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When Digibuttter Becomes Reality!(again) [semi-private]
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Paper Peach

Joined: 27 Jun 2007
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HP: 14 MP: 2 Lives: 0

PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 6:42 pm   Reply with quote

OOC: The title is misleading ^^' It's not actually digibutter, it's the nitlands, but you play as you digibutter slef. If you want to join (and haven't already) please sign up in the sign-up topic Razz first (then wait until I say you can join) I don't want this rp to grow 10 pages in a day. (because then I don't want to read it all XD) Make your posts count!

Paper Peach wrote:
Lolz that's hilarious Very Happy You should continue making them. A Digibutter comic would be really cool! Anywas, my mom is saying that I have to get off now. See ya tomorrow!

Rebekah yawned as she closed out of her web browser. Turning the moniter off, she swiveled her chair around and got up. She walked down the hall and into the kitchen. "Mom what is it?"

"Can you help your sister please?"

"With what?"

"I don't know just help her please." at that moment an unearthly scream met both of their ears.


"Oh, I see." Rebekah walked back down the hall into the room she and her sister both shared. Her youngest sister, Susanne, was sitting on the bed watching their other sister, Victoria, play the Wii.

"Rebekah, help me on this!" Victoria was ironically playing Super Paper Mario. By the looks of it, she was on world 3-3, the one with the big tree. "I'm about to die!"

"Fine." Rebekah plopped herself down on the floor next to Victoria. Tori was only 10, but she acted like a teenager more than Rebekah did. To tell the truth, Bekah was the one who acted like a 10-year-old. "What, you only have 5 health!"

"I know, just beat it for me!"

Rebekah pressed the 2 button to make Mario jumped. He jumped up onto the next platform and got killed by a Dayzee. "Crap, sorry." Rebekah clicked the file marked "Tori" and tried again. "You saved with only 5 health!"


"This is going to take a while."

[An hour later]

After finally climbing up the tree, beating Dimentio, and riding the red wind to the end of the level, Bekah handed the controler back to Tori. "Next time, don't save if you have only 3 hp left." She left the room and walked back to the kitchen. "Need help with dinner mom?"

"That would be nice" her mom handed her a recipe for chicken pot pie. "Can you make this?"



Bekah looked outside the window. "Dang it looks like a storm." This meant the computer would have to be shut off. "Mom! I think there's gonna be a Thunder storm tonight. Can I turn the computer off?"


"Thanks!" Bekah clicked on the "start button" and clicked "shut down computer."

"Rebekah, can you please help me with this?" Tori was in the doorway.





"No. What's the point of playing video games if all your gonna do is make me play them?"

"'Cause you can beat it."

"You didn't answer my question"


"Fine, I'l do it, but only if I get to play once you get to the next save point."


Rebekah took the wiimote from her hand and walked into their room. She was in the middle of Fort Francis. "You got the code?"

"What code?"

"Apparently not." Bekah controlled Mario to get the code to Francis's room, and released Carrie. Finally, after a few minutes, she was contolling Peach in Francis's Swoon.exe.

"Can you beat Francis too?"

"Fine." Bekah was actually enjoying this. Bitlands was her favorite world after all, and it reminded her of Digibutter. She jumed as a roar of thunder rumbled.

"What did you do that for?"

"I didn't mean too." Mario was flashing. He had just gotten hit by one of Francis's Meowbombs. after a couple minutes, Francis was running out of the door.

"Can I have the wiimote back?"

"No, we agreed I could play it after you." Bekah went back to the wii menu and selected the internet channel.

"Fine" Both Suzy and Tori walked out of the room.

Bekah clicked on the favorites and clicked "Digibutter." Suddenly the lights and the TV flickered off then back on, followed by another rumble of thunder. The wiimote started vibrating and making a strange sound. "Crap, what's wrong with this thing?" Rebekah took the cover off the batteries. She stuck her finger in to take the batteries out. A flash of lightning hit the wire connecting her house to the powerline (it's an old house). A violent shock surged through Rebekah. fell to the ground with blocks of colors swarming before her eyes and the next thing she knew she was unconscious.

