was beaten to the ground. The ordeal was ended by a single, thundering crack as admin was sent back down to where he belongs; The world of the ben'd.
"It isn't over yet!" The Void still hung in the dark sky, shaking more violently than before. The skylight above the Hall of Nerritude was pitch black, from the shadow of The Void. "Is this... The end?"
"Maybe not!" Black Yoshi finished melting the last iron bar off, and Devin stepped through. "As unlikely as this is to work..." She tossed a rock as hard as she could, straight through the skylight. It was sucked into The Void. "...Yep. It's the end."
Over the course of the next minute, a variety of emotions swept through the members clustered in the hall. Some crying, some confessing, some pleading. Francis was working feverishly on his laptop, searching for a way to stop The Void. "No luck..."
A faint thud was heard from above.
The Void shook violently a bit more, and slowly started to fade away. Silence was the only thing heard for a long time.
"...Rocks take a long time to travel, I guess."
Many a fad was spawned from the fact that a rock was more powerful than The Void as the members were rushed out of the Command Center and back onto the train. Francis reopened the party forum, and let the members express joy to their heart's content. digibutter.nerr was safe once again.
At least, for now.
admin is gone... We'll let them get their bearings once again before we move our plans into action.
Last edited by Plastic Mario on Thu May 15, 2008 11:15 pm; edited 1 time in total |
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Ohh, THAT makes sense! Tyler Vampire
Joined: 18 Apr 2007 Posts: 11410
HP: 95 MP: 2 Lives: 4
Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 10:05 pm
I was the first to post in that topic and I wasn't in the story. :< |
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~A color is just a color~ Frozenwinters
Joined: 30 Aug 2007 Posts: 25292
HP: 1 MP: 0 Lives: 4
Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 10:08 pm
Plastic Mario wrote: | Frozenwinters wrote: | Sounds like a plot. >> << | Well stories usually have plots don't they D: | Highschool digibutter didn't have a plot. :O |
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Addicted to linebreaks Plastic Mario Vampire
Joined: 11 May 2007 Posts: 20799
HP: 94 MP: 5 Lives: 0
Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 10:14 pm
Tyler wrote: | DEE COLON
I was the first to post in that topic and I wasn't in the story. :< | First chapter
Out of over 9000
Besides, I have an idea to get you introduced already. |
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Ohh, THAT makes sense! Tyler Vampire
Joined: 18 Apr 2007 Posts: 11410
HP: 95 MP: 2 Lives: 4
Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 10:21 pm
Plastic Mario wrote: | Tyler wrote: | DEE COLON
I was the first to post in that topic and I wasn't in the story. :< | First chapter
Out of over 9000
Besides, I have an idea to get you introduced already. | Schweet. Make sure I'm perverted to the LADIEESS. They can't resist my handsome volcano rocks. |
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Joined: 19 Jun 2007 Posts: 7631
HP: 99 MP: 6 Lives: 1
Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 10:25 pm
wo0t, mah cameo. Nice job. |
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Player 2 Gear
Joined: 26 May 2007 Posts: 9109
HP: 100 MP: 0 Lives: 1
Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 10:29 pm
Not another digi-related story D:
Jk, it was pretty cool. |
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Strawberry-san Celeste Dimentia
Joined: 03 Jul 2007 Posts: 11104
HP: 100 MP: 0 Lives: 3
Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 10:38 pm
Not bad, I remember a friend doing something like this with this other forum I went to once. Keep it up. =) |
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(No Title) WIRE MAN
Joined: 10 Jan 2008 Posts: 2355
HP: 10 MP: 1 Lives: 0
Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 10:56 pm
Yay,I drive a train!^_^ Ty,for cameo. |
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Addicted to linebreaks Plastic Mario Vampire
Joined: 11 May 2007 Posts: 20799
HP: 94 MP: 5 Lives: 0
Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 10:59 pm
Chapter 2 am up. Chapter 3's coming up tonight, too. |
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