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Larry Koopa Sam
Joined: 30 Apr 2007 Posts: 16957
HP: 35 MP: 1 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 4:56 pm

Ok, im going to make this as long as I can write. but First off, I wanta say that I got a DS Lite specifically for This Game. and im I disappointed? not at all. im a hardcore Zelda fan, but I'll try to make this review, on my full, inside my heart Opinion, though I may be biased with Zelda.
First off, you start out with Tetra, getting Kidnapped by a Legendary Ghost Ship. and Lighting struck her, so the Heroic Link tried to save the day, but apparently, lost his grip, and slipped into the water.
Now, you get washed up on "Mercay Island". your pirate friends (niko, gonzo, etc.) are lost, who knows where they have gone, Tetra has been kidnapped, and Link has been found by a fairy named Ceila. This fairy is about HALF annoying as Navi, but kind of an ass. like pointing out stupid baby stuff, but doesn't put out the brain quencher stuff. Anywho, you meet her grandfather, and he talks to you about the Ghost Ship, and he wants you to meet a fellow coward friend, named Linebeck. Linebeck is a seaman, who owns a boat, but really doesn't help you, just waits for you to complete a dungeon, and he escorts you, with his Boat, where you wanta go. etc. etc. until finally you get the Phantom Hourglass that will Time you in dungeons.
Controls/Gameplay - Everyone should know that the controls of Phantom Hourglass is used COMPLETELY with the stylus. although you can use "B" or "Down" on the D-pad to bring down your map, or X to see your items. (im not sure if it was X) you can also press the triggers as a shortcut to take out your weapons. You "Tap" to do a regular, verticle slice. you slide your stylus to do a horizontal slice, and you draw a "Circle" for a spin attack. you can do like 4 spin attacks really fast, but it will make Link dizzy. same thing with rolling.
I got used of the controls really quickly, but sometimes its hard to roll, a tip is to point it at the edge of the Touch screen, and make tiny circles.
-- Some of the Gameplay remarks the old zelda games, with some stuff you have to think over. for example, theres a part in the game that took me a while, right after you get the Shovel, you have to find someone's 2nd Hideaway. which I couldn't find until, I decided to mark all the Stone Tablets with dots, connected them which made an "X" and went to the Center of the "X" and digged, and I happen to find the 2nd hideaway.
Thats Right, you can MARK stuff on your map. when you access your map, you can right whatever you want on it, Sea Charts as well. which comes in handy. Because if there is some sort of order you have to open switches in, you can right it down on your map, so you wont forget.
Ocean Gameplay - You get your boat (Linebeck's boat). and draw your destination. Basically, you grab the small quill, and move it where you want, and Linebeck will drive you that way. and you can jump, by pressing a small Arrow on the bottom of your screen. you can also "Stop" or "Go" whenever you feel like it. once you get a cannon, you can shoot enemies or objects by tapping the screen. you can also control the camera angle's with your stylus.
Misc - Theres another feature that allows the Mic., you can Blow out candle's, yell for help/etc. or blow other stuff.
if you find the Northeast Sea chart, its all dusty, and Linebeck wants you to blow all the dirt off, which was quite fun. Theres also some candles later on to blow off, and once you find Astrid, (a fortune teller), you have to yell (not really) so she can see if someone is there (you wont get it, unless you play Graphics - I'm not to sure about any other DS lite games graphics, because I only got Madden 08, and Brain Age for it as well, and Brain Age isn't really graphical. and Madden 08 feels like an N64. but Phantom Hourglass's graphics, are really nice, and remain the Wind Wakers graphic style. Although Wind Waker is MORE cel-shaded then Phantom Hourglass (because Phantom Hourglass has more detail), Phantom hourglass has them black lines around characters to redeem its cel-shaded effect.
People would say Link has big eyes in phantom hourglass, and they say he looks ugly, but when you actually play it. he doesn't have HUGE eyes, and hes not ugly at all.
the only reason why I do it, is to show whats in the cartridge, prove that I got the game, AND edit it with some music, to make it more exciting.
Online - Online is something I do allot on Phantom Hourglass. The basic rules is for you to control Link or "Phantoms" (allot like Dark nuts).
Link. Links job is to gain all the Force Gems, and escort them to his base. he is controlled by the Stylus. you can also get stuff to aid you online, like these orbs. that have stuff to make you run faster, shield (one hit immunity), Strength, and 30 seconds +. There are safe zones that you can walk into, so the Phantoms don't get you.
Phantoms. you control the Phantom's by drawing a location on where you want them to go, allot like the Sea Chart/Ocean gameplay. You have to hunt Link down, you can also get Orbs to increase your speed, -30 seconds, attack upgrade, etc. Its kind of like a chess game, with more action.
The online game uses a Phantom Hourglass, and players only have 120/130? seconds to get as much Force gems as possible. and there are 3 rounds. after three rounds are over, the winner can get Higher Ranks, they gain points and you can even get Achievement like things. called "Big Plays"
These "Big Plays" will take effect in your Campaign as well. Big Plays rewards you get, by playing online a certain way, like "collect all force gems" or, "win a round by downing link in 30 seconds". I got more then 4 Big Plays, and in my Single Player Campaign, I had to talk to the Postman to get a reward for my ship. a Golden Chimney. So if you wanta beat the game 100%, make sure you have Wi-Fi. The Wi-Fi well also save your scores, like your Win Percentage, Total Wins, Total Loses, Total Ties, and your Rank. you can VS. friends, rivals, and anyone world-wide.
--- My Opinion, Pros and Cons --- Im a new DS Player, but I really love the fact how you use the stylus, and voice to communicate with the games actions. and that is by far the best thing I love about the game (apart of the fact that its Zelda).
What I dont like about it, is some of the ocean travel. although it is way faster then Wind Waker, I still dont like it, and I also dont like how short the game is. (no, I havent beat it). All and all, I havent come across any glitches YET. oh, and its also really easy. but thats ok
Pros: Gameplay, Story, and Graphics Cons: Shortness, Easy, and Ocean Travel ---
There is much to explain about this game, and this is as much as I can explain for now. I hope you liked my Review, and now its time for my Final Score.
Story - 8.8 Gameplay - 9.9 Graphics - 9.5 Online - 8.6
Overall = 9.8 Overall = 98/100 Overall = 98.86
anyone who says tl;dr. this is a review, kthxbai
Last edited by Sam on Fri Oct 05, 2007 5:18 pm; edited 3 times in total |
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Elite Nerr Francis

Joined: 16 Apr 2007 Posts: 6974
HP: 50 MP: 3 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 5:06 pm
Altair wrote: | I'll try to make this review, on my full, inside my heart Opinion, though I may be biased with Zelda. |
Your review covered the mechanics of the game very well, but you left out your opinion completely (except for numbers at the end). I would have liked to hear more about what you really liked and what you didnt like about the game. (Im not very far yet, so no spoilers please) |
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Larry Koopa Sam
Joined: 30 Apr 2007 Posts: 16957
HP: 35 MP: 1 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 5:15 pm
Francis wrote: | Altair wrote: | I'll try to make this review, on my full, inside my heart Opinion, though I may be biased with Zelda. |
Your review covered the mechanics of the game very well, but you left out your opinion completely (except for numbers at the end). I would have liked to hear more about what you really liked and what you didnt like about the game. (Im not very far yet, so no spoilers please) |
I edited a brief section of "My Opinion".
Thanks though, really love hearing that my work was worthy. |
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? Block Fancy Wario

Joined: 18 Apr 2007 Posts: 13463
HP: 69 MP: 8 Lives: 1
Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 6:18 pm
Too short; didn't read.
<_< |
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