OOC: Yes this is my old intro. I'm too lazy to make another.

Last edited by Paper Peach on Thu Dec 06, 2007 9:25 am; edited 1 time in total
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Paper Peach's Shop    

Joined: 08 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 6:57 pm   Reply with quote

Melissa sat on the couch, as usual. She was wrapped up in blankets with the laptop seated on... her lap. To her right sat her older brother, who was hogging the Wii as usual. He had finished Super Mario Galaxy a week ago. Completely. Naturally, this ticked Melissa off. He kept beating her games...

While she was surfing the net, her brother was playing Warioware: Smooth Moves.

The eighteen year old girl considered beating Pheonix Wright: Ace Attorney, but she then remembered that the DS was still charging.

"Ugh..." she groaned as she opened Firefox. She typed 'digibutt' in the URL, which caused it to pull up a list of sites she visited before under that name. Obviously, it was all 'digibutter'.

Melissa yawned; it was well past 10 pm and she was tired... As she clicked on the 'log in' button, there was a blackout. Her laptop was still active, but she lost her WiFi. Within minutes, she had drifted off to sleep.

((Is this good? I did not like the 'electrocution' idea, but I have had some pretty darn realistic dreams, so a 'transference of her soul while sleeping' seems to be as plausible as the 'electrocution'.))

Last edited by Medikoopa on Tue Dec 04, 2007 7:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Dark Land Supply Store    
Paper Peach

Joined: 27 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 7:01 pm   Reply with quote

OOC: That's fine. After all, the wiimote isn't even connected to a power outlet XD Yeah Razz That works.. Anything does Razz
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Paper Peach's Shop    
Oh fuck.
Flar3 Luigi

Joined: 18 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 7:17 pm   Reply with quote

Flar3 was watching the Grodus chronicals. He was very tired since it was 12:00 PM. He had a midnight snack. "Yum! I love fronis-Os!!" said flar3. He was done with the snack and went to bed. But for some reason he couldn't sleep. He stayed up.

The next day he was very sleepy. He was in class. The math class seemed to bore him and fell asleep. the teacher woke him up and got him in trouble. Anyways he started walking around then he noticed omething different about the teachers.

One night he heard something outside he checked to see what was it...but it was nothing...or maybe I'm wrong.

((How's this? Kinda cheap.))
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Flar3's antiques of Ph1r3.    

Joined: 23 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 7:28 pm   Reply with quote

"Something's up with Jack, something's up with Jack~," Devin sang, turning up the volume on her headphones and watching rainbow designs dance across her Windows Media Player screen. "Don't know if we're ever gonna get him back~..."
She sighed in frustration to herself as she clicked back on her Word Processor tab and was confronted with a massive story- which promptly stopped after two words into the latest paragraph. I need to get the next chapter of Appositus Obscurum up fast...Darn writer's block!
After roughly fifteen minutes of writing and deleting bits of story that popped into her mind, she closed it down and riffled through her other fanfics, searching for one to occupy her. It was a technique she commonly employed; she found getting worked up over other fanfics got her creative juices pumping, which she could then channel to combat the evil writer's block.
Of Brides and Boogiemen- Nightmare's probably dying for the next chapter of that one; gotta apologize to her for that...Super Princess Daisy- huh, stuck again- my Sly Cooper Jailbreak fic? Come to think of it, I haven't even uploaded that yet...Nah, I'll wait a bit more; don't want a million unfinished fics on my FF profile. Maybe that Crash Bandicoot oneshot I've been thinking of...
She chased ideas around her brain, but still couldn't find anything to satisfy. Now tapping her foot absentmindedley to Oogie Boogie's Song, she closed Word and opened up her Internet Explorer. It was time for a bit of the next best thing to fanfic-writing- roleplaying.
Briefly checking over the list of recent posts at the Mushroom Kingdom RP, she moved on; Super Hyper Mario 128 III was offline today, and they needed his Wario app to post in Sands of Crime before they could continue the RP.
She smiled to herself as she moved to the next slot on her Favorites list: Digibutter.
She clicked on her most-frequented forum- RPOT- and-
...D'oh. A frown of annoyance crossed Devin's face. She'd forgotten that, when her laptop had frozen the other day (she kept telling her brothers not to try and download that stupid GUNZ game on it, but NOOO...) and she'd been forced to shut it down, she'd been automatically logged off of her RP sites. She always set it to preserve her login so she could stay on for as long as she wanted without having to log in every day- it was easier, and, as neither of her brothers knew her account password on her laptop (which they were wont to beg her for), it was safe.
She clicked the Login screen and began to type her name.
...Huh...That was weird. Normally, once she put in the first letter, the Remember Me function automatically selected her username, and she could go right to filling in her password. This time, however, it hadn't happened.
Shrugging it off, Devn proceeded to type in her username and password, and then clicked.
And waited.
She frowned again, deeper now. Her laptop was never this slow on Digibutter, and she wasn't exactly patient-
It was then that her laptop exploded.
Not in the actual sense, with fire and smoke- more like the swirling pattern on her Media Player had suddenly swollen to massive, 3-dimensional proportions, expanding beyond the laptop and barreling right at her face with speed to rival a bullet train.
She didn't even have time to cry out in alarm. The second that lightning-fast whirl of purple touched her recoiling hands, she was gone.
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MsDevin92's Bazaar    
Paper Peach

