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V1d30 G@m3 N3rr'd Deucey Dee
Joined: 28 Dec 2008 Posts: 162
HP: 100 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 6:30 pm
Ladies and gentleman! IIIIIIIT'S The Ultimate Questionnaire of the World of Mushrooms, The Super Mario Bros. Quiz Show! Come to compete in an all-out duel of knowledge, advantage, and opportunity!
>Procedures: -You start with 3 lives, and one of each of the lifelines (except for the Magical Flute, you get 3 of those). -In each round, each contestant is asked a question based on the theme of the round. -You get 3 chances per round*, and if you miss the question, you get a strike. Get 3 strikes on the question, and you lose a life! Run out of lives and its GAME OVER for you! -You will be provided with lifelines. These will help you get through tough rounds. During a round, you can use 1 lifeline before starting to guess the answer, and 1 lifeline while guessing (meaning after the 1st strike). -You can only use one item on your turn. This may not apply to certain items and/or their effects. -When you get a question right, you get a certain number of credits. If you answered it right the first time, you get 3; if you had one strike, 2; and if you had 2, then you get 1. Credits are like points, as well as currency. -After every 5 rounds, you get a Market Break. During it, you can buy, sell, and trade Lifelines and Items (even with each other). The currency used is the credits earned from the rounds. -During a Bonus Round, the first to answer the only question of that round gets a random item! -When you answer a question without getting any strikes, you have a chance of getting an item! Getting consecutive perfect rounds increases the amount of credits you get! [*This does not apply to True/False questions, for which you get only 1 chance.]
>Lifelines(You get these at the start of the game): -Life Shroom: Gives you an extra life. When you run out lives, this is used atuomatically. -Lakitu's Cloud: Allows you to entirely skip a question. -Anchor: Allows you to skip a question, but it will come back to you in a future round. -Magical Flute: When used, the question is turned into a multiple-choice question. This makes it easier to guess the answer. -Starman: Prevents you from losing a life when you get 3 strikes. Must be used before guessing.
>Items(Most are purchaseable): >>Recovery Items -Mushroom: Rids of you of one strike. -Super Soda: Undoes the effects of effect items used on you. -1-UP: Instant extra life! >>Effect Items -Shell Shocker: Automatically gives an opponent a strike to start their next question. An opponent can only be hit by 1 per round. -Bob-Omb: Plants a bomb on an opponent. If the opponent misses his/her next question once, he/she automatically loses a life. -Boo Bell: Summons a Boo to prevent an opponent from being able to answer their next question. If used on yourself, you will be invulnerable to attack/effect items used on you for the duration of the round. -Inky Sauce: Ink your opponent! When inked, they can't be able to see their next question! >>Friend Items -Toad Phone: Ask a friend for an answer! It must be someone in the quiz show. -Package: Be a bud, and mail a package to a friend. May contain anything! -Coin Pipe: Sends credits to a friend. A friend in need is a friend, indeed! >>Defend Items -Shell Shield: When used, it defends you from effect/attack items used on you. Lasts 3 round. Can be destroyed/stolen. -Crystal Shell Shield: When used, it reflects the effect of attack/effect items used on you. Lasts 5 rounds. Can be destroyed/stolen. -Boo Repellent: A spray that keeps the Boos away! >>Special Items -Dizzy Dial: Messes up the order for the next round. -Mystery Box: Gives you a random item! -Warp Block: Passes a question off to an opponent. You will still get another question. -Cellular Shopper: Allows you to make a quick visit to the Market. -Shy Guy Toy: A windup that can steal an item from your opponent. Has a 25% accuracy. -Item Magnet: Gives you a better chance of getting an item after a perfect round. >>Rare Items -Rarity Chest: Gives you a rare/special item! -Lifeline Chest: Gives you a Lifeline! -Coin Bell: Summons a Boo that will steal the credits your opponent gets from their next question! -Anti Guy Toy: A windup that can steal a lifeline from your opponent. Has 10% accuracy. -Rubee: An item that does nothing, but is worth alot of credits when sold! -Trophy Box: Contains a trophy!
