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Super Cyber Mario Burning Vampire
Joined: 08 Oct 2007 Posts: 5387
HP: 60 MP: 7 Lives: 0
Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 7:30 pm
Well, as someone who takes these things seriously, I'd like to actually post a BLOG. This week has been very boring and bland. The main thing this week was that I developed an unhealthy obsession with No Punctuation. The fact that I can sit and watch one of his videos and start cracking up is great. Whats bad is that as I sit hear writing this I am thinking in an Australian accent and am trying to figure out where to squeeze in a racy but witty remark. But really, the guy is brilliant. I have yet to see a review in which he 100% praises a game, or even makes a nice remark without going back on it with some reference to a river of body excretions. And the accent is still in my head. The wittiness of the man is something to be wanted, although most of it is from his videos. He also talks very fast, faster that I can type, meaning that if you don't read this fast as hell, you lose the magic. I would love to make a video and review things like he does, but I lack the effort or will or the nicely tuned voice. Seeing as I am a 13-year old slacker with a relatively high voice, shitloads of homework, and no real people that would actually watch his videos, I will probably not do this. And since I just got done watching 25 zillion SG videos, I will probably talk like this for the next week or so and then give up on the idea of being a good as he is. I really should stop watching the *crag* videos, but I have a need to hear his voice again and to pretend that I amount to anything by imagining that I will actually start making videos. His views are very good, and his theorys on number scale rating are great. Even being the Nintendo crazy kid that I am, I laughed my ass off at his review of the game, which took the game and chopped it into little pieces. I just now realized that damn is blocked, wait, it isnt? well maybe it's god. No? Then what the hell is it, when I typed in *crag* OH there it is. Wait, Francis, if Damn isn't blocked, and God isn't blocked, then why the hell is the combination of the two blocked? So we can say shit, but not god damn? When did this happen? OHWAI- first commandment or something. Whatever. Anyway, this week the Wii introduced a new channel, I haven't got it yet and I don't remember what the *crag* it is. Now, I know that only a few people will view this, and of the people who view this 1/12 will actually read the thing, only to realize that I'm an idiotic prick. I get not much respect on digibutter and I don't know why. Wait, maybe it's because I don't contribute shit to the place and that I just create problems. Or maybe its because I a big N00b who needs to ask too many questions. Maybe its because I "spam" because How dare my posts in OT be less than a paragraph. I recently made A topic in intros about me getting detention. My parents were not as bad as I thought so I should be able to stay. But don't be surprised if I disappear because of my attitude with constant swearing, or because I've been institutionalized because I keep asking people if they saw that funny image that goes along with what I am saying. Yea, I am annoying as this IRL. this week I downloaded the MKWii soundtrack, I'd say it's good, but I only have it because I was bored as hell. Some of the music is annoying as hell. That reminds me that I got MKW recently. I think the game is good, but its main source of control (Wii wheel) sucks major balls. You have to turn your entire body upside down to make a right turn, and it is so damn easy to fall off of a course. I'll admit, some people have perfected the use of the wheel, but to those people I say, get a life. (Right thar, you see that blue background with white text that drops in?) The game has many many unlockable characters, some of which are good( Funky Kong, King Boo, Rosalina, Mii) and some are just stupider than Mario and Sonic at the Olympic games. (Baby Daisy, Dry Bowser, half the other people). They should have put in good characters *cough*peteypiranhaKirby*cough* I mean, get some good characters that people want to play ass instead of crappy fillers. I'd say the game is one that you should buy, but only because the 2008 Wii lineup sucks, and makes me want to kill the me that wanted a Wii. MGS4 wow, just wow, this game is amazing. The graphics make me lightheaded, and the control scheme is said to be heavenly. Although I can't 100% justify 500$ on a PS3 for one epic game, it comes very close. I may just give up my Xbox hopes and buy a PS2 with the 3 pack collectors edition, and buy PO and PO+. One game that I really want right now is TF2, I have watched so much damn video, I could tell you what happens next no matter what you are showing me. The animation is so new and cool, and the gameplay is great. The whole Orange box is awesome *cough* PORTAL!!*cough* GH3 HAS ENDED THE REIN! Since xmas I have been obsessed with GH3, and now I haven't played in about 1 month and a half, due to Brawl and MKW. So I think that the five hour rifts are all over.
