Elite Nerr Francis

Joined: 16 Apr 2007 Posts: 6974
HP: 50 MP: 3 Lives: 0
Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 6:34 pm
STAR LOTTERY Pay: 10 Win: 50 Game: Choose a number. Host rolls die when spots fill. Match to win.
Amazing Dice Game Pay: 1 Win: 5 Game: pick a number and roll [6]
War Pay: 1-10 Win: 2x Game: roll [26][25][24][23][22][21][20] to beat dealer
Plastic Dice Pay: 4 Win: 1-10 Game: roll [10,10,2] you win number shown
Nice Dice Pay:1 Win: 2-10 Game: roll [10] you win number shown except 1 Limits: once a day and have under 15 coins
Black Dice Pay: 10-30 Win: x2 Game: roll [6], even wins Limits: once a day, two days if won
Grey Dice Pay: 1-10 Win: x2 Game: host rolls [6], even wins Limits: have less than 50 coins, once a day
Red Dice Pay: first player decides Win: ~pot Game: host rolls [6] for 2-3 players, highest wins
Gold Dice Pay: first player decides (greater than 10) Win: pot Game: host rolls [6] for 2-4 players, highest wins Limits: VIP Only
Snazzy Hats Pay: 5 Win: 15 Game: choose 1,2, or 3. host rolls [3]. win if number matches.
Ratty Hats Pay: 1 Win: 5 Game: choose 1,2, or 3. host rolls [3]. win if number matches. Limits: less than 50 coins, once a day
Quick Draw Pay: 10-20 Win: x2 Game: first player PMs host a number between 4 and 8. second player guesses host roll is higher or lower. host rolls [10]. Limits: VIP Only
The 50/50 Pay: 5 Win: x1 up to infinity Game: roll [10], 6-10 wins. Repeat until quit or lose
Teal Dice Pay: 2-16 (even) Win: 3, x2+4, or x3+4 Game: say higher or lower. roll [30,30]. distance away determines winnings
Beige Dice Pay: 7 Win: 1-19 Game: roll [20,20], win the difference Limits: twice a day
BINGO Pay: 3 Win: 10 Game: 3 players get BINGO board, host rolls [30], mark off match
21 Pay: 1 Win: 10 Game: 2-6players roll [6,6], roll again if you wish, do not pass 21
Ruki's Japan-Style Lotto Pay: 10 Win: 80% of pot Game: Buy a number, host rolls a sided die equal to the number of people entered that day Limits: Only one entry per day
Take a Chance Pay: 1-15 Win: x1.5, x2.5, or x3.5 Game: host rolls [9,9,9] for you. 3,3,3 = x1.5, 7,7,7 = x3.5, other 3-of-a-kind = x2.5, 2-of-a-kind = x1-1 Limits: play once per day
Lucky Dice Pay: 5 Win: 5-35 Game: Host rolls [7], then rolls [results]. Number gotten x 5 coins is given by host. Limits: Only once a day.
Lucky Dice Battle Pay: Nothing Win: 2 - 20 Game: 2 players. Host rolls [10,10]. Host rolls [p1result, p2result]. Highest number wins p1result+p2result from loser. Limits: No limits. |