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My... Nameless FF.
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Plastic Mario

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 3:16 pm   Reply with quote

This started in CBN, but it's pretty much dead now. So i'll continue it here.

Chapter 1

Kai walked into the market, people shirking away from him. "Hmph... Why do these humans ALWAYS judge people by what they look like? Just because I'm a demon doesn't mean I'm any different from you all. Well... Maybe a bit."
After he swung his arm, and a flash of light, he was surrounded by nothing. Nothing but the petrified stone faces of those who shunned him.

Kai was a cursed person. People had always hated him, and the hatred corrupted his soul, twisting him into a demon. He could do nothing about it, but accept it, and deal vengeance on those that cause this to happen.
However, there was one way to undo what had destroyed Kai's very soul. He must find one that accepts him for who he is. And for a demon, it is not an easy task.

Walking through the market, he studied all the statues left in his wake. He found one, of a beautiful woman, and released her from her stone prison. "EEEEK! GET AWAY FROM ME, DEMON!" Kai, who was exhausted of all this,
imprisoned her once again.

"Why must I be the one that must go through this suffering... The world hates me, and I never did a thing to the rest of them. And there's nothing I can do about it, either..."
As Kai fell asleep that night, a dream entered his head. Another woman, as beautiful as the other, whispering his name. "Kai... Meet me at the mountain tomorrow..."
In the morning, Kai packed and left for the mountains. He was going to find this woman, if she was the one that would lift this curse...

Chapter 2

Kai, after his dream, was trekking into the mountains to find this mysterious woman. Every ste he took, thoughts swirled around his head. Who was this woman? What did she want? How is she going to help?

Halfway there, Kai encountered a caravan, full of knights. "Sigh... And they have the royal crest, too. I thought this would be easier." "FREEZE, DEMON!" Kai snickered. "Did you consider the fact that I wouldn't attack you if you just walked by me?" Kai raised his arm, and in seconds, all the knights were on fire and running away. Kai sighed. "And I was hopeful about finding somebody that won't hate me..."

That night, he fell asleep at the base of the mountain in front of him. Kai thought to himself, "Which one is it? It's a whole mountain range, for god's sake! Thats over 50!" He fell asleep, with thoughts of hatred swirling around his mind. Later on in the night, he had another dream. The same woman, whispering something different. "You will know the mountain I await on when you come to it."

In the morning, Kai awoke with a yawn. "Ughh... Why do I feel worn out already?" He looked behind him, and, to his horror, he saw a pile of corpses. Fresh. "Oh, god... That couldn't have been me..." Kai winced, and pulled a knife out of his back. "But... I couldn't have been fighting in my sleep...?" He pocketed the dagger and kept walking.

Chapter 3

Kai set off, searching every mountain, and climbed each one.He couldn't find her on any one... And was soon losing hope.

After many mountains, he came across one... One that seemed to loom over the rest. He knew this was both the most treacherous, and the one that the woman was waiting on... He began climbing, knowing it would either change his life or end it. As he climbed, he still had that feeling. "If I make it to the top and she isn't there, what's going to happen? It'll be just as dangerous climbing down..." Even with these thoughts in mind, he kept climbing.

"Finally... at the top..." Kai grunted as he pulled himself up the final peak. "There is nobody here..." But as he turned around, he saw a wolf. A huge wolf, the size of Kai himself. "Not much of a challenge..." And Kai whipped out his arm, but no flash of light. No petrification. No combustion. Only an angry, giant wolf. "No... What is this..." The wolf jumped, about to bite, when it got shot flying back.

"What?" Kai stood there, dazed, unaware of what just happened. Until, he realized that the woman from his dreams was standing right in front of him. "Follow me." She said quickly. "The cave is the only part of the mountain that is not dangerous..."

As the 2 walked into the cave, Kai had a lot of questions. "Who are you?" "What are you going to do with me"? She showed an unimpressed look and said "You should take a look at yourself, first. Kai, not knowing what she meant, looked at his body. "Wha... I'm... Human again? You broke the curse already?" She gave a smirk and said "The body isn't the only curse." Kai felt a searing pain through his body, and collapsed, clutching his head. And a scraping voice came out of his mouth.

"It doesn't matter now that he knows. I'll have control soon enough." "NO! Whats... happening to me?" "SILENCE!" The woman sat there, like she knew what everything happening was, and said "Why do you have to do this, Cayne? Why this child? You can use your own body, you know." Kai, who obviously wasn't himself replied with a crazed face, "Mira... You know what I have to do, and my body doesn't have enough power. This child is the only one that can."

Kai, on the ground, still clutching his head in pain, managed to gasp out "Please... Make it stop..."

Chapter 4

"W-W-W-W-What?" Kai muttered as he managed to stand back up. "What went on there..." Mira, with a stern look on her face, replied "I'll exaplain everything to you, later. Follow me." And they went further into the caves, where a makeshift dwelling laid.

The 2 sat down. "So... Can I at least have an explaination?" Kai asked, trembling. "Well, you deserve one, at this point. Back there, you were temporarily taken over by Cayne." "Cayne...? Who's Cayne?" "He's... My brother. And he wants to use you to kill everybody in the world."

"The...Whole...World... And how do we get him out of my head?" Kai stuttered with disbelief. "It won't be easy. Now that you aren't a demon any more, this will take some effort..." Kai stood up, and yelled "I'll do whatever it takes for the people to me saved! Even if I have to die for them!" Mira pulled back a bit. "You don't HAVE to die... Although you may die on the way where we are going. But if you DO die, Cayne will be free again."

