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Why do we bother?
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Master of Puppets...
The Chaos Heart

Joined: 17 Jul 2007
Posts: 4568

HP: 100 MP: 6 Lives: 22

PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 3:13 pm   Reply with quote

"Why do we bother, living our trivial lives?
For what prupose, do we strive?
For the momentary satisfaction
of beating a race?
Or for the loving souls
our hearts embrace?
It is pointless though
tis all for naught.
For in the end, only one
will win the lot.
But what the heck!
Continue living!
Living your pathetic lives
Cling to your wreched being.
While I watch and wait.
Observing you move
So that one day I may prove
That your lives are worthless!
You are rotting peices of trash!
And in the end, nothing will matter.
No accomplishments, no love given out.
For you are nothing but a trecherous lout."

"So why do we bother, living the way we do
It is plain. Simple! We haven't a clue.
We do what we do, in the hopes of reward
but when all meets an end, there will be no satisfaction
When Destiny, the sweet mistress she is
Shakes hands with, Doom, and his brother, death
Then all becoms wreched, corrupt
Like your foul morning breath
Give up you fools
Cast out your hopes
For they are incompetent
Like the lot of you
Into the fire pool
That sweet lake of flames.
That is where you'll go
With all of your blames
Screeching to the heavens
Why do I do it!
And the answer shall be
It is destiny
You cannot change, who you are.
You are stuck to your fate, as are we all.
So why do we bother?
Why do we bother?"

Please comment.
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Dimension C    

Joined: 13 Feb 2008
Posts: 35
HP: 100 MP: 10 Lives: 0

PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 9:15 pm   Reply with quote

Very Poetic
kinda Creepy
Very Dark

Meesa Like Smile

It's sounds like a Villain Speech
and i like the Darkness you emphasized
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