Joined: 27 Jun 2007
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HP: 14 MP: 2 Lives: 0

PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 7:29 pm   Reply with quote

Flar3 Luigi wrote:
Flar3 was watching the Grodus chronicals. He was very tired since it was 12:00 PM. He had a midnight snack. "Yum! I love fronis-Os!!" said flar3. He was done with the snack and went to bed. But for some reason he couldn't sleep. He stayed up.

The next day he was very sleepy. He was in class. The math class seemed to bore him and fell asleep. the teacher woke him up and got him in trouble. Anyways he started walking around then he noticed omething different about the teachers.

One night he heard something outside he checked to see what was it...but it was nothing...or maybe I'm wrong.

((How's this? Kinda cheap.))

OOC: I don't know... It's kinda iffy. Your overall writing skills aren't too good (no offense). Your sentances are choppy and stuff. If you can make the sentances flow together, rather than just blocks of events with no transitions, You can continue to post. Think of how a book is written. If there's a big gap in time, post it in another post or Use "***". Use them ony once or twice a post though.
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Paper Peach's Shop    
Super Black Twilight

Joined: 28 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 8:03 pm   Reply with quote

Samuel was in his basement, simply using the Internet Channel on his Wii. He launched the channel, went to his favorites list, and chose Digibutter. He got an error message which meant it wasn't connected, but wasn't suprised, since the wireless router was on the second story of the house. He knew the trick here: he selected a different favorite, started refreshing that, until the loading bar didn't just speed across the the taskbar thingy. He'd then stop it, then start it again, and let it load, then backed to Digi and loaded it. Once it loaded, he found that, with again no suprise, he was logged out. He WAS suprised to find the topic number in the Anouncements was up by 1, so he clicked on the boards title. (((OOC: All before this actualy happened today.))) He felt dizzy...

...and passed out.
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The Dark Hero Shop    
~A color is just a color~

Joined: 30 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 8:08 pm   Reply with quote

Hello, and welcome to the very casual story of my life as I knew it. It all started on a very cold day in the hospital… Never-mind, I’ll just get to the point. From that day in the hospital I would forever be know as Cory. Well that was… until the internet sprung loose.

Today I spend my under valued hours, on a website infamously known as Digibutter. There my name would me marked as ‘frozenwinters’. I would eternally be welcomed as “The one who pretends to be a boy,” and yet is obviously female.

So we’ll start here. A plain and normal day, yes…? Well, not entirely~


It was already late in the afternoon, when I had finally opened my dreary eyes. I rubbed them like they would further wake me up, but this just caused my eyes to burn and soon after water. As they dew drops that formed on my eyes faded, I looked on to the ground. There I discovered my small, black DSlite.

What the hell is it doing on the floor? I asked myself sourly, obviously cranking from poor sleep; and I picked the small machine up.

