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Dark World Tournament (The Battle)
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Lord Vaati

Joined: 19 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 3:15 am   Reply with quote

"Ok lets see who is fighting." said Vaati as he waited for strong fighters to fight in the tournament
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Dark World Shop of Magic    

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 5:23 am   Reply with quote

Popple and Crash come in through the void to the Dark World riding on Thud who Popple is steering with reigns. "Whoah there! We're here idiot see!?" Popple pulled back on Thud making him brake as the trio looked up at the arena they would fight in. "Ya this is much better than that Glitz Pit Dump. Well come on Thud! Pick up the pace, I want to see the opening match see?" Thud immdediately set off for the arena upon his bosses command, though still slightly confused...
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I see what you are doing.
Lord Vaati

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 3:38 pm   Reply with quote

OOC: this is the Dark World Arena Vaati will Change it to bring the full powers of the Combatants I'll post Battle music when a battle starts and keep it in novel use the first post as an example on what novel style is and this will be held in RP years(Vaati will decide when starts it again.)
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Dark World Shop of Magic    
I see what you are doing.
Lord Vaati

Joined: 19 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 4:42 pm   Reply with quote

OOC: I'm posting the info on the Dark World Arena now

Its a large arena within the Dark World it has many forms Earth, Dark, Light, Fire, Water, Ice, Lightening, Shadow, Metal, and True Darkness(Shadow and Dark)

each form gives the fighter with its element a better chance(+ 5 to die rolls)
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Dark World Shop of Magic    
Soul Reaper
Yamada Hanataro
Jailed Vampire Werewolf

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 5:09 pm   Reply with quote

Dark Meta Knight wrote:
OOC: I'm posting the info on the Dark World Arena now

Its a large arena within the Dark World it has many forms Earth, Dark, Light, Fire, Water, Ice, Lightening, Shadow, Metal, and True Darkness(Shadow and Dark)

each form gives the fighter with its element a better chance(+ 5 to die rolls)

*walks in*
shadow:popple your dead*goes hyper mode*
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I see what you are doing.
Lord Vaati

Joined: 19 May 2007
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HP: 99 MP: 10 Lives: 0

PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 5:11 pm   Reply with quote

Shadow The Hedgehog wrote:
Dark Meta Knight wrote:
OOC: I'm posting the info on the Dark World Arena now

Its a large arena within the Dark World it has many forms Earth, Dark, Light, Fire, Water, Ice, Lightening, Shadow, Metal, and True Darkness(Shadow and Dark)

each form gives the fighter with its element a better chance(+ 5 to die rolls)

*walks in*
shadow:popple your dead*goes hyper mode*
OOC: thats not Novel style Shadow.

"Sorry but you will have to wait your turn Shadow." said Vaati as he stopped Shadow.
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Dark World Shop of Magic    
Soul Reaper
Yamada Hanataro
Jailed Vampire Werewolf

Joined: 14 May 2007
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HP: 31 MP: 4 Lives: 0

PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 7:00 pm   Reply with quote

Dark Meta Knight wrote:
Shadow The Hedgehog wrote:
Dark Meta Knight wrote:
OOC: I'm posting the info on the Dark World Arena now

Its a large arena within the Dark World it has many forms Earth, Dark, Light, Fire, Water, Ice, Lightening, Shadow, Metal, and True Darkness(Shadow and Dark)

each form gives the fighter with its element a better chance(+ 5 to die rolls)

*walks in*
shadow:popple your dead*goes hyper mode*
OOC: thats not Novel style Shadow.

"Sorry but you will have to wait your turn Shadow." said Vaati as he stopped Shadow.

