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? Block Fancy Wario

Joined: 18 Apr 2007 Posts: 13463
HP: 69 MP: 8 Lives: 1
Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 9:13 pm
Begins Tuesday at 4:00 PM Eastern time. Ends Saturday at 8:00 PM Eastern time. Entry is 3 coins. Win, and you get some coins (exactly how many will depend on how many coins I have in the end). Second place will also get a refund of their 3 coins.
-Must be a one-shot story -Must take place in the Marioverse -Must include at least one character not native to the Marioverse
Stories will be judged on: -Creativity -Writing quality -Grammar -Longevity
Keep in mind, for the last one, that a longer story is not ALWAYS better. If you finish it, it's finished; don't try to artificially extend the length of it.
Yeah, I'm going to make this a weekly event. I figure that the more practice people get, the better they'll get. In addition, I'll try to create some variety for each edition (don't be surprised, later on, if I forbid you from using a specific letter). |
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cool Lord Bob Vampire
Joined: 05 May 2007 Posts: 21056
HP: 61 MP: 8 Lives: 5
Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 7:34 am
All right. Here goes. Luigi's Mansion 2: Another Mansion. Luigi. Plumber by day, ghost hunter by night. Luigi: WHAT?! I HATE GHOSTS! Author: Too bad. I say you're a ghost hunter now, and that's how it stays. Luigi: NO FAIR! Author: Quiet. Now into the mansion with you, and now the door is pre-rendered, so you can't even touch the doorknob. Luigi: AUGH! Author (shouting into the mansion): Don't worry! I'll have some company for you eventually! And you automatically have a vacuum and a flashlight because I said so! Inside the mansion... Luigi: The foyer is really dark... Ghost: OOGA BOOGA BOOGA! Luigi: SOMEONE SAVE ME! Ghost: AHAHAHA! Such a fool! Luigi: You callin' me a fool? I pity da foo' who call me a foo', foo'! Ghost: Ulp. Luigi shines his flashlight, stunning the ghost, and sucks it up. Luigi: Tag and bag. Somewhere else in the world... Mr. T: Someone just used my catch phrase! I'm busy though, so Mr. T leave them alone. Another place... Ghostbusters: Someone stole our catch phrase! Oh well. Back at the mansion... Luigi: I'm glad it's suddenly brighter in here. Luigi ascends the steps, and opens the doors. When Luigi enters, 4 ghosts appear out of no where and attack him. Luigi shines his light on them, and somehow captures them all at once. Luigi proceeds. ???: HELP! Luigi sees a person, being chased by a ghost. ???: SOMEBODY SAVE ME! Luigi: I'll help you! Just when Luigi pulls out his flashlight, he gets tackled by the person. ???: YAY! A flashlight! I'm saved! The odd person pulls out another flashlight, and disintergrates the ghost with light. ???: Here you go. Luigi: Who ARE you? Chet: Excuse me for my rudeness. My name is Chet. I've had this little, um, THING with flashlights since I was two. Luigi: All right. Would you like to join me and help me get out of this mansion? Chet: Sure! I have a key for downstairs. The two leave the room, and go downstairs. Chet: Here we are, the bottom floor. The two enter the new hallway, and suddenly they here a noise. ???: Back off, you paranormal freaks, before I have to use these! Chet: That's the door to the armory. It's locked though. Luigi: I see. The two travel around the hallway, and the findmany keys, many ghosts, and, ironically, many flashlight batteries. Chet: In here. I think the armory key's here. They walk in. Chet: There it is! The key is in plain sight. Chet tries to grab it, but it disappears. Chet: Darn! A big ghost attacks. Ghost: Wahahaha! Prepare to go to where boos come from! Both: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! They find themselves in a new dimension. ---Author's note: Because I have limited time, and this scene will take forever to write out, I will summarize it right here: The big ghost attacks, the harm the ghost, they suck up the ghost, they win the fight.--- Chet: We got the key to the armory! They go back to the armory, and enter. Luigi: The voice is gone. You don't think... Ulp. Chet: LOOK! TAPE! You can attach your flashlight to you vacuum so you're always ready! Luigi reaches for the tape when suddenly... ???: HANDS OFF MY TAPE! I'm saving it! A person emerges with a sword in hand. Luigi: Whoa there. We only wanted to borrow it. ???: Fine then. Chet: What's your name? Randy: It's Randy. I need to get out of here. Chet: So do we! And so they join up, and Randy takes a mace and the sword. --- Another Author's note: I will now start calling the characters by there first letter in their name, to save time.--- L: Here we are, the garden. C: SWEET FREEDOM! C attempts to jump the fence, but is stopped by a force field. ?:This mansion is blocked by a force field. I came here to study its ancient qualities, but didn't expect so many ghosts. R: State your name. Fast. E: I am known as Elias. I study all things ancient. I also learned a few minor spells. R: Really. Feel free to join us. I have to stop now, so give me a chance to finish later, Please! I'm writing this before school, and am now going to leave soon. |
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Larry Koopa Sam
Joined: 30 Apr 2007 Posts: 16957
HP: 35 MP: 1 Lives: 0
Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 10:45 am
Im currently working on a Zelda Fanfic, but it will take months, years maybe.. |
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cool Lord Bob Vampire
Joined: 05 May 2007 Posts: 21056
HP: 61 MP: 8 Lives: 5
Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 4:24 pm