>Rules: -You cannot help another player during their turn. This excludes when a certain item is used, allowing you to help out. -If you get an answer wrong, don't argue, unless you know for sure that your answer was correct. -No taunts, intimidations, etc. This is not SSBB. -Please be specific when answering a question. "That goomba guy from PM" is the perfect example of an answer that will NOT be accepted. -This topic focuses on the quiz show, and the quiz show ONLY, so there will be no off-topic posts. This goes for news posts, roleplaying posts, written signs of hatred, affection, etc. towards others, and other things unrelated to the quiz show. -Mispelled answers will be accepted, but please make sure it at least looks like the answer you want to give. -Any and all profane, sexual, discriminative, etc. content is prohibited. This includes calling others racist for no reason, as well as flirting. -Quitting early, or without reason, is unacceptable. I trust that you are good sports at this. -If it is your turn, and you do not post for a few days, you will automatically lose a life, and the next player gets the question. However, if you inform me earlier that you'll be unable to attend for some time, I shall put you on hold. The maximum time you can be on hold is the amount of time you will be gone, plus a week. Being on hold past the maximum time will result in disqualification. -You cannot look up an answer on the internet when it is your turn. It is a simple request; NO CHEATING! -Breaking of rules will result in disqualification, or even being reported (depending on the offense). -To make sure things aren't easy, noone can have more than one of a type of item used on them per round. This excludes friend items, and makes it so that there can be no teaming up to beat on others. -Only the player given the question can answer it. There will be consequence for answering a player's question for them. (This goes for the audience!) -NO OFF-TOPIC POSTS!
>Prizes: -Fairly simple. You will get a reward depending on your rank/performance in the game. This means that 1st place will not be the only one winning a prize.
>To Join: -To join, simply request to join. Players that join during a round will be added in gameplay either during the round, or after (if the round is currently at the last three participants). However, after we have a certain amount of players, or once the amount reduces to 5 or less, no more players can join. You cannot join if you have been previously disqualified or have previously quit.
Disclaimer: Items in the quiz show referred to as "trophies" are not actual trophies; they are, instead, sprite trophies. This is to clear up any confusion there might be with the trophies here and any and all trophies on digibutter.
Last edited by Deucey Dee on Thu Jun 04, 2009 1:52 pm; edited 23 times in total |
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V1d30 G@m3 N3rr'd Deucey Dee
Joined: 28 Dec 2008 Posts: 162
HP: 100 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 9:26 pm
Game Status: +Round 1(RPG) +It is currently YohsiGenoBoneChill's turn.
Current Players: +Die4Less (3 $) Lives: 3 Lifelines: Life Shroom[1], Lakitu's Cloud[1], Anchor[1], Magical Flute[3], Starman[1] Items: None +ShoMinamimoto (0 $) Lives: 2 Lifelines: Life Shroom[1], Lakitu's Cloud[1], Anchor[1], Magical Flute[3], Starman[1] Items: None +KoopaParatroopaBlooper (0 $) Lives: 2 Lifelines: Life Shroom[1], Lakitu's Cloud[1], Anchor[1], Magical Flute[3], Starman[1] Items: None +Fat Tuper (3 $) Lives: 3 Lifelines: Life Shroom[1], Lakitu's Cloud[1], Anchor[1], Magical Flute[3], Starman[1] Items: None +Mister I (0 $) Lives: 2 Lifelines: Life Shroom[1], Lakitu's Cloud[1], Anchor[1], Magical Flute[3], Starman[1] Items: None +Stingo (0 $) Lives: 2 Lifelines: Life Shroom[1], Lakitu's Cloud[1], Anchor[1], Magical Flute[3], Starman[1] Items: None +Megamaw (3 $) Lives: 3 Lifelines: Life Shroom[1], Lakitu's Cloud[1], Anchor[1], Magical Flute[3], Starman[1] Items: None +Paper Luigi (3 $) Lives: 3 Lifelines: Life Shroom[1], Lakitu's Cloud[1], Anchor[1], Magical Flute[3], Starman[1] Items: None +RaveRaze (0 $) Lives: 2 Lifelines: Life Shroom[1], Lakitu's Cloud[1], Anchor[1], Magical Flute[3], Starman[1] Items: None +Mr. Tingle (0 $) Lives: 2 Lifelines: Life Shroom[1], Lakitu's Cloud[1], Anchor[1], Magical Flute[3], Starman[1] Items: None +Warlord_Mike (3 $) Lives: 3 Lifelines: Life Shroom[1], Lakitu's Cloud[1], Anchor[1], Magical Flute[3], Starman[1] Items: None +Kamek Koopa (0 $) Lives: 2 Lifelines: Life Shroom[1], Lakitu's Cloud[1], Anchor[1], Magical Flute[3], Starman[1] Items: None +Weegee (0 $) Lives: 2 Lifelines: Life Shroom[1], Lakitu's Cloud[1], Anchor[1], Magical Flute[3], Starman[1] Items: None +Carpaccio/Captain Gills (2 $) Lives: 3 Lifelines: Life Shroom[1], Lakitu's Cloud[1], Anchor[1], Magical Flute[2], Starman[1] Items: None +YoshiGenoBoneChill (0 $) Lives: 3 Lifelines: Life Shroom[1], Lakitu's Cloud[1], Anchor[1], Magical Flute[3], Starman[1] Items: None +Qwerty (0 $) Lives: 3 Lifelines: Life Shroom[1], Lakitu's Cloud[1], Anchor[1], Magical Flute[3], Starman[1] Items: None
