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The Factory - Smithy's Return ((Semi-Private, Novel Style))
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Joined: 08 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 4:31 pm   Reply with quote

This RP is serious and is done in novel form.

Please, use Mario-verse characters (or characters related). Vaati is allowed because of Link's presence in Super Mario RPG, as well as 'Rubees' being used in Super Paper Mario.

No godmodding, no trolling, no spamming, no using characters which have NOTHING to do with the Mario series (canon or original), and PLEASE don't over-power your character.

For OOC chat, please use the other topic.

Current List of RPers.

Name: RPer
Smithy: Smithy
Medikoopa: Medikoopa
Axem Red: Smithy
Bowyer: Smithy
Vaati and Metal Vaati: Vaati
Axem Blue: Vaati
Axem Black: Medikoopa
Axem Pink: Mona
Axem Yellow: Yellow Magikoopa


Medikoopa had been out for a stroll, feeling that fresh air would do her some good after a long day in Dark Land Castle. It was not long before her walk was ruined. Further down the road stood Smithy. How he came to be there, she did not know. For a moment, she thought that she was seeing things, but when he turned around and looked at her, she was sure that this was no illusion. "I thought Mario, Mallow, Geno, Bowser, and Peach beat you and that giant sword of yours!"

"They did, but as you can see I am very much alive! GUFAW-HAW-HAW-HAW!"

Medikoopa runs off to go alert her king.

"GUFAW-HAW-HAW-HAW-HAW! Be glad I spare you!" Smithy called out.

Medikoopa paused and looked back. "Spare?" she laughed. "That's what villains say when someone escapes them."

"Alright, now I'm angry!" he shoted as he lifted Sledge with one hand.

Medikoopa cursed her being a Medikoopa instead of a Magikoopa as she feeblely attempted to protect herself from the attack.

Smithy continued to crush the koopa with Sledge. "Now... you shall meet your maker!" he said with wicked glee.

She had tried to get out of the way, but had failed. The hammer broke her left leg and injured her arm.

"Bah! I've got a world to fill with weapons! I don't have time for this!"

Medikoopa attempts to limp away before Smithy changes his mind again.

Smithy lifts her up with his free hand. "You could be useful." he muttered as he began his return journey to his factory.

Medikoopa screamed like a girl - well... she IS one. "Why are you going to do with me...?"

"I'm running low on healers. This job is painless....mostly. If you don't comply with my demands you will most likely perish in the horrible ways."

Medikoopa looked terrified. "I-I serve the King of the Koopas, no-not a robotic-" Her words died on her lips as the final sentence snuck in. "Wh-what?! Wait a minute... you use machines, what d-do you need a healer for?"

"I'm not sure but..." he tapped his chin. "Notice the beard? I have no idea how to I got it. It makes one wonder... That and the technology from which I am born is so advanced that your healing techniques should work in spite of the fact that I am made of metal."

Medikoopa was trembling. "You... think you're aging..." She was terrified of the gigantic metalic creature, and the notion that HE was alive felt so wrong. "Oh Star Spirits..."

"Actaully I think I'm part organic." Smithy commented. He then turned to look at her with a evil smile on his face. "None the less you serve me now."

"I... I serve the King of the Dark Land Koopa Clan, not..." Her words were cut short, fear overtaking her. "Oh Stars, please don't make me have to do this..."

Smithy looked very angry. "Do you have a death wish? I have a nice sledge here waiting to smash something."

Medikoopa looked up at Smithy in alarm. "I'm sorry, its just that I was- oh..." Here, she shuddered. "... As much as I hate to say it... W-...what is it you want me to tend to first...?"

Smithy had a wicked grin on his face. "Well... lets get to the factory first. There, we shall deal with that."

"Of course..." she muttered as she hung her head in defeat.

"Wise choice. Very wise choice indeed..." the metal man said.

Medikoopa was silent as they made their way back to Smithy's base of opperations. She had, after all, gone against her own in her desire to remain among the living.

"We should arrive shortly." he began as they made their way across the field. "The factory is no too far from here."

Medikoopa Kooparia shuddered at the notion that she would soon be in an enemy base... working for one who caused her people, but most of all her king so many problems. She dared to look up, and sure enough there was Smithy's factory. Without feeling it, they had entered the dimension that housed the terrible place. "..."

Smithy looked with glee at his factory though this was more of a home away from home. He smiled at his achievement. "Behold one of my finest creation yet! Here we shall begin your new task."

Kooparia was still trembling. "H-here...?" The place was cold and foreboding. Not unlike Dark Land at all. ... Well, actually, Dark Land was just dark, terribly hot, and foreboding. Well, it wasn't foreboding to her, her, as Dark Land was her home. But this...?

"Yes this is where you shall carry out most of my demands" Smithy opened the doors of the factory. It clinged. It hissed. It growled. These were Smithy's favorite noises. It was music to his sound sensors. They proceeded in...