“Click.” The lights turned on, and the Nintendo chime echoed throughout my blue and sky-blue room shortly after.

As the selection screen turned on, I looked out to my window… It wouldn’t be the best day that is for sure… The sky was, as always, covered in a thick sheet of gray-blue. At the back of my mind, I hungered for snackage. But of course my house lacked that, at the time.

Without thinking, I plugged my DS to its charger and walked toward my stair case. By the time I had reached the center, a thick clap of thunder rumbled through the house. I shrugged it off, and let my stomach do the talking.


Several hours later, I walked back up the stairs. The storm was still hitting hard, and I actually remembered my small toy.

When I appeared in the doorway I could hear a small beeping sound.

Beep…. Beep…. Beep…

I figured it was my brother in the room over, doing god knows what, and I continued to my bed.

The small screen had a strange, little object on it.

“Hmph.” I comforted myself and pressed the thing. A luminous light hit the sky, and a bowling ball rolled across the clouds… At least that was the last thing I remembered.

( Meh... Probably sucks. I wanted to do something original, so yeah. )
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The Carmadox Party    
Super Black Twilight

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 8:25 pm   Reply with quote

(((Ooc: I'm guessing I'll be the first one at Digi, right?)))

Near Anouncements, Digibutter, The Bitlands.

Owwwwww...whoa, that hurt. Wait...where was I?
"Ugh...nehh..." I groaned when I got up. My vision was blurred, yet I could tell that I wasn't anywhere near my home. Eventualy, my eyesight returned to normal, and I saw...the Bitlands? What in the cragging name of Grambi?!?
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The Dark Hero Shop    

Joined: 05 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 10:06 pm   Reply with quote

Nothing can compare
To the chaos of reality
Some say fiction is stranger
But that's only temporarily.

The only thing I suppose
That tears me from nonfiction
Is my desire
For such epic confliction.

I want to be put
In a situation so dire
That even my adrenaline
Begins to light on fire.

But the threads of imagination
Have fallen in my hands
I guess no fiction for me
No more fantasy lands.

I sigh every day
I sigh every night
But the world of fiction
Will always be out of sight...

Someone...please...just take me away to a new world...

Her shoulder length brown hair was spread across a tear stained pillow, which had become as so from the sadness locked in her gray eyes.

Her outfit was simple; brown jeans, a blue mini-dress, and black shoes.

The 13-year old 8th Grader slowly approcahed the foggy window. Outside looked kind of nice. The newly fallen snow complimented the shadowy skies. It had an ominous feeling to it...yet there was a sense of peace.

Her name? Racine. It was french for sandy. Their city was near a coastline, which is obviously sandy, so it fit.

Racine flopped back onto her bed with a deep sigh. So many thoughts spun around in her mind, with so little answers. As she turned over and moaned, she realized what she wanted.


She needed to get away.

You know, the internet destroyed her depression state when she was 10. It had been 3 years, but it was slowly coming back. It really just depended on the day.

Well, you get the point.

It was past 11:00, and she was supposed to be asleep. But something was mocking her...

Teasing her...

Beckoning her...

Racine's desire had to be fulfilled.

She needed some space. For that; she had the internet.


Good, nobody's turned it off...

It was simple after that. Just go to your favorites list; and hit digibutter.nerr.

With that, she was welcomed by the lovely pixelized banner. Right now; she didn't even mind the Ads.


Hours flew by like the winds of yesterday, but the internet was her haven. It was so hard to just click the X button.

Racine slowly looked at the computers clock.

Her eyes widened.

Nothing had changed.

Time had...stopped?

Every clock in the house...paused. Outside of the window; snowflakes had frozen from their plummet. Nobody could awaken.

Now she was all alone, trapped within the binds of reality. It seemed as though an ominous wind was swirling around her.

Racine slowly back away from the chair in front of the computer. She must've fallen asleep; this had to be a dream.

No...it felt too real...

Racine collapsed to her knees slowly. She was just stressed.

It was all happening too fast for reality...


Her chaotic fantasies were opening before her very eyes...everything she had been asking for...

The frozen world collapsed around her, like glass to a hard floor. Yet a barrier seperated her from her dreams. All she had to do was break it...break it with every ounce of her heart she could...

