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Soul Reaper
Yamada Hanataro
Jailed Vampire Werewolf

Joined: 14 May 2007
Posts: 7547

HP: 31 MP: 4 Lives: 0

PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 11:02 am   Reply with quote

ooc:sorry if mispelled.

naruto:hey I wanna sing*hets up on stage*

sasuke:bet you he messes up.

Sakura: naruto you idiot.

Kakashi:this might be good for some laughs.

Naruto:this ones for sakura!
Yo listen up: here's a story
About a little guy
That lives in a blue world
And all day and all night and everything he sees is
Just blue like him inside and outside
Blue his house with a blue little window
And a blue Corvette and everything is blue for him
And himself and everybody around
'Cause he aint got nobody to listen: ...
I'm blue (da ba dee)
I'm blue (da ba dee)
I'm blue (da ba dee)
I'm blue (da ba dee)
I have a blue house with a blue window
Blue is the color of all that I wear
Blue are the streets and all the trees are too
I have a girlfriend and she is so blue
Blue are the people here that walk around
Blue like my Corvette it's standing outside
Blue are the words I say and what I think
Blue are the feeling that live inside me
I'm blue (da ba dee)
I'm blue (da ba dee)
I have a blue house with a blue window
Blue is the color of all that I wear
Blue are the streets and all the trees are too
I have a girlfriend and she is so blue
Blue are the people here that walk around
Blue like my Corvette it's standing outside
Blue are the words I say and what I think
Blue are the feeling that live inside me
I'm blue (da ba dee)
I'm blue (da ba dee)
Just blue like him inside and outside
Blue his house with a blue little window
And a blue Corvette and everything is blue for him
And himself and everybody around
'Cause he aint got nobody to listen: ...
I'm blue (da ba dee)
I'm blue (da ba dee)
I'm blue (da ba dee)
I'm blue (da ba dee)
* this is the song http://youtube.com/watch?v=UUcSPkiMapM *
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