*throws a cuny at popples feet*on purpose misses and lands in front*
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Alchemy slam.    
Paper Luigi

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 7:01 pm   Reply with quote

((When will the battle start?))
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PaperLuigi's Inconvienence Store    
I see what you are doing.
Lord Vaati

Joined: 19 May 2007
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HP: 99 MP: 10 Lives: 0

PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 7:07 pm   Reply with quote

Paper Luigi wrote:
((When will the battle start?))
OOC: It will start once I have all the info I need from the combatants.
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Dark World Shop of Magic    
Soul Reaper
Yamada Hanataro
Jailed Vampire Werewolf

Joined: 14 May 2007
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HP: 31 MP: 4 Lives: 0

PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 7:12 pm   Reply with quote

Dark Meta Knight wrote:
Paper Luigi wrote:
((When will the battle start?))
OOC: It will start once I have all the info I need from the combatants.

*puts on a ninja head band and covers his mouth and eye*
shadow:lets begin*pulls out a Koony Knife*
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Alchemy slam.    
Mister I

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 10:15 pm   Reply with quote

A loud whistling is heard in the sky. However, since everyone is too excited for the tournament they've so longly been anticipating, they don't notice. However, as it gets louder, the eager comabttants have no choice but to close their ears. Suddenly, heat sears through the entire arena, eventually giving off a thermalelectrical shock to anyone touching metal. However, what's even more strange is the awful chill in the air. Suddenly, a large, white meteor crashes down from the heavens and promptly into center stage.

However, it suddenly splits. Suddenly, a sole eyeball jumps out of the center. Everyone gazes in boredom "This guy died already. Seventeen times! Not again!". However, he still continues to emerge. Suddenly, a large trail of white orbs follow the eyeball. However, everyone soon realizes that these, too, are eyeballs. "Good to be back" Mr I uttered as his Mini-I's made a throne out of themselves.
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Temple of I    
I see what you are doing.
Lord Vaati

Joined: 19 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 10:20 pm   Reply with quote

"I'm glad all of you could make it to the Dark World Arena located within the Dark World this arena was once apart but I fused them together and made the arena you see before you." said Vaati as he went toward the fighters while standing on his floating platform
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Dark World Shop of Magic    
Paper Luigi

Joined: 09 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 10:23 pm   Reply with quote

There was a steak of blue coming out of the open door, speeding towards the stage, but then it stopped, and a cloud of smoke appeared. When the smoke creared, a hammer bro was visable. A goomba then dropped from the cieling, landing beside him. A koopa teleported in, also beside the hammer bro, pulling his wizzard hat over his face. "We late?", Speedster asked.
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Mister I

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 10:24 pm   Reply with quote

"Hm...isn't that the place just off of the road from Dark Land? Oh wait, that's a Dark Whirlwind. Whoops" Mr I wondered as he rolled around. "Well, now that I'm not God anymore, or playing God, or godmodding, or whatever it is you'd love to call it, how are we going to get started here?"

Mister I observed the competition. "Hm? A Waddle Dee? My, my, my! We DO have some unexpected pleasures. Oh, but before I forget, free Mini-I's for everyone!" Mister I announced. Suddenly, many Mini-I's pour out of the meteor. As they jump into everyone's laps, they appear as "chibi" as possible.
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Temple of I    
I see what you are doing.
Lord Vaati

Joined: 19 May 2007
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HP: 99 MP: 10 Lives: 0

PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 10:28 pm   Reply with quote

Mister I wrote:
"Hm...isn't that the place just off of the road from Dark Land? Oh wait, that's a Dark Whirlwind. Whoops" Mr I wondered as he rolled around. "Well, now that I'm not God anymore, or playing God, or godmodding, or whatever it is you'd love to call it, how are we going to get started here?"

Mister I observed the competition. "Hm? A Waddle Dee? My, my, my! We DO have some unexpected pleasures. Oh, but before I forget, free Mini-I's for everyone!" Mister I announced. Suddenly, many Mini-I's pour out of the meteor. As they jump into everyone's laps, they appear as "chibi" as possible.
"I have my own eyes." said Vaati as he forced a Mini-I back and revealing the Dark Eyes that were floating around him.

OOC: this is a Dark Eye:
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Dark World Shop of Magic    
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