The cold metallic walls were a drastic change from the stone and marble halls she was so familiar with. The sounds sent shivers up the Koopa's spine and they did nothing to help her feel any better with what she had been forced to chose to do.

"Now lets begin" Smithy said with a grin. "Let start off with Smelter" He pointed too an old broken down spout. This is where he would make most of his minions. "Normally I'd trash it but this contains very rare parts and is very hard too make. See if you can restore it too it's former glory."
He stepped back to watch.

Medikoopa Kooparia stared at the broken golden smelting robot before speaking. "Damnit Smithy, I'm a medikoopa not a mechanic! This is a smelting machine, not a living creature!"

Smithy Glared at her. His crown spewing steam. He readied his hammer. "Heal it or else!" Smithy was famous for blind rage when something didn't go exactly as he intended. The factory Sledge whirred readily.

Kooparia was having a very hard time grasping the fact that Smithy seemed to think that restorative magic that affected living beings would work on a smelting machine, but fear took hold and she attempted what she thought would had been futile... She casted a healing spell on the ruined Shyper-producing machine.

Smithy Looked in awe at his machine. It glowed brilliantly. Smelter looked brand new and was working perfectly. "Now lets test it" Smelter whirred like it always did as Smithy waited for the molten metal. It flowed smoothly out of the contraption. Smithy made a shyper out of the smelt.
"You've done we'll" Smithy grinned at Kooparia. He signaled her to come with. "This way, if you can heal an old broken down smelting machine then you can heal a few others as well."

Kooparia was staring at Smelter, this time out of shock that she was able to repair it with a spell intended for organic beings. It was with a heavy heart, she followed him to her other 'patients'.

They proceded to an infimary-like scrap heap. Smithy pointed to an entire set of almost lifeless bodies "These are my lieutenets. Mack, Bowyer, Yardovich, and the Axem Rangers. They have been out of commission for quite some time. Your job is to heal them. Afterward go down the hall, Exor should be waiting." Smithy left Kooparia to her duties. He had some planning to do.

In the very same room, Vaati had been repairing his metallic brother. Apparently, he had come across this dimention while Smithy had been away, and so had deceided to use it for repairs.

Kooparia momentarily wondered what the pale-blue skiinned boy was doing here, but she shrugged it off as just some other person that Smithy had forced to work for him. She turned to face the various oddly-shaped metallic beings and sighed. This would take a fair bit of concentration.... The Medikoopa began to mutter a more powerful healing incantation.

"So Vaati are you sure this place is not in use" said Metal Vaati.

"Seems my Dark Eyes made a mistake." he replied.

Meanwhile Smithy was in the control room monitering the factory. "So far she seems to have proven her worth." He said to himself. "Perhaps I shall allow live after all." Smithy dipised most organics. He returned to his drawing board.

Axem red stirred "Wha-? Whats goin' on?" He mumbled.

Kooparia finished the incantation and, hearing a voice, looked for the source. Seeing that it was the small red one, she cautiously took a step forward. "Uh.... um... Hello there?"

Axem Red rose up from his pad. He streched out, adjusting to actually standing up. It had been a long time for him. He turned to see Kooparia. "WAH!" he shouted as he jumped in surpise.

The Medikoopa was startled as well, but for more reasons then just the mechanical person's reaction to her presence... She had still been studying to become a Medikoopa when the Smithy Invasion occured. She had heard stories of the terrible event that split the Koopa Kingdom's forces, but she had never even seen pictures of it. She had assumed that people were embellishing the tale. Mushroomer villagers mimicked by a single mechanical creature. A gigantic sword piercing the king's castle... Bowser teaming up with Mario. It was all just absurd. But... "Um... uh... h-hello."

Axem Red shook in fear. "Wh-Who are you?" The others began to stir.

"I am Medikoopa Kooparia." she said with a bow, habit kicking in. "I... healed you, as well as the others upon S-smithy's command."

Axem red calmed down. "The names Axem Red Leader ofthe Axem Rangers." He bowed just the same.

Bowyer stood up slightly disoriented "What be this Nya?"

"I have heard about y-" Kooparia had done a double take upon seeing the 'living' bow talk. From his spiky red hair to his orange and yellow striped body, he was VERY strange looking. "Um... ... What?" She did not understand what he had meant by that. Rather confusing manner of speech had he.

"What you are I do not Know nya. But thank you Nya" Boywer gave his usual grin. "This was the Smithy gang. The best of the best. Smithy's elite team. Or so thought."

"The bow guy has a point. what are you?" questioned the crimson Axem.

Axem Blue appeared behind Kooparia undetected and saw Axem Red become healed. "(So Smithy is trying to revive his army but I must remain under cover.) Axem Red you have been brought back to life now we need the others to be revived so our team can fight for Smithy again." said Axem Blue as he twirled his blue axe using one hand.

She was shaking in her boots. "I- I am a Medikoopa. Medikoopas are a class of Koopas whose job is to heal others... And yes, he has had me restore a smelting machine and then well as you all."