Joining Players: None
Staff: Deucey Dee (Host) Mr. L (Questionairian, Host Pro-Tempore)
Last edited by Deucey Dee on Thu Jul 30, 2009 4:59 am; edited 44 times in total |
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Psst... Die4Less Vampire
Joined: 02 Jul 2008 Posts: 3681
HP: 95 MP: 0 Lives: 2
Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 2:28 am
Seems a bit complicated... I'll give it a try though... |
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Click here for 500 coins! Sho Minamimoto Burning Vampire

Joined: 04 Nov 2007 Posts: 1253
HP: 90 MP: 7 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 5:52 am
Ok, sign me up. |
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KoopaParatroopaBlooper Flying Goomba Vampire
Joined: 30 Dec 2007 Posts: 166
HP: 100 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 6:04 am
*joins*  |
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Fat Tuper lovegod703
Joined: 06 May 2008 Posts: 5515
HP: 10 MP: 6 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 9:44 am
I'm joining, but it's WAAAAAAAY too complicated, and there are like 30 lifelines, making it WAAAAAAAY too easy... |
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V1d30 G@m3 N3rr'd Deucey Dee
Joined: 28 Dec 2008 Posts: 162
HP: 100 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 1:44 pm
Fat Tuper wrote: | I'm joining, but it's WAAAAAAAY too complicated, and there are like 30 lifelines, making it WAAAAAAAY too easy... |
The Items don't count as lifelines. You only get the lifelines to begin with, and you have to buy items. Trust me, the prices will make it harder than you think. Besides, not all items can be bought, and rare ones will be
Fat Tuper wrote: | WAAAAAAAY |
more expensive than others.
And, really, it should be at least a BIT simple. It's like a normal Quiz Show with a kind of battle feature. Although, it IS a little complicated because it is HUGE, my friend. Huge, and I plan to have lotsa playahs! |
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Mister I Almaz
Joined: 22 Apr 2007 Posts: 19527
HP: 43 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 2:00 pm
Well, as one of the few "Sons of Banjo" left around, and one obsessed with playing Grunty's Furnace Fun and Grunty's Tower of Tragedy on a regular basis, not to mention being a total Mario addict get the idea...
Let's play. |
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Fat Tuper lovegod703
Joined: 06 May 2008 Posts: 5515
HP: 10 MP: 6 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 2:02 pm
Deucey Dee wrote: | Fat Tuper wrote: | I'm joining, but it's WAAAAAAAY too complicated, and there are like 30 lifelines, making it WAAAAAAAY too easy... |
The Items don't count as lifelines. You only get the lifelines to begin with, and you have to buy items. Trust me, the prices will make it harder than you think. Besides, not all items can be bought, and rare ones will be
Fat Tuper wrote: | WAAAAAAAY |
more expensive than others.
And, really, it should be at least a BIT simple. It's like a normal Quiz Show with a kind of battle feature. Although, it IS a little complicated because it is HUGE, my friend. Huge, and I plan to have lotsa playahs! |
By the description you gave, items are almost the same as lifelines, except they cost money. Then it's still WAAAAAAAY too complicated, given all the items, lifelines, etc. It should just be like a normal quiz show. |
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V1d30 G@m3 N3rr'd Deucey Dee
Joined: 28 Dec 2008 Posts: 162
HP: 100 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 2:12 pm
Fat Tuper wrote: | By the description you gave, items are almost the same as lifelines, except they cost money. Then it's still WAAAAAAAY too complicated, given all the items, lifelines, etc. It should just be like a normal quiz show. |
Hmm...I apologize if the complication throws you overboard...I was simply going for something so ENTIRELY original...You'll get the hang of it, though. It is like a normal quiz show, the items make the only difference. Think of it as an RPG-styled battle system/quiz show hybrid or something, except you can't do any attacking, defending, or running away.
