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Straight out of Dark Land: Art and Stories
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Joined: 08 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 2:48 pm   Reply with quote

Hello. At the moment, I am still working on a chapter and a piece of fanart, but until then, I hope you enjoy these one-shots:
To skip another story, find *))

*goes back to work on contest entry*


It was a new day in the Dark Land, and by all accounts a happy one.

The late queen's last egg was about to hatch.

Bowser, who was usually so fearless, was pacing to and fro outside the royal hatchery. His eighth child (most likely a boy, if the six others were any sign) had shown no signs of hatching all these years. The medikoopas had theorized that the egg had sensed that its mother had died, but they were at a loss for words as to why it waited until now to hatch. But, for whatever reason, his beloveds' final gift was about to break through its egg!

His eldest son, Ludwig, and his perhaps only daughter, Wendy, were in the room with him. Ludwig had been overseeing the repairs to yet another one of their castles demolished by the Mario Brothers. He was thankful for any excuse from the tedious work, but he would had dropped anything to see his youngest sibling. Wendy had flown in from her private sea-side castle upon hearing the news. The others were attacking the Mushroom Kingdom, in an attempt to stave off suspicion. After all, it had been a whole week and Bowser didn't kidnap the princess or try some hair-brained scheme to beat the Mario Brothers. They did not want those pasta munching plumbers causing any problems for their father. Not today, of all days.

"Mine vater..." Ludwig said as Bowser passed by the two koopalings for what the prince presumed to be the sixtieth time. "Vould you please stop that infernal pacing? I understand zat you are nervous, but please try to relax."

Bowser paused. He was not doing Ludwig's suggested, no. The head medikoopa had returned. All the eyes in the room were set on her. She was holding a bundle in her claws.

Bowser stood before the medikoopa before you could say 'hatchling.' He carefully took the newly hatched koopa in his great big claws. Anyone who saw him, the great big strong and short-tempered brute, hold the fragile hatchling would had been amazed by how gentle he was as he caressed his new son.

"He... He looks just like you, dad." Wendy whispered when she finally could see her sleepy new brother.

Bowser chuckled.. "He does, don't you... Bowser Junior?"


As was common for the Koopa King, a castle was robbed from its former owner. What was uncommon for him was that it was his own castle that was stolen.

He stood outside the castle. Sure, he had other castles, but this was his main castle. And the other castles had not contacted him. The Primary Troop feared the worst and so had return to their families, in an attempt to keep them safe from Smithy's forces.

Bowser, as surprising as it seemed to his temporary allies, had forgiven his troops' cowardice. After all, Bowser had his own family to worry about. He was sure that those brats were safe. But he had to do this... Bowser had to reclaim his castle. Even if it meant teaming up with...

Mario tapped Bowser on his left arm. Bowser looked down at the small fat plumber.

"What?" the Koopa King growled.

Mario pointed at the rest of their group. Mallow, that stupid crybaby puffball, Geno, the know-it-all star-possessed toy, and Peach, his beloved princess, were already walking towards the door.

It was time to go inside.


It's time for dinner... Kamek thought with a groan. He had a good reason to be irritated about this: the chefs were serving the ten year old prince Bowser chicken... with corn.

The Prince had developed an... interesting habit regarding corn. When it was simply cooked off the cob, he would take each individual piece, squeeze the yellow skin till the innards popped into his mouth, sucked on the skin to make sure it was empty, and then finally place the remains on his plate, as far away from the rest of his food as possible.

Naturally, the magikoopa had tried to coerce the young sovreign to stop that really irritating (and silly) eatting habit. Sadly for him, the koopa-kid was very stubborn and whenever the chefs placed the golden kernals on his plate, he would eat them in that manner. Kamek had also tried to take corn off of Bowser's plate, but Bowser had decreed that on a five-day interval, corn would be served by the Koopa Castle chefs. Also, being the current ruling member of the royal family, the so-called law had to be acknowledged.

Kamek hated the law, but there was a small comfort in this: they would not be serving mashed potatoes.


It was just another day in Little Fungitown. The Mushroomer children were playing in the arcade, the Elders were gossiping, amd the guardshrooms were... well, guarding the desert enterance, the Mushroom Kingdom Embasy, and the Pipe.

Very normal on all accounts. Even for the resident psycho, Kamek. Kamek had been in the town for seven months now. Normally, the presense of a Koopa, especially one so close to Bowser and the Dark Land Koopa Kingdom, would cause the guardshrooms to be on high alert, but Kamek was harmless. For some reason, the aged magikoopa had hypnotized himself sometime between his departure from Dark Land to take a vacation a week before the Star Rod incident (which had taken place roughly six and a half months ago) and about two days before he entered Bean Bean borders. Because of the hypnosis, Kamek was not the wicked magikoopa they all knew and feared. Kamek (or as they so 'dearly' called him, 'Psycho Kamek') was quiet, peaceful, and even helpful! He even helped Luigi two months and six days ago by hypnotising the cowardly plumber into being brave enough to save Mario from a (arguably) terrible fate: a permanent transformation into a Beanish.

What no one had realized was that there was another koopa in town. She had been sent by Bowser, after the King learned about the whereabouts of his most trusted Koopa, to pay Kamek a visit. His vacation had ended months ago! He should had been back in time to ensure that Bowser wasn't humiliated by a idiotic penguin that couldn't tell that 'the Great Gonzalez' was that irritating Plumber!

Kammy found the house that Kamek now dwelled in. It was shaped like a Mushroom. Disgusting, why would any Koopa allow himself to even step foot in such a pathetic waste of building materials? The purple-robed magikoopa knocked on the door.