Smithy returned to the room. He grinned when he had seen the progress made with his top warriors.

"Master Smithy!" Axem Red said right before he bowed to his master.

"Axem red meet Axem Blue. He shall be a great asset to your team. Alright then. Smithy Gang! Move out! Your new mission should be programmed."

The Smithy gang left.

"You've done well Kooparia Now get going to Exor He is of great importance" Smithy said as he turned to face the Medikoopa.

Magikoopa Kooparia looked confused at the name. Exor...? Wait... "That giant sword?!"

"Indeed the main hilt is all that matter for now" Smithy left the room after giving the command.

So far so good. I just need some more info to gather... Axem Blue followed his red leader as he thought.

Kooparia looked around for any sign of where the massive weapon laid in ruins. She saw what looked like two large golden metallic claws and, from what she had remembered of the stories, figured that it was part of 'Exor.'

"Oh Star Spirits..." she muttered. The Medikoopa reached into her robes and took out a small jar. It was a potion that would grant her enough the magical energy required to heal such a large... thing, and when its immediate effects were over it would restore her energy to its usual amount.

"Perfect." She drank its contents down in a single gulp then turned to face the massive weapon.

"Consanescere... percuro... sanatio." she chanted as she casted the healing spell on Exor's remains.

Last edited by Medikoopa on Thu Sep 13, 2007 6:20 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Super Jetfire

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 5:57 pm   Reply with quote

Smithy watched Kooparia heal the gargantuan sword.
Exor's eyes began to move.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 6:09 pm   Reply with quote

Kooparia stopped immediately. She did not have enough magical strength to heal Exor any further at this time. She managed to stop herself from falling by leaning against the nearby wall.

"T-there... Your oversized sword is 'alive' again..."
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top minion tails

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 6:14 pm   Reply with quote

bowyer: NYAHHH??stupid my metal clones are, yes...TRAIN THEM I SHALL!
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 6:16 pm   Reply with quote

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Super Jetfire

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 6:16 pm   Reply with quote

Exor roared in pain. His blade was badly damaged during it's last fight.
"You are unable to heal the blade, I'll take over"
Shypers swarmed the broken blade as Smithy pounded them in.
"If I understand you organis need nutrition and something called sleep, right?"

OoC:And I say I am Bowyer!
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 6:18 pm   Reply with quote

The Medikoopa nodded weakly. She was already exhausted, and she was not sure how long it had been since she last ate. Couldn't bave been more then a day since Smithy abducted her...
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Super Jetfire

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 6:23 pm   Reply with quote

"I've made a rather simple board according to your organic's design as well as basic organic nutrition with what research I've done."
Smithy turned to face Kooparia
"Try to escape and your fate shall be decided."
He turned to Exor and started pounnding at it again.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 6:32 pm   Reply with quote

Kooparia mentally translated what Smithy had said. She would be sleeping on a 'board' and that she would be most likely be eating just bread and water. The equivalent of what a prisoner was given in the way of food and 'sleeping arrangements'.

Before she could say anything, the rest of what Smithy had said sunk in. If she tried to leave, she'd die.

Considering that they were in another dimension, it would be nigh impossible for her to return to her home. Also, knowing the landscape outside, she'd probably die whether or not Smithy's forces (which she had resurrected) would catch her.

Kooparia was not a happy koopa.
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Super Jetfire

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 6:35 pm   Reply with quote

Smithy continued his work.

The Axem red began to think.
He left in a hurry.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 6:46 pm   Reply with quote

Kooparia looked over at the red-colored machine. She wondered what the hurry was. She then turned her eyes to watch Smithy as he worked on Exor's repairs.

She could only hope that her king would be able to beat these guys again...
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 7:18 pm   Reply with quote

I am lurking. :3
I have no choice in the matter, but I can be like... a chatplay person bouncer! xD
Since I don't really has anythin' else ta do.

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 7:23 pm   Reply with quote

Mimi wrote:
I am lurking. :3
I have no choice in the matter, but I can be like... a chatplay person bouncer! xD
Since I don't really has anythin' else ta do.


naruto the human guy*not ninja* walked down a street. "I'm bored so I guess I should leav the kingdom princess peach is not a good ruler...."
he walked by the stared at a huge iron door"wow whats this?"
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 7:42 pm   Reply with quote

((*bangs head into wall* This is set in another dimension: Smithy's Dimention. You can't just waltz from Peach's Castle and up to Smithy's Factory.))
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I see what you are doing.
Lord Vaati

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 8:52 pm   Reply with quote

Medikoopa wrote:
((*bangs head into wall* This is set in another dimension: Smithy's Dimention. You can't just waltz from Peach's Castle and up to Smithy's Factory.))
OOC: Naruto you need to use a Mario character but once a certain thing has happened I shall control Axem Blue and the two Vaatis.

(Geno is a non usable character since I'm going to replace a character leaving the character I replaced usable)
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