By the way, there are now thirty-one items.  |
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Fat Tuper lovegod703
Joined: 06 May 2008 Posts: 5515
HP: 10 MP: 6 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 3:12 pm
Deucey Dee wrote: | Fat Tuper wrote: | By the description you gave, items are almost the same as lifelines, except they cost money. Then it's still WAAAAAAAY too complicated, given all the items, lifelines, etc. It should just be like a normal quiz show. |
Hmm...I apologize if the complication throws you overboard...I was simply going for something so ENTIRELY original...You'll get the hang of it, though. It is like a normal quiz show, the items make the only difference. Think of it as an RPG-styled battle system/quiz show hybrid or something, except you can't do any attacking, defending, or running away.
By the way, there are now thirty-one items.  | Yeah, I think you should rework it. It doesn't need to have 35 lifelines to be original. |
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Psst... Die4Less Vampire
Joined: 02 Jul 2008 Posts: 3681
HP: 95 MP: 0 Lives: 2
Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 4:17 pm
Fat Tuper wrote: | Deucey Dee wrote: | Fat Tuper wrote: | By the description you gave, items are almost the same as lifelines, except they cost money. Then it's still WAAAAAAAY too complicated, given all the items, lifelines, etc. It should just be like a normal quiz show. |
Hmm...I apologize if the complication throws you overboard...I was simply going for something so ENTIRELY original...You'll get the hang of it, though. It is like a normal quiz show, the items make the only difference. Think of it as an RPG-styled battle system/quiz show hybrid or something, except you can't do any attacking, defending, or running away.
By the way, there are now thirty-one items.  | Yeah, I think you should rework it. It doesn't need to have 35 lifelines to be original. |
STFU Fat Tuper! Just Give It a Try... If You Don't Like, Leave... It's as Simple as That...
EDIT: Please Pardon the Harsh Response, I am Tired, Grumpy, and Generally Unpleasing to be Around at the Moment [In IRL]... At Least I Made My Point that You Should Stop Complaining and Enjoy the Game... |
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V1d30 G@m3 N3rr'd Deucey Dee
Joined: 28 Dec 2008 Posts: 162
HP: 100 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 4:19 pm
Fat Tuper wrote: | Yeah, I think you should rework it. It doesn't need to have 35 lifelines to be original. |
There are only 4 lifelines. There is a difference between lifelines and items. For one, they're in different categories.
'Kay, I've done some "reworking". Is that satisfactory? I still want to keep items, but I've gotten rid of a good number of them, making the game fair. Think of this as, like, a "Quiz Show + Mario Party + Something Else" combo.
Die4Less wrote: | Please Pardon the Harsh Response, I am Tired, Grumpy, and Generally Unpleasing to be Around at the Moment [In IRL]... At Least I Made My Point that You Should Stop Complaining and Enjoy the Game... |
Pardoned. You do make a bit of a point there, but still...
Edit: Now, we wait for more players. |
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Fat Tuper lovegod703
Joined: 06 May 2008 Posts: 5515
HP: 10 MP: 6 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 8:20 pm
Deucey Dee wrote: | Fat Tuper wrote: | Yeah, I think you should rework it. It doesn't need to have 35 lifelines to be original. |
There are only 4 lifelines. There is a difference between lifelines and items. For one, they're in different categories.
'Kay, I've done some "reworking". Is that satisfactory? I still want to keep items, but I've gotten rid of a good number of them, making the game fair. Think of this as, like, a "Quiz Show + Mario Party + Something Else" combo. | Items and lifelines are almost exactly the same. Even after the rework, the game is still kinda odd, though.
Die4Less wrote: | Please Pardon the Harsh Response, I am Tired, Grumpy, and Generally Unpleasing to be Around at the Moment [In IRL]... At Least I Made My Point that You Should Stop Complaining and Enjoy the Game... | I know. It's fine. I wasn't complaining, I was just saying it's too complicated and needs reworking. I'm not saying it's stupid, I was just saying it could use improvement. |
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V1d30 G@m3 N3rr'd Deucey Dee
Joined: 28 Dec 2008 Posts: 162
HP: 100 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 2:08 pm
Fat Tuper wrote: | Items and lifelines are almost exactly the same. Even after the rework, the game is still kinda odd, though.
Well, you're right there. Lifelines are to help you get through the questions and such, as well as some of the items. The Items are mostly to affect the others in the quiz show. |
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