"But why is Cayne in MY body? Why not anybody elses?" "Because... You are the only one with enough power..."

Chapter 5

"But I lost the power! It disappeared when the body disappeared" Kai exclaimed. "Ugh... I'm confused..." Mira just chuckled a bit. "Do you actually think that the demon's body is the only way you can have power? Look at yourself. You have nobody. You are a complete outcast." Kai was shocked. "W-what? What are you trying to do?" Mira punched him in the gut and stood up. "Take a good look at how pathetic you are. You can't even realize your own power."

"Shut... UP!" Kai launched into a fury, attacking Mira, as fast as he could. Mira simply blocked all his strikes with blinding speed. "Is that all you have? I expected more from you. But who am I kidding? After all, i'm talking to a weak kid. Without parents, even." Then, a flash of light came from Kai. "I SAID... SHUT UP! RRRRAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" From that, Mira smiled. "There we go. Take control of your rage, and use it. Think of everything that has happened to you... and turn it against those who despise you."

Then her body struck the wall, leaving a huge imprint. She fell to the ground. "...And that... is the power you have." Kai, standing there, fist outstretched, stopped and looked at himself. No longer a human form, not quite a demon. In between, and a red aura about him. "Is this Cayne? No... I'm in control... What is this?" Mira got up and wiped the blood from her mouth. "That is your true form. Not human, not demon. You have the attributes of both. From humans, a concience, stubbornness, and the ability to think of others before yourself. As for the demon side, you have power. People will fear you. And now, you must use this power to fight everything inside you..."

Chapter 6

Kai changed back to human. "I'm out of rage for today... Gotta rest for a while... Whew..." Mira walked over and said "That's ok. Let's go down to the village to rest up. I bet it's been exhausting for you." Kai said "When I was a demon, I turned everybody in the village to stone. Don't think we can get much hospitality there." Mira just chuckled and said "First of all, you're still a demon. Just not on the outside. And you don't have the powers anymore. Second, when you changed back, so did everybody in the village."

Kai sighed. "Yeah, I guess. Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" They walked down the mountain and back towards the village. On the way back, they passed a few burnt corpses. Mira cringed. "Ugh... What in hell did this?" Kai leaned away and said nervously "Uh... I don't know... Let's just keep walking..."

Both sat down in the local restaurant. "Two ramens." Kai inhaled. "Ohhh yeah... Smells soo goooood..." Mira snapped "Quiet, Kai. We're in public. Don't draw attention to yourself." "Fine..." The waiter came. "2 Ramens. Anything else?" Mira started eating. "No, this should be all. Here's the bill." Kai sat back. "Ahh..." "Whats wron- Woah... You're done already? It's been 5 seconds!" "Well, if you haven't eaten in 500 years, you tend to get a bit hungry." "Right..."

The 2 walked into the local hotel. "1 large room... 2 seperate bedrooms, please."

Chapter 7

"Yawwwn..." Mira woke up before dawn. "Kai, you idiot..." *SLAP* "OW OW OW! What was that for?" Kai sat up with a bump on his head. "We have to leave early. If we want to get rid of Cayne... We have to do it soon. If we wait too long, he could grasp control of your entire mind." Kai got up and said "Yeah, and we don't want that to happen. I've heard it all before. Can you give me some privacy while I get dressed?"

Minutes later, they were walking out the door, and stood in front of the inn. Kai looked around. "Oh MAN, so early... Which way are we going now?" Mira thought for a minute and said "If we're going to take a soul out of your mind, we can't do it ourselves. Ever heard the legend of the twenty lords?" Kai sighed and said "Jeez, thats a fairy tale that everybody hears when they are 2 years old. Who hasn't heard it?" Mira smirked and said "Fairy tale? No, it is quite true. And we need the help of the nineteen others to get you freed."

Kai, with an unimpressed look on his face, said "TWENTY lords. NOT NINETEEN." Mira looked up and said "Have you ever wondered why I know so much about you? Ever at all?" "Now that you mention it, no." Mira took a step forward. "You see... I'm one of the lords... The lord of the wind..." Mira disappeared with a gust of wind, and reappeared on top of a building. "I've been watching you since Cayne got into you. And that was when you were born. I've been protecting you, Kai." "W-what? Oh man... I didn't see this coming..."

Last edited by Plastic Mario on Wed Jul 18, 2007 4:43 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Tails Doll

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 3:33 pm   Reply with quote

Nice. Needs more unessesary content though.
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Plastic Mario

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 8:29 pm   Reply with quote

Sandslash wrote:
Nice. Needs more unessesary content though.

I already planned for chapter 6 to be completely unnessecary and contributes nothing to the plot.
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Plastic Mario

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 9:21 pm   Reply with quote

DOUBLE POST AHOY! Wait, this isn't the dump. Dammit.

Chaper 6 done.
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Plastic Mario

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 12:24 am   Reply with quote

Haven't done anything in a while. I'll probably work on chapter 7 tomorrow.
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Plastic Mario

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 4:43 pm   Reply with quote

Chapter 7 up. Kinda short.
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Plastic Mario

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 1:17 am   Reply with quote

Just a thought. Does ANYBODY read this?

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Tails Doll

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 1:17 am   Reply with quote

Fiberglass Mario wrote:
Just a thought. Does ANYBODY read this?


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Plastic Mario

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 2:13 pm   Reply with quote

I was hoping for a real answer. >.>
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Miku Hatsune

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 4:03 pm   Reply with quote

Boshi wrote:
Plastic Mario wrote:
Just a thought. Does ANYBODY read this?


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