And after that giant ass wall of text in which nothing is really discussed proven or relative, I now begin my constant struggle to decide: 360 or PS3.
Lets look at the lineup:
Xbox 360 Halo 3 (dur) Call of Duty 4 (GoTY many times over and many times runner up) Bioschock (cragging amazing, thats it) Lost Odyssey (RPG epic) And I can't think of any more (if you can, post them here)
PS3 Metal Gear Solid 4 (*orgasm* everything that a gamer could ever, EVER want in one, splenderifious game) Uncharted: Drakes Fortune (meh, it looks ok)
Both GTAIV (DAMN RIGHT I SAID IT) Army of Two (I love co-op) Assasin's Creed TF2
Look at the lists (If you can think of more, tell me now). 360 has a much bigger list, but PS3 has MGS4. MGS4. METAL GEAR SOLID FOUR. I fI can sit here and validate ONE GAME against a huge list of others, then it must be worth it. But what happens when MGS4 is over? All I have left is a huge, thick, unneeded Blu-Ray player. But the 360 has so many good games, its hard to pass up. And the Xbox also did very well in its current gen stage. But when the other ones came out, the PS2 ws the only survivor. Either way I'll be missing out of things, but the multi-console ones will be enough to distract me. Now, Wii Fit. This is the biggest rip-off ever. I wish that I could just buy the board and know what games I will use it with. A game that gives you exercise? NO. Who wants to know yoga poses? Seriously, consoles are for GAMING, dammit Nintendo, can't you just shut up and make a good console. Stop trying for 'innovation" while as that works for a few games, it soon gets as boring as hell. The word "innovation" has been so overused i want to shoot my brains out with a harpoon gun. And there are so many Minigames now, that, it just makes me sad. I'm not saying the Wii is bad, I'm saying that if Nintendo actually made a normal console it would sell *crag* fast. They are killing themselves trying to be different. Seriously.
Thats all I've got for now, maybe I'll post another next week, maybe I'kll annoy you with one tomorrow. Either way, the main theme is that Zero Punctuation is my new hero. |
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lolz Shrowser
Joined: 16 Jul 2007 Posts: 8814
HP: 100 MP: 4 Lives: 0
Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 8:06 pm
Don't forget Banjo Kazooie 3!
Anyways, you seem a bit stressed lately because of the break-up. |
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Super Cyber Mario Burning Vampire
Joined: 08 Oct 2007 Posts: 5387
HP: 60 MP: 7 Lives: 0
Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 8:12 pm
Creepy Mario wrote: | Don't forget Banjo Kazooie 3!
Anyways, you seem a bit stressed lately because of the break-up. |
Oh yea, and I broke up with my girlfriend on Monday...
But I don't seem how someone could see me as "stressed" How am I acting stressed? |
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Poison Super Postman Jailed Vampire

Joined: 18 Apr 2007 Posts: 6363
HP: 100 MP: 10 Lives: 11
Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 8:24 pm
the PS3 is a good piece of hardware.
Also it has COD4. I have a PS3 so if you did get it you could play TF2 with me and Francine. XD |
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lolz Shrowser
Joined: 16 Jul 2007 Posts: 8814
HP: 100 MP: 4 Lives: 0
Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 9:11 pm
Idunno... You've seemed overly happy for some reason, which is strange because usually, somoeone would be sad in that situation. Anyway, about WiiFit, it's actually selling amazingly (surprisingly). I herd that it was going to be a big Mother's Day gift, though I'd never get my mom a piece of plastic that encourages you to slightly lean from side to side to actually "play" a game. Watch, I'll probably get it anyways, if better games that use the board are announced. |
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