
digibutter.nerr lite

Hey everybody! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNWN_8Jnn8A&t=70s Just launched my channel, Mr. L Productions, and uploaded a video of Super Paper Mario summarised in 60 Drawings.


And thanks to Dimentio 21 (now Dimentio24) for the comment and I presume the like and subscribe! Cool! I'm uploading a walkthrough of Super Paper Mario over June/July. It's the Super Paper Mario Bi-Monthly Celebration! Bi in this sense can mean for two months or every two months. I meant the first. 2 Months of me celebrating SPM, the legendary game! Every day from the 3rd of June onwards, a new episode of my walkthrough will launch at 7:30 AM! The entire thing will be uploaded before the release of Paper Mario: The Origami King!

Things are going well for Mr. L Productions. To the 4 of you that hit like on this post, thanks.

reply to Mr. L Productions

Got 7 subs now. Things are going well for The Green Thunder. Give me a watch or two on the YT.