Slowly but surely, she leaned forwards. Racine felt as if she were falling...but into a place so familiar.

But...it wasn't real.

It was true...

Her imagination was turning into reality! Racine's wish had been granted!


For awhile, there was nothing. You can't describe nothing, it's just...nothing. For years, people have wondered what it was like. How powerful was it that she was experiencing it before any scientist?

But then again, it was so lonely...but...not really...she felt kind of like someone was there with her.

Racine couldn't help but wonder where she was going. The last thing she remembered was going on the internet.

That's it!

She knew this!

She knew what was happening!

It happened so suddenly, but she had already caught on.

Racine's face lit up as an illuminating light corrupted everything about her. She could feel it searing through her veins, burning into her mind...

Then suddenly, she felt herself hit something like hard ground.

As she stood up, orange hair flew into her face.

Yep. This was it.

...Freakin awesome.

{{If Glitchio doesn't come back, Mona will be cry. ;~;}}
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Cashplx Land!    
I don't have a title.
Gold Prognosticus

Joined: 02 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 2:45 am   Reply with quote

Matt pressed the 2 button on his wiimote. He'd been playing Super Paper Mario for about 30 minutes so far. "Come ON Mario, you'll have to jump higher than that to get across there!" Eventually deciding it was the only way, Matt made Mario do a running jump across the gap, only to fall in halfway across. "Darn it, there goes the rest of my health." Frustrated, Matt reloaded his save game, outside Merlon's house. "Huh? This isn't my save game!" Then Merlon came out of the house and said, "Mario! Come in quick, there isn't much time!" When he entered the house, Matt saw that in place of the light prognosticus, there was a golden book. His avatar from digibutter.nerr.biz. "Mario, you need to go now..." Merlon said, and the screen went white. Matt felt dizzy, and collapsed on the bed. The last thing he saw was his game revert to the right place, the bitlands, before he blacked out...
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Gold Prognosticus' Golden Shop    
Token Nazi?

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 4:27 am   Reply with quote

Somewhere, far away in the distant and freaky country of germany, Lorenz was sound asleep (because of a 6 hours time difference). At the moment he did nothing but dream of food and video games, but that should change pretty quickly. The moon shone it's bright light into the room, reflecting off a Guild Ward poster, breaking in the water bottle and shining onto the computer. Suddedly, with a low rumble, a blue light sparkled to life. The screen flirred on, colons of code and numbers flashing over it, too fast for the naked eye to properly read. Then suddedly a flash of blue light erupted from the computer, hitting the sleeping teenager square into the chest. His whole body glowed with the soft blue light, and then, like a sandcastle in a storm, he slowly dissolved into blue code, numbers and letters, floating in the blue energy ray into the computer, who fell still and lifeless again.

In a dimension, unknown to mankind, a computer screen in a tower of a fort began spitting out code - literally. For a second the various symbols tried to reform into what they were before, a wimpy german teenager, but with a rather violent feeling to it, another ray of blue energy came from the computer, blasting into the code. The letters and numbers shone brightly, swirled through the air in complex figured, finally rematerializing.

On the floor lay, still sleeping, a cloaked figure. As if nothing happened, he shifted positions, his breath arrhythmic for a short period of time before falling into the monotone of slumber again.

((OOC: Yes, a direct quote of my old one in the original RP. I plan on preserving the original plotline, and I have already written up an ending which we will use (It has been judged epic by everyone who matters XD) I will, of course, rewrite those splitners of raw plot to suit the present state.

EDIT> ((OOC: NO GLITCHIO ! D< I hated how they just butted in and made their own plotline and didn't even other to use neither grammar and spelling or novel style. Or make it realistic. Okay ?
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Twilit Mall: Zelnor Mart    

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 12:04 pm   Reply with quote

It was a rather calm evening over Marc's house.

