
digibutter.nerr lite

The Premiere of 'How Superstar Saga Should Have Ended' went very well. If you missed it, you can find it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0wWph12pXo


Thanks to those of you who have watched it already!

reply to Mr. L Productions

Now we have a setup for Inside Story eh...?

reply to Watchman Bozzo

BIS is not going to be the next one... it's going to be... PARTNERS IN TIME!

reply to Mr. L Productions


Why'd you put them in the stomach then? it would've linked up nicely

reply to Watchman Bozzo

Doing them in more of a chronological order. Plus, they were in Bowser's Stomach because Bowletta ate them and it was to emphasise the question of how do they get back out of Bowser.