"Hmm...? Oh, come in." a familiar voice called out. Kammy opened the door and saw Kamek. He looked... well, to say the least, very different. Instead of his normal dark blue robes which possessed a white hem on the sleeves, he wore white robes with a red triangular pattern along the hem of the skirt. His hat possessed a similar appearance. And his wand... He was not holding his normal white-handled, red-gem holder wand with a large emerald, Kamek bore a golden wand with a star the size of his fist at the head. Kammy would had been less shocked to see him wearing red robes and possessing his normal wand! Or cyan robes with a purple cloak and hat! Heck, even his old purplish-blue robes would had been a welcome change, but this?!

"What are you doing here, Kamilia?" he asked with a puzzled expression on his face.

"I was sent here to see why you have taken your sweet time here. What are you doing here?! Its a Mushroomer town! Mushroomer! Have you lost your mind?!" She was practically shouting at the end.

"Of course I havn't, Kamilia! Now please, calm down... You must had been given a hard time, being Bowser's top magikoopa while I have been away..." Kamek said as he guided Kammy to a couch. He then made two cups of Koopa Tea appear on the coffee table as they sat down.

"Uh... why yes, I have..." she said as she took a sip of the delicious tea. Wait a second... He has never called her by her proper name since they were children! And why is he being so... kind and sypathetic? She eyed him suspiciously. What is he up to now...?

Kamek smiled at her. "Like it? Its my own brew. Its not too bitter, but not too sweet."

"Yes it is very good." she began. "Wait wait, stop!" She set the cup back on the table. "Kamek, what in the Underwhere has happened to you? You're... so nice! Too nice! And that grin! What the name of Dark Land is up with that dopey grin?!"

"My grin's not dopey." he said with a bit of a frown.

"Yes it is!" Kammy insisted. "And why aren't you wearing your blue robes?"

"They were ragged. Besides, I like these."


Kamek simply nodded.

Kammy groaned and rubbed her forehead. She was about to say something when she noticed his magical aura. Why hadn't she seen it before? Kamek was under a spell! But who would even think of bespelling her brother? She pulled out her own wand from beneath her robes.

"Ka-Kamilia...? What are you doing?" he stammered as she pointed it at him. "Kamilia, put that down right now!"

"Its for your own good, Kamek. You are under a spell." she said right before she despelled the mind-altering magic that had caused Kamek to act so out of character.

Kamek's eyes seemed to drift out of focus for a couple seconds, but when they were back, he was enraged. Not at Kammy, no. He was grateful for her help. He was angry with himself. "I can't believe I tried that!" he lamented. "Why did I do that?"

"Try to do what?"

"I tried to make a mind-enhancing potion. As we both know, I am old and all koopa-koots are doomed to eventually become senile."

"You got it wrong." stated Kammy.

Kamek shot her a glare. "Of course I did! I wouldn't had been in this situation if I didn't! I left the cauldron on for too long, resulting in a mind-altering potion. And when I took it..."

Kammy didn't finish his sentance. Instead, she made a set of dark-blue Magikoopa robes and hat appear and hang in the air before Kamek. "Come on and get out of that ugly thing, Kamek. Don't want to go back in that horrid outfit, do you?" Kamek took the robes and thrust them on, after tossing off and burning the robes he wore under hypnosis. When they walked out of the house, Kammy's hand-sewn 'Jump on me' sign could be better seen in the sunlight.

*))The Endless Battle

It has gone on for so very long... too long. From when they were newly born to this very day.

The fight has lost its meaning. Am I fighting to rule over the entire world? For power? For Peach's hand in marriage?

What am I fighting for...?

"Lord Bowser?"

The Koopa King looked away from the mirror towards the soldier that dared to intrude upon his private chambers. "What is it?" he demanded.

"Um... The M- the Brothers have been spotted within our borders. Shall I give the command, sir?"

Bowser glared at the Koopatrol. "What do you think?! Well? Don't you have any brains inside that helmet?"

"O-of course, your Ruthlessness." the terrified Koopa replied as he scampered off to give the order to attack.

Pride. That's why I'm still fighting... I am too damn proud...

The reptilian sovereign stormed out of the room and into the dimly lit stone halls. He would not be the one to lay down his weapons... No, it would have to be them...

And so the fight rages on.

*))The Jester and the Count

Count Bleck was walking through a marble hall. It was in ruins, but this did not seem to phase him. No, he had come here for a reason. There was someone here whom he had come to speak with.

"Ciao. You have reconsidered my offer. Signore Bleck?"

The Dark Prognosticus had stated that this one would play a major part in the matters concerning the Chaos Heart. He did not care that much for such a jovial character, but... The Count nodded.

"Ah... Grazie, Signore Bleck. Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"
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Yellow Magikoopa

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 5:59 pm   Reply with quote

I LOVE Mario fanfics. ^_^

Keep up the good work!
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Pipe Land Goods    

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 6:02 pm   Reply with quote

Thank you. :3
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Player 2

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 6:23 pm   Reply with quote

I red up to the BLUE part. I saw a huge wall of text and walked away
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Koopa Kruiser Supply Shop    

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 6:34 pm   Reply with quote

^-^; Blue is a little description heavy, but I like how it came out.

Also, the stories after Blue are shorter.

WHEE! Got a Bowser Doll! *hugs*
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Parabuzzy Queen

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 10:34 pm   Reply with quote

...Hey! This is on my FFN faves list! Very Happy
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Buzzy Mart    

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 10:50 pm   Reply with quote


Yeah, I am Its My Own Requiem. And its pretty funny that the collection (Ten times Ten) is on your fav list.


Just is.

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I see what you are doing.
Lord Vaati

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 11:10 pm   Reply with quote

Very good I give it a 10/10.
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Dark World Shop of Magic    

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 11:22 pm   Reply with quote

Thank you. *chuckles*
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