Marc was sitting near his computer. After browsing a bit throughout his regular sites, starting with VGL and finishing with digibutter.nerr, he left the browser window open and started playing his Super NES at the Computer's right. He was playing his oldest game, Super Mario World, and was trying to find a "legendary" exit, which he wasn't sure as if it existed or not. After some hours of searching, Marc went to a Ghost House near the twin bridges... but once he entered the Forest of Illusion, he did not see a Ghost House... instead, he saw a Star Road. Curious, he made Mario go on it, and saw that the Star Road, instead of behind called "Star Road", was called "To The Bitland". Curious, and pondering "WTF?", he pressed the B button, and watched Mario soar to the top of the screen, full of anticipation... then, the game froze.


He resat the Super NES. After the coin sound and the Nintendo logo, he saw another strange thing... First, he didn't hear the normal intro music. He couldn't tell which music it was by the first second, but it was different than usual. Then, when the black dissipated on the screen to make place for the title screen demo, he didn't see Mario as he would normally be... He has a Blue cap and a red overall. He was familiar. While searching through his mind, he noticed that the Title Screen demo level was different, too. It was... the Graphics reminded him of The Bitland in Super Paper Mario. Then, he noticed the title. His jaw dropped. The title was read as "digibutter.nerr". He then realized that the "Mario" on the screen was in fact Ultimario, a member of digibutter. Very curious, he pressed a button on his controller, and selected a New File, as there was only that. After selecting "1 Player", another odd thing struck him. A... Character Select Screen? The screen looked like a three-row group photograph of a school grade. On the front row, there was Ultimario, the character as shown on the Title Demo, and a Sky-Blue Luigi with a Green Overall, which he concluded was CBLuigi. There was also Mona, Paper Peach, Hario and MALAK. He looked in the other rows randomly. Peering through them, he saw Lady Grey, Tsuki, Ph1r3 Mario, Flar3 Luigi, Maya Fey, Flavio, Black Twilight, also a figure he didn't reconize at first, but was Zelnor. After peering through a lot of them (and there was a lot, too much to name them all), he saw.... Mandew. Mandew, his alter-ego on digibutter.nerr. Wondering how it would be to play as himself, he selected Mandew... And then, he saw something like a TV being unplugged, but it was too close to his eyes to be the TV... He didn't even see any light... He... just fell uncounsious.
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Wario Land Shop!    
I don't have a title.
Gold Prognosticus

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 1:52 pm   Reply with quote

-Digibutter.nerr Bitlands, Newcomers Board-

Ungh, what happened?

Without getting up or even opening his eyes, Matt went over what had happened. He had been playing Super Paper Mario, then the game glitched and sent him to the wrong place. Then he had blacked out.

What is that sound?

Matt heard a dim music. It didn't sound like it was coming from any particular direction, but as if it was playing inside his mind. With effort, Matt managed to make the music vanish. That's weird. Opening his eyes, he saw a pixillated blue sky. And in the middle of the sky was a giant google advert. "Oh. Crag." said Matt. Getting up he saw he was in... the digibutter bitlands? Looking at himself he saw that he was not himself anymore, but Golden Knight, guardian form of the Gold Prognosticus. As if to make a point, the Gold Prognosticus floated up beside him.

"Right, I'm not going to ask how this happened." said Matt out loud. "I seem to be in the newcomers board," so he jumped into a nearby warp pipe, hoping it would lead him to somewhere more useful...

Last edited by Gold Prognosticus on Thu Dec 06, 2007 2:32 am; edited 1 time in total
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Gold Prognosticus' Golden Shop    
Richest user. :D
Super Ultimario

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 4:38 pm   Reply with quote

Zelnor wrote:
EDIT> ((OOC: NO GLITCHIO ! D< I hated how they just butted in and made their own plotline and didn't even other to use neither grammar and spelling or novel style. Or make it realistic. Okay ?

(((Eh, I wasn't planning on bringing back Glitchio anyway. Maybe, we'll see. And by "they" I'm pretty sure I know who you mean. Me, top minion tails, and Crystal King, right? Well, I think that out of the three, top minion tails we can kick out (He was the one who never used any novel style and was the only one who had any bad grammar at all.), Crystal king isn't active anymore, and I'll be using more novel style from now on.

Also, I posted in the Sign-ups page. Can I join now?)))
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Ultimario Mart!    
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