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Joined: 12 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 11:23 pm   Reply with quote

Being rejected today sucked. However, it made me realize something - all I was doing was sitting at my comp and bitching, bitching, and bitching. I felt like total shit, sure, but I've been sitting at the comp day after day after day, doing worthless shit (no offense, Francis) instead of actual stuff. I'm not going to lie to you, Digibutter - I've gained about 20 pounds since I started going on the comp more, and seeing my friends less and less. Of course, this s didn't happen all at once - it was a slow decline, going from barely going on to making it nearly control my life. I want to break that cycle, right here and now. Starting today, I am actually going to try and exercise more. I want to run until I feel like I'm going to collapse, ride my bike constantly until the damn wheels fall off... I'm even starting tonight. After posting this, I'm cutting myself off for a while and focusing on making myself better. I'm going to stop eating unhealthy shit (AND LOTS OF IT), actually go outside more than just walking to and from school. I'm not leaving for good, but I am leaving in order to do something good. I don't think I realized how unhealthy I was until now, and I feel disgusted. Hell, going as I am, I'll die by 60. So, I'm sorry to say so, but I'm going to be on quite a bit less.
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Black Yoshi

Joined: 17 Jun 2007
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HP: 31 MP: 10 Lives: 1

PostPosted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 12:54 am   Reply with quote

This is why I balance between Digibutter, Guild Wars, and Track. I try to make sure I don't end up like you described.

Buh-bye then.
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