Ok, gotta get Part 2 done now... So, the four friends went through the mansion, uncovering mysteries. C: I never saw this door before. They walk in, and C's eyes grow large. C: I'M IN HEAVEN! E: It appears to say, "Tape, Flashlight, and Flashlight battery supply room." Weird. C has started taping flashlights all over his body. ?: GECK GECK GECK! GET OUT OF MY ROOM! R: Who goes there?! Floodlight Ghost: I AM THE FLOODLIGHT GHOST! FEAR MY BRIGHT LIGHT! L begins to try to suck him up, and C is still taping flashlights to himself. Floodlight Ghost: FOOL! I AM IMMUNE TO VACUUMS! ONLY LIGHT BRIGHTER THAN MINE MAY BEAT ME! R is viciously attempting to smash the lights with his mace, but with no luck. FG: DIE FOOLS! C: Wait! C turns on all the flashlights (App. 42) and the FG is blinded. FG: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! C: I'm all suited up. Let's go! R: Whatever, flashlight boy. After hours of exploring they find a door labeled "Boss Ghost Room." L: I guess we go in. They enter. L: King Boo?! KB: Bleh heh heh! Yes, Luigi, it is I, the Great King Boo! That infernal vacuum stopped me before, but not now! I have even greater powers than before! KB grows to a huge size, and swallows L. C: OH NO! HE WAS OUR ONLY WAY OF BEATING HIM! WHAT DO WE DO?! R: Shut up. I'll take care of this. E: Wait. I have a spell that might save him. Malevolenta subdue-a! Nothing happens. R: Good going. My turn! KB: BLEH HEH! Fool! KB blows R away. C turns on all of his flashlights (for some reason). KB: MY EYES! I CAN'T SEE! R: Now's my chance! R cuts some odd lines attached to an orb with his sword. KB: NO! MY PRISONER! R: I'll get him out. You guys distract him. R begins smashing the orb with his mace. E: Let's try this again. Malevolenta spirita subdue-a! KB can't move. E: The spell won't hold long! R: Got him out! L: Phew! Now to beat him! L begins sucking up KB. KB: I'LL BE BACK! I SWEAR IT! And thus, Luigi and his new friends left the mansion, and never saw eachother again, nor even called eachother, and forgot about the events. What? You wanted a happy ending? Well it's happy for me! DEAL WITH IT! |
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Joined: 30 May 2007 Posts: 8580
HP: 78 MP: 4 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 6:39 pm
My Super Paper Mario fanfic has pretty much all those things, but it's just so damn romantic and crap I don't know if you want to see it. |
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The book Light Prognosticus Vampire
Joined: 22 Apr 2007 Posts: 3973
HP: 88 MP: 10 Lives: 2
Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 6:56 am
A Mysterious New Enemy
One day, Mario and Luigi were drinking coffee when suddenly Parakarry appeard with a letter. Princess Daisy was kidnapped by a mysterious enemy. Luigi decided to part immediately and Mario followed him.
They reached Sarasaland to see if they could get some info about the kidnapper, but everyone said the princess was fine. Mario & Luigi went to Daisy's castle to find out what was happening. The castle was far away, they had to cross the desert, so they went to a shop to stock up on some merchandise. They were really surprised when they found out Moustafa was in charge of that shop. He said he had something for them: a backpack with a lantern, water and some food. It also had a paper that said: "When you're stuck and your life is in danger, use the portable Sun to find out the exit."
The message was weird. What in the world is a "portable Sun"? However, despite this problem, the Mario Brothers decided to leave. They said goodbye to their friend and departed. The desert was scorching hot, and when they reached the castle they had no more water left. They were hungry, so they ate the food they had, filled their bottles in a fountain nearby and entered the castle. Inside the castle it was cool, a big change from the desert outside. They reached the throne easily, but the princess was nowhere to be found. Suddenly, all around the Mario Bros. disappeard and they fell in a pit. The ceiling closed and they heard a voice, an unfamilliar voice. "Bwahahaha. I fooled you with my illusionary power. Now, you will DIE! I mean... YOUR GAME WILL BE OVER! Bwahahaha". The ceiling started falling at an incredible speed. Soon, we would have M&L pancakes! But Mario remembered the message and found out what the portable Sun was: his lantern! He used it to find out a secret passage on the ground and they escaped, but they left their backpack in the previous room. Although the ceiling hadn't hit the ground yet, they decided to leave it there.
Suddenly, someone appeared. It looked awfully similar to Bowser, but it wasn't Bowser. "Bwahahaha! FEAR NEGA BOWSER", said the mystery character. "I don't know how you survived the falling ceiling, but you will not survive my anger! Bwahahaha!" "Oh no, Big Bro! What are we going to do?", asked Luigi, very frightened. Suddenly, the ceiling crashed into the ground of the room above, and drops of water started falling into Nega Bowser. "NO! MY WEAKNESS... IS WATER! CURSE YOU MARIO BROS.! I'LL BE BACK! I MEAN IT" Nega Bowser said before disappearing.
Mario & Luigi returned home after this adventure, when they remembered... Peach had thrown a party that day and they forgot about it. They reached Peach's to find out she went to their house and read the letter. "MARIO! WHY DIDN'T YOU COME TO MY PARTY! WHY DID YOU WENT TO DAISY'S! I'M YOUR GIRLFRIEND, NOT SHE!" The Mario Bros. ran away from her. "Hey, Luigi, you don't need to run away from me. After all you are Daisy's boyfriend, so you should run after Mario, too." "Oh, that's true. COME BACK HERE!" "Wait! I was just saving her, nothing else." And they ran and ran and ran until they became friends again. But, who is this Nega Bowser? Who sent all those things to help the Mario Bros? Why did Peach made a party? Who went to the party? How did Mario talk? Will there by a sequel to this story? Why am I asking all these stupid questions? No one knows... for now![/b] |
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